Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, November 19, 1908, Image 5
iH^ 10 only powder made from /|/ \W Royal Grape Cream of Tartar I *t\ MADE FROM GRAPES MMJ®"" S Of greatest healthfulness and LOCA Ti»i ENT. PERSONAL GOSSIP. Contribution* invittd. That which you would ike to see in l!i>* departrucntjet us know by jtot al card nr titter. v:rt*oitnHij, H. N. Knight, transacted business at Ridgway, last Monday. Mr-; G. S. Hill, of Grove Hill, was a pleasant PRESS caller last Saturday. Mrs. John Powell, of Buffalo, is visit ing friends aud relatives in this place, during the week Mrs Wm. Eberhart and Mrs. Berry, of Buffalo, were visiting friends at this place last Sunday. Addison Stephens, of Coudersport, was ile guest of his son, J. H. Stephens, hist Sunday Mrs. R. Fisher and daughter, Miss Ethel, of Howard Siding, are spending a few days at Philadelphia. Misses Caroline and Elizabeth Lech ner visited at Ridgway, last Sunday, guests of Mr and Mrs Carl A. Faye Mrs Spencer, who has been the guest of her sister, Sirs. Laura Bryan, de parted for h-'r home at Erie, last Satur day Mrs. John .McCready, of Johnson burg, was the y.uest of her brother, J. B. Meisel and wife, the first of the week. Mrs F. H. Bentley, nec Quiggley, of Williamsport, came up on Sunday last to visit her parents, who renid'e on West Fifth street. Mrs. Bentley's hus band, who is employed in the survey department of P. R. R , has been trans ferred to Altoona. W. If. Fox, of Cameron, transacted business, at Emporium on Wednesday and made the PRESS office a business call Miss Myrtle Gregory, who has been visiting in Warren, for the past month, returned to her home in this place, on Wednesday. L. H. Brunei-, stenographer at the Penn Vitrified Brick Works, at Cam eron, was an Emporium visitor on Wednesday. Miss Florence Judd, of Batavia, N. V , is the guest at the home of Mrs. E izibatli Howard and daughter, Miss Encie, on Fourth street. Mrs T. J. Poyor net; Miss Cora Leg gett, of Wiiiiamsport, is the guest ot relatives in Emporium and vicinity, arriving here last Sunday. Matthew Gmeimer, one of the Ster ling Run teachers, was a visitor at this place, last Saturday and registered at the City Hotel. Mr. B. Nefoey, of Driftwood, trans acted business in Emporium last Fri day, at the same time shaking hands with his many friends. Miss Marie Hush daughter of Mrs. Kathryn l.'ush, <;: JO of the telephone ladies, went to Dußois last Monday, where she is the guest of relatives. O B. Tanner, of Mason Hill, was a own visitor last Saturday and made this office a eaii. renewing his subscrip tion, and talked about apples and a little politics. W. 11. Flint, of West Creek, an em ployeo of the Emporium Powder Com pany, was a PRESS office visitor last, Saturday evening, and made himself solid with the printer for another year. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Eick, of Mau hanen, Pa., visited their son 11. A. Eick and family, at this place, last week. They returned to their home last Fri day. 11. H. Burdick, of Pittsburg, was the guest of his sister, Mrs. J. B. Meisel, the first of the week. Mr Meisel ac companied him on a hunting trip in the vicinity of Clermont. The gentle men will be absent all week. Mrs. A. Molnnen-, Sr., of Corry, Pa., who visited in Emporium last week, guest of Mis Belle Beattie, corner Sixth and Maple street, returned home last Thursday. She came down to as sist in getting her old friends, Mr. and Mrs '1 hos. Trotter, located in their r.-w home with Mr. and Mrs. John P' pperman, on West Fourth street. Pi rand Mrs. Melnness just recently r< turned from a visit to their old home n Snot land and enjoyed the trip ilis.-t Anna Welsh, who has been at • ■ din >, (he Wiiiiamsport Commercial l' .i.Vge, has returned to her home in ihi* . lace. Rev. J. M. Robertson, made a short 1 business trip to Ridgway last Tuesday. Miss Ida Hertig has accepted a posi tion in the dry goods store of Mr. R. ! Kuehne. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Heilman, of this place, called on friends at Howard Siding, last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Prank Murray, of St Marys, were guests of relatives and , friends in this place, on Wednesday. | Fred A. Tompkins, one of the Key j stone Powder Com janv's relink en i ployees, was a welcome caller u .»« PRESS saijctum Wednesday evening. Fred is popular with all who i<now him and is a valuable man to the Keystone Mountaineer Ball. j _II you have not purchased your i ticket for th< j Mountaineer Hose Com pany Ball, Wednesday evening, next, j do f-o at once. The Mountaineer is the oldest company in town and iscom j pased of active young men who are al ways prompt in their services at fires. Don't fail to purchase a ticket. The Germania Orchestra, of Lock Haven will .'uniiah the music. Supper extra. Tickets for Mountaineer Ball, next Wednesday evening, will only cost you §I.OO. Get one aud attend. A Bank Account Drawing Interest. The First National Bank of Empori um, will open on January 4th. 1909, a Savings Department, paying interest at the rate of 3 per cent. Intertst be gins on the first of the month follow ing date of deposit; but when a deposit is made during the first Ave days o any month interest begins at the first of that same month. V.':> will crtdit and compound interest twice a y ear March first and Sept. first. After January 4th, we can receive your deposit for any sura from §I.OO and upwards. A passbook will be given you when you make the first deposit; you then have a bank account which draws interest. You can add to this account at your pleasure. If you would bo most successful, you should make your money work too. For further particulars you are in vited to call or write. 37-9t. T. B. LLOYD, Cashier, Nailed Him to the Sidewalk. A man nailed to the sid iwalk, is hard ly in a worse pcrdicawent than one who feels too laugiidjto move Sexiuc Pills are guaranteed for any form ol nerve weakness in men or women. Price §1 a box, (! box"s 85, with full guarantee. Address or eall on H. Dod.-:on, I)rug i gi-t, Emporium, Pa., whciv. they sell all the principal! remedies and not sub-titute. For Rent. , A six room house on Fifth street Apply to If. Day, at tannery office. 40-tJ. Agency Secured. Mrs. G. S. Allen has secured the agency for the American Vacium Sweeper. Watch for advertisement in this paper. Flowers tor Thaksgiving. I will have chrysanthemum, prim- j roses, ferns, and cut flowers for i Thanksgiving. Leave orders early. 40-2t. MkS. J. SCHLECIIT. Religious. In the Baptist Church, next Sunday, ' Nov. 22nd, Rev. John Lyman llogue, of Austin, Pa., will preach on the fol lowing topics: Morning, "The Master of Power;" evening, "The Vital Ques- 1 tion." Pleasant, sure, easy, safe little liver I PIIIH, are DeWitt s Little Marlv Risers Sold by K. C. Dodson. Try Kodi i to-day on our guarantee. j i tke it lor a little while, us that is all yi>u will tie d to t.iki. Korlol digests what you eat mid makes the stomach I w• ). It ii sold br It. Dodson. CAMERON COUNTY FRKSS, THURSDAY, NOVKMHKR 19, ,908. Candy sale at Meisel's Saturday, his ady. The sprightly Ridgway Daily Demo i crat comes to our table regularly and ! is greatly eojoyed and appreciated, i Ridgway should be proud of her two : daily papers—The Record and Demo j crai—for they work for the town ! George, the oldest son of Mr. and : Mrs-. Robert Warner, royally entertain j eel twenty-eight of his young friends at ; his i.orne on West Fourth street, on rhnrsdny, Nov. sth After partaking j of a bounteous repast, all returned to their homes, wishing George many such happy birthdays. Ambitious young men and ladies should learn telegraphy; for, since the oow eight-hour law became effective cnere is a shortage of many thousand : telegraphers. Positions pay from SSO ■ to S7O per month to beginners. The j National Telegraph Institute, of Phila delphia, Pa., and live other cities is operated under supervision of R. R. ; Ofiicials and all students art; pluced | when qualified. Write them for par ' ticulars. 40 it. Why Not Get Him? j A drunken "bum" named Simons entered one of our stores last Friday, and assaulted the proprietor. A war rent is in pickle for him if he ever shows up in Emporium. Alarmingly 111. We regret to learn that Hon. L. Tag gart, who has been in feeble health for some time, was taken suddenly worse Tuesday night and is in an alarming conditio i. Hid wonderful vitality may put turn on his feet again, which would be gi od news to his friends. As we go to pr. ss Mr. Taggart is no batter. Watched Fifteen Years. "I'or fifteen years L have watchcu tiie *iii kiti-j of'Bucklen's Arnica Salve; and it has never failed to cure any sore, boil, ulcer or burn to which it was applied. It hits saved us many a doctor bill," says. A. I'. Hardy, of Kast Wilton, Maine. all dtug ores. For Sale. A t; i iraiile property, on East Fourth •St , Emporium. Lot 60x120; improved by two dwelling houses. Excellent lo cation; next i' Mir to Schlecht's Green house. Apply to MRS. ELLA MCSWANN, 37-tf, Emporium Pa. How is Your Digestion? Mrs. Mary Dowlinjr, of No. 228. Bth | Ave.. San Francisco, recommends a r inedy for stomach trouble. She sa\s: "Gratitude for the wonderful effect of Electric Hitters in a case of acute nidi fy Minn, prompts this testimonial. 1 am lu'ly convinced that for stomach and liver troubles Electric Bitters is the best remedy on the market to-day." This fit eat tonic and alterative medicine in vigorates the system, purifies the blood and is especially helpful in all forms «112 female weakness, *)oc, at all drugstores DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder Pills are unequaled in cases of weak back, back ache, inflammation of the bladder,' | rheumatic pains. Antiseptic and act i promptly. Sold by It. C. Dodson. Sick Headache. 1 his distressing disease results from a disordered condition of the stomach, and can be cured by taking Chamberlain's I Stomach aud Liver Tablets. <j (! t a free sample at L. Taggart's store and trv it. Cascasweet is for babies and children, 1 and i? especially good lor ills so common 1 in cold Weather. Look for the inuredents i on the bottle. Contains no harmful ' drugs. Sold by 11. C. Dodson. - ~ Alind Your Business. fi you dou t nobody will. It is your business to keep out of all the trouble ! you can and you will keep out of liver 1 and bowel trouble if you take Dr. Kind's New Life Pills. They keep biliousness, malaria and jaundice out of your system. -"> c, at all drug stores. WANTED! Men to represent us either locally or traveling, in the sale of a full line of easy selling specialties. Apply quick i aatl secure territory. ALLEN NURSERY CO., j 33-16t. Rochester, N. Y. I In Ladies, Misses and Children's Coats § must now go at a Sweeping Reduction. We will now cut the price from 33 to 50 per cent, based on our reasonable prices. This knocks the bottom from all my competitors. We have a Great Line of Furs that must go Come in here first and we will show you beauty, com fort and style,at prices you can't duplicate. This adver nient is 110 fake. We will do as we say. Four Doors Kast of Post Office. HLA.Zarps&Co,' i'MPOli I CM | nu.IINC Ct;MFANY. , Oct. 27, ;moB , W I'. 'lOi'ittLA, per n.icU 112 l •'' It's p#ncy, " ' , i t Grove,' " ", I oraimm »n I* I Patent Vteal •• fi j Buckwheat Flour 90 i < 'nurse M,ul ~er 100 i ?n | OfiopKeeti •• | I Matchless Egg Maker, per loo""""!!.... 250 Cracked Corn per 100 i -n Screenings " . Oil Meal " . '' •Miildlings, ! Bran , Chicken Wheat 7.7.7.'.'"!.' i Ciirn per bushel n* Oysl r Shells, per 100 !!...!!!"!! 75 WhlJ< Oatß.tf.T >»ußhe' /in Heed Oats per bushel 01, '.lie tiloverSeed. ) j aanagSiß"- l *»• n. C. DODSON. THE DRUQQIS T KMrOHIIIM, PA. IS LOCATED IN THE CORNER STORE At Fourth and Chestnut Sts.. tt.c. DilOlOK rolophone, i!)-C. Executrix Notice. Estate of E.G. COLEMAN, late of the UorniKjh of Emporium, County of Cameron and State Pennsylvania, Deceased. TETTERS testamentary on the above estate Jhaving been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to thesaid estate are requested to make payment, to the undersigned Executrix and those having claims to present the same without delav, to MRS. JOHN \V. COE, Executrix, Or to her Attorneys, GREEN & FELT, Emporium, Pa., Nov. 2,1908—38-lt. I AT J. B. I i Meisel's I I | Confectionary Slor b i I Candy Specials, j! 112 More of those fresh homo made 112 j ? candies 112 For Saturday Saio i s Those delicious assorted Jion-ilons \ i Special lb 20e \ 112 Nut Hash alb 36c 3 \ Alakuma Nut Cake, 40c kind Saturday 5 > alb 26c \ £ Woodland Goodies, superfine alb 4fic A \ All Brittles, Crisps and Tallies alb 10c > \ Cocoanut Hay Stacks alb 12c \ J Cream Dates alb 16c 2 S Salted Peanuts alb 10c > \ Glaced Malaga Grapes, lb., 26c S 112 Chocolates, best ever, lb 25c J \ Ice Cream and Hot Sodas i t Served. s | £ J. B. MEISEL. 11 i Greatly Reduced Excursion Rates TO THE HEALTH RESORTS OF Norlh Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia anil Florida VIA Pennsylvania Railroad THROUGH WASHINGTON November 23, 1908 FOR THE BENEFIT OF PERSONS DESIRING TO VISIT THE SOUTH FOR HECREATION OR TO SELECT A WINTER HOME Tickets good to return within 25 days. For conditions of tickets, stop-over privileges, and train service consult nearest Ticket Agent. .J. It. WOOD, GEO. W.BOYD Passenger Traffic Manager fiellera , Pagsenger A)?ent [H. S. LLOYD I I Ipife NOT " HOW 112 'l§j!i| MUCH " But "how good" is i» the question that /W§ % everyone should \!Ua. ask in buying Candy Both Necessary ?or the t take the just Hanksf/in Inner Bon-Bons and Chocolates H. 5. LLOYD, Masonic Block. I IWgai S?nohl Goods that you need (9 at lower tliau usual 9 V^'Sfw pric f- Get them while gfl '4\ x fUfewr-sj • •-' you have the opportunity 9 of a substantial saving. 9 I RIPE T\ /& O LET7UCE 1 TOMATOES JLJ? jf\ A CELERY Cranberries PARSLFY GRAPES The Satisfactory Store ENDIVE I Grape Fruit J RADISHES ® Saving Prices for Friday and Saturday this week 1 Sugar—2slb Bag best granulated Sugar, $1.55. California Hams, trimmed Shoulder lb 10c «' White Lilly Flour sack 80c. ® 35 c juicy Forida Oranges a doz 30c. A New California Soft Shell Walnuts alb 20c. 9 15c Mince Meat, something good, 2lb.s 25c. Walter Baker Co's Chocolate a lb 40c |ju 1.5 c Macaroni, Imported any style a lb. 12c. if re| Churches Arm and Hammer Brand Soda a lb Bc. _ Coffee, 20c Blend Coffee 2lbs for 35c. Corn,extra quality 10c canned Corn, •$ cans for 25c. 9 I® One $16.50, 100 piece Dinner Set $14.85. English 9 Porcelain embossed, with gold tracing. Fresh Csucrlif I ako Fiefs LEAVE ORDERS FOR DE- I Coll IdUglll L.aKe nsn LIVERY FRIDAYJMORNING 9 Best Quality Baltimore Shucked Oysters 1 I Prattls Regulator for Horses, Cattle, Sheep, and Poultry. 1 h Pratts' Hog Cholera Specific. 112 I Prompt delivery to all parts of town I You Gret Better Values Here. J. H. DAY, J • i>,,uue 6 - Emporium. 9 c. manmm <ssn99Hß9 9U9hhb> m 9