, ( ,vvc^ THE CAMERON COUNTY PRESS. ESTABLISHED BY C. B.GOULD, ?4ARCH, 1866. VOL. 42 Mice of Meeting of Stockholders, i TMIE annual mcetinft of the stockholders of 1 the Emporium & Iticli Valley Railroad Com pany u ill b? held at the Law Office of B. W. Or en, Tuesday. January 26th, 1909, at one o'clock, p. in., for the election of officers and the i transaction of such other business as may come before them. A. C. BLUM, President, j Emporium, Pa., Jan. 4, 1909. —-17-3t. Personal Announcements. [A n additional fee nf $1 no is charged for all an- ! nouncemcnts published prior to the official call for j Caucus. |— EDITOR. Edi tor Press:— Please announce my name as a candidate for j School Director, subject to the decision of the j Republican Primanes of Shippen Township. j 47-3 HENRY J. NEWTON, j MIL!ONi¥uVESLO^ The Awful Tol! Collected by Consump tion. If people could only understand that Catarrh is an internal scrufula—that nothing applied externally does much good—they would not need to be warned so often about this fatal dis ease, which, when neglected, invariab ly ends up in Consumption, at the cost of millions of lives every year. Yet ! Catarrh is easily cured if the right treatment is employed. Catarrh is caused by germs in the blood which circulates throughout the s entire system: External remedies give 1 but temporary ease. Although the ef- j fects are often seen in the form of j pimples, rash, eczema or dry scaly i skin, the trouble is internal, and can ( never be cured by external remedies The only way to cure Catarrh is by employing a medicine which is ab sorbed and carried by the blood to all parts of the system, so that the mu cous membrane or internal lining ot the body is thoroughly medicated, j soothed, disinfected of germ matter, j and the soreness healed. We have a remedy prepared from the prescription ol a physician who for thirty years studied and made Catarrh , a specialty and whose record of sue | cess was a cure to every case where his treatment was followed as prescribed, j That remedy is Rexall Mueu-Tone. We are so positive that it will cure i Catarrh in all its varitis forms, whether ■ acute or chronic, that we promise to ' return every penny paid us for the ; medicine in evorv case where it fails to j cure or for any reason does not satisfy i the user We want you to try Rexall Mucu- ! Tone on our recommendation and j guarantee. Wo are right here where! you live, and you do not contract any obligation or risk when you try Rexall ! Mucu-Tone on our guarantee. We have Rexall Mucu-Tone in two sizos. The prices arc 50c, and sl. Very often the 50c size effects a cure. Of course, j in chronic cases a longer treatment is I necessary. The average in such in- j stance is three §I.OO bottles. Mrs. M. j A. Rockwell, Emporium, Pa. A Birthday Reception. A birthday reception was given in honor of the 75th birthday of Mrs. M. | E. Herrick, on Sunday, Jan. 10th, at her residence in Sterling Run. A sp'endid dinner was enjoyed by all i present. The Ladies Aid Society and Rev. Mr. Allen attended and also her relatives from out of town among whom were Dr. J. L. Wright and wife of Erie, Pa., find Geo. W. Herrick and family ofSt. Marys. A wireless message was received from her nephew, David McWharton, ' who is stationed on the U. S Battleship Montana now at Plymouth, Va., also a shower of telegrams, post cards and letters from her relatives and friends in Florida, Virginia, Pennsylvania and New York. Mrs. Herrick i« one of Sterling Run's most esteemed ladies and her many friends join with tho PRRSS in wishing her many years of happiness and good heath. Basket Ball. On Tuesday, Jan. sth,Emporium de feated tho fast Renovo Y. M. C. A., basket ball team by score of 30 to 22 in one of the host contests seen this year. On Jan. Bth, the boys went to Austin find defeated the Austin bunch by score of 34 to 17. This was a very rough gnme, Austin having out-of town players to help them, but by fast and excellent work our boys; played them off their feet. On Friday, Jan. loth, Emporium will piny the fist team from Hicks Run. This team has the reputation of boating W<rdvillo find other fast teams. Be sure to come and soe this game, as the game our boys are now putting up makes them strong competitor of any team. Found. Two keys tied with a lamp wieking. Owner can have same by calling at this office and paying for notice. Sullivan's Troubles. Our popular conductor of trains 3 ! and 54, Mr. \V. G. Brown, had occasion to correct Operator J. F. Sullivan, of HY Tower, Huntley, Saturday even- ! ing. it seouis that Mr. Sullivan got on Mr. Brown's train at Emporium, | carrying a bundle of codfish, two boxes of herring, of bushel potatoes and several other packages of provisions ; which wero deposited in the coach. It is a well known fact that Conductor Brown takes great interest in train 54 and it appeared as it Sullivan was try ing to make a local freight out of this train. Mr. Brown's temper was justly i aroused and he proceeded to give i Operator Sullivan a few of the "articles ! of war" and had not Engineman Geo. ' Williams, of Renovo, who was on the train, interceeded in Sullivan's behalf, the latter would now probably be serv ing ten days pennance Conductor Brown promised to be merciful on this occasion, providing the "poet laureate" submitted a few verses on the subject. The latter hastened to dash off a few, which wo herewith present to our readers: "O, don't be angry. Brother Brown, Drive from your face that awful frown; And if my troubles you would know. Just listen to my tale of woe." "You know we live in Huntley's wikls, Where the houses stacd apart a mile; The woods surround us, and, what's more, We don't have even a country store." "So when the pangs of hunger come. The ouly thing that can be done, Is gat to town ttie.besl you can, And call upon the grocery man." "You, who can walk the city streets, Eat quail on toast and have steam heat, Take pity on we woodsmen, all, Who live on pork aud cod fish bills." "You have your baths, electric lights, An opera to attend at night; Our music is the wolf's dread howl, Accompanied by the old screech owl." "So warm your heart and don't berate. Your fellow men, less fortunate; We all must live, yet we confess, You have good grounds to seek redress." "But, please forgive us, Brother Brown, Hereafter when we goto town, We'll ship our goods by local freight. And fifty-four will not be late." —Brian lioru. Curtain! Encore! Bouquets! Many Thanks. From Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brock, to Emporium citizans, for the libera) donation that was given to them, in their time of need, which we hope was given with a cheerful heart, ior tho Lord loveth a cheerful giver and will reward them double. We also notice that Mr. Wtr. Laavitt is not ashamed to sign his name to a paper that lie sends out for a god cause, and also donated a liberal amount in a check on the bank. They also appreciate the kindness of the neighbors that came in and cared for them and asked God's blessing on them. A FRIEND. Reid —Market. Miss Sophia F. Market, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Market, of Beech, wood, and Mr Joseph M. Reid, of Re novo, were quietly married by the Rev. Father T. B. Downey, at St. Mark's parsonage, Emporium, Dec. 22, 1908. Mr. Reid is the son of J. L. Reid, of Beechwood, and one of the Pennsy's trusted employes. The PUESS extends its congratulations. Business Opportunity. WANTED—By manufacturing cem. pany,a salesman who can invest §1,200, with service. Money will be secured. : Must be energetic, of good address, un. doubted character, and devote entire time to business. Toman of above qualifications exceptional offer will be made. Salary, commission, office and furniture. Address, 203-204 Pennsyl vania Bldg., Philadelphia. 4S-2L Comrade Guthrie. Smith Guthrie, a resident of this county for many years dat ing back to the days before tho war, was in town on Monday, trying to convince our authorities that ho was not liable to jury duty, Laving resided at Medix Run for some time. Smith i 3 rapidly gaining in health, altera a long siege of i Iness. Of course he reads the PRESS overy week. School He-port. Honor roll of North Creek school for fourth month: Gertv Smith, Grace Smith, Floyd Britton, Milford Taylor, Norman Solve?on, Myrtle Lew is, Agnes Taylor, Evcrul Smith, Clendon Moore, Reuben Solveson. LEATHIE VICTORY, Teacher Pie Social. A pie social for the benefit of the church at the Howard pchool house, Saturday evening, January 10, 1909. Ice cream and cake will be on sale. All are cordially invited to attend. "Liberty and Union, One and Inseparable." —WEßSTKß. EMPORIUM, PA., THURSDAY, JANUARY 14, 1909. REGULAR JANUARY TERM OF COURT. Trial of Italian Murderer of John | Kibe. i CASE GOES TO THE JURY TO-DAY. j Court was called to order at 2:1-5 ou ; Monday, President Judge, Ilou. Harry | Alvan Hall and Associates Hons. Geo. 1 J. Laßar and John A. WykofT presid- ! ing. The court room was literally packed, the major portion being at tracted by the murder trial, being pull ed off this week. After the Grand Jury had been charged by Judge Hall, in one ofthe most able charges we ever listened to, and Ohnfj. W. Rishell had been designated as foreman, they re paired to the Grand Jury room, in eharge of Constable Doty, of Gibson, where District Attorney Jas. P. Mc- Narney presented the Commonwealth's case. All civil cases having cither been continued or settled the court at once proceeded to secure twelve jurymen to try Joe Pagano for the murder of John Kibe. Tuesday evening, after the usual challenges, the task was com plete and examination of witnesses commenced, the following having taken their seats: THE JURY. Adams, Delmont, Farmer, Shippen. Burk, P. S., Laborer, Grove. Bailey, C. M., Farmer, Gibson. Comley, Fred, Laborer, Lumber. Council, C. A., Clerk, Grove. Darrin, J. H , Carpenter. Lumber. GOBB, R. R., Laborer, Grove. Moat, Howard, Laborer, Gibson. Reid, J. L , Farmer, Shippen. Spangler, Chas., Farmer Shippen. Wykoff, Isaac, Laborer, Lumber. Williams, A. R., Laborer, Grove HISTORY OF THE CRIME. From PRESS, Dec. 3, 1903. Last Thursday evening, about 8:30 Joe Pagano, an Italian, who has resid ed in Emporium for two or three years, went into the American Hotel, con ducted by Chas, Farley and being bois torous and disorderly the landlord ejected him from the house at three different times. The infuriated Italian stormed around the front of the hotel, when ha pulled out. a revolver and fired in the sidewalk. Mr. John Kibe, who stood in the hotel, went to the door to see what the Italian was doing and spoke to him, requesting that he go home. Almost instantly, ho raised the gun and fired at Kibe the ball en t3ring his right side near the heart. Kibe at once turned back and sitting down, said "I'm shot " Great excite ment prevailed. The Injured man was removed to the parlor and Drs. Smith, Bush and Falk summoned. Promptly upon the arrival of the Drs. it was soon evident that the unfortunate man had only a few minutes to live. The leaden messenger of death had severed an artery and the wounded man passed to the great beyond, sur rounded by his grief stricken wife and children, at 9:07. While the sad scene was taking place in the "death room," Chief of Police Frank Mundy called for volunteers to aid him in finding and arresting the murderer, who after committing the dastardly deed walked up to Leet & Co's store and passed across the street, down towards the Junction. Mr. Mundy hurried down to Wm. Clark's and requested his assistance, which was readily granted. The officer pass ed the Italian while enroute for Clark's and after telling Mr. Clark to "give him the club as soon as he jumped into him," retraced their steps and caught I up with the murderer in front of E. D. • Mumford's residence, when Mundy threw both arms around him, Mr. I Clark at the same instant welted him lon the head. After properly securing hi in ho was taken to St. Charles Hotel i and searched. Upon his person was ! found a large stiletto, one razor and ! five or six cartridges. The revolver, ! which he dropped when captured, con tained two charges—one being fired in ; the sidewalk, one into John Kibe and the other at thr hotel as he passed : dov. 11 the street. I (>n Friday morning he was taken be i foi-» Bfq. Ltirrabeo, who committed him to jail to awnif the action of tho {jr..cd jury on the second Monday of ! January, 1909. District Attorney J. P. McNarney, for tho Commonwealth, and F. f>. Leet for prisoner, oarelully selected the Jury and numerous challenges were made. All evidenci being given when Court adjourned last evening. Court was called (his morning, when Mr. Leet addressed the Jury in behalf of the prisoner. lie will possibly : close at noon, when the Common i wealth will present it 3 side, it is not expecied that tho case will goto the jury before lour o'clock this after noon. Much speculation is indulged in as to the decision of the Jury— whether it will bo verdict of murder or manslaughter. Licenses Petitions. The applications for licenses, that have caused a great amount of gossip and wonderment for weeks past, have been handed down by the Court, viz: GRANTED, drove Township. Ceorge Foullz The Mountain House Gibson Township. ,1. H. Welton, The KverKreen Hotel Driftwood. Thos. J. Itiley, tJtmmercial Hotel Sophia MeVicker, Lafayette Hotel A. M. McDonald, Curtin House W. H. Mitchell Mitchell House Lumber Township. Mary A. Furlong, Alpine House Edivard MeKadden Cameron House Robert Graham The Valley House Eimporium, East Word, Hotel Licenses. Joseph Gainey and Herman Malin St. Charles Hotel Charles F. Farley American House Samuel D. McDonald Central House Emporium, Middle Ward, Hotel Licenses. D. W. Donovan, Emporium House Michael J. Dolan Tile City Hotel William Benle Cottage Hotel WHOLESALE LICENSES. F. X. Bfumle, Shippen Township A. A. McDonald Emporium REFUSED. Henry Shade Novelty Restaurant HELD OVER. Geo. P. Shafer Sinnamahoning House William Sciiutte New Warner Frederick Lcvecke Commercial House A Husband on Salary. The Daily News Advertiser, Van- ! couver, B. C. The comedy, "A Hus band on Salary," was laughed at from the rise to the fall of the curtain. The plot of tho piece is consistently carried out during the entire throe acts, and at times a tear or two would creep into the eyes of many iu the audience, only to be brushed away in a moment by the clever work of the comedian, Her bert Heywood. At Emporium Opera House in the near future. Class Enteratined. Miss Kate Metzgor entertained the Seniors last Friday evening by giving an elaborate six o'clock dinner, at her home on North Maple street. The members of the class are Misses Marion Judd, ~<wn McNarney, Carolyn Cox, Mildred McQuay, Annie Edwards, Laura Hout, Ruchel Day, Katie Kraft, Mollie Spence, Messrs. Harold Seger, Herbert Vogt and Richard Kuehne, The following teachers were in attend ance, having been instructors of the e'ass frpm the beginning of their school life; Misses McQuay, Grey, B irker, Larrabee, Cleary and Colliii", Prof C. E. Plasterer and wife. Prof* Plasterer acted as toastmaster and the following responded to toasts: Misses Larrabee, Judd, McNarney, Mildred McQuay, and Mr. Harold Seger. Many Visitors. The PKESS sanctum was honored by visits from many friends from all sec tions of the county, who were in at tendance at court this week, either as jurors, witnesses or spectators. No doubt the murder trial brought many of our citizens to town. We are al ways glad to greet our friends and our offices are always at the disposal of all who may honor us with a call. The following were visitors since our last issue : J. H. Darrin, John Gantz, J. W. Kritner, Michael Evers, Geo. W. Towers, W. H. Mitchell, Arthur Bar clay, W. E. Devling, A. Extrom, Master G. W. Goss, Harry Derby, J. 11. Welton, and many others we may forget. Republican Primaries. The Republican electors of Empori um Borough are requested to meet at the usual place for holding the Cau cuses in their respective wards, on Sat i urday evening, Jan 23, 1909, between the hours of 7:30 and 8:30 p. m., for the purpose of nominating candidates for the several ward offices to be filled at the election to be held on Tuesday Feb. 16th, 1909 Also to elect three i delegates in each ward to attend the j Republican Borough Convention, at ] the City Hall, Monday evoning, Jan, I 25th, 1909, to nominato candidates for Borough offices. G. F. BALCOM, H. O. HAUPT, W. H. HOWARD, Ward Committeemen. Kennedy's Jjixativo Cough Syrup taster tn'iirly us good as maple sugar. It eures tli.' cold by gently moving the bowels wnil at the same time it is sooth ing for throat irritation, thereby stopping tiie cough. Sold by ii. 0. Dodson. Kodol for Dyspepsia and Indigestion j will digest any and all food at any and • all times. Kodol is guaranteed to give ! prompt relief. Sold by R. C. Dodson. Found Dead at St Marys Coal Shutes. Special to the Press: While the engine of train Ist 97, in charge of conductor W. C. Driver, and engineer M. Fehley, was taking coal at St. Marys at 4:20 Tuesday morning the coal shute door was raised and tho body of Philip Winkelbach, who has charge of the shutes, came down into the tender of the engine along with the coal. The body was brought to St. Marys and Dr. Wilson was called but while the body was still warm, life was extinct. Mr. Winklebach was last seen at 1:15 a m., and is thought that he went up on the shutes to loosen the coal, which came down with a rush and smothered him. Mr. Winklebach was 35 years of age and leaves a wife and fivechihlren. Ho was a fine man and good citizen and respected by all. j. p. s. Birthday Parties. Afiout a dozen friends of Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Ostrum gava them a sur prise on last Saturday evening, the occasion being Mr. Ostrum's22d birth day. They were presented with a very nice set of dining room chairs and many other valuable presents. w * Master Fred McGrain entertained about twelve lads, Tuesday evening in honor of his seventh birthday. The boys had a big time and enjoyed the evening Fred was the recipient of many nice gifts, after which he treat ed his little friends to a nice lunch. Get Comfort. We would direct the attention of our readers to the advertisement of Dr. Ide L. Kinney, chiropodist, of Port Allegany, who will be at New Warner, Sunday, Jan. I7th, and every other Sunday thereafter. Many may object on account of their religious principles but it is the only day the Dr. can get away from Port Allegany business. Religious. Special services are being held every night in the Methodist Episcopal church, to which a cordial welcome will be given to all who come. Subjects of pastor's sermons for next Sunday will be morning; "Revival condition;" evening, "Covenant mak ing." Reading Notice. Dr. Ide L. Kinney, graduato Sur geon Chiropodist, will be at Warner House, Sunday, Jan. 17, 1909, from 10 a. m to 3:30 p. m., to treat all ailments of the human feet. Owing to want of time, work cannot possibly be done at the patients residence. He is Grand-pa Now. Ex-postmaster M. T. Hogan's curly hair has an extra twist now and all on account ot the arrival of a beautiful girl baby at the residence of his daugh tar, Mrs. Nellie Getchell, Binghamton, N. Y. Lost. On Wednesday, about 2 p. m., be tween the Baptist church and Fourth street, a pair of gold bow eye glasses, in a brown case. Please deliver to Mrs. Thos. McGrain. County Commissioners Meeting. The Commissioners of Cameron County have changed the time of their stated meetings to the flrst Monday of each month. 38-3t. Shippen Republican Primaries. Notice is hereby given to tho Re publican voters of Shippen township that the primaries will be held at the Court House, Saturday, Jan 22rd, 1909, between the hours of two and four o'clock, p. m., for the purpose of nom inating candidates for the several township offices to be voted for Feb, 16th, 1909. Tho last day for filing names for announcement and getting names on tho Republican caucus ticket will be Wednesday, Jan. 20th, 1909 Names and fees to be deposited at PRESS office. E W. GASKILL, Committeeman, Shippen Pit., Jan. 12tli, 1909. Team of Well-Trained Oxen for Sale. The undersigned offers a well-brok- I en and well-trained yoke of oxen, eight ! years old, weight about 3000 pounds iff I tbe aggregate. They are bulls. Guar ! antee them to plow well, wagon or ; sled, are fast walkers and bridable. | Will rum tread power or binder and do | all kinds of team work on farm. For ! price and other information, address, FRED DUN LAP, 48-2 Olanta, Clearfield Co., Pa. Will Become Nurse. Mrs. Katharine Robinson, who has : been visiting in Buffalo for some time, i has entered a hospital to study to be j come a nurse. TERMS: s2 .rx>—$1.50 1N ADVANCE. THE WEATHER. FRIDAY, Rain or Snow. SATURDAY, Rain orSnow. SUNDAY, Fair. ASSETS First National Bank, EMPORIUM, PA. At the close of business, Jan. lJth, 1909, $784,144.76. WHY? BECAUSE. V ou should have a bank account—Because you will avoid los* through burglary, fire, or the •areless handling of money. You will make payment by checks, :in] disputes over amount paid or date pii You will acquire habit of thrill, cc< n>.,,v t a desire to save money. You w ill ' • < Jof cash received and paid out, wil'i >ut the trouble of bookeeping. SI.OO St:-.: ts an Account. 3o INTEREST PAD ON CERTIFICATES o OF DEPOSIT. DR. LEOX REX FELT, DENTIST. Rockwell Block, Emporium, Pa. DR. H. W. MITCHELL, DENTIST, (Successor to Dr A. B. Mead.) Office over A. F. Volt's Shoe Store, Emporium, Pa 12y Not Correct. The report that James Morrissey, brother of Mrs. Bing. Hemphill and P. «T. Morrisey, of this place, had been killed by the cars, out west, proves to be incorrect. Dry Goods. R. Kuehne, our popular dry-goods merchant, has just returned from Buf falo, where he purchased a full line of up-to-date patterns. Everything is of the latest design and fabric, and is sure to please all. Watch his big ad, in next week's PRESS. Maccabees Attention. The Knights of the Maccabees will hold the installation of its officers, fol lowed by a banquet, in the hall, on Friday evening, January 22nd, 1909. Every member i 3 cordially invited to be present. JACOB HUFFMAN, n-2t. Commander. R. Seger £• Co's Great Clothing Sale. Every reader of the PRESS should pay strict attention to the full page ad vertisement of R. Seger & Co., in this issue. This old and popular house never advertise a Clearance Sale unless tbey are forced to do so, but in this in stance they have a larger stock than possiblo to sell at ordinary sale, they have put the knife in deep and pro pose to make a general clearanee, re gardless of cost Be sure you call early—now. Lost. $5.00 will be paid for the return of an oak leaf stick pin, with small stone setting, that was lost on Wednesday, between P. & E Depot and Court House The finder will be rewarded by leaving it at this office. Found. This morning, on Fourth street, a Maceabee pin. Owner can have same by calling at PRESS office, paying 25c for this notice and proving property. A Lively Bunch. Edward Baldwin, Charles Cam merford, Harry Kt'afc and Oscar Fos ter, a bunch of lively Americans were PRESS callers this p. m. Emmanuel Church Notice. Jan. 17th, 2nd Sunday after Epip hany : 8 a m. Holy Communion. 10:30. Morning Prayer and Sermon on"The Work in Japan," The offer ings for Foreign Missions. 7 : 30 p. m. Evening Prayer and Ser mon on Confirmation. Bread and Cake Sale. The Presbyterian Ladies will sell bread and cako on Saturday afternoon in the store room next to Thompson's barbershop. In the evening they will serve icecream, eake and coffee. GREAT -: ROUP i 'EM my A Mai bot tle of Dr. dalviii" Celebr.t'-d Croup Tincture, warranted to relieve any or dinary case of croup in 30 rrdnntee, mailed on receipt of 10 cms: is. i-tampr. Address J. W. Carney, Reran ton, Pa <lB-3t. Warning All persons :ue hereby forbidden from trespassing upon the property of this Company without . permit 1 om this office, or the Manager at the w orbs. KEYSTONE POWDRU MFG. Co. Emporium, Pa., August Ist, 1003 24-tf. See Theo. Ilaberstoek's new ndver tisement in this issue. Then eall on him. NO. 48.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers