■| Breezy 112 | Co urr ty | I NeWs l, SBBWHB^I GROVE HILL. W. II Mitchell, Dentist, Empori um. Fine weatln-r I' i eiops. Buckwheat !<>• >Us |>r« it present. 11. P. Hill i- a: work a; Whitings cuuip hauling 1 ir';. Gertrude llili :»m' •I '• li.i Sibley visited Miles Smith at Fust irk. Monday and Tuesday. Darius Ives and Carru 1! i! 1 wore busi ness callers in Driftwood Friday. Two young men from ('atrieron went to Still House, berrying, and lost their way. landing on drove Hill Friday even ing. Marion Hill is the proud possessor of a line Hauibeltouian colt. Darius Ives' dog has returned, lie was lound in Diiftwood. M. 11. HUNTLEY. 11. W. Mitchell, dentist, Empori um. Miss Lewis of Yineland, X. J., is vis iting at Win. Wylie's this week. Foreman W. W. Johnson, Signalman W. R. Smith and operators Foster and Sullivan took the sight, hearing and color examination at Emporium, Monday and Tuesday. County Supt. Miss Collins spent Sun day with B. J. Collins and family. Bertha Wylie and Miss Lewis left for Buflalo on the morning train, Wednes day to visit a few days. Ruth and Johnny Sullivan have re turned from a three weeks visit with their grandmother at Rochester. Lineman Yrotnan and sons of Drift wood, were callers in town Sunday. Latest advices from Philadelphia re port Miss Blanche Logue gaining, but we are sorry to say, that three ftngures had to be amputated from each hand. It will be some time before she can leave the hospital. A. B. Croop, formerly operator as the tower, called on his old friends in town Tuesday. Since leaving the I*. R. R. Mr. Croop has been working 47 lever plant lor the N. V. C. at Lonleyville, N. Y. lie expects to re-enter the service ol the Pennsy again at some important point where the services of a first-class tele grapher and signalman is needed. A. W. Smith spent Sunday with friends in Emporium. J. P. s. STERLING RUN. W. Mitchell, Dentist, Empori um. Mrs. John Neenan and children.re turned home Monday from an extended visit with relatives at C'andensis. .Nannie Spence of Emporium, visited her mother over Sunday. Fred Shaffer who has been very ill, is reported better. Frank Leonard, wife and child of Renovo are visiting relatives in town. Mrs. J. T. Earl and son Robert, of Elkhart, Ind., having spent, several weeks with relatives in town left for Emporium on Wednesday. Neva Summerson of lliuks Run, was the guest of her sister, Mrs. (I. 11. How let over Sunday. Mrs. L. R. Munsell of Emporium, visited Mrs. 'l'. M. Lewis between trains, Wednesday. Pearl Trump was called to < llean on Monday to take his position on the rail road. Helen Council, Mrs. J. 11. Baird and Miss Drum of Sinnamahoning and Miss Gummo of Lock Haven, attended the ball game here Tuesday. Mrs. Byron Smith and family of St. Marys visited relatives in town Tuesday and left for Renovo Wednesday to at tend the Smith reunion. The four Miss Lechners of Emporium, visited Mrs. C. A. Dice Sunday. The Sinnamahoning ball team defeat our team Tuesday 15 to 13. Get a hus tle on boys. Mrs. Blanch Lewis returned from a visit at Renovo Saturday accompanied by her cousin, Mrs. Lottie Clark and child. All the operators and section men were called to Emporium Monday night to be examined in colors. A daughter and grandson of George Lewis of Yineland, N. Y., visited rela tives in town on Monday, while on their way to Niagara Falls. BLUE RF.1.1,. She Likes (iood Things. Mrs. Chas. E. Smith, of West Frank lin, Maine, says:"l like good things and have adopted Dr. King's New Life Pills as our family laxative medicine, because they are good and do their work without making a fuss about it." These painless purifiers sold at all drug stores. 25c. Pineules for the kidneys. 30 day's trial 81.00 Guaranteed. Act directly on the kidneys and bring relief in the first dose, for backache, rheumatic pains, kidney and bladder trouble. Invigorate the entire system. Sold at R. C. Dod son's drug store. SINNAMAHONING. W. H. Mitchell, Dentist, Empori um. The contractors for state road have finished their job and moved. The Star Box Mill is busy these days putting in new machinery. The saw mill will run for a few diys to cutout the frame for the mill. The Sinnamahoning paint mill has a large lot of paint ready lor fall orders. The Sinnaui:ihoniug Powder Co., are putting in steady litve. Wm. Swank and wife of First Fork were in town Monday. H. M. Williams was in town Monday marketing some ol his fine country but ter. Our ball team again scalped the Sterl ing Run team 1G to 11. The Whartou ball club will cross lmts with with our club Friday. 11. P. Berfield is building a new wood shed. Horn to Mr. and .Mrs. Geo Batchelder July 27th, a son. A son was also born to F. J. l'easley and wife July oOtli. Sir Isaac Waltolins' are turning their steps after eels and suckers. Big catches are made. • Joe Logue reports catching a small sucker a year ago last spring and tied a small whistle to its tail. Pap Blodget re ports catching the same fish tliis spring; the sucker hadn't grown auy, but (he whistle had grown into a fog horn. Jim Batchelder and Nael Bueken are getting ready to track as soon as the sea son opens. They are not going to let Russell and Jordan get ahead of them this year. Batchelder has a new kind of bait that you cau hear and smell a mile. It beats Jordan's all hollow. Mrs. Joe Drum and daughters Georgia and Ester, of Laijuin, are visiting Mrs. Jas. Russell. Mrs. Abbie Bailey spent a few days iu Westport, visiting relatives. Mrs. Chas. Erickson s brother Andrew has started for Norway, where his family reside. His wife is very ill. Mrs. Jessie Fizzell is visiting here with her sister, Myrtle Shafer. Mrs. T. S. Fulton and family are spend ing a few days with her parents, at Sterl ing Run. Mrs. Lon King, of Williamsport, is visiting relatives in town. Mrs. O. L. I'ailey is in Hicks Run with relatives. Supervisor John Fry has been taking a look at the roads iu Gibson township. Mrs. T. E. Fulton anil son Keith are visiting relatives at Milesburg, Altoona and Clearfield. Misses Edna and Stella Gunners, of Flemington, are spending a few days with their cousin Helen Couusil. Harry Shafer, son of Nace Shafer, is here visiting relatives. 11. 0. Berlield was taken to the Wil liamsport Hospital last week, to be treat ed for rheumatism. E. L. Smith visited Punxsutawney and Dußois, the first of the week. The P. & E. carpenters are working on the Grove Bun and Wykoff Run bridges this week. W. C. No. Bit), P. U. S. of A., are making arraugements to visit Renovo on Old Home Week; the first of September. DKHSK. Additional Personals Misses Mabel un Emporium, Pa., Aug. 6,1508, 25-4t. The Best on Earth. Protection against Accidents and Sickness is an absolute necessity. It costs but $5.00 a year for $15.00 weekly benefits, and $'2,000 death claim. The only policy paying such liberal bene fits. This Company also writes policies for §IO.OO and §25.00 per year. Liberal commissions to agents, by the German Commercial Accident Co., Phil'a, Pa. W. It. Si/.er, Gen'l Agent, Sizerville, Pa. R. R. McQuay of Emporium, is a representative of the Company. Drop him a postal-—He will do the balance. In case of sudden injury this Company provides temporary re lief to the amount of §25.00. if notified by wire of an accident. 17-ly. Bucknell University. John Howard Harris, Ph. D., L- L. D., President. Founded 1846. Over a million dol lar equipment. Fifteen Buildings. Twentieth Century methods. A school for all. Write for a catalogue to the Regis trar, William C. Clretzinger, Lewis burg, Pa. Fall Term opens Sept. 19, 1908. 21-ot. Hundreds of people who sufler from backache, rheumatism, lame back, lum bago and similar ailments are not aware that these are merely symptoms of kid ney trouble, and to be relieved they must correct the cause. Pineules for the kid neys, pleasant and easy to take, are read ily absorbed by the stomach and blood act directly on the kidneys, bringing quick relief to backache and other symp toms of kidney and bladder derange ments. A dose of Pineules at bed time brings relief. 30 days' trial §I.OO and guaranteed or money back. Sold at R. (J. Dodson's drug store. 3m In Good Luck. "About two years ago my father came here from Mason City, lowa, on a visit" says O. L. Scott. Duffield, Mich. "While here he was taken sick with diar rhoea and cramps I gave him several doses of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy and it cured him." This remedy always cures. It is for sale by Ji. Taggart. Pineules for Backache, little golden globules, easy and pleasant to take. Act directly on the kidneys, purify the blood and invigorate the entire system. Rest for backache, lame back, kidneys and bladder. 30 days trial 81.00. Guaran teed. Sold at R. C. Dodson s drug store. 3 m Sick Headache and Biliousness reliev ed at once with Rings Little Liver Pills. A rosy complexion and clear eyes result from their use. Do not gripe or sicken. Good for all the family. Sold at R. C. Dodson's drug store. 3m Warning. All persona are hereby forbidden from trespassing upon the property of this Company without a permit from this office, or the Manager at the works. KEYSTONE POWDER MFG. CO. Emporium, Pa., August Ist, 1903 24-tf. AT I M, F, Conway Fine Line Groceries Hosiery, Ribbon and Notions. WATCH THIS SPACE Mrs. M. F. Conway, BROAD STREET. OR. HUMPHREYS' SPECIFICS. F>lr«'Ptlon» vrllh rnrh Tlal In Flvn I.&nruagrs. English, Germ-n, Spanish, Portuguese anil French No. FOB Prlco 1. Foyers, Congestions, InflnmrraWons 23 2. WorniH, Worm Fever, or Worm Disease..gft «1* Colic, Orying and Wakefulness of Xmauls 2ft 4. IHnrrheu, of Children and Adults 25 5 Dysentery, Griplugs, Bilious Colic 25 7. Cough*. Colds, Bronchitis 25 8. Toothache, Faceaclic, Neuralgia 25 9. Heudaehe, Sick Headache, Vertigo 25 10 Ilvsiiepnia, Indigestion, Weak Stomach 25 13. ('roup. Hoarse Cough, Laryngitis 25 I t. Salt Rheum. Eruptions, Erysipelas 25 15. Rheumatism, or Rheumatic Pains *25 Hi. Fever and Ague. Malaria 25 17. Piles, Blind or Bleeding, External, Internal.2s 18. Ophthalmia, Weak or Inflamed Eyes. 25 19. Catarrh, Influenza, Cold in Head 25 20. Whooping Cough, Spasmodic Cough 25 21. Asthma, Oppressed, Diftlcult Breathing 25 27. Kidney Disease, Gravel, Calculi 25 Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness.. ' 1.00 29. fcore Mouth. Fever Sores or Canker 25 J3O. Urinary Incontinence, Wetting Bod 25 34. Nore Throat. Quinsy and Diphtheria 25 35, Chronic Congestions, Headaches 25 77. Grippe, ti>»y Fever and Summer C01d5....25 A small bottle of Pleasant Pellets, flts the vest pocket. Sold by druggists, or seut on receipt of price. Medical Book sent free. _ HUMPHREYS' HOMKO. MEDICINE CO.. Corner William aud John Streets. Ncv York. I PILES Suppository! fl -ti- 'k hoinp K on, Suj> (■ (■Graded School*. ■ '.LIEY do t l J A C.JUIU fur . 1 >r. 8. M. Defor.. ffl liavo Hock, W. Va., wrlti i; •'i *lvo universal *atl* M I»r. MaGUIt Ctark-:>urg ( Ti-nn M write •*" Boi[u:il y>ur«." I'll ICE. 50