UNTRIMMED HATS Children's Tuscan Flats 15c each. I Neapolitan Flats from $1.75 and $1.50 I to SI.OO. All Trimmed Hats at one-half olf. I FLOWERS I Daisies 15c a bunch. Roses, three in a bunch. 10c. American Beauty Roses were $1.75 $1.50. SI.OO each. All Flowers and Trimmings at Greatly Reduced Prices. I * ' if fai K K *•. fm I Exceptional Bargains in Slightly Used Autos I g : 3 750 4.C71. Ford . S2OO ! SIOOO Cadillac 'O7 . fSOO || 850 Maxwell , . 250 1800 Winton . . 550 1350 Euick « , 300 2600 Marion . . 600 H | 1500 Yale . . 350 2000 4-Cyl. Rambler 650 j| j 1800 Marion . . 400 2000 Mitchell . 700 I AIL Cars Thoroughly Overhauled and Repainted || Always Ready for Demonstration I IREO RAMBLER PREMIER I We Want LIVE Sub-Agents. Write Us. I Poppenberg Motor Car Co. | I 6'74-76 MAIN ST., BUFFALO, N. Y. E CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, JULY 9, 1908 : The Bargain j \ Store | 112 Fruits -- Vegetables i \ Arriving daily and going at ( the lowest possible prices. s I ) Strawberries, Pine Apples, J Is Cucumbers, Cabbage, j j 3 New Potatoes, \ I 1 Bermuda Onions. s ! i Remember I am handling s Presh and Smoked Meats of all j \ kinds. Bacon, Hams, Boiled \ C Ham, Bologna. s \ Fine Line Groceries \ j \ Free delivery anywhere. \ 112 Phone your orders. c T.W.WELSH \ Ctias. Diehl's Old Stand. West Ward \ 30 DAYS' TREATMENT FOR SI.OO Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. FOR ALL KIDNEY BLADDER TROUBLE, RHEUMATISM AND LUMBAGO 1 A dose at bed time usu ally relieves the most : severe case before morning. PINEULE MEDICINE CO. CHICAGO. U. S. A. R C. DODSONS DRUG STORE. BEirE^ B JKVER' KNOWN TO F.V. ; Vl*. I B UNITED MEDICAL CO., BOX 74. UNOSTH. PA. J Sold in Emporium by L. Tangart and R. C. Dodson A CASE IN POINT. Why the Postmaster Leaned Toward tne Sheriff. There is it iown in northern New Hampshire where the families have in termarried tu .such an extent that It is dillicult for an outsider to make the I least criticism on one person without ! the danger of offending some of his ! family connections. When an unfortu | nate visitor commented on this fact to j Mr. Corbin, the postmaster, Mr. Cor j bin nodded violently. | "Hill Harmon, that's our sheriff, com j plained of that no longer ago than last j week," said he. "You see, it took him more'n a fort night to arrest Nate Ghidings because ; Nate got wind that he was wanted on | a little matter o' selling hard cider, i and he went on a round o' visits among his relatives—aunts, nephews in-law and 1 don't know what all—and 'twasn't till he'd had his fun and went feack home to his wife that Bill could j make the arrest without seeming to ! kind o' butt in, as you might say, and [ spoil the reunions." "I should think he would make a | queer kind of sheriff," said the visitor, j "waiting all that time for sentimental reasons and then arresting a man j when he went home just because his j poor wife wasn't a relation!" | Mr. Corbin drew himself up and as sumed a remote expression. "That's as you look at it,"he said in I a chilly tone. "I may be a mite preju | diced in Bill's favor, as lie married my i son-in-law's youngest sister. Anything j that concerns him concerns me, you ! understand." CONQUERORS CONQUERED. The Fate of Alexander, Hannibal, Caesar and Napoleon. It is a remarkable and instructive j fact that the careers of four of the most renowned characters that ever lived ! closed with violent or mournful deaths. | Alexander, after looking down from | the dizzy heights of his ambition upon a conquered world and weeping that there were no more to conquer, died of Intoxication in a scene of debauch or, as some suppose, by poison mingled in his wine. Hannibal, whose name carried terror to the heart of Rome itself, after hav ing crossed the Alps and put to flight the armies of the mistress of the world, was driven from his country and died at last of poison administered by his own hands iu a foreign land, unla lnented and unwept. Caesar, ihe conqueror of 800 cities and his temples bound with chaplets dipped in the blood of a million of his foes, was miserably assassinated by those he considered his nearest friends. Bonaparte, whose mandate kings and emperors obeyed, after filling the earth with the terror of his name, closed his | days in lonely banishment upon a bar | ren rock in the midst of the Atlantic | ocean. Such the four men who may be con sidered representatives of all whom the world calls great and such their end intoxication or poison, suicide, mur dered by friends, lonely exile. Pointed With Scripture. A bachelor rector of a western ! church was alone in his study when , his housekeeper brought him the card , of one of hi ■■ parishioners, a spinster of means and charm. W1 -n the lady was seated on the op • posite side of his study table the rector I looked at her inquiringly, expecting to I hear something concerning parish 1 work in which she was active. To his j surprise an embarrassed silence en ! sued, during which he vainly sought ! for something to say. "Dr. Blank," began the lady at j last in faltering tones, "do you think— j can you fancy conditions under which a—a woman is justified in proposing?" "Why, yea," said the rector, after some deliberation. "Thou art the man!" said the lady resolutely. She was right. A Ready Answer. The captain of a schooner that trades between New York and Savannah is noted for his wit, and on every occa sion that offers he loosens his shafts of humor, to the chagrin and embarrass ment of its target. Sooner or later the stinger gets stung, and this chronic pun artist is no exception to the rule. On one occasion when about two I days out from New York ho approacb ! Ed a group of sailors who were wash- I ing the forward deck, and, singling I out a big. rawboned Irishman who | was experiencing his lirst taste of | sailor's life, he gravely asked, "Can you steer the mainmast down the forecastle stairs?" Quick as a flash caiue the reply, "Vis, sor; I can if you will stand below and coil it up."—Phil adelphia Ledger. Rough on the Doctor. One night as a Canadian doctor who /Ives in eastern Ontario was driving into a village he saw a chap, a little the worse for liquor, amusing a crowd of spectators with the antics of his trick dog. The doctor watched him awhile and said: "Sandy, how do you manage to train your dog? I can't teach mine to do anything." Sandy, with that simple look iu his eyes, said, "Well, you see, doc, you have to know more'n the dog or you can't learn him nothing." An Ideal Husband. The Man- Ami yon really think you i have an ideal husband, don't you? The Matron—l know I have. Why, ho treats me as if lie were a candidate for olliee and I was ,i voter.—Chicago : News. About the poovi" i-!:id of a reputa tion is the !••!: ■!."... • for being Bai'- astle Chicago ibHold-Herald. WM. HACKENBEfiG'S Fire i Insurance Agency EMPORIUM, PA. SAVE MONEY. Insure your property in the Lebanon Mutual Ins. Co. This Company has been in business for over 50 years and is very prompt in paying its losses. We are also Agent for THE WESTERN INSURANCE CO. and THE SHAWNEE FIRE | INS CO., of Topeka Kansas, j main office, New York city. The last two named companies are also good sound companies. WM. HACKENBERG, 7 I AGENT, OR. HUMPHREYS' SPECIFICS. Dlr.'fttnn* with each Vial In Five I.anirtirirrt English, German, Spanish, Portuguese and French I No. ' FOB Price 1. Frvers, Congestions, Inflamrr fit lons 25 2. Worm*, Worm Fever, or Worm Disease.2s 3. Colic, Drying and Wakefulness of Infants.2s 4. Diarrhea, of Children and Adults 25 5. Dysentery, Grlplngs, Bilious Colic 25 7. Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis 25 8. Toothache, Faceache, Neuralgia 25 9. Headache, Sick Headache, Vertigo 25 10. Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Weak Stomach 25 13. Croup, Hoarse Cough, Laryngitis 25 14. Salt Khcuni, Eruptions, Erysipelas 25 15. Klieumntiim, or Rheumatic Pains 25 Hi* Fever and Ague. Malaria . 25 17. Files, Blind or Bleeding, External, Internal.2s IH. Ophthalmia. Weak or Inflamed Eyes 25 19. Catarrh. Influenza, Cold in Head 25 20. Whooping Cough, Spasmodic Cough 35 21. Aslhma.Oppressed, Dlfllcult lireathlng 25 27« Kidney Disease, Gravel, Calculi 25 ■2H. Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness 1.00 29. Sore Moutii, Fever Sorc3or Canker 25 30. Crinnry Incontinence, Wetting Bed 25 34. Sore Throat, Quinsy and Diphtheria 25 35. Chronic Congestions, Headaches 25 77. Crippe, H n Fever and Summer Colds- . . .25 A small bottla of Pleasant Pellets, fits the vest pocket. Sold by druggists, or sent on. receipt of price. Medical Boole sent free. HUMPHREY.-!' HOMED. MEDICINE CO., Corner William and John Streets. Now York. a Fsstrm g§ for salo. Not particular about location. 9 M Wish to hear bom owner only who ■ m will sell direct to buyer. Give price, K SB description and state when possession St "J can be had. Address, vasammm.] . X- 'POTT ' "■ ■'.. ■"»*'•« Ufyouu |PILEBR""kR?s?s "aill-y do nil . '.V' ... . f.;r Dr.M. J.-v i I'm • 1/JBflM : JDV, tAHCASTCR, PA. H—B .: »mm .: SoJ » DAVH incliidiivr date ffl of excursion. Stop-off within limit allowed at Buffalo returning. 3 Illustrated Booklet an 1 i til information ni be obtained from Ticket Agent*, '.jjj ,1. R. WOOD, GEO. W. BOY D. 112 PasEoi!S"r I rallic Manager. Osiieral Agent Executrix Notice. JCtiatc of OZ/AS S. PETERS, Deceased. | ETTEEB testamentary on the estate* of Ozias 1 J Peters, lateof Shippun township, Cameron county, Pennsylvania, deceased have been grant ed to Gertrude Peters, residing in said township, to whom all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims or demands, will nuke known the same without delay to GKRTRUDE PETERS, Executrix. Or to her Attorneys, Oi'.L'EN & FELT, Emporium, Pa.—int. Register's Notice. "Vf OTICE is hereby given that Harry H. Nis*- _l]N ley, Administrator of the estate of John W. Kriner, deceased, late of the Borough ot Emporium, has filed his first and final account of his administration of said estate and the same will be presented at next term of court for con firmation. W.J. LEAVfTT, Register. Register's Office, I Emporium, Pa., June 15, 1008. / 18-4t. Divorce Notice. Carl W. Spence, | ln the Court of Com ' mon Pleas of Cam vs eron County. Cora Greenwalt Spence, J No. 20, January Term 1908. IN DIVORCE. To Cora Greenwalt Spence: Whereas Carl W. Spence, your husband, has filed a libel in the Court of Common Pleas, of Cameron county, of January term, 1908, No. 20. praying a divorce from you. Now you are hereby notified and re quired to appear in said court on or before Mon day the 13th day of July next to answer the said complaint of the said Carl W. Spence and in de fault of such appearance you will be liable to have a divorce granted in your absence. JOHN D. SWOPE, SherifT. Sheriff's Office, ) Emporium, Pa., June 11th, 1908./ 17-lt CIOURT PROCLAMATION. -WHEREAS:-The ) Hon. HARRY A. HALL, President Judge and the Hons. JOIIN MCDONALD and GEO. J.LABAB, Associate Judges of Courts of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Orphans' Court and Court of Common Pleas for the county of Cameron have issued their precept bearing date the 13th day of April A. I)., 1908, and to me directed for holding Court of Oyer and Terminer, General Jail De livery, Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Orphans' Court, and Court of Common Pleas in the Borough of Emporium, Pa., on Monday, the 13th day of July, 1908, at 10 o'clock, a. in. ami to continue one week. Notice ishereby given to the Coroners, Justices of the Peace and Constables within the county, that they be then and therein their proper per sons, at 10 o'clock, a. m., of said day, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, examinations, and other rememberances, to do those things which to their offices appertain to be done. And those who are bound by their recognizance to prosecute against them as will be just. Dated at Emporium, Pa., June 12. 1908, and in the 131 st year of the Independence of the United States of America. J. D. SWOPE, Sheriff. ills A few doses of this remedy will in variably cure an ordinary attack of diarrhoea. It can always be depended upon, even in the more severe attacks of cramp colic and cholera morbus. It is equally successful for summer diarrhoea and cholera infantum in children, and is the means of saving, the lives of many children each year. When reduced with water and sweetened it is pleasant to take. Every man of a family should keep this remedy in his home. Buyitnow. PRICE, 25C. LARGE SIZE, 50C. ALLEGHENY COLLEGE FOUNDED IN 1823 A. high grade college with good traditions. Ideal location. Expenses reasonable. Fine new commons and dub house for young men. Well equipped trymnasiums. Preparatory School con nected with college. Fall term opens Sept. 15th. Write to PRESIDENT CRAWFORD, MEADVILLF, PA.