Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, December 24, 1908, Image 5

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    | BAKING
The only baking powder made from
Royal Gr . ar ]of Tartar, the I
officially af " ::! ingredient for
a wholesome, high=class powder
There Is greater deception in the sale of baking powders tiian ever before. BB
. Closely observe the label aod be certain of getting Royal.
Contributions invited. Thai which you would
like to nee in thin department,let Mli know by po»-
tal card, letter or personally.
Miss Ethel Waddington visited Olean j
Monday and Tuesday.
Miss Nellie Marsh, of Mason Hill,
was trading in town on Tuesday.
Miss Grace Morton, of Sizerville, was !
visiting in town over Sunday.
Miss Helen Dougherty, of Benezette,
was a guest of friends at this place, the
last of the week.
Claude E. Rentz, of the C. T. S., of
Pittsburg, is spending his Christmas j
vacation at his home in this place.
H. N. Knight and wife, of St Marys, '
were guests of W. H. Gilbert and wife, j
last Saturday.
Robt. Lentze and sister, Miss Mary, |
goto Hicks Run today to visit their
sister and family and spend Xmas j
Mr. Leon Brundage, one of Empor- |
ium Powder Co.'s faithful employees, |
was a PKESS caller on Monday. Ho |
enrolled his name for the PRESS—the |
Great Family Newspaper.
H. M. Olmsted, of Ridgway, where
he Alls a responsible position in the !
general offices of Elk Tanning Co.,
visited at his home here over Sunday. !
Mrs. Margaret Lupoid, daughter of
Mr. Andrew Ullrich, of East Empori- !
urn, was an agreeable PRESS business |
visitor on Monday.
Harry Jordan, of Chicago, is the
guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.
K. Jordan and family at their home on ;
Sixth and Vine street.
Miss Mabel Butler, who is a student J
in Villa Marie Academy at Erie, came j
home on Thursday to visit her parents, j
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. L. Butler, and |
sister until after the Xmas-tide.
Mrs. Wm. ff. Howard, wife of our i
very efficient Burgess, went to Phila- j
delphia last Friday to visit her mother !
and sisters for a few days, expecting
to return to-day.
Mr. and Mrs. 11. A. Cox, returned to
their home in this place, last Saturday,
from Philadelphia, where they spent 1
the week.
Mrs. Lottie Schweimler, who has
been the guest of her brother W J
Merry and wife, departed for Buffalo
last Wednesday, where she will spend
/ the holidays with friends.
Linn Strayer arrived in town last
112 Tuesday from State College, to pass
the holidays with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs, F. P. Strayer and family.
Miss Mary Blunile, is home for the
Christmas vacation from Williamsport,
whore she is attending Commercial
Mr. Leo. A. Ruof, of Lancaster, Pa.,
visited in town last week, gueßt of the
Misses Lechner.
Mayble McSwan is spending the
Holidays at Buffalo, guests of her
grand-parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Mc-
Our old friend W. H. Smith, of Ster
ling Run, dropped into see ns last
Thursday and found us all up to our
eyes in work —too awful busy to visit.
Mrs. JOB. Burnett, of Sixth street,
was called to Pittsburg last Saturday
by a telegram announcing the serious
illness of her brother who is down with
Mrs. J. B. Schriever and daughter
Irene, of Scranton, arrived in Em
porium Tuesday to pass the Xmrs time
at home with Mrs. L's parents, Chas.
Zarps and wife.
Mrs. E. H. Hughes left last Friday
to spend the Holiday season with Phil
lipsburg friends. Mr. Hughes will join
her for Christmas.
Miss Nellie Tuberty, of Bolivar, N.
Y., was the guest of Miss Edna Clark
during the past week.
Mrs. Fred Seger is enjoying herself
visiting friends at Butler, Pa., after
which she goes to her former home,
Salem, W. Va., to visit her parents.
C. H. Cordie, formerly of this place,
but now in the employ of the U. S.
Government as an inspector of dyna
mite, was in town the first of the wenk.
"Jim's" many friends were glad to see
Miss Nellie Swain, who has been a
guest at the home of F. P. Rentz and
family, departed for her home at
Olean, last Monday. Miss Swain has
many friends here who are always
pleased to see her.
Mrs. Laura Bryan and Miss Nina,
her daughter, are spending Xmas time
at Erie.
Hon. B. W. Green returned on Tues
day from a business trip to Northern
New York.
When posting a letter or packake
j step into H. S. Lloyd's and purchase a
| Red Cross Christmas stamp for every
Misses Hastings, of Starky, N. Y.,
accompanied the Misses Abbie and
Grace Metzger to their home in this
place, arriving here last Saturday and
! will remain for the Christmas season.
Mr. John E. Smith, of Sterling Run,
wab a PRESS caller yesterday and re
| newed his PRESS as he always does, to
j the day. We deeply regret Mr. Smith
is again troubled with a growth in this
i mouth and that he goes to Philadel
; phia in the near future for treatment.
P. 11. Larry, of Ridgway, spent Sun- I
day with friends at this place.
' James Ulrner, of this place, is spend
ing the holidays at Holidaysburg, Pa.,
I with relatives.
I Lewis Metz, of this place, has enlist
j ed in the service of the United States
j and has become a member of the
! Marines.
j Mrs. Rose Lupole and daughter and
Misses Mary and Florence and Master
Edward Weisman, of Olean, are guests
at the home of Joshua Bair and family
| on Fifth street.
Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Byrns and two
children, of Lancaster, Pa., and Mr.
and Mrs. Thos. P. Mullen, Sheffield,
Pa., are guests of Mrs. Michael Creigh
('ton and family, South Broad street, to
j remain for the Holidays.
State Constabulary Here.
The State Constabulary are locating
their men, throughout the winter, at
the several county seats of the State.
Three men, with horses and full equip
ment, will be located at Emporium
; next week, making their headquarters
!at City hotel. No doubt they will pol
| ice the adjoining country. The Con
: stabulary is doing good service through
| out the State and giving the citizens
protection that has resulted in much
good. The once opposition to the
| Constabulary has passed away, prompt
! service rendered by this body of offi
| oials having reduced criminal violence.
Card of Thanks.
Mr. Editor: —Please convey our sin
cere thanks to those kind neighbors
and friends who aided and assisted us
I during the illness and death of our lit
| tie Bon.
In the Methodist Episcopal chnrch
next Sunday morning at 10:30 o'clock
the pastor will preach a Christinas
! sermon.
At 7:30 o'clock in the evening a
musical Christmas Cantata will be
rendered by the Church Choir.
Roomers Wanted.
i will take n few gentlemen roomers
and several for meals only. Apply at
H S. Qetchell's residence, Fourth St.
The National Protective Legion re
cently paid to Mrs. Miranda Lewis sls
for one week's sickness. During the
past year several members in Empor
ium have been benefited by this order
Will Spend Winter in Michigan.
Michael McGrath, of this place, who
has for many years been one of the
most proficient woods foremen for O.
B. Howard Company, left last Tuesday
for Emmitt, St. Clair county, Mich., to
spend the winter with his sister and
take a good rest. Hope our good
friend will have a pleasant visit and
return in robust health, ready for his !
arduous position.
Basket Ball.
Emporium is now getting a winning
team in this exciting game. On Dec.
15th they defeated Austin 1713, and on
the 18th the fast Weedville team only
succeeded in defeating the home team I
by a score of 2017. On Christmas j
night the boys are going to play the |
fast team from Lock Haven and if they j
keep up good work no doubt they will j
win. Come and give the game a boost \
by your presence and cheering After j
the game there will be a dance for :
benefit of team Dancing from 10 to 2. j
Popular Preacher.
Rev. Q. Pitt B°ers, of Colgate Uni J
versify, will preach in the Baptist j
church next Sunday morning and eve- |
Fresh Candies every day at Sugar j
Bowl. 2t i
Fancy Baskets of Fruit for Christmas I
at Sugar Bowl. 2t.
Leave your order for Buffalo Ice
Cream at Sugar Bowl 2t.
Xmas at the Old Reliable is dollars i
snved to the Holiday purchaser.
Holiday Goods to be closed out at i
cost and less at Taggart's Pharmacy.
Sweeping reduction in our entire (
line of fancy china, the stock must be j
disposed of At Taggart's drug store j
Capt. Peary Sends a Wireless to j
Harry S. Lloyd.
Captain Peary sent a message from the land of
ice and snow.
As he wanted some nice presents for his little
He said these little people ne'er a Christmas had ,
But he wanted them to do so, so he wired to
Harry Lloyd.
He knew that Harry'* splendid store was strictly j
up to date.
And if he placed his order there he would not
have to wait;
To keep the tlnest Christmas goods is Harry's
joy and pride,
Therefore the Captain did just right to buy from j
Harry Lloyd.
His prices are in reach of all, he knows just what [
you need,
To please your dear ones, young and old, "square
dealing" is his creed ; L
A Merry Christmas to you all, and may you long
Upon this earth, in health and wealth, is the
wish of HARRY LLOYD.
J. E. S.
Give a Donation.
Editor Press
While the charitable people are mak
ing donations, why not make a dona-|
tion for the two aged citizens living j
near the east end of Emporium, Mr. i
and Mrs. Charles Brock, who have j
been customers of the Emporium mer- i
chacts for many years, with the small |
sum of $36 00 every three months. We
read in our weekly papers, the com- 1
plaints that the people send to Chica- j
go and elsewhere for goods, and do ;
not patronize home merchants. No
doubt there are some who do that to j
make their money reach their needs j
and wants, but those old people have
put the greater part of their earnings i
for years in the merchants' stores, audi
they deserve a donation once in.a |
while. The writer has been to their !
home and learned of their financial |
condition, but before the three months j
have elaps ed their little §36.00 income
is consumed. Charitable friends, give
this old couple a liberal donation and
it will help them through the next
three months of cold winter, and they
will appreciate it very much. What
ever you give to them in Jesus' name
yon give to Him, and you will be re
warded for it, for they are God's child
ren Who is the giver of all good gifts
and the Provider for all.
A Friend.
James Patrick, infant son of Geo. j
W. and Sahih A. Palmer, aged one j
' year and five days, died Monday eve- j
! ning, at the family residence, West j
| Sixth street. Funeral took place yes- |
| terday, Wednesday. The afflicted j
i family deeply mourn the death of their
j child and all of their good neighbors
sympathize with them.
! Young girls usually have poor judg-
J ment in selecting gifts for their sweet- j
j hearts. They should cut out the collar \
j and necktie boxes and retain the love |
| and respect of their swains by buying I
them a fancy pipe or a Xmas package I
• of cigars at Taggart's..
Emporium, Pa., Dec. 21,1908,
NEMOPHILA, pel sick *1 35
Felt's Fancy, 1 #5
Pet Grove, " - 1 65
Wrahara, " 70
Rye " 80
Patent Meal 50
Buckwheat Flour 90
Coarse Meal per 100, 1 50
Chop Feed " 1 50
Matchless Egg Maker, per 100 2 50
Cracked Corn per 100 1 50
Screenings " 1 5o
Oil Meal " 1 85
Middlings 1 60
Bran, 1 40
Chicken Wheat 185
Corn per bushel 84
Oyster Shells, per 100 75
J White Oats, per oushel 65
I Heed Oats per bushel.
I Buckwheat 1 70
I Alfalfa Meal 1 10 j
Choice Clover Seen 1
Choice Timothy Set i:, > A.t Market Prices
| Choice Millet Seed. 1
I 1
. . .. y New Year
,LJ■ 1 j
j I The Satisfactory Store J I
I We desire to thank our many patrons and friends for
the liberal support given this store in the past, making
it possible to render up to date service, and hope to
warrant a continuance of same. It shall be our aim I
to make the store better the coming year, than in the i
past. >
I We Wish you one and all a Very Merry Chrisimas \
land a Happy and Prosperous New Yearf
II Jr 112 # 111
11 'Tl&f'W mr\ 1 Store will be closed Christmas Day |II
1 1 I except for a short time in the morn- 1 11
11 | ing for correction of any errors 1 81
If After Christmas Sale. Here's the list for S1
|| ~ Friday and Saturday 1 1
1 1 Sugar Baking Powder Raisins 11
25 pound bag best Granu- x lb. can Royal Baking Finest Quality Seeded K I
| | lated Sugar, Powder, Raisins, ~ | I
;J| $1.55 45c. A Lb. 11c j|
jf 1 Hams ; Cocoa p ff I 1
I i California Hauis (Trimm- j Y- ' n Walter I ,a ker ® ||
B H ef l Shoulder) & Co's Cocoa, 20c Blended Coftee, ■ I
II 23c 2 Lb. 35c. I j
11 A Lb. 10c „ - II
11 . r i Corn Tea I
| | Lara c can best Quality _ qc , fea ooloilg or |
Pure Lard in bulk, Maine Corn, Ceylon,
A Lb. 13c 2 Cans 25c A Lb 40c
Soap i2c Canned Peas, Early CHeirieS
7 Cakes Oak Leaf Soap, j une> 2QC Cherries, the can,
25c The Can 10c 15c
Baltimore Shucked Oysters, Fresh Caught Lake Fish. You Cet Better Values Here
Prompt Delivery to all parts of Town. T P-J P) A V 1
Phone 6, Emporium, Pa. J * A *