Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, November 12, 1908, Image 4

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    ESTABLISHED, 1860.
Cameron County Press
Editor ami Publisher.
Entered at the Postofflce at Emporium as Second
class matter.
The Best Advertising Medium in
Northern Pennsylvania.
Ordinary Advertisements are calculated uy the
inch in length of column.
Ordinary advertisements, to take the run of
the paper aud change four times a year, will be
inserted at the rales stated in the following
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ANNOUNCEMENTS of names of Candidates
for office, $5.00 each. Announcement of candi
dates for boroagh or township offices, $1.03 each.
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nates or conferees to a local convention or con
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LOCAL NOTICES in the local columns will be
inserted for ten cents per line the first week and
live cents per line for each subsequent consecu
tive week without rhange.
ANNOUNCEMENTS of births, marriages and
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The Jobbing Department of the PBKSS is com
plete and att'ords facilities for doing the best
Law Printing.
Seven Years of Proof.
"I have had seven years of proof that
Dr. King's New Discovery is the best
medicine to take for coughs and colds
and for every deceased condition of
throat, chest or lungs," says W. V.
Henry, of Panama, Mo. The world has
had years of proof that
Dr. King's New Discovery is the best
remedy for coughs and colds, la grippe,
asthma, hay fever, bronchitis, hemo
rrhage of the lungs, and the early stages
of consumption. Its timely use always
prevents tile development of pneumonia.
Sold under guarantee at all drug stores.
50c and 81.00. Trial bottle free.
You can cure dyspepsia, indigestion,
sour or weak stomach, or in fact any
form of stomach trouble il you will take
Kodol occasionally. Try it to-day on
our guarantee. We know what it will
do for you. Sold by B. C. Dod.son.
What Would You Do?
In case of a bum or scald what would
you do to relieve the pain? Such injur
ies are liable to occur in any family and
everyone should be prepared for them.
Chamberlain's Salve applied on a soft
cloth will relieve the pain almost instant
ly, and unless the injury is a very severe
one, will cause the parts to heal without
leaving a scar. For sale by L. Taugart
Economy in 1908.
Pure Linseed Oil costs much less sold
from tin: barrel than it does put up in
'''in l'ins ;i* Mixed Paint—ln the ffrst
instance you pay 60 cents per gallon—ln
the seeotid £. 1 00. Now mix ti gallons of
pure linseed oil with 4 pallons L. & M.
Paint and you have, ready for use, 7 gal
lons of tli.: o >t puiut. made costing only
81.20 per Ration Done in '1 minutes.
Harry S. Lloyd, Emporium. L. & M.
Paint Agent.
How to Cure a Cold.
Be as careful as you can you will oc
casionally take cold, and when you do,
get u medicine of known reliability, one
that has an established reputation and
that is certain to effect a (juick cure.
S.icb a medicine is Chamberlain's Cough
Bemcdy. ft has gained a world wide
reputation by its remarkable cures of this
most, common ailment, and can always be
depeuded upon. It acts on nature's plan,
relieves the lungs, aids expectoration,
opens the secretions and aids nature in
restoring the system to a healthy condi
tion. During the many years in which
it has been in general use we have yet to
learn of a single ease of cold or attack of
the grip having resulted in pneumonia
when this remedy was used, which shows
conclusively that it is a certain preventive
of that dangerous disease. Chamber
laid's Cough Bemcdy contains no opium
or other narcotic ami may be given as
confidently to a baby as fo an adult. For
sale by L. Tagaart.
!'!• i-aut, -ure. i asy, ttufc little liver
Pills, ar> DeWitt's Little Early Bi-ers.
Snl ;, y 11. i Dodson
Latest Popular Music.
.. i May (Joutd, teacher of piano
forte •■ re >fve<l it full line of the Int
I I'd 11. >l> 11 i r ilircl iMiSie. AM
tho pular aire. Popular Md einsn
| Breezy §
1} County |
I News
W. H. Mitchell, Dentist, Emporium.
Thomas H. Roberts, of Burlington,
Vt., is visiting his uncle and aunt, J. E.
Sullivan and wife.
We are glad to hear that G. W. Starr
is slowly regaining his health.
Gladys Hill, of Grove Hill, called on
friends in town Sunday.
Mrs. Ada Jordan, of Wyside spent a
few days last week visiting friends in
town. Ada is looking fine.
Belief Operator Lupro who is working
third trick at the tower was attacked by
some whild animal while after water Sat
urday evening. Unfortunately Mr.Lupro
left his revolver in the office when he
went out and was therefore defenseless.
He shouted for assistance and A. W.
Smith came to the rescue and drove the
animal away. It was too dark to see
what kind of an animal it was, but thinks
it was one of Seth Nelson's bears from
Buth Sullivau was a Sinnamahoning
caller Saturday.
The hunting score for the week is as
followe; W. B. Smith, onepleasant; Boy
Logue. one squirrel); Squirrel Smith, two
squirrels; Harry Teats, one coon; J. F.
Sullivan, two Sparrows. Game is very
plentiful this season.
Mrs. Ida Bower, of Gastle Garden, is
the guest of .T. S. Jordan and family.
Mrs. Kmalyne Summeison, of Biver
street, was the guest of W. B. Smith and
family Sunday.
Belief Operator W. J. McCartan. of
Benovo, relieved Operator Sullivan
Signal Inspector I). E. Spangler. of
Sterling Bun, was a business caller in
town Tuesday.
Captain C. \V#«ley Barr, of Tunnel
Hill passed through town Tuesday en
route to Sinnamahoning. Incidentally
the Captain was looking for the twelve
boxes of cigars won from Squire Sullivan
on the result of the election. It is
understood that Sullivan was hiding in
the woods while the Captain was looking
for him. But he will have to come up
with the smokes just the same.
Alfred T. Smith has a fine cook in the
person of Bichard Teats, of Kurthaus,
l'a. "Dick cooks in seven different
Signal A. A. Smith, of Sterling Bun,
has lost that pleasant smile that he wore
before election. He was seen sympath
in«j; with Operator Sullivan Tuesday.
Bert takes such matters very much to
J. F. S.
W. H. Mitchell, Dentist, Emporium.
Now that election is over we had a nice
fall of rain Tuesday and we notice that
business is picking up.
Mrs. Ed. Whiting has been quite; iil
the past week but better at this writing.
Mrs. Francis Howlett was an Em
porium visitor this week.
Mrs. Wm. Beck and son, of Benovo,
were visitors in town Saturday.
Mrs. Wright, of Krie, visited her
mother a few days the past week.
Miss Nellie Fulton anil children of
Sinnamahoning are visitors in town.
Nellie O'Keele spent Sunday at home.
John Kissel left town the past week to
work at Benovo.
Francis Sterling was on the sick list
the past week but much better at this
Mrs. Benj. Dayton visited her daughter
Mrs. A. ii. Smith at Driftwood Satur
Lola Beck and little sister Clara, at
Emporium visited relatives in town the
past week.
There will be a pound party for the
benefit of Mrs. L. W. Spence, Friday
j afternoon and evening. Every one is in
vite! in he'p.
J.W. Bobertson relief operator is work
ing in place of C. A. Dice who is away
on a vacation.
Bluk BKI.L.
Sick Headache.
This distressing disease results from a
disordered condition of the stomach, and
can be cured by taking Chamberlain's
Stomach aud Liver Tablets. Get a free
sample at L. Taggart's store and
trv it.
Colds and Croup in Children.
•'My little j;irl is subject to colds" says
.Mrs. Wm. ll.Serig, No. 41, Fifth St.,
Wheeling, W. Va. ''Last winter she
had a severe spell and a terrible coujj;h
but I cured her with Chamberlain's
Cough Bemcdy without the aid of a
doctor, and my little boy has been pre-
I vented many times from having the
croup by the timely use of this syrup.
1 \> soon as he shows any si;;ns of croup
I jiive him Chamberlain s Couuh Bciucdy
I'm three or four days which prevents the
I ittuki ThW NMdf 1- : 1 >.ile by L.
iH'h < ureil in lilt minute by Woo >
H. W. Mitchell, dentist, Emporium.
For Sale—Salt. Biver Boats—Rcpubli
Our schools A-opencd Monday in the
K.G. E. Hall.
Dan Sullivan, Sr., placed a new roof
on his house the past week. That looks
like Taft prosperity.
Wm. Wykoff returned home Tuesday
last with a badly sprained ankle but is
John Schneider, P. It. B. Agent, who
has been suffering with a severe attack of
lumbago for the past week is mending.
Tbe coke ovens at Cauoc Bun have
again resumed operations. Hope they
may continue.
John Devling, of Sterling Bun attend
ed K. G. E., meeting Saturday evening.
H. H. Bockwell, of Benovo, visited his
mother in this place Sunday.
Geo. Stuart's youngest child is report
ed very ill. Dr. Bush attending,
Belief Operator J. N. liobinson who
relieved Operators Page and Krape for
a few weeks is now located at Sterling
A. F. Walker returned home from
Laurel Bnn, Saturday of last week to
cast his ballot and spend a few days with
his family.
George and William Graham returned
from Benovo, Saturday eveniug last,
where they were employed in the brick
Dan Sullivan, Sr., and ltobt. Graham
have butchered since election, claiming
their Democratic hogs would loose flesh
under the coming administration.
Since election some of our leading lad
ies organized a Bryan Club and claim
that they could have won for him had
they organized before election.
"A Pair of Country Kids."
"A Pair of Country Kids," a rural
comedy drama, is the play announced
at the Emporium Opera House, Thurs
day evening, Nov. 12, and from all re
ports that have reached Manager
Butler the country kids are a lively
pair and seem to be making a large
number of friends everywhere. The
play is highly spoken of as a clean up
to-date rural comedy drama, true to
nature and with all those lovable folks
"down on the farm" that we all re
member after we have moved to the
•ity, or that we meet every day where
we have been content to remain clone
to nature with the homespun folks.
This company is made up of real actors
who can act, sing and dance and will
give you an evening of genuine amuse
ment and you will surely laugh at the
Kids for they are busy constantly get
ing in and out of mischief.
A Beautiful Woman.
Her surroundings should be in har
mony, aud can best be made so by a well
kept home. The L. & M., Pure Paint
makes the home beautiful. It preserves
it and prevents decay. The cost per gal
1< *ii ready for use is only 81.20. It wears
for ten years and longer. Thirty-three
years of continuous use is evidence.
Harry S. Lloyd, Kmporium, L. & M.
Paint Agent.
Watched Fifteen Years.
"For fifteen years I have watched the
working of Bucklen's Arnica Salve; and
it has never failed to cure any sore, boil,
ulcer or bum to which it was applied.
It has saved us many a doctor bill," says.
A. F. Hardy, of East Wilton, Maine.
25c, at all drug stores.
Veterinary Specifics cure tliseases
of Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Ilogs and
Poultry by acting directly on the SICK PARTS
without loss of time.
A. A. > FEVERS. <'on«Mllonii, Tntlainma*
CURES > tlons, Luiiff Fever, Milk Fever.
11. 11. > KPRAIXS, Lameness, Injuries*
CURES $ Rheumatism.
C. ! SORE THROAT, Quinsy, Eplzootlo.
CURKB 5 Distemper.
jUREd| WORMS, Ilots, IJruhs.
E. E. H OKUIR Colds, Influenza, Inflame*
CURES ) LuiiffM, IMeuro*Pneumonia.
F. F. H'OLK', U«»llvnehe, Wlnd-Illown,
CURES ) Diarrhea, Dysentery,
a. G. Prevents MIBCARRI VGE,
'■ '• DJ*54M Kiltie, Eruptions,
CURE# J llcern. CMI-, fr'AIO.
J. K. IIIAII CONDITION. Staring foal.
CURES y Indigestion. .Stomach Mtagger,.
flOc. each ; stable Case, Ten Specifics, Book, &c., $7.
At druggists, or sent prepaid on receipt of price.
Humphreys' Medicine Co., Oor. William and John
Gtreeta, New York.
Before I n • !f yen hsve piinpiee, blotches,
r "*> or other skin imperfections, vci
<m/\\' V * n 4 ' eniQTe them snd hsve • cfen
WSfcy A iud beautiful complexion by ur.'o?
J'* ' ImpHTMlki
Btnovn bkin Imperlectiona. Xfc Ut (JTilj
Beneficial result s guaranteed
Sendstamp for L-'reeSample, YDT
l'rrticulars and Testimonials. V
Mention this paper. A fler l »lii|'.
Madison Place, Phllndciriliia. Pa.
[FLTT M N AIM gukranlerdtf YRUU.O ,1
PILES suppository!
m 11, s, au TUomp»"o, Hup |H
Orvli'il S-'hu»il», Btat**«vllls, N< . v«r11. * | 9%f jftj
" iiii't.h mitt. u»c<anii, m. J
Uld In tnporlum try 1. Tigqirt »nif *. C Ood'oil
Three Ladies Kersey Cloth Coats.
Castor color, \ elvet edged collar, handsomely trimmed with silk braid, loose fitting
back. Regular price $12.50. Sale price fJ.Do
Four Ladies Black Kersey Cloth Coats,
Beautifully trimmed with silk braid, loose fitting back. Regular price $12.50. ,-a
Sale price «p / .OU
One only, Ladies Kersey Black Cloth Coat,
with handsome Isabella oposum Fur Storm Collar. Lined throughout with bear (t» in aa
skin plush. Regular price, $25.00; Sale price «pilf.UU
One only, Black Broadcloth Ladies Coat,
With River Mink Storm Collar, lined throughout with quilted sateen. Regular d. tA ad
price $16.50. Sale price JplU.!jO
One only, Heavy Brown Cloth Ladies Coat,
With velvet collar, braid trimmed. Regular price $12.50. &0 no
Sale price «pO."o
One only, Black Broadcloth Ladies Coat,
Close fitted back, man fashion, size 40: Regular price $22.50. g"|£ £A
Sale price IpIO.bU
Two only, Heavy Rough Black Cloth Ladies Coat
Braid trimmed. Regular price $5.98. ao
Sale price «p J. 98
One only, Heavy Rough Black Cloth Ladies Coat
Handsomely trimmed with braid. Regular price $17.50. a, t CA
vSale price $11.50
One only Fine Black Broadcloth Ladies Coat
Back and front beautifully embroidered with braid, lined throughout with gray £l9 rn
satin, loose back. Regular price, 20.00. Sale price
Two only, Black Garacul Ladies Short Coats
Lined throughout with satin, Velvet collar, nicely trimmed with braid. Regular aj
price $12.00. Sale price «p*>.UU
One only, Ladies Black Caracul Short Coat
Lined throughout with satin, liandsomlv trimmed with b.aid. Regular price $15.00 <t»/» A o
Sale price JpO.SJo
Ten Children's Coats
made of blue end green mixed cloth, nicely trimmed, sizes 10, 12 and 14 regular /»q
price $2.98. Sale price «pl.u"
Eight Children's Coats
Made of gray mixed cloth, neatly trimmed, sizes 10, 12, and 14. Regular price £9lO
$3.98. Sale price t*
Fifteen Infants White Coats
Made of imitation lamb skin cloth, beautifully trimmed with white silk braid and <£|
fancy buttons. Regular price $2.98. Sale price «pl.oy
I 1 31 ■ ■ We beg to thank tbe people of Emporium
■. Mm r I I I I and Cameron county for tbe great attend
™ *■ y ance at our birthday Souvenir Sale last week.
_ „ We hope we pleased all our customers, and
Emporium S Greatest Store Phone 90. expect to do even better in the future.
Men to represent us either locally or
traveliug, in the wale of a full line of
easy selling specialties. Apply quick
and secure territory.
33-16t. Rochester, N. Y.
makes the light that rests the eyes.
Nearest approach to natural sun
light known.
Most economical too—burns to
the very last drop without readjust
ing wick. Does not char, smoke or
"smell." Clear, water-white, free
from sediment. Not to be compared
with ordinary tank wagon oil.
Ask your dealer to serve you out of
the original barrel. Then you have
the purest, best lamp oil made.
Independent Refiners
Also makers of Waverly Special Auto Oil
and Waverly Gasolines,
Coughs, Golds,
WhoopiitgCougfi I
This remedy can always te tfcpcr.utd upon and
i pleasant to take. It contains no opl im or
I other harmful dirrj s>nd nay-t iven . I
J M[ to a ba'jy as t > M lU, ;
Price 25 cents, size SO cer.
ILudlams j
To our Lad y Cus -1
t° mers: We are ||
agents for the pop- j
iilar and beautiful ■
I 1 3J j! LA FRANCE 1
}j\" Buy None other.
I Bargain Day 1
In Trimmed Millinery EVERY If
FRIDAY during this season. |j
I Especially Good Bargains for Cash
„ Ludla ms I
4P 1 .
i: ;w w 1 fobs, Ws. wr