Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, July 30, 1908, Image 4

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    Cameron County Press
Editor and Manager.
Per year ft 00
If paid in advance $1 50
Foreign countries 50 cents extra per year.
Advertisements are published at the rate of
one liolhir per siiuarefor one insertion and fifty
cents pw square for each subsequent insertion.
Rates l»y tiie year or for six or three months
are Jow aiwt uniform, and will be furuisited on
LEGAL apd Official Advertising per square,
three Moles or less. $2 00; each subsequent in
aertion 50 cents per square.
Local w»tiees ten cents per line for one in
sertion ih«e cents per line for each subsequent
xx> incentive insertion.
Obilaary notices over five lines, ten cents per
Sne. Simple announcements of births, mar
riages and deaths will be inserted free.
Business Cards, five lines or less $5.00 per year
aver five lines, at the regular rates of advertis
No local inserted for less than 75 cts. per
The Jobbing Department of the PRBSS is com
plete and affords facilities for doing the best
Law Printing.
No paper will be discontinued until arrear
ages are paid, except at the option of the pub
Papers sent out of tiie county must be paid
for in advance.
WSo advertisements will be accepted at less
l h»n the price for fifteen words.
Hi"Religious notices free.
For President,
of Ohio.
For Vice President,
of New York.
For Congressman,
of Sinnamahoning, I'a.
For Assembly,
of Emporium.
For Associate Judge,
of Grove.
For Sheriff,
of Emporium.
For County Commissioners,
of Driftwood.
of Shippen.
For County Auditors,
of Grove.
of Emporium.
Honest Americans.
A note going the rounds of the
papers states that on his first visit
so the I nited States a German
Manufacturer was the guest of a
kinsman in New York. lie ex
pressed surprise when a few days
after his arrival he saw a. number
of men help themselves to papers
at an unattended news stand where
some men laid down the exact
prie-' of their purchase, others
made change for themselves ami
still others walked away without
paying, lie was told that the last
named group were customers who
paid only once a week, but that no
■one ever failed to pav.
To demonstrate hib contention
ihat ''most people are honest in
this country*' the Americanized
German took his visitor that day
to a restaurant where both were un
known, and when they had finish
ed their luncheon the host went to
the cashier's desk with his check
and said he had no money with
him, but would pay the next day.
The cashier gave the couple a
hasty glance and said: "All light,
I'll take a chance," and the men
started for ihe street. At the door
» a right-about-facc was executed,
the check was paid, a good cigar
was nanded ro the cashier to whom
the plot was revealed, and the
German exclaimed "Grossartig!"
Well every one knows that in
the minor details of every day pri
vate life the American is about as
honest as any mortal on earth.
Tlii;: gives encouragement that the
vast amount of private honesty
will force general honesty in poli
tics and manufacturing.
It is a question if this latter is
doing as much harm to the body
politic as corruption in public
[daces. It is said that there is
nothing so successful as success.
Now when the average man sees
fchat in the matter of adulterated
goods the maker waxes fat in
wealth, he is tempted to do like
wise, and so we find the farmer,
generally conceeded honest, color
ing his butter, putting a preserva
tive in his milk, placing the big
gest fruit on the top of the barrel
or basket, offering stale for fresh
eggs and so onto the end of the
In addition to this, we find the
workman trying to give the least
service and active only when the
employer's eye i* on him. So it
seems that it is only in certain
i minor things like paving for a pa
j per when it is » matter of honor. |
( the reader having helped himself!
at a stand, or liquidating a restaur
| ant hill, are we lioii -1, while there
i is so much general taking advan
| tage of another in the greater af
j fairs of life that it is reflected in
our public life.
Given a people perfectly honest
in every detail of business and
every relation of life and it goes
; without saying that all politics will
Ibe pure. Like person, like gov
| eminent. —Lancaster Examiner.
DcWitt's Which Hazel Salve is espec-
I idly good for piles. ilecounnonded and
j sold by R. Dodson.
Bryan's Plan of Campaign.
With the selection of Norman E.
Mack, of Buffalo, as chairman of the
National Democratic Committee, Mr.
Bryan's plan of campaign becomes
He has placed an astute New York
manager in charge of the practical
work of the contest before him. Mr.
Bryan, as in the past, will devote him
self to the Central West, where bis
personal strength is great. Mr. Mack
! is a trained man of affairs, knowing
the politics of New York like an open
book, schooled by the experience and
knowledge of the newspaper publisher
and editor and familiar with every pos
i sible combination between Tammany
; Hall in New York City and the De
| moc racy of New York State from Buf
' falo to Harlem River.
lie knows the country at large and
| can direct general effort outside of the
j State. He is near Ohio and knows
j that State, Indiana, the Democratic
j candidate for the Vice-Presidency,
j John W. Ivern, will be responsible for,
; with Thomas Taggart to aid, familiar
j with every device by which votes can
| be rolled up in the southern Democrat
'ic end of the State. The great States
j west of Indiana are to be reached by
j bold appeals to current discontent, In
! Diana, New York and its adjacent States
| are to be attacked by shrewd political
I management and manipulation, of
! which Tammany Hall will be the cen
j ter, and Norman E. Mack the director.
I The name and fame of that old and
l ferric! leader, Henry Watterson, iB
I enough for the South, already secure.
This is an astute plan. It will call
! for every Republican effort to meet it
i In the East there is a too prevalent
: impression that Republican triumph is
! certain. The open odds are in its fa-
Ivor. Judge Taft grows on thecountry
1 daily. But much remains to be done.
| In spite of such revival of business
as lias come, there is still an array of
| unemployed, whose votes are certain
! to be influenced by lack of work and
j wages. A period of depression is al
ways unfavorable to the party in
| power.
These thing.-! can be met and will bo
, met The sober and final judgment of
1 the Ami rican people will elect William
i H Taft President, but his choice calls
i for a determination as vigorous, as
j widespread and as well organized as
I any by which the Republican party
j has won in the past Its one great
| peril in this campaign is the over-con
j fidence of its supporters.—Philadelphia
; Press.
The Struggle Discourages Hany a
Citi/.en of Emporium.
Around all day with an aching back;
Can't rest at night;
Enough to inake auy one "give out."'s Kidney Pills will give renewed
They will cure the backache;
Cure every kidney ill.
Mrs. Geo. Zwack, living at 20(1 N. St.
Marys St., St. Marys, Pa., says: "Doan's
Kidney Pills entirely eradicated my head
aches and since using them my back is a
great deal stronger. I had used many
different remedies without results previous
to using Doan's Kidney Pills. My back
a-lied >o badly that no position I assum
ed was comfortable. .My health was
gradually running down and I felt very
miserable when Doan's Kidney Pills
came to my attention and I procured a
box. They proved to be the remedy I
required and after taking two boxes I.
was again well and strong. Doan's Kid
ney Pills were most satisfactory in my
case so I can recommend them to others."
For sale by all dealers. Prieeso cents.
Foster Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York,
solo agents for the United States. Re
member the name—Doan's—and take no
Use DeWitt's Little Early Risers
pleasant little pills that are easy to take
Sold by 11. C. Dodson.
Not all women who wear automobile
veils own a motor car.
Help for Those Who Have Stomach
After doctoring for about twelve years
for a bad stomach trouble, and spending
nearly five hundred dollars for medicine
and doctor's fees, I purchased my wife
one box of Chamberlain's Stomach and
Liver Tablets, which did her so much
good that she continued to use them and
they have done her more good than all
of the medicine I bought before.—Samuel
Royer, Folsotn, lowa. This medicine is
for sale by L. Taggart. Samples free.
Your Age by Mathematics.
"Ahem," said the king, "I have an
nteresting sum for you; it is a trial in
mental arithmetic. Think of the num
ber of the month of your birth."
Now, the professor was 50 years old,
and had been born two days before
Christmas, so lie thought of 12, Decem
ber being the twelfth month.
"Yes," said the professor.
"Multiply it by 2," continued the
"Add 5."
"Yes," answered the professor,doing
"Now multiply that by 50."
"Add your age."
"Subtract 365."
"Add 115."
"And now," said the king, "might I
ask what the result is?"
"Twelve hundred and 00," replied
the professor, wonderingly.
"Thank you," was the king's re
sponse. "So you were born in Decem
ber, 60 years ago, eh?"
"Why, how in the world do you
know?" cried the professor.
"Why, retorted the king, from your
answer— l26o. The month of your
birth was the twelfth and the last two
figures give your age."
Catarrh Cannot be Cured.
they cannot reach the seat of the dis
ease. Catarrh is a blood or constitu
tional disease, and to cure it you must
take internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh
Cure is taken internally, and acts
directly on the blood and mucous sur
face. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a
quack medicine. It is prescribed by
one of the best physicians in this
country for years and is a regular pre
scription. It is composed of the best
tonics known, combined with the best
blood purifiers, acting directly on the
mucous surfaces. The perfect combi
nation of the two ingredients is what
prodces such wonderful results in cur
ing Catarrh. Send for testimonials
free. F. .J. CiIKNKY & Co., Toledo, O-
Sold by druggists, 75c, Take Hatl's
Family Pills for constipation.
Over Thirty-Five Years.
In 187- there was a great deal of
diarrhoea, dysentery and cholera infantum.
It was at this time that Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
was first brought into use. Ic proved
more successful than any other remedy or
treatment, and has for thirty-five years
maintained that record. From a small
beginning its sale and use has extended
to every part of the United States and to
many foreign countries. Nine druggists
out of ten will recommend it when their
opinion is asked, although they have
other medicines that pay them a greater
profit. It can always be depended up
on. even in the most severe and danger
ous cases. For sale by L. Taggart.
Give anyone authority over you and
he will impose upon you.
Best tlie World Offords.
"It gives me unbounded pleasure to
recommend Bueklen's Arnica Salve."
says S. W. Jenkins, of Chapel Hill, X.
C. "I am convinced it's the hist salvo
the world affords. It cured a felon on
my thumb, and it never fails to heal
every sore, burn or wound to wliii li it is
applied. 25c at all drug stores.
If whining improves the ease, then
whine. If not, whine not.
Throwing His Fortune Away.
Throwing away what one has is not
always the only way to lose a fortune.
Bein<r unable to see an opportunity, or
to grasp it when seeing it, is more often
the cause of losing out in this world. A
person who feels too sluggish to make the
best of time can quickly improve by us
ing Sexine Pills, the great tonie, that is
guaranteed for all forms of weakness in j
men and women. Price $1 a box; six |
boxes 85, with full guarantee. Address
or call (in It. C. Dodson, Druugist, Em
porium, Pa., where they sell all the
principal remedies and do not substitute. '
Arrow Brand Collars and Cuffs in £
Crawford's and I Ti?
James Mean's Shoes A 011 IjiKC )of Men's and Boys"
To wear clothfts that are just a little different from the Hats ill all COIOIS and.
"W6 have them in all rest, you want to look at, and try on some of our latest styles. the latest
sizes and. styles and. varsity suits, made expressly for us by . ..
""IT Hart, Shaffner & Marx " ' I
to look for a good suit The new litttle ideas in pockets in the out of the front I jMoiiarCll Silver aild. I
case or a trunk. You of tlie Coat, the cufts on the sleeves, the trousers—a lot of Shirts Wo
Can find them at our new sulart ideas in these suits will certainly please you. *
store at reasonable The new fashions are exceptionally beautiful, and we can have a nice line of
prices, and you can show you the pick of them. them and up to date.
looking'fOT^ at y ° U are Store is the Home of Hart, Shaffner S Marx Clothes j W ork°sMrts ne lme ° f
IAQ PF P l~'l ARRIQ Opposite Post Office
Bees Laxative Cough Syrup recom
mended by mothers for young and old is
prompt relief for coughs, colds, eroup,
hoarseness, whooping cough. Gently
I laxative and pleasant to take. Guaran
j teed. Should be kept in every household.
I Sold at R. C. Dodson's drug store. 3m
It Can't be Beat.
'flic best of all teachers is experience.
C. M. Harden, of Silver City, North
I Carolina, says:"l find Electric Bitters
does all that's claimed for it. For Stom
' ach. Liver and Kidney troubles it can t
]be beat. I have tried it and find it a
! most excellent medicine." Mr. Harden
is right, it's the best of all medicines
\ also tor weakness, lame back, and all
j run down condition. Best too for chills
and malaria. Sold under guarantee at
! all drug stores. soc.
Pinesalve Carbolized acts like a poultice.
! Quick relief for bites and sting of insects,
j chapyed skin, cuts, burns and sores, tan
and sunburn. Sold at It. C. Dodson's
j drug store. 3m
Operation for piles will not be-fneces
: sary if you use Man /an Pile Remedy.
Put up ready to use. Guaranteed,
i Price 51 lc. Try it. Sold at 11. ('. Dod
son's drug store. 3m
\\xS\\N \ V \ \ \ w
/ Adam, , J
Meldrum &
Anderson Co.
.'590-108 Main Street,
1 V /
/ .. .. I
1 / k
I Clearance ;
I Sale ;
K OF >
/ /
; Wash Dresses:
I / ■'/
/ <
/ AND " ;
• / /
, ; Railroad Fares Rebated ' ■
ill connection with the >
/ /
! - Chamber of Commerce.
!* -i
/ /
/, All inquiries and Mail %
/ Orders given prompt atten- /
/ tion by our Mail Order De- /
< partment. %
% h \
J Adam, Si
i/ Meldrum & J
j / Anderson Co. %
gj American Block, Buffalo, Jf.Y. j
'/rvv \ \ \ \ \ \ v.\-\
Buckneil University.
John Howard Harris, Ph. I)., J.. L
I)., President.
Fall Term opens Sept. 17. 1908.
A Twentieth Century Institution.
Fixed and working capital over one j
million dollars. Fifteen buildings, |
modern facilities.
College: Courses in Arts, Philoso- j
phy, Jurisprudence, Science, Biology, '
Chemistry, Civil and Electrical En- j
Women's College comprises College,
Institute, Music, and Art courses.
Academy for young men and boys.
For catalogue, etc., address the '
Registrar, Wm. C Gretzinger, Lewis
burg, Pa. 21 6t.
Cascaswkkt, the well known remedy!
for babies and cluldren, will quiet the
! little one in a short time. The ingre- :
dients are printed on the bottle. (Jon
tains no opiates. .Sold by 11. C. Dodson.
One application of Man Zan Pile ■
! Remedy for all forms (if piles, relieves
pain, soothes, reduces iuflamma- |
tion, soreness and itching. Price 50e. J
Guaranteed to give satisfaction. Sold at j
R. C. Dodson's drug store. 3m
Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup acts
■ cently upon the bowelsand thereby drives j
; the eold out of the system. Sold by R. '
I C. Dodson.
In addition to our up-to-date line of
« Ladies Furnishing
W carry thousands of novelties
We have the exclusive Agency for
The Cadet ckings
Scientific StocK j for Men,
Women, Boys and Girls.
Sensible, satisfying, scientific
Cadet Stockings, reinforced with
Linen. Every pair guaranteed.
I Continued Bargains in
Suits, Skirts, Shirt Waists
| Dress Goods, Hosiery,
Under u? ear,
Embroidery and. Laces.
Ribbons and Notions.
| w ' " """"" |
13 jCidl liner Sdlo
Ii One Half Off Regular Pirce ■
The Bargain j
Store j
Fruits -- Vegetables \
Arriving daily and going at \
the lowest possible prices. <r
Strawberries, Pin a Apples, 3
Cucumbers, Cabbage, \
New Potatoes, >
Bermuda Onions. \
Remember I am handling \
Presh and Smoked Meats of all
kinds. Bacon, Hams, Boiled \
Ham, Bologna. <
Fine Line Groceries \
Free delivery anywhere. S
Phone your orders. J
Chas. Diehl's Old Stand, West Ward \