R. KUEHNE Cameron County's Largest tend finest Dry Goods Store, IiMPORIVM, PA. ml ;) - k||V o fern \ I W m A No. 100—New model suit of all wool two toned striped Suiting. Coat 30 inches.long, lined throughout with good quality gray satin. Notch colar, cufis, pockets, edged with silk velvet. Revers, front and back trimmed with Skinner's satin straps. Gored full flare skirt, timmed with wo bands of Skinner's satin -l o (as per picture). Price, y liJtUU W No. Ill—Finely tailored jaunty suit of plain broadcloth iu the correct fall colorings. Semi fitted back and four-bottoned straight front with mannish coat lapels. Side fllap pockets and cuffs on sleeves. Heavy gray satin lining. Full pleated skirt with deep foot fold. All sizes from 32 to 42, (as per picture) 411) | ■■ No. 101.—32 inch long coat suit of all wool j striped material in the new fall shades, also the 1 most desirsbld Bray effects. New shape single broasted, four button front coat; lined through out with silver gray satin. Trimmed with bias tailored straps and buttons. Qored full Hare skirt with six inch bias fold; ornamented with buttons, (as per picture) 1 *5 t A Price l J.DU vm r&H' n€pi >J L»\j , ij\ f(i PNV JSp No. 123—W00l material. Dark stripes. Coat % length, Trimmed with stin bands, skirt with iold and satin band. (hi H Price «P 1 D.UU j No. 304-Elegant coat made of tan covert cloth | velvet collar, self straps, 52 inch AA RI A per picture). Price J No. 511—Beautiful suit, made ol all wool, Her. 1 ingbone cloth. Comes in all plain colors, coat j 35 inches long, elegantly tailored. Buttoned j trimmed. Skirt plaited and trim- d>nr /"ifl | med with fold. Price No. 827—Child's coat, invisible stripe, heavy cloth, lined throughout. Various colors; all ages. A 71? Price " A Sure-Enough Knocker. A. C. Goodwin, of lleidsville, -N. C. ; says: "Pucklcn's Arnica Salve is a sure enough knocker for ulcers. A bad one came on my leg last summer, but that wonderful salve knocked it out in a few rounds. No even a scar remained." Guarateed for piles, sores, burns, etc. 25c, at all drug stores. They Take The Kinks Out. (i I have used Dr. King's New Life Pills for many years, with increasing satis faction. They take the kinks out of the stomach, liver and bowels, without fuss or friction," says N. 11. Brown, of l'itts field, Nt. Guaranteed satisfactory at ail drug stores. 25c. ! | No. 109—Novelty cloth suit in {handsome two j toned all wool, striped fabrics. 30 inch long coat semi-fitted; lined with good quality gray satin. Bias tailored straps across front and .back. Or namental button trimming. Wide tkirt with bias straps and fancy buttons (as d> i Q r A ' Per picture). Price, ipIO.OU fTSL 4 tw /# M ' V \ iMk , V \\\ No. 300—Semi-fitted coat, '>2 inch long, made | of fine quality Kersey finished Thibet. Satin I lined waist, turn down color, revers and cuffs | edged with Skinner's satin and trimmed with | soutache. Double stitched cloth strapping ex tending from front to back, piped with satin, (a per picture). Black only. 7C Price, *|)o. / O No. 383.—Misses coat. Heavy cloth. Trim med with broadcloth and buttons. -I A AA •19 inches long. Price 1 vJ.vrU Kodol will in a very short time enable the stomach to do the work it should do, and work it should do is to digest all the food you eat. It makes the stomach sweet and it is pleasant to take. It is j pleasant to take. It is sold here by It. j C. Dodson. Wood's Liver Medicine is liquid form , for malaria, chills and fever, regulates the liver, kidneys and bladder, brings quick relief iu biliousness, sick headache, constipatiou. Pleasant to take. The SI.OO bottle contains 2J times the quan- \ tity of the 50c size. First dose brings i relief. Its tonic effects felt at once, j j Sold by 11. (J. Dodson. !5m R. KUEHNE Cameron County's Largest and Finest Dry Goods Store, EMPORIUIH, PA. Vo. 102—Latest Fall Model suit made of all ! wool cloth in rich, twi: toned subdued colorings. | Cnat 32 inches long, lined throughout with Pearl i gray satin. Elaborately trimmed with fancy I silk braid, crochet buttons and silk soutache, i Vents In back trimmed with cord loops and | crochet buttons. A wide sweep gored skirt,with I deep fold and trimmed to correspond. (As per | picture). { 1 p rJA Price «P 1 O.OU | No. 549—Stylish all wool striped suit, richly ! trimmed, all colors,las per pictureri/Ti I Price No. 322—Heavy striped cloth coat, dark colors. Semi-fitted back, 52-inch long, velvet collar. Trimmed with silk braid and but. oß. Pure Liu.seed Oil costs much less sold i from the barrel than it does put up in Tin (/aim as Mixed Paint—ln the first instance you pay (ill cents per gallon—ln , the second Si.liO. Now uiix .'{ gallons of pure linseed oil with 4 pallons L, & M. Paint and you have, ready for use, 7 gal lons of the best paint made costing only 81.20 per gallon Poue in 2 minutes. Harry S. Lloyd, Emporium, L. & M. Paint Agent. "Buster Brown" that irrepressible youngster, will be seen at the Empori um Opera House tonight. The manage- I ment this season offer an entirely new i prodction, splendid scenery and cos- > tumes, and a company second to none. 1 he date will soon be announced. J™ I