Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, January 07, 1909, Page 5, Image 5

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    K M l'OlUl'M
Empurium, Pa., Jan. 5,1K09.
NKMOPIIJ IJA, per sack *! 35
Felt's Fancy, " IBS
Pet Grove, " 165
Graham, " 70
Rye " 8"
Patent Meal " *0
Buckwheat Flour SI
Buckwheat Flour, 101b sac!; .. 35
• 'oarse Meal per 100 1 50
Chop Feed " 1 80
Matchless Egg Maker, per 100 2 50
Cracked Corn per 100 1 50
Screenings " 15"
Oil Meal " 1
Middlings, 1 60
Bran 1 *lO
Chicken Wheat 1 85
Corn per bushel 81
Oyst r Shells, per 100 75
While Oats, u"r bushel 05
Seed Oats per bushel
Buckwheat 1 70
Alfalfa Meal 1 40
ChokeCloverSeed, )
Choice Timothy Seed, > At Market Price#
Choice Millet Seed. 1
feet i
At Fourth and Chestnut Sts.
relephone, 19-2.
Contribution* invited. That which you would
tike to sec in this us know by pos
tal enrd, letter or personally.
R R. McQuay was a business caller
at Johnsonburg the first of the week.
Thos. Cummings, who is employed
at Niagara Falls, spent the holidays* at
h>me, returning to the Falls last Mon
Miss Mayme Cummings, of this
place, is a guest of her sister, Mrs.
Leathers, at Howard, Pa.
Miss Edna Auchu and J. H. Stephens,
attended the Leap Year Ball at
Coudersport, held last Wednesday
Austin Wood, of Coudersrort, was
guest of Bennett Leutz and family, on
Second street, over Christmas.
Mrs. Joseph Kaye and daughter
Sara, returned home on Sunday from
visiting relatives at Williamsport.
Mrs. Maud Lapharn and two child
ren, of Fillmore, N. Y., passed Christ
mas here quests of E. W. Gaskill and
family. They returned home last
Misses Vera Geary and Christina
(Toots) Mac Donald, two of Empori
um's most pleasant young ladies, were
very agreeable PRESS visitors onThurs
day last.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Cronk, of Fill
more, N. Y., spent Christmas week
here, visiting relatives and friends.
They left for their home on Saturday,
having passed a delightful season with
their many friends.
Mrs. Thos. Radigan, of West Fifth
street, has been visiting at Williams
port the last two weeks, guest of her
daughter, Mrs. F. H. Bentley.
Mr. Sebastian Rail, of Williamsport,
visited in Emporium during Christmas
week, guest of Miss Katharine Welsh.
Mrs. Gordan Howlett and daughter,
of Sterling Run, were business callers
at the PRESS office during the holidays.
Fred R. Ileilman, came home from
Buffalo, to spend Christmas and re
turned the following Monday.
Lee Felt returned to Philadelphia
last Mom" ty, where he is attending
school, after spending the holidays at
Miss Carrie Huff, who is assisting in
the post office at Austin, was a guest
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin
Huff, the Sunday after Christmas.
C. W. Shaffer and wife, of New York
city arrived in Emporium to spend
Xmas week, guest of Mrs. S's mother,
Mrs. D. W. Felt. Mr. Shaffer returned
to New York, but his wife remains
here for a visit.
Mrs. E. T. Osborn, of Buffalo, and
her son, Hayde Gardner, of Chicago,
left on Tuesday for their homes after
visiting Mr. and Mrs. Guy S Felt.
P. &E.R. R. Operator W. 11 Chat
ham, wife and son, of Driftwood, visit
ed in Emporium last Thursday, the
former having important business with
Dentist Felt Mr. Chatham is one of
Driftwood's best citizens and a gentle
man any town should be proud of.
Driftwood Gazette: Miss Anna
Sfehweikart, of Emporium, spent sev
eral days in town the guest of Miss
Maude Callahan Prothonotary W.
J. Leavitt was down from Emporium
Thursday transacting business
Russell McQuay and sister, of Empori
um, attended the dance here Wednes
day night, the latter staying the weak
out the guest of Miss Racbael Brook
Mr. anil Mrn. M. Swanson passed
Christmas at Sheffield.
Mr. and Mrs. Swanson, of Third
street, were calling on friends at Wil
cox and Ridgway last Sunday.
Messrs. Alfred Dippold and Ben
Nickolis, of St. Marys, were guests at
the home of Joshua Bair and family
during the holidays.
Dr. Leon Felt and wife, of this place,
spent part of the holidays with re
latives at Philadelphia.
Floyd Van Wort wa* a guest of
friends at this place during the past
Carl McConeghy, of Fenwick, W.
Va., was a guest at the home of John
Hertig and family last week.
Mrs. Susan Sterner has returned to
her home in this place, after spending
the week with relatives at Coudersport.
Miss Frances Leadbetter, of this
place, was a guest of friends at Couiiers
port for a tew days of last week
Mr. Henry Keltz, of Kane, was guest
of Bennett Leutze and family over
Mr. aud Mrs. Henry Martin, of Wil
liamsport visited at Bennett Leutze's
residence Monday and Tuesday, of last
week. Mrs. Martin is a sister of Mrs.
M. Blodget of Sinnamahoning.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Swartz and child
ren, of Maple street, who were visiting
at Lock Haven aud other eastern
Eoints during the holidays, returned
ome Sunday.
Miss Ida Smith, of Beech Creek, who
has been visiting at Pittsburg and
Johnsonburg, visited at Emporium on
her way home, guest of her uncle, N.
J. Swartz and family.
Mark Gilbert of Rochester was guest
of his father, L. C. Gilbert and brother,
W.G.Gilbert aud wife the last of week.
Mrs. I. 11. Leggett, one of the pleas
ant ladies of West, Creek, transacted
business at the PKESS office Saturday.
Daniel Fagar Glassmire of Buffalo,
was a guest at the home of Henry
Auchu aud family the first of the week.
Miss Mary C. Welsh, who spent her
vacation with her parents, Jas. J.
Welsh and family, greturned to the
Normal at Lock Haven Tuesday-
Miss Myrtle Shaffer of this place,
who is floor lady at Sinnamahoning
Powder Company's shell house, was a
welcome PRESS sanctum visitor last
Saturday evening. Miss Shaffer is
very proficient in her work and bus a
crew of expert lady shell makers under
her. Of course she reads the Pulsus
every week, like thousands of others
Miss Josephide Murphy, of Ridgway
hospital was a New Year's guest at the
Auchu home on West Fonrtb street.
Patrick Leary of Ridgway, visised in
Emporium New Years eve and seemed
to be attracted with the west ward —or
was it some of its fair ones.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Seger, who have
been enjoying a visit with relatives
and friends at Salem, W. Va., and
Pittsburg, for the past two weeks, re
turned to their home in this place last
Mr. Morton Weed and Vena Hooven,
of Weedville, x a., visited in Emporium
during the Holidays, guests of Wm.
Hooven and wife on West Fifth street.
Miss Ethel Turley, one "of the west
ward's brightest young ladies, visited
at Weedville over New Year's.
Miss Loro McQuay, of this place,
spent part of the holiday season with
friends at Austin.
Prof, and Mrs. C E. Plasterer were
guests of the Rev. G. H. Johnston and
family, at Duncanon for a short time,
last week.
Miss Ethel Fisher, of Howard Sitting,
was a guest of Miss Margaret Dodson
last week and attended the banquet of
the Friendly Society.
Misses Josephene Gilbert and Hilda
Hertig, who are attending school at
Olean, were home for the holidays.
Mrs. Jeanette Metzger, of Wellsville,
N. Y., is a guest at the home of Geo.
Metzger, Jr., and family.
Mrs. Edwin Huff, returned to her
home in this place last Saturday after
spending a few days at Coudersport
with her daughter, Mrs. Graybill.
Miss Ruby Heideck, of this place,
one of the proficient teachers at Plank
Road School, was a guest of Austin
friends last week.
David Towner, a valued subscriber
of the PRESS, at Beech wood, was a
caller at Emporium last Monday and
renewed his subscription.
J. M Bair returned to his home in
this place last Sunday after spending a
week with friends at Philadelphia.
Claude E. Itentz returned to Pitts
burg last Monday, where he will re
sume his studies in the C. T. S.
Eugene J. Metz, who is attending
Clarion Normal School, spent the holi
day here with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Metz and family.
Mrs. Nellie Danforth, was a business
caller at the PRESS office during the
past week and renewed her mother's
(Mrs. S. S. Hackett,) subscription.
Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Gilbert returned
on Tuesday from a business and social
visit at New York city.
Mrs. JOB. L. Wheeler, of Marion, S,
C., was guest of her mother, Mrs. E.
M. Hurteau last Friday and Saturday.
Mrs. A. M. Peturam, of Wyoming
Pa., is the guest of her daughter, Mrs
Tansie Hart)ot, and her son, Charles
Edwards, of this place
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Sykes, of Buf
falo, wore guests at the Walker resi
dence, West Fourth street, Tuesday
and Wednesday.
John Schwab, a valued subscriber, of
Cameron, was a PRESS visitor on
Wednesday, and renewed his subscrip
tion for 1909.
Miss Mabel Butler returned to her
studies at trie on Monday.
Mrs. P. R. Beattie, Mrs. Belle Beattie,
Mrs. J. R. Fetter and son George, en
joyed a delightful visit to Shintown
(Kenovo) last week, returning home
on Sunday. The occasion of the visit
was to attend a family re-union held at
the residence of A C. Fetter, at Shin
Ralph C. Da visoD, formerly a resi
dent of Emporium, where he resided
with his parents, Mr E. 0. Davison
aod family, was a visitor in Empori
um last week and made the PRESS san
ctum a short but pleasant call. Ralph
is now employed in the Carnegie Tech
nical Institute as Asst. in electric wire
department..die likes his position very
Chiis. \V. Rishol! visited his brother
i Gt orge at Erie over Sunday and had a
1 pleasant visit
Mr. and Mr«. John Robinson and
i children spent Christmas in Ridgway,
I where r.hey visited relatives and
j friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Zwald and son
1 spent Ohristmas in Ridgway, ujuestß ot'
j relatives.
William Grace, of East Emporium,
1 a bright young man, transacted bu»i
1 ness with the PRESS yesterday.
Lee Swartz, one of the Emporium
• Furnace Company's active and Indus
! trioua young men, transacted business
I with the PRESS on Wednesday.
1 Our old and esteemed friend Douglas
McOoil, of Sinnamahoniog, was a
1 PRESS business and social caller last
j Saturday evening, lie is an employee
i of Sinnamahoning Powder Co., and a
j good citizen.
| hast Being Realized by Emporium
A little backache at first.
Daily increasing till the back is lame
and weak.
Urinary disorders quickly follow;
Diabetes and finally Blight's disease.
This is the downward course of kid
ney ills.
Don't take this course. Follow the
advice of an Emporium citizen.
Mrs. August Kxtroui, Sixth St., Em-
I poriuui, Pa., say>: '•« do not hesitate to
j recommend Doan's Kidney Pills and I
! have done so on in my occasion*. For a
i long-time I was in a miserable condition,
suffering from backache and sharp pains
in niy kidneys. I was restless at night,
at times my feet became swollen and I
was also subject to headaches and dizzy
spells. I was unable to obtain relief un
til I procured Doan's Kidney Pills from
L. Taggart's drug store. When I had
finished the contents of the first box
there was a great improvement and after
I 1 had used three or four l> ixes the back
ache had completely disappeared. I was
no longer troubled with headaches or
dizzy spells aud my general health was
much improved."
For sale by all dealeis. Price 50 cents.
Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York,
sole agents Item uiber the name—
Doan's—and take no other.
''For Everything Living on the
Free, a 500 page book on the treat
ment and care of "Every Living Thing
on the Farm"; Horses, Cattle, Sheep,
Dogs, Hogs and Poultry, by Humph
reys' Veterinary Specifics, alsoaStable
Chart for ready reference; to hang up.
Freo by mail on application, address
Humphreys' Homeo. Med Co., Corner
William & Ann Sts., New York.
The Best on Earth.
Protection against Accidents and
Sickness is an absolute necessity. It
costs but $5.00 a year for $15.00 weekly
benefits, and $2,000 death claim. The
only policy paying such liberal bene
fits. This Company also writes policies
for §IO.OO and $25.00 per year. Liberal
commi-sions to agents, by the German
Commercial Accident Co., Phil'a, Pa.
W. R. Sizer, Gen'l Agent, Sizerville,
Pa. R. R. McQuay of Emporium, is a
representative of the Company.
Drop him a postal—He will do
the balance. In case of Hidden injury
this Company provides temporary re
lief to the amount of $25.00. if notified
by wire of an accident. 17-ly.
For Rent.
A very desirable front room for rent
with use of bath, 011 Allegany Ave.
Apply to Mrs. E. S. Coppersmith.
Good for cuts, burns, bruises and
scratches, but especially recommended for
piles—DeWitt's Carbolized Witch Hazel
Salve. Sold by It. C. Dodson.
Stomach Trouble Cured.
If you have any trouble with your
stomach you should take Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets. J. P. Klote,
of Edina, Mo., says:"l have used a
great many different medicines tor stom
ach troubles, but find Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets more bene
ficial than any other remedy I ever used."
For sale by Taggart.
Colic and Diarrhoea.
These diseases are quickly cured by
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarr
hoea Remedy. The remedy has been in
use for many years, and ban a wide repu
tation for its cures of these diseases.
For sale by Taggart.
A Sprained Ankle.
As a rule a man will feel well satisfied
if he can hobble around on crutches in
two or three weeks afisr spraining his
ankle, and it is often two or three months
before he is fully recovered. This is an
unnecessary loss of time, as by applying
Chamberlain's Liniment, as directed, a
cure may as a rule be effected in less than
one week's time, and in many cases with
in three days. Chamberlain's Liniment
alsooffords great relief in casts of chronic
and muscular rheumatism. Twenty.five
and fifty cent {bottles. Sold by Tag
Itch cured in 30 minutes by Wopo
I ford's Sanitary Lotion. Never fails
J gold by L. Taggart,druggist. 32-Gm.
j Kodol for Dyspepsia aud Indigestion
I will digest any and all food at any and
1 all times. Kodol is guaranteed to give
j prompt relief. Sold by 11. C. Dodson.
Cascasweet, the well known remedy
for babies and children, will quiet the
little one in a short time The ingred
ients are printed plainly on the bottle.
Contains 110 o| i jtes. Sold by 11. ('.
j Dodson.
Misery in Stomach.
Why not start now—to-day, and for
ever rid yourself of Stomach trouble
and indigestion? A dieted stomach
gets the blues and grumbles. Give it
a good eat, then take Pape's Diapep
sin to start the digestive juices work
ing. There wili b« no dyspepsia or
belching of gas or eructations of undi
goeted food; no feeling like a lump o
1 It ad in th;i stomach or heartburn, sick
; Headache and dizziness, and your food
| wili not ferment and poison your
j bteatl) with nauseous odors.
Pape's Diapepsin costs only 50 cents
| for a large case at any drug store
j here, and will relieve the most obstin-
J ate ease of Indigestion aud Upset
j Stomach in five minutes.
| There is nothiog eine better to take
' gas from stomacti and cleanse the
1 stomach and intestines, and besides,
j one triaugule will and prepare
j for assimilation into the blood all your
| food the same as a sound healthy,
I stomach would do it.
When Diapepsin works, your stom
ach resis—gets itself in order, cleans
up—and then you feel like eating
when you come to the table, aud what
you eat wili do you good.
Absolute relief from all Stomach
Misery is waiting for you as soon as
you decide to oegtn taking Diapepsin.
Tall your druggist that you want
Pape's Diapepsin, btcause you want to
be thoroughly cured of indigestion.
All persons are hereby forbidden uvib
trespassing upon the property oi ttos
Company without a permit from ibis
office, or the Manager at the workb.
Emporium, Pa., August Ist, l'JOi.
"I suffered so with Nervous
Prostration that I thought there
was no use trying to get well. A
friend recommended Dr. Miles'
Nervine, and although skeptical
at first, I soon found myself re
covering, and am to-day well."
5800 Broadway, Cleveland, O.
Much sickness is of nervous
origin. It's the nerves that
j make the heart force the blood
through the veins, the lungs
take in oxygen, the stomach di
gest food, the liver secrete bile
and the kidneys filter the blood.
If any of these organs are weak,
it is the fault of the nerves
through which they get their
strength. Dr. Miles' Nervine is
a specific for the nerves. It
soothes the irritation and assists
in the generation of nerve force.
Therefore you can hardly miss
it if you take Dr. Miles' Nervine
when sick. Get a bottle from
your druggist. Take it all ac
cording to directions, and if it
does not benefit he will return
your money.
112 Favorite" \
Sp Triple refined from Pennsylvania Crude W
Of Oil —the best in the world.
W Does away with all "muss" and trouble. yj
S Will not char wick or "frost" chimney. ■
Burna round and full with a clear, white
light—clean and dry without readjustment o£
No more tank wapon oil. Get "Family Fo«
vorlte" out of the original barrel from out
Your dealer knows.
Ask him.
| Wawerly OiS Works Co*
la Independent Refiners M
j& Pittsburg, Pa. Jg
makers of Vaverly Special Aato
ijjg®. OU and Waverly Gasolines.
wJ IL IB S Sj£ll
Jttif .<; >c> b.■»«.?«! A'ew Muslnunv. A\*V/jLi j
Jff ti i will mr.ku yon a porumr.ont run
tnuuT. Satisfaction guaranteed ory««i«r
Souvenir Co»gcl|onSf^?,r^:.!p:.r;^
W ' '.Mui'iK 1. r' * «:?1 ■' 1 *ir Ij','Vl.'; 11u«* .r-Vl",
CM in. Ammone. hitt.hi. tA
.> ftm Nanisms. full;-. Parrot Tulip, V*t fl
I .'.lie I'.tMp, Ol»ll>, I'reooli, and Dutch, M
y .rl/uu.lUto Tulip., ftr . eti.
5 'yrlla io-day Men/ton rhis Ptipr r J
Sj ' SEND 28 CENTS " '"g
K to cover poatafO anil packing and wcrln thU valuiMs cdleot! n
Qof Bulba Postpaid, together vlih my big Illustrated, Jnstru- tlvo. J
W Deautlful Bm4, Bulb and Plant Book. TelU all cbou; the Lv * , '
iott r ■vrlftln* of Ke<*«la, Itulba and Plants. L, j
BfS in Commemoration of a continuouo, •urociful bn-* - «
|HI rln.-e 1.-.'l, I will present free of ohirg» with thi« t'-I'. • H .
Babylonian Horned Tulip Bulb. Hie
ffimk of the age. Tb 1» Bulb alon« la north a quar trr. ti j
j J. B. MaiseTs j
1 Saturday Candy Silt
\ Continuts popular with lovers of \
£ fresh hoine-mude candies. High )
3 in quality «.n<l low in price. Our >
\ NOUGAT "tastes like more," 1
2 Special Saturday 25c per lb. }
\ Our large variety of Taffies and >
t Brittles at 10c per lb are nnsnr- \
A passed. Crisp fresh Salted Pea- J
j nuts at 10c ib. >
I Purity & Cleanliness \
r Ice Cream, and Grape Juice
\ for Invalids >
Beginners or Classic in Vocal
and Instrumental
Popular Dance Music in Books.
Call for Catalogue.
| H. S. LLOYD, Masonic Block |
Choicest Fresh Fruits and Vegetables •
1 he Satisfactory Store S
35c Lb J lOcLb ;
Are you satisfied with the grocery service you are
receiving? If not let this store serve you. It will he _
I our aim during this year upon which we have now en- H
tered, to make it more of an object than ever before for B
you to trade here. >
Keep watch of our week end Special Sales. They H
will be money savers to those who avail themselves of I
the opportunities. Here's the list for FRIDAY and
SATURDAY, this week. Z
I SUGAR—2S Lb bag best I[" r LARD—Pure lard in bulk lOp
Granulated Sugar per lb 101/
SOAP—Seven Ave cent cakesi *>s 'k tubs per lb 12' c
Oak Leaf Laundry QCP CHOCOLATE—WaIter Baker & ■
sca P 'wu Co's. The genuine OOP
BIRDSEED—ReguIar 10c OP £lb cake &Uu afc
Ipkge selected birdseed ut „ „. „ . IS
COFFEE—Regular 20c QCP SS "° 8 OC
Blend; 2 lbs for 00l» canned peas ivu
Compare with any cheap Coffee CORN—Choicest quality jj§?
PRUNES—Choice large Califor- Maine corn, 2 cans .. ZJU %
regular20 ° jfiC CLAM CHOWDER—Van Damps ffi
SBftfifc I " L Clam Chowder, 3(en »gp 112
PICKLES—Hetaj -pieod picklo,: <*"" "''''" * ot ' ®
SB Regular 15c bottle 1C PjPEARS—25c N. Y., state Qm jft
■ two bottles for Bartlette Pears the can alvs g
* Baltimore Shucked Oysters & Lake Fish I
Leave orders for delivery Friday morning.
Twice each day—morning and afternoon. Leave ■
orders early and assist us in rendering prompt and sat- V
lisfactory service. A
Yon G-et Better Values Here.
3D H. DAY, ©
L Phone 6. Emporium, ||
m ® m mEmmmm mm
Pure Water!
■ Clean, Pure and Healthy.
| We are prepared to furnish the citizens
! of Empori-. m thi* popular Water, either <
; Drop a postal card—we will do the rest.
The analysis of the cetobrated Siierville
| Water has made it famous all over the '
112 country.
| Orders may be left at Geo. F. Balcom's
I store, or water may be purchased by the
case at the same place.
Magnetic Mineral Water Co.,