Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, August 13, 1908, Image 5

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Emporium, Pa., Aug. 12,1108
NEMOPHILA, per lack i 1 35
Felt's Fancy, " 1 B5
Pet Grove, " 1
Graham, TO
Rye " flo
Patent Meal " 66
Coarse Meal per 100 1 So
Chop Peed, " 1 "0
Cracked Corn per 100 1 80
Screenings •' 1 80
Oil Meal " 1 «6
Middlings 1 "0
Bran 1 60
Chicken Wheat 1 85
Corn per bushel 1 00
While Oats, per bushel "0
Oysl u r Shells, per 100 75
Seed Oats per bushel
Choke Clover Seed, )
OhoiceTimothySeed, > At Market Prices
At Fourth and Chestnut Sts.
. c.nonsoK,
Telephone, 19-2.
Contributions invited. That which you would
ikr. to see in thi.s department Jet us know by pot
al card or letter, personally.
Miss Florence Hammond,of Lancing
Mich., is a guest at the home of J. Pitt
Felt and family.
President McCrea of the Penney
:;ays there will be no advance in freight
rates at present.
Miss Margaret Cassidy, of Clean, in
the guest of relatives and friends in
town this week.
Miss Helen Freil, of Renovo, spent
Sunday in Emporium, visiting her
many friends here.
Lee Felt has returned to his home in
this place from the Culver Military
School, at Culver, Ind.
Rev. J. M. Robertson vtsited at
Smethport over Sunday and officiated
in St. Luke's church.
Frank Dodson, of this place, is
.'pending the week visiting relatives
and friends in Coudersport.
Carrol Mnmford, the obliging night
clerk at the New Warner, spent Mon
day visiting friends in Port Allegany.
Miss Ruth Graffls, who has been the
guest of F. P. Strayer and family, de
parted for her home at Tyrone, last
Mrs. A. McCullough and grand
daughter, and Miss Caroline Meiser of
Erie, Pa., visited Mr. and Mrs. Asa
Murry last Friday.
Geo. M. Morrison, who is stopping at
Sizerville Springs, taking treatments
for rheumatism, was in town on Tues
day greatly improved.
The Misses Nell and Kathleen
Stephens, of Coudersport, are guests
at the home of llenry Auchu and
family, on West Fourth street.
Mrs. Geo. Smutz and children are
visiting relatives at Tidioute, Warren
and other points, to be absent until
time for school to commence, Aug.l'lst
Jay P. Felt, wife and sou Paul Earl
Felt, returned home Tuesday evening,
after a pleasant visit at Lancing and
other places of interest in Michigan.
Miss Grace Rentz, left for her home
in Muncy, last Tuesday, after spend
ing her vacation in Emporium, the
guest of her uncle F. P. Rentz and
Miss Elizabeth Bates and brother
Robert, who were guests at the resi
dence of Dr. R. P. Heilman and family,
departed for their home, in Williams
port, last Tuesday.
Mr. Daniel McConeghy, one of the
popular conductors on the C. & P. A.
R. R.,wasa caller in Emporium last
week and registered at the New
Warner. ,
Ralph and Kerr Hemphill left on
Monday for Rib Lake, Wis. Kerr is
in the employ of one of the western
railroads at the above place and camo
east on a visit for about ten days
Ralph accompanied him back, expect
ing to remain there. The PKKSS fol
lows the boys and we wish them a
prosperous future in their western
Dr. Bush left yesterday on a ten day
1 visit to relatives and friends at Cincin
Miss Sadie Edwards returned on
Tuesday from visiting friends at lie
i novo.
V. K. McGill, of Renovo, visited in
Emporium last Sunday, guest of B. H.
Miss Helen Dougherty returned to
her home in Bennezette, Pa., last
Saturday, after a most delightful visit
in Emporium.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Blair, of Kush
equa, Pa., are the guests at the home
of their son, Carl Blair and wife on
East Allegany Ave.
Smethport Democrat: Mrs. O. T.
Chase has gone for a two months' visit
with her sister, Mrs. Sherwood Right
meyer, of Port Jarvis, N. Y.
Mrs G. W. Cor win and Mrs. Theo.
Corwin, of Sunbury, Pa., were guests
of J. D. Logan and wife over Sunday,
returning to their home on Monday
Mrs. Martha Burrows, of Washing
j ton, D. C., was a guest at the home of
■ Dr. R. P. Heilman and family, on
j West Fourth street, the first of the
| week.
Mrs. C. W. Shafl'er, of New York
i city, arrived in Emporium Tuesday
j morning to visit relatives. She is
booked for the big camping party near
Floyd Felt returned to his hotne at
this place, from East Lancing, Mich.,
where he has been attending school
and will spend some time under the
parental roof.
Larry Clark, formerly of this place
but now a resident of Johnsonburg,
where he conducts a livery stable,
visited in Emporium over Sunday,
guest at City Hotel.
Thos. C. Johnson, son of Hon. J. C.
Johnson of this place, was recently
married to a Cleveland lady and re
sides in that city. Although late we
extend congratulations.
P. F. Bogart, proprietor oj the Bog
art House at Johnsonburg, returned
home on Tuesday, atter spending a
few days at Sizerville Springs. He
was as spry as a kitten when he made
for home.
T. J. Cavanaugh came down from
St. Marys, last Friday to visit relatives
and friends, guest of John Trepswether
and wife, the latter being his sister.
He returned Sunday evening.
Mrs. Jas. Creighton and children,
Miss Ethel and Master John, of Sixth
street, returned to their home in this
place last Saturday from a two weeks
visit with relatives at Driftwood.
The Misses Anna and Lizzie Bud
ding, of Wrighteville, Pa., are guests
at the home of Cashier T. B. Lloyd and
family on West Fourth street. The
pleasont ladies are nieces of Mrs. Lloyd.
Mr. James Ulmer, stenographer for
the Sinnnmahoning Powder Co., has
returned to this place, having spent
his vacation in Salladasburg and Wil- \
liamsport, his former home.
Miss Marion Judd and brother i
Warner, returned to their home in this
place last Tuesday, and were accom
panied by the Misses Mary and Mable
Ilinkle, from Wilcox, who will be their
guests for a short time.
Mr. and Mrs. Crosby of Sinnamahon
ing visited their daughter, Miss Hazel
who has been dangerously ill, last Sat,
urday, at the home of Henry Wbeaton
at West Creek. The patient is not yet
able to be moved to her home.
Mrs. E. A. Waltman and daughter,
Miss Elsie, returned to their home at
Wrightsville, Pa., Monday after spend
ing some time as the guests of T. B.
Lloyd and family, at their home on
West Fourth street.
Miss Anna Ashall returned to this
place last Sunday after spending her
vacation at her home in Cleveland, 0.,
guest of relatives and friends. Miss
Ashall is employed by Incandescent
Lamp Co.
Mrs. Martha Barrows, of Washing
ton, D. C., but formerly a resident of
Cameron, returned east yesterday,
after visiting Dr. and Mrs. 11. P. Heil
man and family. Hhe will visit friends
at Cameron and Lock Haven enroute.
Mr. Frank Parker and wife departed
for their home in Paulsboro, N. J., last
Thursday after spending a short time,
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brown,
of the Climax Co. Mr. and Mrs. Brown
reside in the residence recently erect
ed by Mr. J. D. Bell in the Wiley Ad
Mr. and Mrs. George Van Wert and
j daughters the Misses Gertrude and
! Amelia, of New Castle, Pa., are guests
at the home of Attorney J. P. Mc-
Narney and family on Fourth street.
They will visit their friends in this sec
tion for two weeks. Ma. Van returned
to New Castle Sunday evening.
Baptiste Revilla, of Bellevue-Strat-
I lord, Philadelphia, was the past week
guest of his brother-in-law Mr. Thos.
Gallagher, Pensys freight and ticket
agent at this place. Mr. Revilla is one
j of the best known hotel men in the
United States and has supervised the
. largest banquets ever given in Phila-
I delphia. He and Frank Gallagher and
| wife would like to remain here longer
j but, on account of the A. O. H. ban
j quet on Monday evening, must return
on Sunday.
Margaret Weisenfluh called on |
friends at Howard Siding Wednesday. !
Herkey Jones, of East Ward, was a
PRESS caller 011 Wednesday evening.
Katie Glennen of Johnsonburg, is
guest at the home of J. M. Torney and
Tlio Misses Emma Keller and Re
gino Weis, of St. Marys, are guests of
Jennie Robinson.
Mrs. Rose Sage, of Altoona, who has
been visiting at Johnsonburg, returned
home last week.
Miss Ethel Wood, of Keatiug Sum- i
rnit, returned home on Tuesday after ;
visiting Henry Haupt and family for a |
Miss Emma Ellis departed for St. j
Marys on Wednesday on a \
business trip and will be absent for a
few days.
Mr. Harry Neidlinger left for his |
home in Tower City, Pa., on Wednes
day and will be the guest of his par
ents for several weeks.
Mrs. J. L. Wheeler, of Marion, S. C.,
who has been visiting in the north for
several weeks, guest of her mother,
departed for Buffalo last Tuesday.
C. H. C -rdie has resighed his posi
tion with Emporium Powder Co., and
leaves the last of the week for Pitts
burg, whore he accepts a position.
Mr. Geo. Decker, of East Third
street, who has been in a deplorable
condition for some time, is very low
and has been unconscious since last
Ben Listen, who was injured in a
ball game at Driftwood recently arriv
ed in town Wednesday. He is still 011
crutches. His broken ankle improves
Several ladies of Emporium spent
the day pic-nicing in the grove at
Boechwood 011 Wednesday and called
on Mr. and Mrs. Thus. Trotter, form
erly of this place who now reside there.
I Ludlams |
Summer Clearance Sale I
We do not intend to carry over
any of our Summer G-oods and in
order to make all goods go we
have put the knife deep into all
prices. Si
mi BID
■ ■
iff.' .. . ~4
i| Any Untrimmed Hat 98c §|
156.00, $7.00 and SB,OO Hats $3.50 1
$4.00 and 5-00 Hats $2.50 |j
$2 and $3 Hats $1.50 ji
All Flowers, One-half Off B
We still have a few nice pieces
of Embroidery Flouncing that we
have reduced one-third in price.
New Assortment of Valanese Laces
and Insertion.
Finest line of Hosiery in the
county. Also the new Princess
IpE mmmmmm.
11) OUR NEW LINE OF A Definition of 'Definitive* m
Jjf This word when linked to an arti- Mi
| Wall Paper for 1 908. » "Madam, beyond this" there is notli- L||
r j i»g to attain."
; ! " ==:^^^== ~ : ~ :=== - =^=:: —^^^ ==:=^== -Ttj Such a wor(1 am * sucll a wor d only |lj|!
Mj a (M/g(\ L 3 can properly be used to describe * I®
Consists of the best, things from three factories. Also VL 112 fjjj
jjj the Robert Graves Co.'s line of Decoration Paper of all tflton S M
kinds - Hot-Pressed Vellum §|
The Graves line took first prize in competition at St. u c I I /YVF\ Money cannot buy a tetter writing fjl
|ilii Louis against the world. H» IjILIJ 1 !»?.« papei, foi experience cannot produce [jfllj
Hi -5L2Fn\ tEHEFsre o
George Deicke, wife and two cliil
kren arrived on Wednesday al'ternoo
from Kittanning, Pa., and are the
guests at the home of Hon. L Taggart
and family, Mrs. D's parents.
Mrs. (Jhas. R. Wooley, has so far re
covered from her recent serious opera
tion as to be able to assist in her house
hold duties.
Miss Jessie Lord, of Williamsport, is
gaest of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Kaye and
family at their very commodious resi
dence on Sixth street. Miss Lord is (
Mrs. Kay's niece.
Mrs. J. O. Brookbank and daughter,
.Miss Kachael, Miss Edna Mitchell and
guests, Russell McQuay and sister and
Karl Saunders, of Emporium, returned
Monday from the Mitchell farm on
Bowes Hill, where they spent the past
week.--Driftwood Gazette,
Messrs. E. W. and J. Willis Gaskill, J
Miss I'erna Gaskill and Mrs. Pearl j
Hopple departed for Atlantic City on j
Wednesday. The party will be joined '<
enroute by Miss Lelia Haekett, of 1
Smotbport and Mr. and Mrs. J. T. ;
Poyer, of Williamsport. The party
will also visit Philadelphia, New York
City and Coney Island.
Mr. and Mrs C. M. Kresge, of Du-
Bois, passed through Kane to-day en
routs to Chautauqua Lake, where
they have a cottage. They were join
ed here by Mrs. Kresge's sister, Mrs.
N. R. McCollough and"son Frank, who
will spend a few weeks with them.
-Kane Republican, Saturday, Aug. 1.
Mrs. Kresge and Mrs. McCullough are
daughters of Mrs. Mary Earley, of
Ridgway and they have many friends
here who will be interested in their
nice outing.—Ridgway Advocate.
Emporium lays claim to Charlie
Kresge, for he resided here many
years. Himself and pleasant wife hav
ing repeatedly visited Emporium we
all have anjinterest in their prosperity.
Have a good time, Chas. and see that
1 the ladies are well cared for.
('iisciisweet is for babies and children,
and is especially good for the ills so eom
j inon in hot weather. Look lor the in
] izredients on the bottle. Coutains no
harmful drugs. Sold by 1!. C. Dodson.
DeWitt's Little Early Risers, safe.
' easy, pleasant, sure, little liver pills-",
Sold by It. C. Dodson.
✓ -v
Offers exceptional opportunities for obtaining a thorough business education.
Splendidly equipped commercial, shorthand, type-writing and English depart
ments. Special department for training commercial teachers. Nineteen large
study-rooms, class rooms, etc. An experienced faculty of twenty-four in
structors. School in session throughout the entire year.
All graduates assisted in securing suitable positions. 3162 calls for our
graduates were received between August, 1905 and August, 190 C, being
871 more than the total enrollment during that time.
45th school year, just completed, largest in our history. Indications assure
still larger attendance next year. Fall term opens Sept. 8, 1908.
New catalogue promptly mailed.
Buffalo and Niagara Fails
| Sunday, August 16,1908
|l Tickets good going only on train leaving N. 30 A. M. Good re
turning on all regular trains Aug. 10 and 17. Baggage will
not lie checked on these tickets. Tickets will not Ins accepted
u for passage in Pullman Parlor or Sleeping Cars,
n On August I<>, Train .">4 will connect at Olean with Special
Train for Bradford and intermediate stations, and will stop
at Portville. Larrabee, and Keating Summit to let off re
turning Buffalo and Niagara Falls passengers.
I ciilldren llutween Five ami Twelve Years <>!' Agf, Hall I-'are I
I Passenger Traffic Manager General I'assenKer Agent I
Pure Cider Vinegar 25c a G-allon. ' |
I White Pickling Vinegar 35c a Gal. m
Pure Spices ancl Herbs.
The Satisfactory Store SB
DRY 50
All that's best in Groceries, Fruits and Vegetables, ■
either fresh or cans. It saves time and gives you the I
best to market at DAY'S. Our first consideration is
I quality which will not be sacrificed for price. You run ■
110 risk in buying groceries here. If not satisfactory,
return them and tiie purchase price will be refunded. H
j ■ make a cent out of dissatisfied customers. I
I Bargain Prices for Friday and Saturday this week g
|j 25 lbs G-ranulated Sugar $1.55.
I California Hams. Trimmed Siioulder albl Oc
if Pure Lard in bulk, alb 13c;
| Ceylon or Oolong Tea 50c grade 4-oc. 5
II California JLima Beans alb Bc.
I ioc Potted Tongue nice for lunches, 3 cans for 25c H
15c Macaroni, Imported any kind a lb. 12c.
50c package Searchlight Matches 45c.
Extra quality ioc canned Corn, 3 cans for 25c.
7 cakes Acme or Oak Leaf Soap for 25c. w
fU 15c prunes, bright meaty stock 12c lb. ft
jgg New Norway Mackerel, very nice a lb 15c.
I SI.OO a dozen decorated breakfast plates at 75c. I
15c Jardinieres at ioc each. fl
25c glazed Cuspidores at 20c each. ?
$1.25 Nickled Reading Lamps at SI.OO each. <?'
75c Water Bottles at 60c each.
(Fresh 112 Aiiwfif !AP Fkh LEAVE ORDERS FOR DE " I
P Prompt delivery to all parts of town |
I You Get Better Values Here.