Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, December 10, 1908, Image 8

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    | R. Kuehne | I R. Kuehile I
Cameron County's Greatest Store. ft ft Emporium's Largest and Fines!; Store. !|?
! EXTRA SPECIAL for Friday and Saturday WjM? -- ' \lpC% W" I r v f ro c nr
O cT MP 7O ' L sawv .. » i nxtra opeciai
g |2 2-. 1.25 Jl eddy Bears 79c < &&F ,: &*v4 u. i'i
ED . , . ' . \ s 1 fy
II For two davs we will sell i.j inch Teddy bears, with voices, i- »/ •/*.» ' N";' f r , r» • • r l * « • , „
if regular price $1.25 for 79c. • 112.;; ,• >. s v j .tome Bargains in rme Squirrel rurs jti
I **** " ' .i>,• H . V IWe ofter a limited number of fim- ftiuim-l Scarfs and Muffs SP.i
10c Dolls Son Bonnets 6c Friday & Saturday . Till - ..':v I Much Less Than Regular Prices
For two days we will sell Dolls Sun Bonnets, made of light • * '■'H'/ 1 -" ' S -
blue and pink percale, regular price 10c, for 6c each. I C( 'k Scarf, regular price- s<>.9B, at «J>3-98 j||
I xr .1 ron r J 1c . , ilWln'.V.'' '*■*, V .Gray Squirrel Throw Scarf, regular price $(»,75, at $4.98 J
/5c Lace Veils for 39c Friday and Saturday ' ,v> t | Gray Squirrel Throw Searf, regular price 85.50, at $ 6 ; 50 |
For two days we will sell very handsome Lace veils i yd t: 1 V v VO | Giay Squiirel I illo.v Muffs, regular price $12.50, at $8.98
long, black, brown, navy or white, regular price 75c for 39c \> at'** • n I ( '' a " Squirrel Pillow Muffs, regular price SIO.OO, at $7.50
———■ a J'Squirrel Pillow Muffs, regular price $5.00, at $5.98
Children's Indian Suits I B™l7f7rTq~
Boy's or Girls Indian Suits with QQ
Boys. Nicely bound - - I
Hand Painted Indian Wigwams | j Every TRIMMED HAT in the Store at
made of heavy canvas each | j HALF PRICE.
I Emporium Sofa Pillow Tops We call the attention of Buyers Black Taffeta Silk Under Skirts^
A very acceptable Christmas gift to send to out of town " ~ ~ T~ ' 7 We ofTer exceptional good quality, beautifullv made
friends is one of our Washable Pillow Tops, showing twelve for Sunday OCIIOOIS O 4 V-inUrCiieS Skirts, value $6.00 at
views of Emporium J
I To our large assortment of Toys and Gifts. If quantity is . rvrv
Price 50c I bought we are prepared to make special prices. I vpO»0(J L3Ch
Don't Delay Your Christmas Shopping. Assortment is now at its Best
Tapestry, Tablecloths Silk Stockings Damask Table Cloths Men's Traveling and Dolls Spinning Tops
and Bagdad Stripe Silk Stockings make an ac- in Sets with Napkins to match. Shavinff Sets The children of all nations A nrettv U# B ninnin<r
Couch Covers to be 3fo? fit C M to the top made* i heavy glass and |
sold Less Than Cost t.W c,o f %<M .a j SS
this Week. TABLE CLOTHS up. Napkins per doz, SI.OO to ha/e them dressed & undressed too. 10c each
r» «. -r, - i< ~ 1 ~. , „ $3.00. from the little one at 5c to the
Reg. price SLSO, sale price> 98c Chllds' Fur Sets Plaster Paris Busts ono as big as a child at sr,.r )() . „
Reg. price 2.00, sale price $2) riaster raris ousts Do n clothing at ioc per gar- Collapsible
Reg. price .5.50, sale price 2.29 We have a fine line of child- iVld CiloveS and Heads incut r*> f>
COUCH COVERS. ten's fur_ sets, ranging in price Pcrrin's famous makes, we Beautiful designs and color- ' Go-Carts
Reg. price $1.50, sale price !»Sc ''"om sl.;>o to SIO.OO. know of 110 better, black and ings at the special low prices of C C We have an all steM frame
Reg. price 1.25, sale price 89c ! colors, SI.OO to s3.;>o. ;{<><» am] 7f>c. 'UnilQ S oetS Collapsible Go-Cart, at the very
Reg. price 2.00, sale price 1.29 l\/| • c_ f _ - - ... —! in beautiful boxes, 25c, 50c and l°w price of $1.25.
Reg. price 3.50, sale price 2.39 Handkerchiefs r 1 , Ml 81 -°°- We also have some at $5.00
D j*r 1 q;|L 1y„ A beautiful assortment of Always welcome. We have VientlemeilS " ©CK j and $6.00.
, n i «■ d • A ! nan,cui ' c , k "t! mi: placed our orders as early as last Wear and Suspenders Christmas Tree
breilas Just Received b„ TC » o» 8 e,, S-'.oo t„ ti., tat ,„,fi-,oc. o™S s Our 10c Counter
We offer some excellent values an<) handsome patterns. You * ] v^rnaM©MS
inline Umbrellas both Ladies p must see our assortment, 5c to 112 . . in new designs. 2to 10c. 011 will find hundreds of
and Gents at $3.98 and $5.00. - Candles 10c per box. novelties on our luc counter.
The handles are gold and silver deChene Scarfs o men's Knit Sweaters
plated, inlaid with pearl. rSrtUmeS Sr>fa Pillr»
From SI.OO to $3.00 we have Magnificent patterns in Silk Colgates Perfumes and coilet Unusual values in Ladies 55.00 Irish Mail Carts r.HOWS
a large assortment of umbrellas Scarfs, plain or flowered, entire- preparations. We have a full Sweaters at $.'5.00 each. Men s Rullled Silkoline Sofa Pil
to show. ly new
| Ladies Petticoats J Our Best Advertisement | Our Toy Department!
tpKST C h V TjUSt \ eC V? Cd lcilflid linc froin onc of THE | The best advertisement we have is the kindly recommenda- \ j
1j ' " Hi.i-wt i'i ti. ii.i . laiv.i. « ution of our customers. One tells the other and we witness every day i fo nuv cnlanfji#! Tmr '
j Finest quality Heatherbloom Skirts $3, 3.75 the power of influence. It is our aim to well the best quality of Merch- | CC 1 ITCH 0 0111T SplClKllQ lOy | j||
I The new "Mocris" Taffeta Skirts - $2.75! i Oepartmeni on the second floor of our j
'Sateen Skirts, - 79c,' 1.00,1.25 2.00,2.50!' SfKLSS!i«fSSk ! building. Best display and assortment in J
I Colored Sateen Skirts - 2.501 i are always raady to buy and HIIOVV the very latent styles.
,|,il! ' BWf,y we J Cameron County. M