Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, November 19, 1908, Image 4

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    BSTA HUSHED, 1566.
Cameron County Press
Editor and Publisher.
Entered at the PostofHce at Emporium as second
class matter.
The Best Advertising Medium in
Nortltern Pennsylvania.
Ordinary Advertisements are calculated ny the
inch in length of column.
Ordinary advertisements, to take the run of
the paper and change four times a year, will be
inserted at the rates stated in the following
1 111. 2 in. Jin. 5 ill. 10 in. 20 in.
1 Week. .$ 1 On |2oos 300 3SO 800 12 00
2 Weeks.. 150 .'! 00 100 500 It 00 16 00
3 Weeks. 200 3SO 500 700 13 00 18 00
•1 Weeks.. 250 100 600 800 15 00 20 00
2 Months. 400 ROO 800 12 00 20 00 28 00
3 Months. 500 800 12 00 15 00 25 00 35 00
6 Months. 8 no; 12 00 18 00 22 00 35 00 60 00
1 Year . 12 00 18 00 2. r > 001 30 00 CO 00!100 00
Table or tigure work will be charged double
Legal advertisements per line ten cents each
week, nonpareil type.
ANNOUNCEMENTS of names of Candidates
for office, $5 00 each. Announcement of candi
dates for borough or township offices, $1.09 each.
Announcements of candidates for delegates to
tlie state Convention $5.00 each; delegates, alter
nates or conferees to a local convention or con
ference, SI.OO each.
POLITICAL NOTICES, 20 cents per line each
insertion. Nothing inserted for less than SI.OO.
LOCAL NOTICES in the local columns will be
inserted for ten cents per line the first week and
live cents per line for each subsequent consecu
tive week without change.
ANNOUNCEMENTS of births, marriages and
deaths will be inserted free, but ail obituary
notices and resolutions will be charged five
cents a line and obituary verses five cents a
Business Cards, five lines or less $5.00 peryear
All exceeding five lines, SI.OO per line.
CARDS OK THANKS, positively SI.OO for ten
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The date on the address label of each subscri
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On receipt of payments on subscription at this
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the date on tiie address label will be corrected
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In all communications relating to subscrip
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In directing a change of address, always give
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* you want the paper afterwards sent.
The Jobbing Department of the PUESS is com
plete and affords facilities for doing the best
Law Printing.
Seven Years of Proof.
••! have had seven years of proof that
Dr. King's New Discovery is the best
medicine to take for coughs and colds
and for every deceased condition of
throat, chest or lungs," says *W. V.
Henry, of Panama. Mo. The world has
had thirty-eight years of proof that
Dr. King's New Discovery is the best
remedy for coughs and colds, la grippe,
asthma, hay fever, bronchitis, hemo
rrhage of the lungs, aud the early stages
of consumption. Its timely use always
prevents the development of pneumonia.
Sold under guarantee at all drug stores.
50c and SI.OO. Trial bottle free.
You can cure dyspepsia, indigestion,
sour or weak stomach, or in fact any
form of stomach trouble if you will lake
Kudu! occasionally. Try it to-day ou
our guarantee. We know what it will
uo for you. Sold by 11. C. Dodson.
What V/ouJd You Do?
In ease of a burn or scald what would
you do to relieve the pain? Such injur
ies liable to in any family and
everyone .should be prepared lor them.
Chamberlain's Salve applied on a soft
cloth -vi.'l relieve the pain almost instant
ly, and unless the injury is a very severe
one, will cause the parts to heal without
leaving a scar. For sale by L. Taargart,
How to Cure a Cold.
Be as careful as you can you will oc
casionally take cold, aud when you do,
geta tiictlieitie of knowu reliability, one
that >. .■! established reputation and
that r. ct ri hi to effect a fjuiek cure.
Such ain ■;<• is Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy. It has gained a world wide
report!• its remarkable cures of this
most eoiiiiti i. ailment, and can always be
depended upon. It acts on nature's plan,
relieves the lungs, aids expectoration,
opens the secretions and aids nature in
restoring the system to a healthy condi
tion. During the many years in which
it hi;.- been in general use we have yet to
learn of a single ease of cold or attack oi
the grip having resulted in pneumonia
when this remedy was used, which shows
conclusively that it is a certain preventive
of that dangerous disease. Chamber
laid's Cough Remedy contains no opium
or other narcotic and may be given as
confidently to a baby as to an adult. For
sale by L. Taguart.
Colds anu Croup in Children.
"My little girl is subject to colds'' says
Mrs. Wm. 11. Serig, No. 11, Fifth St.,
Wheeling, W. Ya. "Last winter she
had a severe spell and a terrible cough
but I cured her with Chamberlain's
Cough Bcmedy without the aid of a
doctor, and my little boy has been pre
vented many times from having the
croup by the timely use of this syrup.
As soon as he shows any signs of croup
I give hiui Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
for three or four days which prevents the
attack. ' This remedy is for sale by l<.
Latest Popular Music.
jdiss May Gould, teacher of piano
i;*te has received u fuli lino of the Jat
' -Sand most popular sheet music. All
U popular airs. Popular and olaes
nusic. lMi;es reasonable.
iapiJsns) j □
111 Breezy I
1 News |
W. H. Mitchell, Dentist, Emporium.
The Driftwood callers this week were:
A. T. Smith, W. It. Smith, VV. W.
Johnson, Selburne Logue, Clarence John
son, Broho Tosslo, Joe Solo, W. H.
Logue, Roy Logue, Levi Smith, B. J.
Collins and C. J. Miller.
Geo. W. Starr, who has been under
treatment at the W. 11. Sanitorium for
the past two weeks, is now out of danger
and will resume his work in Laurel Bun
in a few days.
Mrs. Geo. Batchelder and family, of
Wyside, spent Sunday with the former's
Mrs. J. P. Sullivan was a Benovo
visitor Tuesday.
Chas. Bower, of Castle Garden, visited
his father-in-law J. S. Jordan, Saturday.
Our local hunters are still after the
festive bear but with no success as yet,
although they lind plenty of tracks.
Thomas A. Boberts secured one red
squirrel Monday, which is all the game
secured up to date, although William A.
Nelson is doiug a line business in the
muskrat line.
A. W. and L. 11. Smith have finished
threashing buckwheat for Jean Fink 011
the Bennets Branch, which finishes this
work for this season.
It is rumored that wedding bells will
soon be ringing in our midst. Let the
tiood work goon.
A. W. Smith was a business caller in
Emporium Friday.
Champion J. S. Jordan was aroused
from his bed about four o'clock Sunday
morning and discoverod what he thought
was bear tracks in his yard. He follow
ed the trail to Castle Gaiden where it
was lost.
For the information of Captain liarr,
we will say that his election cigars are
waiting for him. \V 1 12. It. Smith has had
his election chicken so we are nearly
even up.
Clyde Collins has accepted a position
as fireman on the Pennsy lines and be
gan work last week, lie will make a
good fireman.
Assessor R. IJ. Crum, of Sinnamahon
ing, was a business caller in town this
J. F. s.
H. W. Mitchell, dentist, Emporium.
Fred Webster, wife and daughter
Irene were guests of D. B. Peterson and
wife on Sunday.
Mrs. C. I>. Potter, who has been ailing
for more than a year and who was not so
well for some time back is now improv
ing. We hope she may improve steadily
and soou get back to her usual health.
Some of our worthy citizens who had
fnoi on each side of the fence befoie clou
tion, are now trying to make everybody
believe (hut they were always <;ood loyal
supporters of the successful candidate.).
School is again under way and eveiy
thing is moving very nicely. Our teach
ers are both experienced and have t-u
cestui records back of them, which i- a
valuable aid to succes, in the future
The Penn Vitrified Prick Co. is about
to close down all work for the winter, ex
cept repairing about the mill and coil
mine. The mill has not run for some
time, but there were still some orders to
fill. We understand the company is go
ing to stock some of its own coal during
the winter for next year's work.
The work at Canoe Run is greatly re
tarded at present on account of* lack of
water. We are sorry for this for we
would like to see the works «o at full
bla.-t after such a long shut down.
As all calamities are traceable to one
political party or the other, I suppose we
must put the blame of this drouth on the
Republicans, but the question is, what
have they done with the water.
1 urn our past knowledge of Hon.
\Y i am Jennings try an we Fully expect
hiu; :<i be the democratic candidate for
president in 1912. If the schoolboys
cannot study his administration in the
history class, they can at least study his
biography as a great example of persever
Mrs. Leonard's chicken coop was visit
ed a few nights ago and some valuable
chickens stolen The miscreants unlock
ed the door to gain admission. There
are no words in the English vocabulary
strong enough to properly describe such
disreputable beings and we know of
nothing which they deserve more than a
good strong discharge of bird shot.
P. D. O'Leary of Ridgway is relieving
agent J. M. Snyder of this place, Mr.
Snyder being reported off on account of
Operator E. 1). Krape had an opera
tion performed Sunday for an abscess
and is reported doing well. Dr. liush
is attending him.
Hd. I). Krape butchered Wednesday
one hog weighing .'MO lbs. dressed, the
jirize hog of the town. Who can beat it?
I). Sullivan Sr., you are not in it with
him unless you get a move on.
\ I'ne snow for rabbit hunting.
On Monday morning, there \va« quite
:i Cull of snow auil 1110 thermometer was
down to freezing. Good winter weather
for Nov. IG.
Joseph Kisscll is on the sick list this
I J. G'. Summerson and ten others start
ed for the woods Tuesday for a hunt.
A. Dice and wife returned i'roui
their trip to eastern cities.
Morgan Foster of llathbuu, visited
his brother, H. F. Foster, between trains
Miss Florence McDonald of Driftwood,
was the guest of Mrs. D. E. Spangler
the past week.
C. G. Howlett went on a hunting trip,
Sunday. During his absence his wife is
visiting her parents at Hicks Run.
Mrs. Laura A. Smith and Elsie War
ner were Kmporium visitors Saturday.
John May left on Monday for St.
Louis to visit his son Chas. May.
Mrs. J. It. Strawbaidgc visited friends
at llicks ltun over Sunday.
A. L. Barr and wife were Kmporium
visitors Tuesday.
James Swartz, teacher of Chapman
Hill school was the guest of Mathew
Gmeimer over Sunday.
Mrs. Ellen Mason is visiting at ltenovo
this week, guest of her nephew Harry
W. H. Mitchell, Dentist, Emporium.
Bluk Bell.
Kidney Diseases are too Dangerous
for Emporium People to Neglect.
The great danger of kidney troubles
is that they get a firm hold before the
sufferer recognizes them. Health is
gradually undermined. Backache, head
ache. nervousness, lameness, soreness,
lumbago, urinary troubles, dropsy, dia
betes and Bright's disease follow in mer
ciless succession. Don't neglect your
kidneys. Cure the kidneys with the cer
tain and safe remedy. Doan's Kidney
Pills, which has cured people right here
in Emporium.
Mrs. William Swartz, living on Maple
street. Emporium, Pa., says:"l suffered
lor a long time with dull nagging back
aches and pains through my loins, so
severe at times that I could hardly at
tend to ray work. Every move I made
caused me severe pain. I was unable to
rest at night and in the morning would
be worn out and tired. My kidneys
were very active and the secretions caus
ed much annoyance and embarrassment.
I used many remedies but was unable
to obtain relief until a friend advised me
to use Doan's Kidney Pills. I procured
this remedy trom L. Taggart, the drug
gist, and used them in accordance with
directions. The backache and pains
quickly vanished, the kidneys were
strengthened and ray general health was
improved. I am indeed grateful, to
Doan's Kidney Pills for the great benefit
received from their use and heartily
recommend them to kidney sufferers "
For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents.
Foster Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York,
so! Clients for the United States. Rc
u.<-n>!«• : th - name—Doan's—and take no
Oto' ..
A Medicine That Docs not Cost Any
thing Unless it Cures.
If you suffer from constipation in
any form whatever, acute or chronic,
we will guarantee to supply you medi
cine that will nurely effect a cure if
taken with regularity and according
to directions for a reasonable length of
time. Should the medicine fail to
benefit you to your entire satisfaction,
we promise that it shall cost you noth
No other remedy can be compared
with Itexall Orderlies for the easy,
pleasant and successful treatment of
constipation. The active medicinal in
gredient of this remedy which is odor
less, tasteless and colorless, is an en
tirely new discovery. Combined with
other extremely valuable ingredients,
it forms a preparation which in incom
parable as a perfect bowel regulator,
intestinal invigorator and strength
ener. itexall are notable for
their agreuableness t » tlio palate and
gentleness of action do not
cause griping or any disagreeable ef
fect or inconvenience, and may be
taken at any time, day or night.
We particularly recommend Itexall
Orderlies for children, or age;]
persons because they do not. contain
anything that could possibly injure
the most delicate organism. They are
just as easy to take as candy, and un
like other preparations for a like pur
pose they do not create a habit, but in
stead they overcome the cause of habits
acquired through the use of ordinary
laxatives, cathartics and harsh physic,
and permanently remove the cause of
constipation or irregular bowel action.
We want you to try Itexall Orderlies
at our risk. We know that there is
nothing that will do you so much goo !,
and we will refund your money with
out argument if they do not do as we
say they will. They are prepared in
tablet form in two sizes of packages;
3(i tablets, 25c, and 12 tablets, 10c.
Mrs. Rl. A. ItockwHl, Kmporium, Pa.
Itch cured in .10 niiui;; ■■. by Wood
lord's iviiibar. Lo' i ... Never (ails
Sold If L. J'.VA ir., 1 . :;2-flm.
A Great Doll Show
Friday we will begin an exhibition of Dolls, Such as Emporium has never seen
It will be the most interesting show for little girls—and big ones
too—of the season.
The Doll family will be represented by hundreds, from the small
baby to the one as big as a child.
There will also be all kinds of doll fixings such as clothing, shoes,
stockings, bonnets and everything a doll needs.
We invited every child in the county to visit this great show. It
will be as good as a circus and absolutely free.
New and Up-to- Date Goats Just Arrived
Below we illustrate four of the many new Coats just received. We think you will agree with us
when we say that the prices are remarkably low, the result of the warm weather in October. There
are a hundred or more to select from.
No. 844. This semi-fitting 63 inota I NO.SM. ofa H®. m.
in length garment is made of good good quality Kersey finished Thibet. breasted 52 Inch co»t is made ofa i en t quality Kersey finish Thihet,
r110 ,. f nil mu il , i Lined to waist with French sateen. £ ootl Quality Kersey finish Thibet u ne( j throughout witn a good
quality kersey finished Thibet, has made of velvet and to waist with trench sateen m Un collarless effect and
<-..n , . - , enecus raaue oivciveiaDu Collar effect, neatly trimmed with „ nrnttilv trimmnri with
lull sweep and is trimmed with trimmed with wide silk diamond fancy silk braid and velvet. Large velvet, wide satin straps i.nd silk
Skinners satin strappings, and is braid. Front, back and cuffs are U a p. pockets trimmed with satin soutach. Front of garment is edg
, , trimmed with satin strans dia- hut sus and edged with velvet. The e d with wide satin straps, and back
lined to the waist with a good tnmnica wun sann straps, <ua j las velvet piped self strap- is n <r with K :ii- soutache and
5 .,„, 5 „..". P „ 55 .00 9 Zso
A Timely Bargain
Thanksgiving Day will soon be here. You may want a new Table Cloth to set oft the turkey
and other good things. We offer exceptional good quality, pure linen table Damask, SI.OO t"
72 wide, inches enough for about twenty table cloths at d
The regular price is $1.25 a yard and would be very cheap at that. Napkins to match at $3.00 301
Of course we have Damask at all prices irom 29c per yard and up and napkins from 4c
A Sale of Fashionable Hats
Beginning Friday we will sell all our stylish $5.00 Hats at each . . . $3.98
All our $6.00 and $6.50 Hats at each $5.00
RYf . , 1L _ I NOTICE !
1 I fr-* I$ I p f-*® 1 Thanksgiving Day,
® fit -fit ? Thursday, Nov. 261h, this|
Emporium's Greatest Store Phone 90. j store will be closed all day |
| Pure Water! |
i Clean, Pure ,tincl Healthy.
J We are prepared to furnish the citizens j
s of Emporium this popular Water, either s
3 I»r,AIN OK CARBONATED, in bottles. >
< Drop a postal card—we will do the rest, s
p The analysis of the celebrated ttizerville j
< Water has made it famous all over the \
> country. j
s Address, s
| Magnetic Mineral Water Co,, \
Siirsisp Sores.
llrffl p"ii tbt jif oitl kind of nil -from ti>*. k . uronnimd QufFainily w|
■ RNO( U I nth,oi irroldin tfrorn our reflnerl®#. You ar, thea abaolutaly
By Ulcl-.on will imt 1' r wli-kor "frosC'cblmnnr. Uurna tol.u.t drop, (u:l uurt brlu'! !. ' wl
r' Aakyouri! :.!i r. 112 ! -ihlti tlin-.r you lit, l-arrvl. VI
J WA>J.I; < •. \. . Independent ll' llnrro, I'lTTf'lJV'liO, '■
P... till Alto OU ud Wavai -"pfl j
immmammrjsarsie.w .• ■ miiiiiis i iifir- -nrmwu-jaarwr
BUugcißaauMnoaaaaßuauaaMataaannaßßm B
! Thh remedy can always be depended upon a:id j
jis pleasant to take. It contains uo opium or
i other harmful drug and may iie given as confi- \
dently to a baby as to an adult.
Price 25 cents, large size 58 cents.
W NEVER KNOWK TO FAIL. Saf-'t Sure! SjM' ! Sath* Sfl
H faction (•uarautccd nr Money Refunded. Kent prepniil H I
I t SI.OO jH-r box. Will mud them on trial, to bo paid for H .
VI w!i 11 r-IK'veil. Sam pirn Free. If your drugtfiat doc* nut B .
If have theiu send your order* to the
Sold in Emporium by L. Taggart and
R. C. Dodson
3 3 9 qa .a 0 swi ccr» &■- -j, n
Veterinary Specific's enro ift-.-nsen
jc£ Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Do;/ IIo;;s and
Poultry by acting dircvUy 011 the HICK PARTS
without loss of time.
CURKS Hiona, Lung Fever, Milk l ever.
fi. H. Lameness, Injuries,
i 'JUiiiss) ilbeiiiuatisiu.
r. r. JgORE THROAT, Quinsy, Epizootic.
| CLUES ) UiHtemper.
|£mlkh Vm " IS '
I B, E. iroroilS, Influenza, ln(laoie4
; CURES J LUMJI, fi'ieuro-PueiuiioniA.
F. F.) C'OLIf 1 , Bellyache. "Wind-lllown,
; CURES ) Diarrhea, Dyucuti ry .
| GJ.G. Prevents MISCARRiAI-.
CURES S t leers. Grease, Fnrey.
J. CO\RITIO\. HtnriiiK Coat,
OURE3 ) Bloiiioeii htnggem.
60c. each ; Stablo Case, Ten Speeillcs, &c., $?.
At drugffl: f-i, or sent prepaid on receipt of price.
Humphreys' Medicine Co., Cor. William and Johr
streets, New York.
R. U yen have piuipies, Diolci',
■ tther skii i:np« rlecl:.ns,
. V N /eriove thean and have a cfeo .
j i d beautiful complexion by vsiif;
i . i.l ?• Mn«cs Hew
T •'•»" / olood '
v ' ."*V Improves Ibe wiJwiSwlßß'.
i Uealth,
. . He'nov.s JKIA Iraperhctlons.
1 Beneficial results guaranteed W
or money rcfuiKl® !. \
Send SINNIP for F«C SAM P'E, \«ar A
j IVrticulars pn<l'lcstimotuala. \
Mention thiß pspei. After I sine.
.'.lndisnn Place, Ptiiladclnhta, Pa.
p— a aa—B«aßag -
Vlfl A our# guaranteed If yoa a«> J \
i PILEu SupposltoiH ;
■ D. Matt. Thompioo, B B p't >
N (ira,I.ML fichoola, Btateaville, N. C., write* : " I can aaj
Htln-J do ail JITA claim for Ibetn." Dr. 8. 11. Davore.
■ lU%«*n Rock, W. VA., wrlca; '• Thry givo universal SALT,' 1
nraction." Or. 11. D. MCOLLL, Clarksburg, T«nn., writea :
Q "ID A practl<?« of 3S Y«ar#, I have found DO r«M«dr to j
■ FINAL youra." Paici. 60 CiNTa. fiamplea Fre«. HOLD |
Sold in emporium by I. Taqqarl and P. C. Dodsea
Set Clover t! )::un» nad Honey Bee oa Every Bctt)?.