Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, October 01, 1908, Image 4

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    ESTABLISHED, 1866.
Cameron County Press i
Editor and Publisher.
Entered at the Postoffice at Emporium as second
class matter.
The Best Advertising Medium in
Northern Pennsylvania.
Ordinary Advertisements are calculated oy the I
inch in length of column.
Ordinary advertisements, to take tne run of
the paper and change four times a year, will be
inserted at the rates stated in the following
l in. 2 in. I 3 in. | 5 in. 110 in.|2o in.
1 Week.. $ 1 00 s2oos 300 350 800 12 00
2 Weeks..) 150 300 400 500 11 00 16 00
3 Weeks.. 200 350 50" 700 13 00 18 00
■I Weeks..! 2 50i 400 600 8 00' 15 00 20 00
2 Months. 400 600 800 12 00 20 00 28 00
3 Months. 5 O<J 800 12 00' 15 00 25 00 MOO
fi Months.; 8 00' 12 00 18 00 22 00 35 00 60 00
1 Year. 12 001 18 00 25 00 ' 30 00 60 OOiIOO 00
Table or figure work will be charged double
Legal advertisements per line ten cents each
week, nonpareil type.
ANNOUNCEMENTS of names of Candidates
for office, $5.00 each. Announcement of candi
dates for borough or township offices, SI.OO each.
Announcements of candidates lor delegates to
the state Convention $5.00 each; delegates, alter
nates or conferees to a local convention or con
ference, SI.OO each.
POLITICAL NOTICES, 20 cents per line each
insertion. Nothing inserted for less than SI.OO.
LOCAL NOTICES in the local columns will be
inserted for ten cents per line the first week and
live cents per line for each subsequent consecu
tive week without change.
ANNOUNCEMENTS of births, marriages and
deaths will be inserted free, but ail obituary
notices and resolutions will be charged five
cents a line and obituary verses five cents a
Business Cards, five lines or less $5.00 peryear
All exceeding five lines, SI.OO per line.
CARDS OF THANKS, pjsitively 'sl.oo for ten
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The date on the address label of each subscri
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In all communications relating to subscrip
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In directing a change of address, always give
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The Jobbing Department of the PRESS is com
plete and a'lords facilities for doing the best
Law Printing.
[of Ohio.
For Vice President,
of New York.
For Judge of Superior Court,
W. D. PORTER, of Allegany County.
I For Congressman,
of Sinnamalioning, Pa.
For Assembly,
For Assoclate'Judge,
of Grove.
For Sheriff,
of Emporium.
For County Commissioners,
of Driftwood.
of Shippen.
ForJCounty; Auditors.
of Grove.
of Emporitim.
Congressman Barclay eminently de
serves a re-election by an increased
majority. He is one of the hardest
workers in Congress and looks well to
the needs of his district.
Hon. Josiah Howard unselfishly
labors for the true advancement of
every section of Cameron county.
Keep him in the Legislature where his
honest and st übborn fight for the right
is appreciated. That he will be elected
by a large ma jority none dispute.
# #
Frank G. Judd is a careful business
man, honest and upright. As Sheriff
he would give the duties of the office
every attention. He has been faithful
to every trust imposed upon him.
Vote for him.
Taft and Sherman are serenely float
ng along with the mighty hosts of Re
publicans and honest Democrats, who
place the welfare of the country above
party, to victory.
Farmers, laborers, mechanics, re
member that John A. Wykoff, the Re
publican candidate for Associate Judge,
is a laboring man and will guard your
interests on the Bench. Elect him.
* *
It is said we are to have directoire
bathing suits next summer. Why can't
the modistes let the fashion alone?
There is not sufficient cloth in the
average bathing suit to cut a slash to
' be noticeable.
* *
While Governor Hoskill, of Oklaho
ma, is in the lime light, it is interesting
to know that he is not only Gover
nor, but a member of the Oklahoma
Text Book Commission and that one
of the text books adopted by the Com
mission contains the interesting infor
mation that when the future historian
writes the history of Oklahoma, he will
pay tribute to Gov. Haskell who was
elected as a reward for his able coun
sel and leadership in behalf of the peo-
A careful investigation of tbe condi
tions in thin Congressional district indi
cates clearly that Captain Barclay will j
again carry every county in the dis
trict and by increased majorities, not
withstanding the rosy predictions of
the gentleman from Centre county. It
is a case of facts against fancies.
A boarding house keeper disposed ot j
his wife and furniture to a boarder for i
sls, but in as much as the wife was j
neither real estate nor chatel, it was j
understood that he sold the furniture I
and threw her in for good measure.
* *
It is said that the newly elected gov
ernor of Maine is a manufacturer of
canned tomatoes. There can be no
competition between him and other
statesmen who are dealing extensively
in canned oratory.
* * %
May there not be something sinister
in the prophesy of Gov. Hughes'
friends that he will run like a race
horse this time.
A man in Texas is proclaiming that
if he was sure that marriage was a lot
tery, he would have his mother-in-law
indicted for running the one that ac
cepted him.
The optomistic young man from
Centre county who thinks he is run.
ning for Congress in this district has a
most vivid imagination. When he is
in Centre county he imagines that he
is going to carry every county in the
district; when in Cameron he is sure
he will carry Centre, Clearfield and
McKean; when in Clearfield he tells his
friends that Centre, |Cameron and Mc-
Kean are his beyond question and
when in McKean he is dead sure that
Centre, Cameron and Clearfield will
give him big majorities. When the
election is over he will have a less viv
id imagination but will find that he has
gathered a large crop of very expen
sive experience and that Captain Bar
clay has the votes.
Congressman Barclay
At Republican Club
Distinguished Representative and
Other Party Candidates Ad
dress a Rousing Meeting.
Bradford Star, Sept. 25th.
The Hon. Charles F. Barclay, ofSin
namahoning, Cameron county, who so
well represented this district in con
gress was the guest of honor at the
meeting of the Bradford Republican
club last night at Repulican headquart
ers, No. 5, Congress street.
Mr. Barclay, the Hon. James A. Mc-
Kean, candidate for assembly, Candi
dates E. L. Marsh, John A. Peterson,
candidates for couuty commissioner,
and William H. Morrison, who is run
ning for sheriff, were also present to
meet the voters.
President Paton called the meeting
to order; there was a large attendance,
and it grew as the evening passsed.
Secretary Boardman read the minutes
of the last meeting, after which Presi
dent Paton announced that on Tuesday
next John Hayes Hammond, of Glou
cester, Mass., president of the National
League of Republican clubs would ad
dress a mass meeting at tbe Lyceum,
and that there would be another not
able speaker present, whose name he
would not yet announce.
Captain Barclay was introduced and
he made a good speech on party issues.
He the two presidential
candidates and characterized Taft as a
man of achievements and Bryan as a
man of wind.
Attorney Evan J. Jones, always a
witty and interesting speaker, livened
up the meeting with a good speech in
which he mixed wit with wisdom. J.
P. McNarney, of Emporium, was in
troduced and he made it plain to the
voters the importance of being up and
doing, and leaving no stone unturned
to get out the vote and see that the
vote was Republican. He said every
man liked to vote for a winner and
the way to do it was for every Repub
lican in the county to vote the Repub
lican ticket straight. If they all did
that they would have voted for the
Candidates James A. McKean and
W. H. Morrison delivered brief ad
dresses and were given rousing recep
tions, after which that prince of ex.
temporaneous public speakers, Col. M.
H. Houghton was introduced. The
colonel was at his best. The topic,
Republicanism, is dear to his heart
and he made a speech that fairly elec
trified the crowd. It was a thriller
and was puctuated with wit and satire
of the keenest. He was given an ova
tion in conclusion.
The candidates held an informal re
ception at the conclusion of the meet
W. H. Mitchell, Dentist, Emporium.
Mrs. Christie Caldwell died about 5
o'clock on Saturday morning at the home
of M. J. Logue where she was taken
after the fire that destroyed her houie a
week ago or more. She was the widow
of the late Arch Caldwell and leaves one
son, Ed. Caldwell of this place and one
daughter, Mrs. Mary llussy of Mcdix
Run. Funeral held at this place on
Monday and interment made by the side
of her husband in the Gilmore cemetery,
j Sept. 21. 1008.
A black and white hound. Any one
seeing a strange dog of this description
will please notify C. 11. Woolley, Em
poiium, Pa.
Lucky Week.
John L. Johnson, who is successfully
conducting the Jackson farm, on the
Portage, which he recently purchased,
remembered ye editor on Monday with
a large basket of choice vegetables
from his farm. No farm in the state
grow better vegetables and Mr. John
son and hiß proficient assistant Mr.
Smith Whitman, are astonishing the
natives with the choice vegetables and
monster tomatoes aud big solid pota
toes they have grown this season.
Thanks, friends.
Christie s Juvenile Exchange.
Dept. B BUFFAI.O, N. Y„
Miniature Strum Engines. Autos, Hand-Cars,
Coaster-Hobs, Tricycles, Bicycles, Fine Skate*,
Guns, Poot, llasket Ball and Sporting Goods
Beautiful Imported Dolls, Knglish Doll Buggies
and Go-Carts. Teddy Hears, Toy Stoves, Dishes
and Furniture, Doll Houses, Indestructible Iron
Toys, etc. etc. Also Cutters and Folding Go-Carts
for Habies. Our catalogue, the most interesting
book you ever saw, will be sent upon receipt of
•ix two cent stamps.
W« nhip our domestic gooda straight
from the factory to you. There ia no
double freight and handling and no high
rent to l>e charged against them. It is
our ambition to become the leading
distributers of High Grade Juvenile
(Hoods in America. To this end we are
bending every resource. We will give
every boy or girl who will helpus in our
advertising campaign, a chance to earn
any one of our beautiful articles.
As Hany a Emporium Reader Know*
Too Well.
When the kidney are sick,
Nature tells you all about it.
The urine is nature's calendar.
Infrequent or too frequent action;
Any urinary troubles tells of kiduey
Doan's Kidney Pills cure all kidney
Kmporiuni people testify to this.
Mrs. K. L. llendt, living on Fifth St.,
Emporium, Pa., says: Doan's Kidney
Pills have been of great benefit to me. I
suffered with a disordered condition of
the kidneys for years and the secretions,
were irregular and painful in passage. I
suffered with constant backache and pains
through my loins and was unable to rest
at night on account of these annoyances.
When I learned of Doan's Kidney Pills
I obtained a box from L. Taggart, the
druggist. This remedy gave me almost
immediate relief. My back does not
ache any more, I am able to sleeep well
at nights and the other symptoms have
disappeared. I obtained more relief in
a shorter time from Doan's Kidney Pills
than from anything else I ever used.
This remedy has my hearty endorsement."
For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents.
Foster Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York,
sole agents for the United States. Re
member the name—Doan's—and take no
You take Kodol just for a little while
when you have slight attacks of indiges
tion, and you take it just a little longer
in order to get relief from severe attacks
of Indigestion or Nervous Dyspepsia.
Try Kodol to-day. Sold by It. C. Dod
Man/an Pile Remedy comes ready to
use with nozzle attached. Soothes, heals,
reduces itching and inflammation. An
operation for piles will not be necessary
if you use Man/an. Prices 50c. Money
refunded if not satisfied. Sold by R. C.
| Dodson. 3m
DeWitt's Little Early Risers, the fam
ous little liver pills. Sold by R. C.
Rings Little Liver Pills for biliousness,
sick headache, muddy complexion. They
tone the liver; do not gripe. They keep
you well. 25c. Sold by R. C. Dod
son. 3m
English Spavin Liniment removed
Hard, Soft or Calloused Lumps and
Blemishes from horses; also Blood
Spavins, Curbs, Splints, Sweeney, King
Bone, Stifles, Sprains, Swollen Throats,
Coughs, etc. Save SSO by use of one
bottle. A wonderful Blemish Cure.
Sold by L.Taggart, druggist. 32 6m
High Class Merchandise!
With the preliminary opening oi the Fall Season upon us the subject of class and quality becomes a much discussed one.
What is new, what is correct, what is best are questions to be answered. It is here that this wide awake store proves its position
as a bureau of information. It is a part of our business policy to keep the trade posted 011 details of the seasons changes and its
advancement as regards the various lines handled by us.
We desire you to feel that this store with its score and twelve years experience is at your service, not only in the distribu
tion of necessary merchandise but also in disseminating information that is of usefulness to you. Relative to high class merchan.
dise a word is spoken, a certain quality must reveal itself in every article, otherwise it finds 110 place here. We endeavor to keep
the lowest priced article in a high class of its own—a condition that applies to all grades of merchandise handled. Let us furnish
you with thoroughly reliable and satisfactory merchandise.
Let J. L. Tailor I $15.00 to $48.00
I The Home of Hart, Shatfener & Marx Clothes. Opp. Post Office. EMPORIUM, PA. DONE HERE. R
measure. »
< %|||lMTlirMniTTrTiTi'MVlMliir" llliiW'lllWllHllllMlW'llllilillllllllllil—lllfllH il HI I IIII' I ' ' "I HIM'I II mill
President of the (iermania Fire Insur
ance Co., Recommends Chamber
iain Cough Remedy
I have used Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy in my family for over a year,
and can say that it has never failed to
cure the most stubborn cough or cold. I
can recommend it to any family as a sure
and safe children's cough remedy.—
ANDRKW SciINECK, Davton, Ont. This
remedy is for sale by L. Taggart.
Emporium's Best Store
Sells the Nemo Corsets
Why? Because it is our policy
to give our customers the very best
value for their money. "Nemo"
Corsets are to-day the best to be
had. You get more value, better
wear and what's most important
the greatest comfort from them.
Ask your friend or neighbor who
wears one.
Nemo Kosmo Corset
Just, the corset for women who are
"hard on corsets." Made of stout
coutil, with all
toe usual Nemo
strength and
durability ; th e
Nemo "Triple-
St,r ip Re-en
forcement" (hones
and steels cannot,
cut tli ro u gh) ;
and the Nemo
"1" 111> reak a b Ie
Hip," wlii c h
doubles the life
of this corset.
No corset, like
it for every-day
hard use —good
service is "sewed
into it." Will out
wear two ordin
ary corsets.
Two models: No.
159. for medium
N* 160 mmn-
anil tall figures; and No. 160, with
longer hip and lower bust, for stout
figures. Prices for either model :
In sizes 18 to 30 $1.50
In sizes 31 to 36 $1.75
A favorite "stout woman's corset"
in the larger sizes. And economical,
because it wears so long.
Nemo "Self~Reducing ,!
The only corsets in the world that
•vill reduce the figure " all around,•'
ind do it comfortably.
The only corsets that will give a stout
voman the "new figure," with flat
jack and slender hip^.
Model No. 320 is designed for stout
women who are
tall. Model No.
318 is suitable for
short - waisted
stout women.
Of white coutil
or batiste, in
drS c ..?: $3.00
Model N0.5 17 is
made of fine im
ported white
French coutil, and
is designed for tall
stout figures. A
Si'"! $5.00
Model No. 1000,
at SIO.OO, is the
most perfect corset
ever made for a
stout figure. Has
triple reducing
\ N<32o'«"» fLATNING-OACK
straps over th e
lips. Equal in quality, style and finish
.0 the best French or inade-to-order
jorset you can buy at double the price.
There is 110 substitute for the Neuac
self-Reducing Corset. It is "the corse!
vhicli never had a rival."
■ TCM A our# guaranteed if yoo use , ■
IPILES Suppository!
■ D. Malt . Thompson, Sup'tß
■ (traded Schools, Statosville, N. C., writes: "1 cau iajl
■ they do all you claim for them." I»r. S. M. DeYorc.H
■ Raven Kock, W. Va., writes; "They givo universal sati* ■
■ faction." Dr. 11. D. McGill, Clarksburg, Tenu., writes: ■
■ "In a practice of 23 yeari, I havo found no remedy t»H
■ equal your*." Pairs, 60 C«J»TS. Bnmples Free. Sold nS
Sold in Emporium by L. Taggart and R. C. Dodsot
Ao. 32SS.
SEPT. 23, 1908.
Loans and Discounts $435,885 14 Capital stock paid in SIOO,OOO CO
Overdrafts, secured and unsecured.... 826 62 Surplus fund 80,000 00
U. 8. Bonds to secure circulation 100,000 00 | Undivided profits, less expenses and
Other Bonds to secure U. 8. Deposits.. 50,000 00 taxes paid 22,714 37
Premiums on U. 8. Bonds 4,500 00 National Bank notes outstanding 9(1,497 50
Bonds, secureties, etc 67,9 ft". 60 1 '45 00
Banking house, furniture and fixtures. 19,000 00 ( individual deposits subject to
Other real estate owned 4,000 00 check 1372,386 73
Due from Nafl Banks (notreserve agts) 70 O'.i pgrtfaed checks 9 0"
Due from approved reserve agents. 55,294 53 Cashier's checks outstanding 3,046 49
Checks and other cash items, 80 70 United States Deposits 50,000 00 ___
Notes of other National Banks 3,460 00 ' ' '
Fractional paper currency, nickels and
cents 197 00 »
Specie $33,007 80
Legal-tender notes 1,940 00 34,947 80
Redemption fund with U.S. Treasurer,
5 per cent, of circulation 5,000 00 ! _
Total $781,167 48 $781,167 4 8
Slate of Pennsylvania, County of Cameron. SS:~ I,T. B. Lloyd, Cashier of the above named Bank
do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
X. It U.OVD, cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me) ( „
this 30tb day of Sept. 1908. ( \ CORRECT Attest:
B. W. GREEN, )
JAY P. KELT, Notary Public. ) N. SEOER, > Directors.
My Commission expires Feb. 2, 1910. V JNO. E. SMITH, J
Coppersmith's Millinery
and Suit Opening
Thursday and Friday,
October Ist and 2nd, 1908
Beautiful Display of Pattern Hats FO D R AYS LL
Lovely Millinery will be shown during onr opening
days. The handsome hats on display are representatives
of the seasons bset styles and are distinctive to the ex
tent that in the entire collection there are not two to be
found alike in their style treatment. Great economics
in prices will ba a distinct factor in OUR Millinery.
Handsome Tailored Suits shown during Opening
. Days. Suits of superior quality from $13.50 to $29.50.
New Fall Dress Fabrics. New Fall Fashions in
Waists. There is nothing more fashionable than a
dainty waist. See them. We are up to date.
Ladies Fur nishing
We carry thousands of novelties
We have the exclusive Agency for
The Cadet Stockings I
Scientific Stockings for Men,
Women, Boys and Girls.
Sensible, satisfying, scientific
Cadet Stockings, reinforced with
Linen. Every pair guaranteed.
Prce 25 cents the pair.