Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, December 24, 1908, Image 4
ESTABLISHED, 1569. | Camaroa County Press IIKNRY 11. MULLIN, . .1,; i .id Publisher. PllßLfSllEli EVERY TiIIJItSDAY Enteral • •• Post office at Emporium as second clans matter. whc *IV Vote of Cameron County for Member of the Legislature. [Tin; .blowing are tho official re turns of < 'amerou county elections for Member of Assembly, since the organ ization of this county to 1908. It must be remembered that the district, under tho old Constitution from 1861 to 1871 watt composed of the counties of Cam eron, Clinton and McKean. In those days Clinton was heavily Democratic. |' f om IST! to 1874 the district was composed of < ameron, Elk annd Jef ferson counties. After this date each couuty was entitled to at least one Rupre' • tative. The following state •nsr.t rf thp vote in this county was prepared by Mr. Wm. H. Howard some weeks ago but we held back the publication until this time, on account of the convening of the legislature next mont'\ when Hon. Josiah Howard takes liis seat for a third term, a. com pliment never before accorded a Rep resetative from Cameron. We have always contended that an efficient Reprt - n' tive should be returned to t'xe Legislature as often as "no is useful to his constituents, lion. Josiah How ard has made a good record and stands well as one of the leaders of the House aud is favorably mentioned by gentle men in all parts of the State, for Speaker. Little Cameron has, by un ity, ■-hich is the only sure means of success, advanced politically, being recognized as it has never before, both at Washington and Harrisburg-—Hon. Clias. F. Barclay entering upon his second term in Congress and Hon. Josiah Howard his third term in the Hons of Representatives at Harris burg.]—EDlTOß. 1864 F. Rogers, R., 248 K B. KM red, 1) 211 Majority, 37 1865 J. Brooks, R., 278 E. B Eldred, D., 223 Majority, 65 1866 C. A. Lyman, R.,., 368 G. 0. Dice, D., 307 .Majority, 61 1867 S. D. Freeman, R. t 356 G. 0 Dice, D. 298 Majority, 58 1868 John 8.-ooks, R , 565 W.J . Davis, D., .. 412 Majority, 153 1869 li W. Cr.iwford, R 493 A. B. Armstrong, D., 406 Majority, 87 1870 A. 1 ' Noyes, It., 583 V. P. Carter, D , 241 Majority 342 1871 A. I Wilcox, R 427 K Kiigliih, I) 345 Majority, 82 1872 W ri Nev/comb, R.,.. 604 1) P. Bairii, !)., 504 Majority, 100 ' 1873 .112 W Phelws, R.,. . 580 D B.i .'I. I)., 325 Majority, 255 1874 J W Phelps, R. 439 A II Boyntou, D., 406 G W Shaffer, G., 108 ■lajoritv 33 1876 John Brooks, R, 630 A II Boynton, I),, 486 Majority, 144 1878 Jot 'i Brooks, R 427 J. B Newton, D. 874 C. F Barclay, G., 210 Majority, 53 1880 I. r»KU'-rt, R., 650 J. B. Newton, D., 601 Majority, 49 1882 J. M. Shaffer, D., 588 John Day, R 504 Majority 84 1884 G. A. F.arclay, R., 751 J. M. Shaffer, D 564 Majority, 187 1886 *O. W. Warner, D., 608 G A. Barclay, R., 600 ■Major l ' 8 ♦Unseated' J C.Jf 809 G W. , D 514 Majority, 295 1890 J. 0. Johnson, R., 753 D. P Baird, D 742 Majority 11 1892 [ I. K. Hockley, D 818 , J. C. Johnson, R., # 764 Majority 54 1894 H. H. Muilin, R. 796 J. C. Bontaam, I)., 626 Majority, 170 1896 S. S. Smith, D 787 H. H. Muilin, R , 708 Majority, 79 1898 S. S. Smith, D., 803 H. H. Muilin, 11., 633 Majority, 170 | 1900 F. X. Blumle, D, 766 T. F. Moore, R., 718 Majority, 48 1902 *F. X. Blumle, D., 821 H. H. Muilin, R., 742 Majority,.., 79 • Unseated but paid. 1904 Josiah Howard, R., 854 F. X. Blumle, D., 751 Majority, 103 1906 Josiah How ard, R., 839 F. X. Blumle, I) 738 Majority, .. 101 1908 Josiah Howard, R., 930 B. Egan, D 596 Majority, 334 pssssHaw 1 Breezy | I County 1 If Netfs fj FIRST FORK. W. H. Mitchell, Dentist, Emporium. A Merry Christmas and llappy New Year to ail. It is rumored that the wedding bells will ring at Fred l'eno's on Christmas, the contracting parties being Thomas i'eno and Miss Snyder. We can con gratulate our good friend, in taking this bold step, and it would be wise if some of our other young men w«uld do likewise. We wish them a happy and prosperous lite. A large number of our people were at Sinnamahoning on Saturday, purchasing Christmas gifts to stock up Santa Claus. This holiday comes only once in a year and people should take advantage of it. The B. & S. R. It. Co., has hired an American boss from Dußois, i'a., on the section joining Sinnamalioning. The former one was an Italian. Miss Mattie M. Collins, County Super intendent of Schools, visited (Jrove dis trict last week. Our teachers always give her a uiost hearty welcome in their schools. Come again M>ss Collins. One of out bold hunters tracked a bear up the mountain side and found that the track stopped at a pine stub, lie went home after an ax and a gun, but was sur prised after cutting it down to find only a flying squirrels. Mrs. Woodlock, of Willi:, msport, is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. John A. Wykofl. at this place. Some of the high officials representing the li. iV S. R. U. Co.. were in this vicinity, inspecting the water line at Lick Island Run. Annabel Lewis, teacher of theGilmore school, will spend her Christmas vacation at the home of her parents at Weedville, Elk county, l'a. She departed Saturday for that place. Quite a few of our young people were entertained for several hours at the Sin namalioning Skating liink, Saturday night. On account of the rain and deep snow, many of' our people were unable to attend the entertainment given at the Gilmore school house Friday night. Yoiiontas. HUNTLEY. W. H. Mitchell, Dentist, Emporium. J. E. Johnson and family spent Sun day in Sionamahoning. Alice Jordan is spending a few days with Mrs. English at Castle Garden, Selburu Logue visited friends in Lock Ilaven Saturday. I>. J. Collins was a business caller in Jhiftwood Saturday. John IJ. Johnson who has been very ill grip for the past week is a little better at this writing. Mrs. G. S. Hill and son Elmer of Grove llill, called on friends in town Saturday. T. J. Riley, of Drif'tw,. ' was seen on i our streets Saturday exercising hie new driving team. Captain Harr, of Tunnel Hill, spent ( Sunday with friends in Sinnamahoning. ) W. W. Johnson spent Sunday in Lock Haven. ' Mrs. J. F. Sullivan and son were lte novo visitors Monday. > Fireman Roy Smith, of Renovo, spent 1 Sunday with his parents. ■ Mr. Welsh, of Emporium, called on J. F. Sullivan Sunday. i Operator Thomas Eddy, of Sterling * Run, was a visitor in town Sunday. I Gertrude Hill our popular teacher will CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1908 , have a Christmas tree at the Huntley | j school house ou Christmas eve for the j ! benefit of the pupils. \ good attend- I ancb is expected. J. F. Sullivan and wife were Empori- ; uiii callers Monday evening. j. r. a. j CASTLE GARDEN C. A. Hendrix, of Houghton school is doing the preaching, during the revival. Mrs. C. T. Scudder, ot Williatusport, is visiting her sister, Mrs. -J. M. English, and enjoying the revival. Alice Jordan, of Huntley, is doing j work for Mrs. English during the revival. Mrs. Kate Murphy, of Lancaster City, and her niece, Hazel Austin, of Drift wood, attended Sunday School here and remarked what a large and nice school we had. Our school teacliars visited home folks Saturday and Sunday. S. A. McWilliams and son Harold, left foi Philadelphia, last Friday, where the former will have her eyes treated. The venerable Mrs. Thomas Dough erty, Sr.. Mrs. W. E. Daugherty aud daughter Florence visited Buffalo last week, returning ou Sunday. The congregation that come to hear Rev. C. A. Hendrix preach on Sunday night, was a large one; nearly every set was taken and there is over 100 of them. Ilis theme "The Love of God." Among the large audience were many Drift woodites. George Gore, Sr., packed his Monday in the absence of his wife, and left her behind for good. It will be re membered while she was away on a visit to her children that he (Gore) advertised her, but in order to have her sigu the deed for the sale ol his property, he took his back and made her believe all was for i given and promised to live with her, but when he got all things arranged to suit himself he skipped. The wife is almost crazy. Mattie, only child of Clarence Smith and wile, died at Dußois, Pa., of whoop ins: cough, Dec, 1 'sth, age 11 months, 13 days. Remains brought to Castle Garden, the 15th inst., for burial. Rev. Hall of the Wedeyan Church, conducted the fun oral, which was largely attended. We can but say: The angel death has taken. A loved one from their home, She was their household idol. Their sunshine, 'mid the glooiu. She is happy now with Jesus, Forever free from pain, Temptation, sin aud sorrow, Their loss for her is gain. They loved her, O, so fondly, 'Twas hard to let her go. Their hearts are crushed and bleeding. But God knows best, we know. LONE BELL CAMERON. H. W. Mitchell, dentist, Emporium. A. E. Lord made a business trip to Emporium. W. 11. Fox made a business trip to Emporium Sunday. M. Lupole returned from the woods Monday with an attack of blood poison -1 ing enue a number of the Calder folks spent Tuesday in Emporium shoppiug for the holidays. Mrs. E. F. Comley and son were call ers at Canoe Ituri Tuesday. John Yocolana was severely injured Monday night while out coasting. » Cause: Sled stopping suddenly aud he keeping ongoing. Coasting parties are out on the hills every night, and all report having a good time. LOUISE. • | DeWitt's Carbolized Witch Hazel Salve. Best Salve for burns, scratches , and hurts. It is especially good for piles. Sold by R. C. Dodson. A Bank Account Drawing Interest. The First National Bank of Empori um, will open on January 4th, 1909, a Savings Department, paying interest. , at the rate of 3 per cent. Interest be i gins on the first of the mouth follow ing date of deposit; but when a deposit is made during the first Ave days of any month interest begins at the tirst of that same month. We will credit and compound interest twice a year March first and Sept. first After January 4th, we can receive your deposit for any sum from SI.OO and upwards. A passbook will be given you when you make the first deposit; you then have a bank account which draws interest. You can add to ! this account at your pleasure. If you would be most successful, you should make your money work too. For further particulars you are in vited to call or write. 37-9t. T. B. LLOYD, Cashier, Cnamberlam's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. This is a perfectly reliable medicine for i bowel complains, and one that has never been known to fail even in the most severe j and dangerous cases. For sale by L. Taggart. Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup ! stops the cough and drives the cold from • the system. Children use it. Sold by ; R. C. Dodson. English Spavin Liniment removed Hard, Soft or Calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses; also Blood t Spavins, Curbs, Splints, Sweeney, Ring Bone, Stifles, Sprains, Swollen Throats, Coughs, etc. Save SSO by use of one 1 bottle. A wonderful Blemish Cure. Sold by L.Taggart, druggist. 32 6m ' Itch cured in 30 minutes by Wopo ford's Sanitary Lotion. Never fails 1 I Sold by !. Taggart,druggihf, 32-6 m. Jurors for January Court. PETIT JUROBB. Adams. I> II Farmer Ship pen Burns, If. I< .. Speculator.. .Emporium Barclay; Arthur . Far uer (trove* i pa Id witi, Allen Hup* Plmporium Burk.l'.S. Laborer (irove Barr, C. K Farmer Gibson Bennett, Amos. Farmer Grove BUotler, Kd.,. f Barber Emporium ! Bailey, C-. M i -1 a finer (Jihsort ' Craven, Joseph Laborer Khippen Catlin, C. CI Miller Emporium Com ley , Fred Laborer Lumber Chadwiek, Mell.. Farmer Hhippen Council, C. A Clerk (irovo Duel I, Charles IV. Farmer Gibson Duirin.J. li Carpenter, Lumber Edwards, Charles Sup't Emporium Frank. J. H Farmer Lumber Far roll, James LaborerW.WEmporium Freeman, Orrin Farmer hhippeu Fink, Eugene Laborer Gibson Gregory, E. H Scaler Emporium (Joss, K. ft. Laborer Grove Hathaway, William . Farmer Lumber Hogau, M.T... Merchant ...Emporium Hobson, James .Farmer .. ....Hhippen Ingersoll, Andrew Farmer Hhippen Judd, Frank Agent Emporium Kline, C. R. .. ...... Farmer Shipped j Lewjp, F. A Farmer Shipped McGee, William. Farmer Hhippen Moat, Howard Laborer Gibson McDowell, Robert Farmer I'ortHße Mattison, Almon Farme . .Hhippen Miller. W. H Farmer Grove Misel, J. B Merchant ...Emporium Moore, VV 1 12. D Farmer Hhippen Moore, Warren Farmer Hhippen Morrison, J. K. Jr Farmer Hhippen M rshal, Elmer Faborer Hhippen Mack, Frank Laborer Driftwood , Norton. Fred Farmer Hhippen Piper, T H Laborer Grove Qmnn. James Jr... Laborer ....Emporium Keid, J. L Farmer Hhippen Strayer, F. P * achinist.... Emporium* Schwab, John Teacher Lumber Spangler, Charles Farmer Hhippen Bchlecht, John Laborer Emporium Swart wood, A. 0.. .... Mason Emporium Smith,H. H Farmer Gibson \ Heger, H Tailor Emporium Thomson, O. G Barber Driftwood Über, Edward Laborer Hhippen Wykoff, Isaac Laborer Lumber Wilev, Charles Farmer Hhip en Weaver, William Laborer Emporium Wright, Mark Farmer Hhippen 1 Williams, A. K Laborer Grove , Zarpa. Henry.. Merchant....Emporium GEAND JURORS. Brown, Jerry Laborer Gibson Bliss. Fred. Painter Emporium Carter, William Jr Farmer Hhippen Clark, O. II Laborer Gibson Chadwiek, Tillman Farmer Hhippen Drum, Norman Laborer Emporium Donovan, D. W.. Landlord.... Emporium Felt, Charles Bookkeeper.. Emporium Guthrie, Smith Laborer Gibson Waynes, J. H Farmer Grove j Hanes, P. M Clerk Driftwood j Henry, Cash.. Bartender ....Driftwood Hicks. It. L. Farmer Gibson Kissell, Joseph Farmer ...Lumber Logue,J. H.. Farmer Grove Lewis Linden. Farmer Hhippen Lyons, Ray Farmer Hhippen Logue, J. L Laborer Gibson Larrabee, Clifton Painter Emporium M ix, Geo. A. ... Laborer Gibson McDougal, Alex Merchant.... Emporium Ostrum, James Farmer Hhippen Risbell, Chas Clerk Emporium Smith, Miles Farmer Grove fCajefon County's Greatest Store) (^hnstmasJj^eJYa^ev si/-/ "i /a-mfAJ (2jsc- rf-t-jA 112 re-ly ant/ /■/?€■ at? 112. tf'J r rr)/<: ncid. J //./, r /'C-f t/ r: J/f . %ssfci'cAnc> '(QtD/iet&iL (()/?" 11/y £ a/et/ tc The Store will be Closed Christmas Day, Dec. 25, 1908. Trying To Save Mis Life. Win u wt: y Sexrne Fills «r< re spoon bl< fur many a liaf»py parson in this world to <lay wo are nut exaggerat ing u bit. Tin rn is no tonic builder 1 fjual to Sexine Pills, Show 1110 u per HOD who cannot be RESTORE! to strength I and steady nerves with Sexine Fills, and 1 will show you that 11 will not cost you a cent to try them. They are guarante ed. Price, §1 a Dox. t! boxes £f>. Sold i>y It. Dodson, Druggist, Emporium. Just a little Cascasiveet is all that is ! necessary to «iiv»3 your baby when it is j erusi and pecuish. Case.aswcet contains no opiates nor harmful drugs and is high ly reeommended by mothers everywhere. Sold by It. ('. Dodson. For a Lame Back. When you have pains or lameness in the back bathe tln; parts with Chamber lain's liniment twice a day, massaging with the palm of the hand for five min utes at each application. Then dampen a piece of flannel slightly with this lini- I uient and put on over the seat of pain, and you may be surprised to see how (jiiiekly the lameness disappears. For sale by L. Taggart. Nearly everybody knows DeWitt's Little Marly Risers are the best pills made. They are small pleasant, sure "Little Liver pills. Sold by It. 0. Dod | son. WANT E D ! Men to represent us either locally or traveling, in the sale of a full line of eaHy selling specialties. Apply quick ; territory. ALLEN NURSERY CO., 33-16t. Rochester, N. Y. LADY WANTED Holiest, industrious womutl wanted to introduce I our large line of foreign and domestic dregs j goods, waistitigs, tr'inmings, etc., among friends ! itnd neighbors and townspeople. We prefer a ; woman who has trade already worked up. | Should he able to earn $25 00 or more weekly. Dealing direct from the mills our prices are low j and patterns exclusive. No money required. | Write us for particulars. 41-3t Standard Dress Goods Co., 1007 th St.Blnghamton, N.Y. Trying to Save His Life. W hen we .-a\ that «S«-xine I^ili> are foi many a liii|i]i' [ i r.-iiii iu this jorld today we an; not > xji»»erating a bit. There is no tonic builder rijuai to Hexiiic Hill.-. Show ii.e a person who canoot be restored to btretiijtli and steady nerves with Sexine Pills, and I will show yon thai it will not cost you ;i <■..•• 11 to try ihem, lor they are nuarantivd. Pri<-e, Si a box, (i boxes 85. Sold by 11. (_'. Dodson, Druggist, Emporium, I'M . where tiny sell all the principal remedies and do not substitute. Laather Goods will be out in two as far as Xmaa prices are concerned. (Jet tliem at Taggart's. /" lOUHT PROCLAMATION- WHKHICAS: The Hon. HAKUY A. HAM., President Judge and the Hons. JOIIS MCDONALD and URO. J.LABAK, Associate Judges of Courts of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, Quarter .Sessions of the Peace, Orphans' Court and Court of Common Pleas for the county of Cameron have issued their precept bearinir date the 12th day of (Jot. A. D., 1908, and to me directed for holding Court of Oyer and Terminer, General Jail De livery, Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Orphans' Court, and Court of Common Pleas in the Borough o) Emporium, Pa., on Monday, the ltth day of Jan,' 1909, at 10 o'clock, a. m. and to continue one week. Notice is hereby given to the Coroners, Justices of the Peace and Constables within the county, that they be then and therein their proper per sons, at 10 o'clock, a. m., of said day, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, examinations, and other rememberances, to do those things which to their offices appertain to be done. And those who are bound by their recognizance to prosecute against them as will bejust. Dated at Emporium, Pa., Dec. 14, 1908 and in the 132 d year of the Independence of the- United States of America. J. D. SWOPE, Sheriff. LIST OF CAISES. 1 IST OF CAUSES SET DOWN FOR TRIAL I J at January Term of Court for 1909, com mencing Monday, the lltli. No. 1 Oct. Term, 190H Andy Tulipan vs R. P. Bingman. Messrs. Johnson & McNarney for Plaintiff. F. D. Leet, Esq., for Deft. No. 15 July Term. 1007, Henry G. Lyon vsOwen C. Dimnny. E. rt. Mayo, Esq.. for Pi ft. Messrs. Johnson it McNarney for Deft. No. 26 Oct. Term, 1007. John Urbansie vs J. W. Norris. D. J. Driscoll, Esq., for PIIT. N0.2 Jan. Term, 1908. Thomas H. Murryawl Cyrus A. Wood vs Lydia Fox, Administratrix of the Estate of Frank Fox, deceased and Mana Corby. Frank Fox, Jr., Lydia Fox, Maggie Hpencer, Katie Ingram, William H. Fox, Michael Fox, Nellie Fox, Heirs at law of Frank Fox, deceased. Messrs. .Johnson & McNarney, tor Plaintiffs. Messrs. Green & Felt, for Deft. WILLIAM J. LFAVITT, Prothonot ry.