Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, November 12, 1908, Image 5
■BAKING POWDEKI I The only baking powder made from ■ I Royal Qrap : -T* of Tartar, the I I officially approved ingredient for S B a wholesome, high-class powder IP B There Is greater deception In tbe sale of baking powders than ever before* *' H \ Closely observe the label and be certain ol getting Royal. M LOCAL DEPARTMENT. PERSONAL GOSSIP. Contributioni, hivited. That which yon would ike to see in this department Jet u* know hy r»rn al card or letter, pemimnllti. Fred K. Zimmer, of Gardeau, trans acted business in Emporium last Satur day. L. C. Summerson, of Sterling Run, transacted business in this place last Monday. Mrs. John Schwab, of Cameron, was a businesHS caller at this place last Thursday. Miss Nellie Whiting, of Sterling Run, spent Thursday shopping in Em porium. George Callahan, of Driftwood, was a guest of friends in this place, last Sunday. Farnk Dodson of this place, spent the last of week with relatives and friends at Coudersport. Homer Hayes went to Ridgway last Saturday to look afcer, the skating rink, in which he owns half interest- J. S. Hauber, formerly of this place, but now located at St. Marys, was a business callers here the first of the week. Mrs. T. J. Riley and Miss Rotha Ivreider, of Driftood, were business callers at this place last Saturday and were guests at the City Hotel. H. C. Rich and wife, of Buffalo, former residents of this place, passed through here last Wednesday, en route for Florida, where the will spend the winter. Messrs. L. C. Fochtman and A. J. Goetz, of St. Marys, were social callers at this place last Sunday, and register ed at the City Hotel. Mrs. C. G. Catlin, departed for Ulysses, Pa., last Thursday, where she was the guest of relatives and friends. Mrs. Elmer Graybill, of Coudersport, was the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Huff, the last of the week. Albert William Merry, a bright lttle baby arrived at the home of Mr. anp Mrs. W. J. Merry, on Sixth street, last Saturday. Miss Floss Taggart went to Oberlin, 0., last Wednesday, where she will be the guest of friends. \V. 11. G. Walker, oftho Penn Vitri fied Brick Co., at Cameron, transacted business here on Wednesday. Mrs. Rider, who has been the guest of her daughter, Mrs. E. J. Smith, has returned to her home in Connecticut. Ben S. Gunsberg, of Renovo, was a business caller in Emporium last Tues day and attended the "Arrival of the Emigrants" dance in the evening. Mrs. Tuttle, who has been here as sisting in the care of Mrs. Orton, at the home of J. H. D - -iy, departed for her home at Brooklyn, last Monday. Rev. W. 11. Allen occupied the pul pit and conducted the service in the M. E. Church last Sunday, during the absence of the pastor, Rev. J. F. Anderson. Messrs. Emit Simmons and John Eddinger, of Pittsburg, were guests of Wr. and Mrs. Win. Schutte, at the New Warner last week. Mr. Simmons is a brother of Mrs. Schutte. Mrs. T. F. Moore returned on Satur day from Sinethport, where she visited Mrs A. B. Armstrong for four week*. 'I IK- visit was t>encflcial to her health i ar<« pleased to note. Mtn Mia Barlow, of Coetir de Aleno, Lit. , arrived in town last Thur. day • ipsnled by two uliildt'eu of the 1 ' *'■! II .J Ji •• ! Tlx children I itii their tfrniH purenU), H. A. Cox, secretary of the Sinna mahoning Powder Co., transacted busi ness at Pittsburg, the first of the week Miss Margaret McDonald, of this place, spent Sunday with relatives tnd friends at Austin. Miss Mary McCormic'rC, of Port, \l legany, was the guest of her 11: o, Dan'l McCormick and family, on 1. .-a Allegany Ave., last Sunday. Our old friend H C Taylor d >;>•. •<! into see us on Tuesday aod expr. ~■ •< delight over the very successful«l ct n of Republican candidates. Save big money and read Jasper Harris' full page advertisement. How is Your Digestion? Mrs. .Mary Dowling, of No 228, Bth Ave., San Francisco, recommend* a remedy for stomach trouble. She says: "Gratitude for tln? wonderful effect of Electric Bitters in a ease of acute indi gestion, prompts this testimonial. I am fu ly convinced that for stomach and liver troubles Electric Hitters is the best remedy on the market to-day.'" This great tonic and alterative medicine in vigorates the system, purifies the blood and is especially helpful in all forms of female weakness, 50c, at all drugstores BACKIIVE? OUT. Plenty of Emporium Readers Have This Experience. You tax the kidneys—overwork them— They can't keep up the continual strain. The back gives out—it aches and pains. Urinary troubles set in. Don t wait longer—take Doan's Kid ney Pills. Mis. A. J. Anderson, X. Main St., Port Allegany, Pa . says:"l have used a great many remedies for the relief of kidney trouble hut have never anything to give such beneficial effect as Doan's Kidney Pills. I suffered constantly with backache and pain.-. In the morning it was with the greatest difficulty that I arose and if I attempted to stoop or lift anything, sharp thrusts of pain were the result. Headaches and a tired feeling were also present and it was with difficul ty that my ordinary duties were perform ed. Doan's Kidney Pills gave me relief at once and at the present time. I am much better in every way. For the re sults received. 1 am glad to give my grateful recommendation of Doan's Kid ney Pills.'' For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster Milburn (Jo.. Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the FniteU States, lie member tin; name—Doan's—and take no oth.;. Pays Debt 75 Years Old. A man 75 years old may not have had occasion to pay a debt, and yet il he finds he is losing his grip he owes it to himself to take Sexine Pills when he knows they are the one thing that will tone him up and prolong his life. Price 81 a box; six boxes 8i». with lull guaran tee for any form of nerve weakness in men or women. Address or tall on 11. C. Dodson, Druggist, Emporium Pa., where they sell all the principal remedies and do not substitute. Mind Your Business. If you don't nobody will. It is your business to keep out of all the tumble you can and you will keep out of liver and bowel trouble if you take Dr. King's New Lite Fills. They keep biliousness, mulaiia 11 nd jaundice out of your system. 2~if at ail drug stores. •' >-Mswi'i 1 is for babies and child)en, .iiid i > >p»*ei.t!iy <• "id for ill- so common ill i old 111' r Look lor tl, - iii'.'iedi uts i I 1 ii 11If. in ii > !' "i.lul CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1908. SSOO REWARD! THE PITTSBURG GAZETTK TIMKH IN SEARCH OF STORY WRITERS—PUR POSE IS TO FIND AN AMATEUR COM PETENT TO COMPLETE HELEN ; MATHER'S GREAT NEW SERIAL: One of the greatest strokes of enter- j prise by newspaper publishers is the prop sal of the Pittsburg Gazette Times to pay SIOO for the best solution in the mystery in Helen Mather's remarkably clever unfinished new serial, entitled "Love, the Thief," the first instalment of which will appear in The Gazette Times on Sunday, November 8, when full details of the contest are to be published. The balance of the SSOO will be dis tributed as follows: $25 to the person who submits the second best solution, $lO to the one sending the third best and $0 each to those who supply the 75 next best. Thousands of people will hail this opportunity not alone as a means of earning Christmas money, but to show their ability at gathering up the ends of a strange mystery and clearing it in few words. Literary talent is not necessary as The Gazette Times offers the prizes not for literary composition, but for the best solution to the story. Mon and boys,as well as women and girls may compete. Only the employes of the publishers, in fairness to the public, will be ineligible. Instalments of the story will appear regularly in the Sunday and daily edi tions of The Gazette Times to the con clusion of next to the final chapter. Then solutions will be received dur ing the period lapsing between that issue and the issue of the following week. The prizes will be awarded at the earliest possible date after the Judges have determined the awards—in plenty of time to give the successful contests use ot the money for Christ mas. The Gazette Times announces that manuscripts of contestants must be forworded by mail, addressed to the Prize Mystery Story Editor, care Pitts burg Gazette Times, Pittsburg, Pa. 1 Personal interviews cannot be granted. A Bank Account Drawing Interest. The First National Bank of Empori um, will open on January 4th, 1909, a Savings Department, paying interest at the rate of 3 per cent. Interest be gins on the first of the month follow ing date of deposit; but when a deposit is made during the first five days of any month interest begins at the first of that same month. We will credit and compound interest twice a year, March first and Sept. first. After January 4th, we can receive your deposit for any sum from SI.OO and upwards. A passbook will be given you when you make the first deposit; you then have a bank account which draws interest. You can add to this account at your pleasure. If you would be most successful, you should make your money work too. For further particulars you are in vited to call or write. 37-9fc. T. B. LLOYD, Cashier, Eye Specialist. Prof. W. H. Budine, the well known Eye Specialist, of Binghamton, N. Y., will be at It. H. liirsch's jewelry store, Emporium, Pa., Nov. 14th. If you can't see well or have headache don't fail to call and see Prof. Budine, as he guarantees to cure all such cases. Lenses ground and fitted in okl frames. Eyes tested and ex amined free. All work guaranteed. De"\\ itt's Kidney and Bladder Pills are unequaled in cases of weak back, j back ache, inflammation of the bladder, rheumatic pains. Antiseptic and act I promptly. Sold by It. C. Dodson. fry Jvodol to-day on our guarantee, i Take it for a little while, as that is all j you will need to takf. Kodol digests j what you eat and makes the stomach sweet. It it sold by I!, C. Dodson. IA SWEEPING REDUCTION' In Ladies, Misses and Children's Coats I must now go at a Sweeping Reduction. We will now cut the price from 33 to 50 per cent, based 011 our reasonable prices. This knocks the bottom from all my com petitors. We have a Great Line of Furs that must go Come in here first and we will show you beauty, com fort and style,at prices you can't duplicate. This adver meut is 110 fake. We will do as we say. Four Doors Kast of PONI Office. 112 H, A . Z arps &C o. * . 'ldf ■ MWIMnMU^.'XB UJVS::■ YIP." KMPOKHTM MILLING COMPANY. PRICE 1.1 ST. Emporium, I'a., Oct. 27,1908 JjE MO I'HI LA, per sack $] 35 Kelt's Fancy, " 165 Pet Grove, " 1 95 Graham. ... " 70 ®v e " 80 Patent Meal " 55 Buckwheat Flour 90 IJoarKp Meal per 100 1 70 Chop Feed '• 1 70 Matchless Kgg Maker, per 100 2 00 Cracked Corn per 100 1 70 Screenings " 1 70 Oil Meat " 1 HA Middlings, j -0 Bran 1 Chicken Wheat 1 85 Corn per bushel 95 Oysl r Shells, per 100 75 WhileOals,D"r bushel 60 Seed Oats per bushel Choice Clover Seed, ) ChoiceTimothySeed, J At MarketPricm Choice Millet .Seed. S R.C. DODSON, THE DRUGGIST EMPORIUM, I»A. IS LOCATED IN THE CORNER STORE A' Fourth and Chestnut Sts.. R.C. DOIINON. Telephone, 19-2. Executrix Notice. Estate of E. G, COLEMAN, late of the Borough of Emporium, County of Cameron and State Penney Iwnia, Deceased. LETTERS testamentary on the above estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons Indebted to thesaid estate are requested to make payment, to the undersigned Executrix and those haviDg claims to present the same without delav, to MRS. JOHN W. COE, Executrix, Or to her Attorneys, GREEN & FELT, Emporium, Pa., Nov. 2,1908—38-tt. ( AT J. B. | IMeisel'sl | Confectionery Store j | Candy Specials. p More of those fresh home made £ s candies * | For Saturday Sale \ i Those delicious assorted Bon-Bons \ \ Special lb 20c C J Nut Hash alb 36c \ > Alakuma Nut Cake, 40c kind Saturday s ? alb 26c < } Woodland Goodies, superfine alb 16c \ J All Brittles, Crisps and Tallies alb ....10c \ ? Cocoanut Hay Stacks alb 12c £ T Cream Dates alb 16c J i Salted Peanuts alb 10c \ 5 Ice Cream and Hot Sodas 1 1 Served. > \ J. B. MEISEL. I Greatly Reduced Excursion Rates TO THE HEALTH RESORTS OF North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia and Florida VIA Pennsylvania Railroad THROUGH WASHINGTON October 26 and November 23, 1908 FOR THE BENEFIT OF PERSONS DESIRING TO VISIT THE SOUTH FOR RECREATION OR TO SELECT A WINTER HOME Tickets good to returti within 25 days. For conditions or tickets, stop-over privileges, and train service consult nearest Ticket Agent. J. R. WOOD, GEO. W. BOYD, Passenger Traffic Manager General Passenger Agent . 1320-36-31. H. S. LLOYD SHEET MUSIC IN GREAT VARIETY. All Grades. Beginners or Classic in Vocal and Instrumental. Popular Dance Music in Books. Call for Catalogue. H. S. LLOYD, Keystone Block. QIJD is the main ingredient in the perparatic^^^^ I of nearly all food products the housekeep er prepares. I„ike everything else on the market to day, there are "Flours and Flours" of various quali- ■ ties. Nearly every one wants the best flour. The ■ question of "Which is the Best," is a very perplexing ® one, unless you have tried many kinds and have arrived m at a conclusion based 011 experience. Now we believe m I that if you give our White Lilly a fair trial, you will be convinced of our assertion, that it is one of the very best all-round family flours 011 the market. Try a small bag, if unsatisfactory in any particular we stand ready to refund the purchase price. I SUCED "VX 7k LETTUCE g| COOKED U CELERV 1 HAM ™ „ . , PARSLEY M The Satisfactory Store ■ 35c a Lb J SALSIFY I Saving Prices tor Friday and Saturday this week 1 GROCERIES Sugar—2sll) Bag best granulated Sugar, $1. 55. California Hams, trimmed Shoulder lb xoe- I S/j lbs Best Rolled Oats for 25c. £ I Pure lard in bulk alb IJC 60c pail Fairbank's Cottolene 55c. I 50c Ceylon, Oolong or Japan Tea a lb 40c. Soap 7 cakes Oak Leaf Soap for 25c. 15c Succotash 2 cans for 25c. || 12c canned Peas, Early June, the can 10c. || Van Camps 10c Clam Chowder, 3 cans 25c. SP Almonds "Princess" paper shell Almonds alb 20c. £ 9 Reymer's Chocolate Drops or Cocoanut Bon Bons j® I alb 20c. 112 Fresh 112 aualit I ake Fish LEAVE ORDERS FOR DE I I Call IsdUglll LaKc ribll LIVERY FRIDAY fc MORNING ■ Best Quality Baltimore Shucked Oysters I I Pratt's Regulator for Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Hogs I and Poultry. jf Pratts' Hog Cholera Specific. Q I Prompt delivery to all parts of town I You G-et Better Values Here. J. H. DAY, ! ® PHone 6. Emporium. A c «bss mmmmm mhrb mm m*.