Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, September 10, 1908, Image 4

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Cameron County Press
Editor and Publisher.
Entered at the Postoffice at Emporium as second
class matter.
The Best Advertising Medium in
. Northern Pennsylvania.
Ordinary Advertisements are calculate i oy the
inch in length of column.|
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The Jobbfng Department of the PHESS is com
plete and affords facilities for doing the best
Law Printing.
For President,
of Ohio.
For Vice President,
of New York.
For Judge of Superior Court,
W. I). PORTER, of Allegany County.
For Congressman,
of Sinnamahoning. Pa.
For Assembly,
of Emporium.'
For Associate Judge,
of Grove.
For Sheriff.
of Emporium.
For County Commissioners,
of Driftwood.
of Shippen.
For County Auditors,
of Grove.
of Emporium.
Kodal will, without doubt, make your
stomach strong and will almost instantly
relieve you of all th • symptoms of indi
gestion. (ret a bottle of it to-day. It is
sold here by li. ('. Dodson.
itch cured in 30 minutes by Wood
ford's Sanitary Lotion. Never fails
Sold bv L. Taggart, druggist. 32-lyr.
Best Treatment for a Burn.
If for o'i other reason. Chamberlain's
Salve should h- kept in every household
ou aceoun' if its irreat value in the treat
ment oi b u'i..-. It allays (he pain almost I
instantly, and unless the injury is a severe j
one, heals the part without leaving a scar.
This ■ iivi• : also uneijiia! 1 tor chapped
haud v sore nipples and diseases of the
skin. Price, "Jo cents. For sale bv L.
To those afflicted with kidney and
bladder trouble, backache, rheumatism,
Pineules for the Kidneys bring relief in
the first do Hundreds of people to
day testify to their remarkable healing
and tonic properties. iiO days' trial
81.00 The purify the blood. Sold by
It. C. Dodson. 'j,,,
Pineules for the kidneys, iJtl davs
trial 81.00. Hundreds of people testify
to the merit of this preparation in the re
lief of kidney trouble, rheumatism, lum
bago, backache. Pineules act directly on
Ihe kidneys, purify the blood and make
you feel like a new person. They tone
ihe system. Sold by R. C. Dodson. 8m
English Spavin Liniment removed
Hard, Soft or Calloused Lumps and
Blemishes from horses; also Blood
Spavins, Curbs, Splints, Sweeney, Ring
Bone, Stifles, Sprains, Swollen Throats,
Coughs, etc. Save §6O by use of one
bottle. A wonderful Blemish Cure.
Sold by L.Taggart, druggist. 32-lyr
Latest Popular Music.
Miss May Gould, teacher of piano
forfe has received a full line ofthelat j
est and most popular sheet mu3ie. All !
the popular airs. Popular and class
ical music. Prices reasonable.
| Praised Taft and Called For
Elimination of Bryanism.
1 Special Correspondence.]
Ilarrisburg, Pa., Sept. 8.
Pennsylvania Bryanites are greatly
exercised over the publication of
Grover Cleveland's last political doc
ument. in which he forecasted the
election of Judge Taft and recorded
his opinion that the national Democ
racy will never regain its prestige un
til Bryanism shall be eliminated.
There is no doubt that these de
j clarations have had far reaching in
i fluence among the conservative ele
ment of the Democracy of the Key
stone State.
The Cleveland article was the first
of a series which the late ex-president
intended to write, but which hi.?
death cut short. It was copyrighted
by the New York Times after permis
sion to print it had been obtained
from Frederick S. Hastings, executor
of Mr. Cleveland's estate.
In this article Mr. Cleveland among
other things said:
"With the other parties disorganized,
redeveloping and procreating, the Re
publican party Is certain, though with
a considerably lessened strength, to
move onto a safe victory sustained by
the popular support of reforms which
should not redound to its glory solely,
those reforms having been the work
of decent men of all parties. • • »
"Personally and officially I have hnd
the opportunity of knowing manv
things concerning Mr. Taft that were
not a matter of general knowledge,
and with a keen interest I have watch
ed his large share in the conduct ol
our national affairs in very recent
years. His excellence as a federal
judge in Cincinnati is something not j
to be underestimated or overemphasiz
ed, for should he come to the presi
dential chair the qualities which made
him a judge of high ability, which I
know him to have been, will be the
most needful to him as president of
the United States. His high ideals of
honesty and of relative jitstive, his
great capacity for severe labor and
his humorous wisdom in the face of
the serious problem are attribute
equally valuable and commendatory t(
a people, seeking him in whom they
may repose the trust of their collec
tive interests while they turn their in .
creased attention to their pressing
individual demands.
After discussing problems resultln
from national expansion, continuir
he said:
Has Important Qualifications.
"These questions are fruitful o
trouble and perturbation, and the pr'
mary requisite of the man or men w' <
must deal with them is an abundru
knowledge of the people of the cuti
lng domain. That Mr. Taft Is poas
sed of this knowledge as Is no oth n
man In the country Is hardly to b<
denied: granted that he has had e?
traordinary opportunities, he ha
shown himself able to improve tho~
opportunities in a manner which it '■
not extravagant to say will be hi
broadest claim so far to enduri
fame when the acute visual distort
of the present and opportune shr
have given place to the inexorable pe
spective of history in which there
tive values of public deeds to pub!
duties are completely clarified a'
announced to posterity."
Are You Sure Your Kidneys Are
Many rheumatic attacks are due to
uric acid in the blood. I>ut the duty of
the kidneys is to remove all uric acid
from the blood. Its presence there shows
the kidneys are inactive.
Don't dally with "uric acid solvents."
You might goon till doomsday with
thorn, but until you cure the kidneys you
will never get well. 1 loan's Kidney Pills
not only remove uric acid, but cure the
kidneys and then all danger from uric
acid is ended. Here is Emporium testi
mony to prove it.
Mrs. John Sumtnerson, living on West
Sixth St., Emporium, Pa., says:"l suf
ferred with nagging backaches and pains !
in my sides and across tuy kidneys for a !
long time, caused by a disordered condi- j
tton of my kidneys. 1 also suffered with :
rheumatism in my limbs, was languid !
and lacked ambition. 1 used ''
many remedies but could obtain no relief, j
Finally I learned of Doan s Kidney l'ills >
and procured a box from L. Taggart, the
druggist. This remedy gave me relief
from the backaches and pains, regulated
the kidneys and improved my general
health, I obtained more relief from this
remedy than I had hoped for in so short
a time. lam glad to recommend 1 loan's
Kidney Pills to other kidney sufferers."
For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents.
Foster Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York,
sole agents for the United States, Re
member the name—Doan's—and take no
Economy in 1908.
Pure Linseed Oil costs much less sold
from the barrel than it does put up in
Tin Cans as Mixed Paint—ln the ffrst
instance you pay 60 cents per gallon— ln
the seeoud £1.60. Now mix '» gallons of
pure linseed oil with I pallons L. & M.
Paint and you have, ready for use, 7 gal
lons of the best paint made costing only
81.20 per gallon. Done in 2 minutes.
Harry S. Lloyd, Emporium, L. & M.i
Paint Agent.
*■" DeWitt's Carbolizjd Witch Hazel j
Salve is the best thing to use for piles. !
Sold by 1!. C. Dodson.
I Breezy|
f| County I
1 Nerts §
H. W. Mitchell, dentist, Empori
Alice Jordan of Wyside. spent Sun-
Sundav with her parents.
John L. Johnson was a business call
er in Emporium Monday.
A. W. Smith is engaged in hauling
his logs to the creek to be floated to the
box factory at Sinnamahoning when the
water will permit.
J. F. Sullivan and wife spent Monday
in Renovo.
Miss Helen Barns of Emporium spent
Sunday with Ruth Sullivan.
11. F. Foster of Sterling lluu spent
Sunday with W. W. Johnson.
Relief Operator W. J. McCarton re
lieved operator Sullivan Monday.
Santo Tobaseo has resigned his posi
tion on the track and went back to Italy.
J. P. s.
W. H. Mitchell, Dentist, Em porium
! Edw. McCracken made a trip to St.
Marys Sunday in search of a girl to as
sist with the work at the boarding house.
Wm. Wykoff and wife returned home
Sunday, after a three weeks visit at
Hicks liuu.
Quite a number of our citizens visited
Renovo during old home week and all
report a good time.
Mrs. G. B. Shearer and son Harry of
Emporium, visited 10. F. Comley and
wife Sunday.
Mrs. J. R. Fetter and Mrs. Gilbert
Morse of Emporium visited D. C. Liu
ninger and wife Sunday.
Cy Lupro and Chas Jones who are
employed at Crosby, spent Sunday here
with their famlies.
R. E. Wheeler of Chicago, Gen'l
Passenger Agt. of C. 15. &, Q. lty., made
a business trip here Thursday.
John Schwab, our enterprising mer
chant expects to start for Montana the
latter part of the week, where he ex
pects to locate if suitable.
John Schwab and G. L. Page attend
ed lodge at Emporium Tuesday.
Mrs. Cyrus Lupro and daughter Grace
visited friends at Renovo last week.
D. Sullivan, Sr., shocked his large
corn crop Saturday and says he is now
ready for Jack Frost.
W. 11. Mitchell, Dentist, Emporium.
Carl Jones went to the Williamsport
Hospital Saturday. He is very ill with
heart trouble.
Mis. Albert Smith and children re
turned home Tuesday from a weeks visit
witli friends and relatives at Beech Creek
and Flemington.
The Ladies Aid had a large crowd at
their supper and fair Tuesday. The
Driftwood Band furnished some good
music. They cleared over all expenses
Mae. Cranton returned home the past
week from several months visit with her
aunt Mrs. Goodsell, of Huflalo.
Mrs. Rinker visited her daughter Mrs.
Ellen Moore the past week.
Miss Jennie Stiver who has been the j
guest of Lulu Lewis for the past week. I
left Sunday for Vcungstown, ()., where!
she expects to teach school this winter, i
Mrs. 11. P. Spence was an Emporium j
visitor over Sunday.
Morgad Foster went to Dagus Tues- :
day, where he expects to work a few days j
as operator on the P. E. R. I!.
Mis- Mary Lynch who lias been the 1
TTrHnTTTi MIiiBrTTWM IW Iff HI |'j I M\ Filtfi 111 I lljiupuwffl r'- r ? 3^\83238 ?
| Our Fail Opening j
The most elaborate showing of Fall and Winter woolens ever offered by the tailoring
art, We desire to call special attention to the new shades of green and brown, which
will be handled exclusively in this city by us.
As a special inducement to promote early buying and to make this the biggest Fall Opening we have ever had we will give
away absolutely free of charge an extra pair of trousers, made to order with every Suit or Overcoat purchased. This offer GOOD
ONLY UP TO and including the NINTEENTH of SEPTEMBER.
Let J. L. Tailor $15.00 to $48.00 j PRESSING AND
measure 3 Thr Home of Hnrt, SSia.foner & Mnrx Clothes. Opp. Post Offce, EMPORIUM. PA, ! DONE HERE. |
guest of her uncle Geo. Lynch and family
I left Tuesday to visit relatives at Sinna
m a honing and Flemington.
J. 11. Darren was an Emporium visitor
Joe Furlong having spent his vacation
at home left for school Monday.
Mrs. Bubb, of Williamsport, is the
guest of her sister Mrs. John Mary.
Mr. Rishell and wife, Miss Lena
Evans and mother and Miss Flossie Tag
gart, of Emporium, attended the Ladies
Aid Fair here Tuesday afternoon.
W. H. Mitchell, Dentist, Emporium.
Dry weather, awful.
The Box Co. have their mill under
The directors of the Paint Co. met on
Tuesday to arrange for the fall trade in
About 200 of our people visited Reno
vo last week and returned well pleased.
A number of our young folks attend
ed a social at Sterling Run, Saturday.
LeGrand WyKoff, Forestry Commis-.
sioner was in town Tuesday.
Mrs. Geo. D. Mead of Mix Run is
visiting at Wyside.
Byron Collins of Huntley was a caller
here Monday.
G. J. Shafer of Benezette was in town
Nathan Silan returned from New
York last week.
Henry Berfield is improving his resi
dence at Wyside.
D. W. Daugherty and A. L. St
j Clair have the contract to load the Lark
jat Cooks Run for A. E. Shetlif. There
1 are twenty teams hauling at present.
Several of our sports who went to
! ltenovo last week were badly dazed by
j the little girl in blue.
A number of our sports took in the
dance at Grove Saturday night.
There has been parties fishing in Wy
kofi Run three Sundays in succession
[ but nothing has been done to stop it.
The run is the lowest it has been in 50
Pap Blodgett, who has been laid up
with the gout is able to be around once
Mrs. Stewart Chase and daughter are
visiting at Ilenovo this week.
J. 11. Drum of Allingdale visited with
his family over Sunday.
W. H. Mitchell, Dentist, Emporium.
"Buster Brown" that irrepressible
youngster, will be seen at the Empori
um Opera House tonight. The manage
ment this season offer an entirely new
prodction, splendid scenery and cos
tumes, and a company second to none.
The date will soon be announced.
Roof Slating
I am especially prepared to
Contract for Slating
By the square or job. As to my wrok
manship, I refer, by permission,
to the work recently completed
for the Hon. B. W. Green.
Get My Prices Before You
Use Shingles
I PILES y^.apMittnl
lorn It-il Scbooll, StatcsvlMe, N. C., writis: 1 c'lti'i H
■ Dr. 11. I). M< (illl, Clarksburg, T. uu., writi'.i: I
Sold in Emporium by L. Taggarl and R. C. Dodioa
A Faying Investment.
John White, of 38 Highland Ave.,
Houlton, Maine, say!?: "Have been
troubled with a cough every winter and
spring. Last winter I tried many adver
tised remedies, but the cough continued
until I bought a 50c bottle of Dr. King's
New Discovery; before that was half
gone, the cough was all gone. This
winter the same happy result has follow
ed, a few doses once more banished the
annual cough. I am now convinced
that Dr. King's New Discovery is the
best of all cough and lung remedies."
Sold under guarantoe at all drug stores.
50c, and 81.00. Trial bottle free.
Just a little Cascasweet is all that is
necessary to give your baby when it is
cross and peevish. Cascasweet contains
no opiates nor harmful drugs and is high
ly recommended by mothers everywhere.
Sold by R. C. Dodson. Sold by R. C.
Man/an Pile Remedy eomcs ready to
use with uozsle attached. Soothes, heals,
reduces itching and inflammation. An
operation for piles will not be necessary
if you use MaoZan. PricesoOc. Money
refunded if not satisfied. Sold by R. C.
Dodson. 3m
DeWitt's Little Early Risers are small
pills, easy to take, gentle and sure. Sold
by R. C. Dodsou.
I In addition to our up-to-date line of
? Ladies Furnishing
We carry thousands of novelties
We have the exclusive Agency for
The Cadet Stockings
Scientific Stockings for Men,
Women, Boys and Girls.
Sensible, satisfying, scientific
Cadet Stockings, reinforced with
Linen. Every pair guaranteed.
Prce 25 cents the pair.
Continued Bargains in
Suits, Skirts, Shirt Waists
Dress Goods, Hosiery,
Embroidery and Laces,
Ribbons and Notions.
Special Millinery Sale
One Half Off Regular Pirce
How to Get Strong.
P. J. Daly, of 1247 W. Congress St.,
Chicago, tells of a way to become strong.
He says: "My mother, who is old and
very feeble, is deriving so much benefit
from Electric Bitters, that 1 feel it's my
duty to tell those who need a tonic and
strengthening medicine about it."" In my
mother's case a marked gain in flesh has
res-ulted, insomia has been overcome, and
she is steadily growing stronger." Elec
tric Bitters quickly remedy stomach,
liver and kidney complaints. Sold
under guaranted at all drug stores. soc.
DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder Pills
are for weak back, backache, rheumatic
pains, inflammation of the bladder and
all other annoyances due to weak kidneys.
They are sold by R. C. Uodson.
Rings Little Liver Pills lor biliousness,
sick headache, muddy complexion. They
tone the liver; do not gripe. They keep
you well. 25c. Sold by R. G'. Dod
son. 3m
Qood for Biliousness.
"I took two of Chamberlain's Stomach
and Liver Tablets last night, and I feel
fifty per cent, better than I have for
weeks, says J. J. Firestone, of Allgan.
Mich. "They are certainly a fine article
for biliousness." For sale by L. Taggart.
Samples free.