ESTABLISHED, 1886. Cameron County Press HENRY 11. MULT. IX, Editor and Publisher. PUBLISHEi> EYKRY Till ItSDAV Entered at the Post office at Emporium as second class matter. The Best Advertising Medium in Northern Pennsylvania. BATES OF ADVEBTISING. Ordinary Advertisements are calculate i by the inch in length of column. Ordinary advertisements, to take the run of the paper and change four times a year, will be inserted at the rates stated in the following table: 1 in.! 2 in.; 3 In. 5 in. 'lO in. 20 in. 1 Week. $ t 00 s2oos 300 350 800 12 00 2 Weeks. 1 50; 300 400 500 11 00 16 00 3 Weeks. 200 350 500 700 13 00 18 00 -4 Weeks..! 2 501 100 600 sOO 15 00 20 00 2 Months. 100 000 800 12 00 20 00 28 00 Months. 500 800 12 00 15 00 25 00 :» 00 6 Months. 8 oo! 12 00 18 00 22 00 35 00 60 00 J Year. . . 18 001 18 00 25 00 30 00 60 00 100 00 Table or figure work will be charged double rates. Legal advertisements per line ten cents each week, nonpareil type. ANNOUNCEMENTS of names of Candidates tor office, s.'>.oo each. Announcement of candi dates for borough or township offices, #I.OO each. Announcements of candidates for delegates to the state Convention J.i.00 each; delegates, alter nates or conferees to a local convention or con ference, SI.OO each. POLITICAL NOTICES, 20 cents per line each insertion. Nothing inserted for less than SI.OO. LOCAL NOTICES in tin local columns will be inserted for ten cents per line the first week and five cents per line for each subsequent consecu tive week without change. ANNOUNCEMENTS of births. marriages and deaths will be inserted free, but all obituary notices and resolution/! will be charged five cents a line and obituary verses five cents n line. Business Cards, five lines or less f.'i.CO per year Ml exceeding five lines, SI.OO per line. CABDS OF THANKS, positively fI.OO for ten iines, or less: over ten lines, ten cents for each idditional line. NOTICE TO SUBSCBIBEBS. The date on the address label of each subscri ber's paper shows the time to which the sub scription is paid: and all subscribers in arrears are requested to pay up as soon as possible. On receipt of payments on subscription at this office, a receipt will be promptly returned, ami the date on the address label will be corrected first of month. In all communications relating to subscrip tion our correspondents are requested to state Uie Postoffice to which the paper is now sent, or is to be sent, and to be careful to write all proper names plaiuly. In directing a change of address, always give the old nddress, as Weil as the new one to which you want 'lie paper afterwards sent. JOB PRINTING. The Jobbing Department of the PRESS is com plete and affords facilities for doing the best class of work. PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO Law Printing. REPUBLICAN TICKET. For President, WILLIAM HOWARD TAFT, of Ohio. For Vice President, (JAMES SCHOOLCRAFT SHERMAN, of New York. For Congressman, CHARLES F. BARCLAY, of Sinnamahoning, Pa. For Assembly, JOSIAH HOWARD, of Emporium. For Associate Judge, JOHN A. WYKOFF, of Grove. For Sheriff, r RANK G, JUDD, of Emporium. For County Commissi, nc s. P. KREIDER, of Driftwood. J. W. LEWIS, of Shippcu. For County Auditors, T. E. FULTON, of Grove. GEO. A. WALKER, JR., of Emporium. State Will Get Every Dollar. '•The commonwealth of Penn sylvania will get every dollar of the money it had on deposit in the Allegheny National Bank, of J'itts burg. when it closed its doors. It will get it with interest, too, and within a short time, possibly two or three weeks," said State Treas urer John <). Shout/. last evening. Mr. Wheats had just returned from Pittsburg, having been successful in making arrangements to recover for the state every penny of the which the commonwealth had on deposit in the Allegany National Hank. Mr. Sheats ex pects that the money will he paid over at one time and that the ac count which has been carried as suspended almost from the day he took office will he linally closed within two or three weeks, lie is apparently very glad that the money will be recovered without the long delay or annoyance of action against the signers of the bonds who had a dispute as to lia bility. It is understood here that the bank has already collected enough money to meet all its ol> ligations and that the dep'- will all be paid in full, burg Telegraph, Thursday, What is Best for Indices * A. Robinson, of Drumrjuin. t lias been troubled for years with ii tion and recommends Chamberlain's L ach ami Liver Tablets as "the best m cine 1 ever used." If troubled with . digestion or constipation give them a trial. They are certain to prove bene ficial. They are easy to take aud pleas ant in effect. Price, 25 cents. Samples rec at L. Taggart's drugstore. Billy Bryan Spiked. Candidate Bryan in his desperate ef ort to keep a hitch on his platform just tight enough to slide off when the situ ation suits his case, is getting some I hot spikes in his air bag. Mr. Tart ! sprung a letter at his headquarters on ; Monday that will much further com plicate Mr. Gompers job of handing the labor vote over to Bryan. We are personally acquainted with Mr. Gomp ers and feel surprised at his foolish break relative to the labor vote. One of Mr. Taft's surprises is the following: "It is a letter from Ben E. Chapin, the editor of The Railroad Employe —an influential organ published at Newark, in the interests of railroad men—and in it the editor assures Mr. j Taft that after 27 years close associa tion among the laboring men, and rail road workers in particular he iB con vinced that they will very generally approve the stand taken by the Re publican candidate in his treatment of the labor problem in the speech of acceptance. Mr. Chaplin declares that the intelligent lahoring man merely wants to meet capital on a plane of equality, "Certainly enough, as Mr. Chaplin's letter was being copied, confirmation of Mr. Chapliu'e declaration wa9 being received from Stuart C. Leake, the ! Southern railroad man. Mr. Leake ! is the commercial agent of the Rich mond, Fredericksburg and Potomac railroad, lie lias been a Democrat all his life. I shall vote for Mr. Taft this year, ! he said and railroad men generally, I in the South so far as I am able to get !at their news,will does the same. They ! don't trust Mr. Bryan and 011 the con trary they are pleased and satislied with the attitude Mr. Taft has assum ed toward what may be called the railroad issues—which include the men who work on the railroads. "Another announcement which pleased the candidate came from Wyndham R. Meridith of Richmond, who is president of Virginia Barr as sociation which met here to-day. He is also a lifelong Democrat. But I shall vots for Mr. Taft, he de clared to-day, and a large majority of the conservative clement of the Demo cracy not only in Virginia, but all through the South, will vote the same way. New Music For Our Readers. "I'LL COME BACK WHEN THE AUTUMN LEAVES ABE FALLING." Composed by Carl O. Peterson. This | is one of the greatest song hits of the year and is sung nightly in over 300 theatres throughout the United States by the most popular singers and is al ways greeted with great applause. The chorus is in march time and is very catchy. CHORUS. I'll come back when the autumn leaves are fall ing, I'll come back to you again; I n my heart there will always be a calling j For you, dearest, just the same. | l")o not cry, do not worry, little sweetheart, , For it fills my heart with pain; , I'll come batk when the autumn leaves are fall ing, I'll come buck to you again, I The regular retail price of this great ! song ia 50 cents per copy. By special : arrangements with the publishers OUR READERS will receive a copy post -1 paid by sending 15 cents in postage I stamps to TIIE GLOBE MUSIC CO., No. ! 1155 Broadway, New York. N. B.—For Church Entertainments . ! sixtteen beautiful moving picture i slides can be obtained by addressing j the publishers. REAPING BENEFIT. From the Experience of Emporium People. We are fortunate indeed to bo able to profit by the experience of our neigh bors. The public utterances ot Empori um residents on the following subject will interest and benefit thousands of our I readers. Read this.statement. No better i proof can be had. Mrs. Anna Zimmet, living on West Hh St., Emporium, Pa., says:"l have received a great deal of relief from the use «>1 Doan's Kidney Pills. I suffered with kidney trouble ior years and though ! doctored auu u.-cd numerous remedies I could get no relief. 1 suffered with backache, pains through my loins, severe headaches, and constant feeling of lang unr and depression. The kidneys were much disordered and the secretions very irregulor causing me to arise many times during the night. 1 finally learned of Doan's Kidney Pills and procured a box I from L. Taggart, the druggist. This remedy gave lue mure relief than any thing I ever used. lam seldom troubled with backache, the kidneys have been I strengthened and I feci better in every way. Doan's Kidney Pills have been a great help to me and I stronsly advise anyone suffering with kidney trouble to use this remedy." For sale by all dealers. Priceso cents. Faster Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Re member the name—Doan's—and take no oth<\. Bees Laxative Cough Syrup recoui- Imended by mothers for young and old is prompt relief for coughs, colds, croup, : hoarseness. whooping cough. Gently I laxative and pleasant t(/ take. Guaran i teed. Should be kept in every household. Sold at K. C. Hudson's drug store. 15m CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, AUGUST 13, 1908. Fall Fashions for the School Girl. j There must always be a good-look ing tailored suit that can be worn with a lingerie waist or a pretty silk blouse for church- shopping, matinees and in formal teas in the wardrobe of the school girl, says the September Delin eator. The little girls wear straight plaited skirts with bretellesor suspend ers, and double-breasted box-coats that are childish looking in spite of being tailor made. The older girls wear the smart single breasted coats with a pointed outline at the bottom, which gives the figure a graceful little dip. The plaited skirt I is prettier than the gored one for this kind of a suit. If the Autumn tailor made is to be worn again in the Spring, choose a color that will look well in warm weather; navy or royal blue is good for either season—so is golden brown or smake-gray or a pretty check. For every-day wear throughout the school year, there is nothing prettier for a girl, whether she is eight or eighteen, than the regulation sailor suit in dark blue serge. In fact, many boarding schools require it during sehocl hours, and the effect produced by it when it is worn by all students is very pretty. For the warm days in the Autumn and the long stretch of hot weather in May and June, a girl should have plenty of simple tub dresses. Even the six and eight cent wash fabrics make up prettily and keep a girl sweet and fresh looking, without involving any great expense. The princess or semi-princess jumper dresses and the separate jumper joined under a belt to a pretty skirt are the neatest kinds of dresses. For rainy days there should be a walking skirt, a flannel waist or two and a long stormcoat. There is the sweater or jersey for out-door sports, and the gymnasium suit, required by most schools. These things complete the list of the ordinary daytime outfit. For the dinner hour, white serge or cloth, etaniines and voiles in pale blues and pinks, or dainty dresden silks make appropriate little dresses that can be worn Fall, Winter and Spring. These dresses need not represent any great expenditure—in fact, they should be most simple, and their beauty should lie in their daintiness and freshness. The younger children will need a greater supply than the older girls, for they are always meeting with calami ties. On the other hand, the older girl will ncbd an evening wrap, a pretty dancing frock or two of batiste or tulle, as well as a suitable reception dress. There are dances and promenades, glee-club concerts and formal dinners, that will require pretty dresses from time to time during the year. The more complete the outfit, the keener will be the girl's enjoyment of her school life. Libby Prison Diarrhoea Relieved. IMward I']. Houry. with the United States Kxpress Co., Chicago, writes •Our General Superintendent, Mr. Quick, handed 111 c a bottle if Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy some time ago to check tin attack ul the olu Libby Prison diarrhoea, i have used it since that time and cured many on our trains who have been sick. 1 ain an old soldier who served with Bntherfoid l>. Hayes and V\ illiauj McKinley four years in the 23d Ohio Regiment, and have no ailment except Libby Prison diarrhoea, which this remedy stops at once." For sale by L. Taggart. » a nr. TOa.TOKM.m-jif.nm3— MMM, NOTICE. N'OTICE is hereby given that the partnership : heretofore subsisting between A. M. Haunt i ami J. S. Hauber, under the firm name of Haupt and Hauber and doing (business 111 Emporium Pa., was dissolved on the 31st day of July, 1908, I by mutual consent. All debts owing said part- I nerahip are receivable by either of thecopart tiers. 1 All claims and demands against the same shall be presented for payment. A. M. Haapt with H. A. Gerg, under the lirm name of Haupt and Oerg « ;il continue to con duct the business formerly conducted by Haunt I and Hauber. A. M. HAUPT, J.S. HAUBER. Aug. 1308.—3t. I {p ,i I Arrow Brand Collars and Cuffs in 4 Sizes I Crawford's and j T/? \TWr f* We have a fine-line ! James Mean's Shoes -*■ OIX J-Jll&C of Men's and Boys' l To wear clothes that are just a little different from the Hats in all colors and I W e have them in all rest, you want to look at, and try 011 some of our latest styles the latest i sizes and styles and arsity suits, made expressly for us jy I . I they have the quality. OU«*J£ fl Hfi Browns in Derby and Now is tile time lor Hart, Shaffner & Mar* to look for a good suit The new Htttie ideas in pockets in the out of the front Monarch Silver and case or a trunk. You of the C° at » the cufts on the sleeves, the trousers—a lot of ' can find them at our new smart ideas in these suits will certainly please you. Cluett Shirts. We store at reasonable '^ e new fashions are exceptionally beautiful, and we can have a nice line of prices, and you can show you the pick of them. j fhpm nnrl nr» to rla+c» * get just what you are „ r 112f 1 ana U P t° date looking for. This Store is the Home of Hart, Shaffner & Mara Clothes j W ork° S Mrts ne 112. J A PFP HARRIS Opposite Post Office 112 I J 10 nAnnlo EMPORIUM, PA. | s mmf What Tonics Are. When the papers are full of advertise ments lor this or that great tonic, people are apt to be tempted to try them, j but it does not take long to discover that j alter all there is nothing equal to Sexine Pills lor any form of nerve weakness in I men and women. We seldom lind any | body who can say he or she was cured by j this or that wine, extract or liquor, but j almost any one can testify to the great I nerve and body-building qualities of Sexine | Pills. Sexine Pills are absolutely guar- I anteed. Each box has a cash coupon in jit. They cost §1 a box, (J boxes for 85. Four months' treatment for $5. Sold by 11. C. Dodson, Druggist, Em porium, Pa., where they sell all the prin cipal remedies and do not substitute. For Sulc. I have a quantity of second-hand Windows, Doors, Large Store Hash, etc , that I will sell at a bargain. All are ip good shape. I also desire to sell one or more good lots, Junction of Al legany Avenue and Fourth street; suit able for residence or business. 24 3t. R SEGER. Excellent Health Advice. Mrs. M. M. Davison, of No. <«if ford Ave., San Jose, Cal., says:"The worth of Electric Bitters as a general family remedy, for headache, biliousness and torpor ot the liver and bowels is so pronounced that 1 am prompted to say a word in its favor, for the benefit of those seeking relief from such afflictions. There is more health for the digestive organs in a bottle of Electric Hitters than in any other remedy I know of." Sold under guarantee at all drug stores. 50. (iranulated scre Eyes Cured. •For twenty years I suffered from a bad case of granulated sore eyes, says Martin Boyd, of Henrietta, Ky. "in February, 1903, a gentleman asked me to try Chamberlain's Salve. T. bought one box and used abot two-thirds of it and my eyes have not given me any trouble since. ' This salve is tor sale by L. Taggart. Operation for piles will not be neces sary if you use Man Zan Pile Rcmedj- Put up ready to use. (> uaranteed. Price 50c. Try it. Sold at lt.C. Dud son's drug store. 3in There are many imitations of DeWitt's Carbolized Witch Hazel Salve but just one original. Sold by It. C. Dodson. Pinesalve Carbolized acts like a poultice. Quick relief for bites and sting of insects, I chapyed skin, cuts, burns and sores, tan j and sunburn. Sold at I!. C. Dodson's j drug store. ;Jtn Why James Lee Ciot Well, Everybody in Zanesville, <)., knows! Mrs. Mary Lee. of Bural Route 8. She writes: "My husband, James Lee, lirin ly believes he ownes his life to the use of Dr. Kings New Discovery. His luugs ' were so severely affected that consump tion seemed inevitable, when a friend j recommended New Di>covei_\. We tried it, atid its use has restored him to per fect health." Dr. Kind's New Discov ery i> t lie King oi' throat and lung rem- 1 edies For roughs and colds it lias no equal. The first dose gives relief. Try it. Sold under guarantee at all drug store. .)ue and SI.OO. Trial bottle free. 'fake Kodol whenever you feci that \ou need it. That is the only time you neei; to take Kodol. Just when vIU need it: then you will not be troubled . with sour stomach, belching ga.s on the stomach, etc. Sold by B. ('. Dodson. It you take Kodol in the beginning the bad attacks of Dyspepsia will be avoid ed, but if you allow these little attacks to go unheeded it will take Kodol a longer time to put your stomach in good condi tion again, (Jet a bottle of Kodol today. Soid by B.C. Dodson. Latest Popular Music. Miss May Gould, teacher of piano forte has received a full line of the lafc est and most popular sheet music. All the popular airs. Popular and class ical music. Prices reasonable. English Spavin Liniment removed Hard, Soft or Calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses; also Blood Spavins, Curbs, Splints, Sweenev, Ring Bone, Stifles, Sprains, Swollen Throats, Coughs, etc. Save SSO by use of one bottle. A wonderful Blemish Cure. Sold by L.Taggart, druggist. 32-lyr - Itch cured in 30 minutes by Wood ford's Sanitary Lotion. Never fai's Sold by L. Taggart, druggist. 32-lyr. Bucknell University. John Howard Harris, Ph. D., L. L. D., President. Fall Term opens Sept. 17. 1908. A Twentieth Century Institution. Fixed and working capital over one million dollars. Fifteen buildings, modern facilities. College: Courses in Arts, Philoso phy, Jurisprudence, Science, Biology, j Chemistry, Civil and Electrical En ! gineering. Women's College comprises College, : Institute, Music, and Art courses. Academy for young men and boys. For catalogue, etc., address the I Registrar, Wm. C Gretzinger, Lewis burg, Pa. 21 6t. One application of Man /an Pile Remedy for all forms of piles, relieves pain, soothes, reduces iuflamma tion, soreness and itching. Price 50c. Guaranteed to give satisfaction. Sold at B. Dodson's drug store. 3m g ■Bsa^gßaaß^aaaw———■bbm—moa—— i IIIIn addition to our up-to-date line of Ladies Furnishing Ladies Furnishing iff\F-w Wc carry thousands of novelties We have the exclusive Agency for 11 The Cadet Stockings Scientific Stockings for Men, Women, Boys and Girls. Bp ™ Sensible, satisfying, scientific m Cadet Stockings, reinforced with Jp Linen. Every pair guaranteed. Continued Bargains in Suits, Skirts, Shirt Waists 'Dress Goods, Hosiery, I Underwear, Embroidery and Laces, | Ribbons and Notions. | mmmmmmmm 11 HI I HI *»«■«_! INIII IIMM ■ *JRRRRI-«■ mm l ij One Half Off Regular Piree 1 [ EMPORIUM, PA.I OPPOSITE POST OFFICE. | ! The Bargain j s Store 1 | Fruits Vegetables ) \ Arriving daily and going at \ | ( the lowest possible prices. < ! J Pine Apples, i j j Cucumbers, Cabbage, J ! i New Potatoes, > ; V Bermuda Onions. \ I > Remember I am handling > |\ Presh and Smoked Meats of all * I \ kinds. Bacon, Hams, Boiled \ | 112 Ham, Bologna. c | Fine Line Groceries j j 5 Free delivery anywhere. ? | r Phone your orders. J { T. W. WELSH 1 112 Chas. Diehl's Old Stand, West Ward \