MM ! J o!t H 1 v MILLING COMPANY A PRICK LIST. . ml) iriuni, Pa., Jan. 5, I'. 09. j NEMOPHILA, lit I Hick $1 35 Felt's Fancy, " ] I Pet drove, " 1 J™ ; Graham, " . j ~ |j® | Patent Mcal . 2" ' Buckwheat Flour J' Ituckwheal Flour, 101b sack 8» i Coarse Meal f>« r 100, J JJJ Chop I'Vi'vl. ..." J J® | Match lens Egg Maker, per 100 2 50 j Cracked Corn per j |j" Screenings " j , , Oil Meal " }B6 I Mid tilings, J Brail 1 40 Chicken Wheat. 1 j Corn per bushel ° 4 ! Oyst r Shells, per 100 75 Whil<-()a .•»,»»-r oushel 65 Heed Oats per bushel Ruck wheat 1 Alfalfa Meal * 4 <> Clu>ite Clover Seed, ) Choice Timothy Seed, ? At Market Prices Choice Millet Heed. i R.C. DODSON. _-™ E _ | DRUGGIST EMPORIt I'A. U US Ct\ / ■ IS LOCATED IN THE CORNER STORE At Fourth and Chestnut Sts. R.C. IIUUSON. Telephone, 19-2. LOCAL. DEPARTMENT. PERSONAL GOSSIP. Contribution H invited. That which you would like to see in this department,let u* know by pos tal card, letter or pcrHonally. T. Franklin Strayer, has returned to State College and resumed his studies. Melvin Walker, of Ridgway, was the guest of friends at this place for several day 8. last week Wm. Mac Donald, of Lock Haven, spent the first of the week with his family at this place. Everett Klock, of East Emporium, was a business caller at the PRESS of fice last Saturday. Gordon McGiffin, of Ridgway, was a guest at the home of John llertig and family last Sunday. Miss Nellie Stephens, of Couders port, was a guest of Miss Edna Auchu, the last of the week. Hon F. X Blumle and Wm. Deitzler returned from Erie last Sunday, where they transtacted business. E. H. Marshall, one of Shippen's hustling and popular Republicans, was a PRESS office caller on Wednesday. Ernest Orcutt, of Coudersport, was a guest at the home of Bennett Leutze and family, on Sunday and Monday. Miss Mary Blumle returned to Wil liamsport last Sunday and resumed her studies, in the Commercial College. Fred K. Zimmer, of Gardeau, was a business caller, at this place last Satur day, and a guest at the City Hotel. Mrs. Wm. Lyons, of East Ward, was called to Berwick, Pa., Wednesday by the death of her only sister, Mrs. King ston. Harold Day, of this place departed for Lakemont, N. Y., the last of the week, where he has entered Starkey Seminary. Frank Clark and bride of Beech creek, Pa., are guests of the former's brother, Mr. Will Clark and wife of East Emporium. Miss Frances Malier, of Kane, was a guest of Miss Christy McDonald last Sunday. Miss Maher was one of the successful ladies in the Bermuda Island contest. Mrs. Herbert Day received word last Sunday that her father, Mr. J. L Lord of Friendship, N. Y., had suffered a stroke. She left for Friendship on Sunday afternoon. J. W. Kritner of Gardeau, Pa., was a business caller at this place last Mon day and did not forget the PRESS of fice. His paper is marked for another yoar. J H. Welton, of Hicks Run, trans acted business at this place last Tues. day, and made this office a call. Mr. Welton informed us that his new hotel, erected on the site of the one recently burned down, would be ready in a few weeks. Mr. Welton is one of our subscribers and good patrons. Mr. rim! Mi Win. O. Gilbert visit i'il 11. It. Knh-ht aud wife, iit St. Marys, last Sunday. Mrs. Mary R. Edwards, of Sizerville, was on business at this place on Wed nesday and made the Press office a business call. j Ex-Sheriff Mundy and wife have i been entertaining Mrs. Mund>'s | brother, Mr Borne, of Bradford dur ing the past week. Our venerable and excellent citizen, Mr. Alfred Loucks, one of the young est old gentlemen we ever knew, was an agreeable PRESS visitor Wednes day. W. S. Walker and family, of Austin, will leave next week, for Phoenix, Orizona, to be absent four months. The TRESS will follow them every week. Surveyor A H. Shaffer, of Ridgwav, who is attending court, was an agree- j able PRESS visitor Tuesday evening "Al" is a fund of knowledge and is a valuable acquisition to Ridgway and we hope they appreciate him. Mr. and Mrs. Robert House, ,of St Marys, were guests of Mr. and Airs. King Hemphill, West Fifth street, last week. Their brother Thos., of Erie, was also with them. Mr. and Mrs. Hemphill's bright little daughter, Lit cele, kept them all bar-y. Mrs. Chas. V. Grande!! was called t > I Dußois hst Saturday to see her bnv her ! Wra., who is very K riousfv 111. She returned hnm~ Mom! • ..(eruoon. Her sister, Mrs. t .'arrie Mack, "1 Phila delphia, was also Dnßois. W. 1 Gate-', one of Coudersport's popular grocery merchants, was a guest of friends at this place on Wed nesday. Walton is all OK, and seems to have a good "stand in" with Emporium people. The PRESS enjoyed a pleasant visit rom our old friends Gordon Hewlett and J. B. Heney, of Sterling Run, last Saturday. Mrs. D. W. Ensign, accompanied by her guest, Mrs. Andrew Jenks, of Cam eron, were very agreeable PRESS visitors on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Harris are doing New York city this week. Misery in Stomach. Why not start now—to-day, and for ever rid yourself of Stomach trouble and indigestion? A dieted stomach gets the blues and grumbles. Give it a good eat, then take Pape's Dia pep sin to start the digestive juices work ing. There will be no dyspepsia or belching of gas or eructations of undi gected food; no feeling like a lump o lead in the stomach or heartburn, sick headache and dizziness, and your food will not ferment and poison your breath with nauseous odors. Pape's Diapepsin costs only 50 cents for a large case at any drug store here, and will relieve the most obstin ate case of Indigestion and Upset Stomach in five minutes. There is nothing else better to take gas from stomach aud cleanse the stomach and intestines, and besides, one triangule will digest and prepare for assimilation into the blood all your food the same aB a sound healthy, stomach would do it. When Diapepsin works, your slom acli rests —gets itself in order, cleans up—aud then you feel like eating when you come to the table, and what you eat will do you good. Absolute relief from all Stomach Misery is waiting for you as soou as you decide to begin taking Diapepsin. Tell your druggist that you want Pape's Diapepsin, because you want to be thoroughly cured of-indigestion. Colic and Diarrhoea. These diseases are quickly cured by Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarr hoea Remedy. The remedy has been in u?e for uiauy years, and has a wide repu tation for its cures of these diseases. For sale by Taggart. Cured of a Severe Attack of Bron chitis by Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. "On October 18th, last, my little three year old daughter contracted a severe cold which resulted in a bad ease 'of bronchitis," says Mrs. W. G. Gibson, Lexington, Ky. "She lost the power of speech completely aud was a very sick child. Fortunately we had a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in the house and gave it to her according to '.he printed directions. On the second day she was a great deal better, and on the fifth day, October 23rd, she was en tirely well of her cold and bronchitis, which I attribute to this splendid medi cine. I recommend Chamberlain's Cough Remedy unreservedly as I have found it the surest, safest and quickest cure for colds, both for children and adults, of any I have erer used." For by | Taggart. Stomach Trouble Cured. If you have any trouble with your stomach you should take Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. J. P. Klote, |of Edina, Mo., says:"l have used a | great many different medicines tor stom | ach troubles, but find Chamberlain's i Stomach anil Liver Tablets more beoe j fieial than any other remedy I ever used." j For sale by Taggart. , Itch cured in 30 minutes by Wopo | ford's Sanitary Lotion. Never fails | L. Taggart,druggist. 32-Om. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, JANUARY 14, 1909. STERLING RUN. W. 11. Mitchell, Dentist, Emporiam. Rev. Allen lelt Monday lor York, Pa. Mir. J. \V. Wruht ot Erie, ami Geo. Herriek and wite of Si. Marys were the guests of their uiuthi r, Mrs. M. I Her riek Sunday, beiny lii*r 7~>th birthday. Horn, Jan. Bth, to .los. Bruno and wife, a 11 Ih daughter. .1 oliu Kissell of Reu<;vo spent Sunday in town. I'. 10. Trump of Olean, was llie. guest ol his mother, Mrs B. 10. lionl, Sunday. Carlton Smith returned in school at Williamsport Monday, having spent the hnlid'ivs at home. Mr. Piper of Emporium was a visitor in town Saturday. (i. H. llowlett spent Snuday at home. On acccount of the changeable weather nearly everyone is suffering with had colds. Mrs. J. \V. Devall has been the guest ot Mrs L. .J, VVylie the past week. Mrs. A. L. Smith, daughter and daughter-indaw, of Driftwood, were the guests of parents, B- nj. Dayton and wile, Saturday. Mrs Devling is the guest ol her daughter Mrs. Asa Murray, .>1 Empori um, this week. Xmrnia Brooks teaching school at West ('reek. Hurry 10. Burr. who lately married u Reyti ddsviile iri. is the guest of hi pare ». 112 W. I u ind wife Fred Shaffer,w!i > ins li i.:n ill and c. >v fined to his room -itieo election, is ;»'>!•• to be out again Mrs. Elmer Whiting ii ill thi. week suffering with a severe cold. Joseph Kissel, Geo. Wylie, John 10. Smith and Eddie Marshall were Empori um visitors Tuesday. Nellie O'Keele htmi" over Sunday. Mrs. W. 11. Smith who has been quite ill, is reported better at ihis writing. George O'Keefr was an lOmporiaui visitor the past wet k BLUE BKLL. CAMERON. 11. W. Mitchell, dentist, Emporium. John Anderson, of Austin, Pa., who had been visiMinr his sister. Mrs. Her man Anderson, left for his home Friday. W. 11. (j. Walker and family left for Buffalo Tuesdap, on the Buffalo Flyer. Mrs. C. A. Dice, of Sterliug Itun, visited her mother, Mrs. Yocum, in this place Tuesday. Most of our town people are attending court in Emporium this week, owing to some important cases which arc to come up for trial. Sheriff Norris made a business call in this place Monday. E. D. Krape was a business caller in Emporium Tuesday, and spent a few hours in the court room. G. L. Page, of this place, and Fred Webster, of Canoe Run, w« re Emporium visitors Tuesday evening. Our laudlords are on the anxious scat until license court has convened and until they find out the result. We would not like to see this a prohibition town. G. L. Page received his monthly relief day Wednesday, and spent the day cut ting the winter's wood. Agent .J, X. Schneider attended the P. R. R. agents meeting at Corry Satuaday. Clarence Lupro, of Renovo, visited friends in this place Tuesday. LOUISE. OCCASIONAL. Bobert Boyd wa3 called home last Sunday on business. Sadie Comley called on Mrs. Krape Thursday evening. A fine time reported. Mrs. E. F. Comley visited Mrs. Fred Websttfr, of Canoe Run, one day last week. We hope the state constabulary will remain with us for some time for we need their assistance very badly, owing to the stealing that has been done the past two or three years. It is impossible to have anything unless it is kept under lock and key. Even our chicken coops and gar dens were robbed. We hope the young men recently arrested, will learn a lesson and let things alone that don't be long to them. E. F. Comley and Isaac Wykoff are attending court at Emporium this week as jurymen. Sadie Comley and Rosa Lord Youmo visited at Sterling llun last Monday. Mrs. Mort. Dinnie, of W. Va., is visit ing her sister, Mrs. Hoag at this place. Mrs. D. C. Lininger spent Sunday with Mrs. llussel and her father-in-law George Lininger. Joe Marshall came home from his wor* on Friday to visit his parents. Mr. Morris, of Emporium, was a caller in town Monday between trains. Rosa Yocum and Floyd Forrester, of Pittsburg, took dinner with K. F. Comley and wife Saturday evening. Mrs. Yocum expects to return to Pitts burg in the near future. Chas. Smith was seen on our streets last Friday evening. Ed. McCracken called on Fred Comley Sunday for a clean shave. Mrs. Elry Crape was an Emporium visitor last week. The Liars Club has secured the old j post office in which to hold their meet ings. Frank Sullivan won first prize last j meeting night as the tiiugest linr'in town, j He was elected reporter as lie; is an old 1 band at the business. He acted asPresi- pent during the absence of Fred Comlcy, Elery Crape butchered :t line hog J.i>* week, Elery says he can win (he prize on porkers when Fred Comley has none i A Gossii'Ea. ' | SINNAMAHONING. W. If. Mitchell, Dentist, Emporium. Mrs. Mollie Baird and daughter Myrth; have returned from a visit with i relatives at Johnson burg and vicinity. '2'iit .> a number of our citizens are ! spending tho week in Emporium attend ing court. Blanch Morrison, of Emporium, is visiting; rs L E. N. Krebs. Mrs. I>uuii, of Huntley, spent Sunday with L ittie Colwell. James Wykoff was in town the first of the week. C. VV. Dickson made a trip to Sunburj in the interest of the Odd Fellows Lodge. V. A. Brooks has been sick several days, but is now improving. Bertha Fulton spent a day last week in Emporium. Mis Margaret Fulton has been con lined to tin! house for several days with a severe cold. Mrs. Warren -I. Meade, of Renovo, visited her father, Joe Sumtnerson, last week. X. X. X. Th ,fS»er Colt's persuader which shoots both ways, as he will he a formidable man to tackle. •J. F. Sulliviie fjjd wile were Jimpori- I urn callers Saturday eveninz. The Driftwood callers this week wen : YV. W. Johnson, l>. J. Collins, Clyde , Collins, C. J. Miller and J. E. Johnson Wilson Urn's, of Warren, Fa., have purchased all of the remaining timber in this district and will install a saw mill at Huntley. William 11. Logue will been- ! iraged as Superintendent for the firm. I This will make some business tor the vil- I lage. The worthy Correspondent from Sin- ! namahoninz has submitted the bunting j and 'nppiv; score m last week'- Pltßx;: ! aud we gracefully and cheerfully sur- : render the chauipiouship belt to Jim Batcheldcr. with I e-t wi-hes from former i Champion John Jordan. I'mglisli ! | will present the belt with tin appropriate ! i.-;'' eh. Mr. Jordan says that Kay | Smith is to blame fork nil as 1! i_y in- j fisted ou his trying the patent bait but there was too much onion syrup aud ex tract ot squills into attract the animals. However it was a great bait for skunks j and John has about forty already. Next ! year a new bait '.t ill be nsed in which a j goodly portinu of cologne perfume will ; be used. We are satisfied if the bait j stays in tin? county. J. p. s. A Sprained Ankle. As a rule a man will feel well satisfied if he can hobble around on crutches in two or three weeks aftsr spraining his ankle, and it is often two or three months before he is fully recovered. This is an unnecessary loss of time, as by applying Chamberlain's Liniment, as direct-id, a cure may as a rule be effected in less than one week's time, and in many cases with in three days. Chamberlain's Liniment also offords great relief in casts of chronic and muscular rheumatism. Twenty.five and fifty cent bottles. Sold by Tag gart. Cascasweet, the well known remedy for babies and children, will quiet the little one in a short time. Tlie ingred ients are printed plainly on the bottle. Contains no opiates. Sold by It. C. Dodson. J"Fresh Crisp Crackers and Wafers QUALI^^^ I SPRING 7k DOMESTIC BROOK |j JJ /4 jf AND CREAMERY IMPORTED M I he Satisfactory Store BUTTER J CHEESE I The reputation of the Day Grocery Store is found- ■ etl on Quality, Appearance and Moderate Cost. We please the particular, can please you. Saving Prices for Friday and Saturday this week | I Groceries > Sugar—2slb Bag best granulated Sugar, $1.55. I California Hams —Trimmed Shoulder a lb 9c. 5 Choicest California Lemons,nearly seedless doz 25c I i California Lima Beans—new stock a lb. Bc. y 15c imported Macaroni, any style, pkge 12c. Fancy "Fard" Dates 3 lbs 25c. Oolong or Ceylon Tea, 50c quality a lb 40 Niagara Corn Starch a lb. Bc. lbs Best Rolled Oats for 25c. I Soap 7 cakes Oak Leaf Soap for 25c. M 25c bottle of Heinz Spiced Gherkins 22c. >| Extra selected Pine Apple, chunks 2 cans for 25c In the House Furnishing Department 3 Regular 25c Enamel Washbasin 20c. « Regular 70c Enamel Tea-pot, large size 50. § Regular 33c Enameled Stew-pan, qt size 28c. IP Regular 45c galvanized iron covered chamber pail 5 35 c - * Baltimore Shucked Oysters & Lake Fish I Leave orders for delivery Friday morning. i Pratts Animal and Poultry Regulator. The original A and best. I Peerless crushed oyster shells. * m FREE DELIVERY to all parts of Town I I Twice each day—morning and afternoon. Leave orders early and assist us in rendering prompt and sat- § isfactory service. M. You Get Better Values Here. | • J. H. DAY, ! L Phone 6. Emporium, ft msmmam a •#■■■■• mmmmmm aaM TUNNELL HI ill. VV. 11. Mitolioll, Dentist, Emporium. Mr. Star one of the head men of the ! Star Dox Will, of Sinnauiahoning, was i seen on our streets one day last week. Harry JO. Barr has returned from a 1 trip to West Virginia. Harry gives a I good history and says it is the utily place j for a working man. Mrs. P. 11. Mason called on A. W. Mason, her son, one day last week, i Herman G. Jones is aljlr; to walk j arroumi We are glad to see him on the return to health. Ben Lord and John Housler are cut- I ting logs on the side hill just west ot i town. Anson Mason butchered thiee Urge ! porkers, one day last week. We are in | formed that he sold two of them. Mrs. C. W. Barr was a business caller I at Sterling Run Saturday. Supervisor John McDonald took a I walk over this division, Thursday of last j week. Wright and Grover Mason have com , menced luuibnring and they will no doubt 1 run a good many rafts of timbcrdown the i river io the spring. I Charley White, of the East Side, is j working for Elmo. Whiting in Dents I Run.' Wui. Krcbs \v;;> across the creek and ; got a larg • load of hay Saturday. George Wylie took a drive up to Sterl j lug litin on Saturday. ('apt. C. Wesley Il.irr is lumbering I very heavy this winter. lie has some i hired men and one liiied (cam. Mrs. Charles Jones was up to Sterling i ltun, Friday of last week. The >St. Marys work train unloaded j cinder west of Tunnel 1 Hill one day last j week and the track men have been quite | busy at that poiut the last few days. Business has picked up since election. There is work fur nearly all who live in town and we think now that there will be some new industry in the spring. FOUG ET-M E-NQT. Presbyterian Church. The Presbyterian church of this place, are yet hearing candidates and therefore preaching may be expected, unless something unforseen interferes, on January 3rd, 10th and 17th, after which they hope to make a choice. When Your Peet Drag. When your feet feel heavy as lead a box or two of Sexine Fills will dispel that tired feeliog. Sexine Pills are guaran teed to overcome all forms of nerve weak nee that can be cured. Price 81 a bos; six boxes 85, with money-back guarantee. Address or call on 11, C. Dodson, Drug gist, Emporium, Pa., where they sell ail the principal remedies and do not substi tute.