Hj HKLiPI°I/Jj HINTS FOR II iChristmas Shoppers! j|3 If you want help in selecting Christmas gifts for your |pj [K|| triends you can get it by looking over our advertisement Km Bqj nd selecting one of the many useful articles mentioned, fiffl ||!gj Ljs Safety Razors I^3 We oarry the be&t. Any mail can use one of them ami [ftl/j Q|j save hour* of waiting in a barber slioj>. G>/J Fgw] Carving Sets twJ jp Some very good ones at reasonable prices. . 112 w//j gb Bread Makers £'\ Every house wife should have one. H@M In Scissors and Shears nJ| IP We have an excellent line. L ji Kitchen and Household Novelties [p] u\ Vnd all useful articles for cooking purpose*. in tinware EJn jj-Q and in the famous Lisk enameled ware. |®HMEN B Well made Skates oi best steel, hardened and temp- Ml ered. Either plain steel or nickle plated. vSd I; Ft >U Wt )M1 :n | Cast steel runners, leather heel and toe straps. The ||j jfoi kind that stays on and stays sharp. rSI I Ft)R HOYS ' I /|j Self-locking lever and adjustable toe and heel L^jJl J;M clamps. Buy only the best. Buy Winslow Skates y|! | the best made, ranging in price from 60c to $1.25 ivS]! hi —— - - _ HI ra ' —777" gj 4jj I All Kinds of Knives at all Prices 1 i^jjl .jjJjjßWe can almost sec the 1 ok »112 disappointment j| ji. ~ r". the face oi the boy who does not receive a gift of 1 LiW ! '•s( r.; HkV , a knife for Christmas. We know what boys like and I BSjj |: fijj i, for this reason have putin a larger stock ranging in 1 ran J ■ price from i<>c to $2.00. i W©j • aij . . I ll 11111 ptz M I'd AN APPROPRIATE GIFT. rm M \y [ fm fJfi -ift would be more useiul or appropriate for wife iW!m N(0, / 'J' | ■* j. lv|Ni li,f\ " !( 'he: than a tiici took stove or heater. We r\f y©j \®m COOK STOVES, Bwti \M RED CROSS AND PININSULAR, If ■man', other make—all excellent bakers. ur I ICRS we have them for ('.as only, for | Wood and Coal oulv, and for f'.as, Wood or Coal m I F. V. HEILMAN & CO., 1 !d EMPORIUM, PA. 3 CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24 1908. I Merchant I 3 Tailoring 1 Distinction ia Men's Garments is only possible when each gar ment is made to Fit the Man, in stead of trying to make the man tit the garment. No two men are exactly alike. That's why the particular dresser should have his clothes made by an expert tailor. The cure with which we are making our clothes will give you perfect satisfaction anr 8 M DeTore. . H*v«n Rock, W. Va . write*; •• Th#-y «nl» r»»laatl» fiction." Dr. H. D. M-<#lll, Clarluhurg. TYoo.. wrlte« ••lu * pracMoa of 3S yrar», I have found do r mdr e« Kr«e. 8ol«l by Prolan. M « WT)W WUP y t t*WC*»Tm, pa Sold in Emporium by I. Teqqarf and R C. Oodso* CALL FOR FREE SAMPLE | H \ safe, ccruiin relief idr Suppressed I ■Nu nstriiiitinii. Never known to fa 11. .Safe: E j H Sure! Speedy! Satisfaction (iuiimntii'il H | B or money Refunded. Sent prepaid for B ! B 81.011 per f>ox. Will send Item on t rial, to B (nHfe, H' " C *l l ° '* '" " * " |" _ With Us Again! " | ji l Our Old Friend Santa Glaus I I 1 1 m Drove to town last week and all the Hovs and Girls were glad to see liiiu and a li 1 b are invited ta call at H. A. ZARPS & GO'S Popular Fair Store. I' ? I w&i -■ *.<> •■■■ ■ : ■ i ii v m* \iVi ■; J 1 i 1 r-r ■ 1 % • iLi ■ ! ■| i / .<,v- jRI 'I, I . ; »■ ' I w s'wQ / i ■' i i' ii, >,i» I ■ ''9 A ' 112". • 'i "f 1 •'• ¥Wm Yf -• i/JSL. ;jKt ill 1 •v /. :**» 11 -m>j % ■ ws&aPr{ ■ " i' ii ?. w- 1 M\ ■r AI ; " 3■' I W% 111 '• V/. /u>- Is' ■ I I • \ ®& W. J't i te * * --4U ' || p. ERI I AISLL LAND—We have thousands upon all [the popular |j • ||| Holiday Goods, embracing everything that the h art can wish for. Our Ladies Department is 112 J ill!, '''-ph'udent with all the popular makes iu LA DIMS COATS. S! ITS, SKIRTS, WRAPS. FI RS. J- Ifj nl' D . We have the largest line iu this enmity aid will sell right. We del'v competition. til j ' A full line of Fascinators, Shawls. Belts, Faney Stocks, Gloves. Handkerchiefs, Hosiery. l ' Sacijues and lofjues. l 1«I Clocks, Gold Picture Frames, (Jold Framed Mirrors l| pj and Small Gold Novelties. Fine line of Cut Glass, Silverware. Jewelry, Pocket Hooks. Wrist fj ; till' Toilet Articles. Fancy (foods of all descriptions in Baskets, Birch Bark, Celluloid and | ijj Stag Articles, \ ases. Picture Books, Jardineres and Umbrella Stands. Umbrellas all stvles front 48c to $ 12. fill I LARGEST DISPLAY OF CHINA AND GLASSWARE IN THE COUNTY j' I H. A. ZARPS & COS - J THE POPULAR FAIR STORE. I EMPORIUM. PA. '• t or That Dull I'eellnv: Alter Eating. I It'iv. used Chamberlain'* .Stomach and Liv. I ddcts lor some time, and can testily that lit \ I •v« 'lone me more good than any tablets I hav. ever uml. My trouble was a heavy dull feeling aliil lat ino -JJavid Freeman, Kempt. Nova Seotia. These tablet.* strengthen the stomach and improve the digestion. I'liey aiso regulate the liver and bowels. They are in r superior to pills but cost no more, tier a free sample at I, Tttcart's drug slot e and see what a splendid medi cine it is. HARDWARE PLUMBING AND GAS STEAM WORK NEW FIRM DININNY, BURNSIDE&Go WE STOP THE LEAKS IN YOUR POCKET BOOK New Line, how Prices' Practical Men | Gas stoves with cast burners and mixers §1 60 Asbestos front stoves 1 f3 25 Large enough to heat any room j in your house. A general line of hard ware. REMEMBER Till: PLACE. Dininny, Bireide 5 Co.. Broad St, Emporium, Pa. Sour StomacH No appettto. loss ot strength, nervous ness, headache, constipation, bad breath, general debility, sour risings, and catarrh of th all business en trusted to them. 16-ly. MICHAEL BRENNAN, ATTORNEY AT-LAVC Collections promptly attended to. Real estate and pension claim agent, 35-ly. Emporium. Pa. H. W. OKEEN. JAY p. FELT GREEN A FELT, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW . Corner Fourth and Broad streets, !Emporium, Pa. All business relatingto estate.collections,real estate. Orphan's Court and general law business will receive prompt attention. 11-25-ly. COMMERCIAL HOTEL, !Ncar P. it E. Depot, Emporium. Pa. FREDERICK LEVECKE, Prop'r Centrally located. Every convenience tor the traveling'public. Rates reasonable. A share o! he public.patronage solicited. 44U VI AY GOULD, TEACHER OP PIANO, HARMONY AND THEORY Also dealer in all the Popular -heet Music, Emporium, Pa. Scholars taught either at my home on Sixth street or at the homes of the pupils. Out uftown scholars will be given dates at mv room inthi« place.