Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, June 11, 1908, Image 5

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PflfCK \ .IST.
Kmptu mm, Pa., .June fi, iui'B.
Spot Cash, per sack $1 25
N E.MOHtI I la. per sack 11 88
Felt's Fancy, •' 160
Pet Grove, " 1 60
Graham, " TO
Rye " (to
Roller Meal " 55
Coarse Meal per 100, 1 TO
Chop Feed, " l TO
Cracked Corn per 100 1 TO
Screenings " 1 70
Oil Meal " 1 85
Middlings 1 70
Bran, 1 65
Chicken Wheat 1 80
Corn per bushel, 95
White Oata,per bushel 70
Oysl r Shells, per 100 75
Seed Oats per bushel 72
Choke Clover Seed, 1
ChoiceTinnthySeed, > At Market Prices.
Choice Millet Seed. >
JF- J / /M " '
At Fourth and Chfistnut Sts..
»*. C.DUDiiON.
Telephone, 19-2.
Contribution* invited. That which you would
lilcc to sec in tiiis department,let us know by poi
tal card or letter, personally.
Barney Benson, of Ridgway, visited
in town on Sunday.
Mr. E. G. Coleman visited friends at
Tidioute, Pa., on Tuesday.
Miss Anna Blumle spent the first of
the week in St. Marys, the guest of B.
Severine and family.
M. L. Cummjngs, of Hyner, Pa.,
formerly of this place, visited his par
ents here, on Sunday.
Miss Mary Garvin, of this place,
spent Saturday of last week calling on
her friends at Driftwood.
John Braddish, one of the popular
barbers of Couderspoot, was a visitor
to this place last Sunday.
Frank J. Kelly, of Austin, was a call
er in Emporium last Sunday, and was
registered at the New Warner.
Miss Edna Auchu spent the last of
the week in Coudersport, guest at the
home of Addison Stephens and family.
Claude E. Rentz is enjoying this week
visiting relatives and his many friends,
in Williamsport, Montgomery and
Miss Richardson, of Driftwood, was
the guest of Miss Nina Bryan, the last
of the week, at her home on North
Broad Street.
Chas. Felt, transacted business in
Buffalo and Detroit, in the interest of
the Emporium Milling Company, the
first of the week.
Miss Elizabeth Fisk, of Emporium,
spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs.
Howard Spangler, of Diamond street.
St. Marys Gazette.
Miss Harriet Steen was called to her
home in Warren by the death of her
uncle, last Friday. Miss Steen return
ed to this place on Tuesday.
Mr. H. I. Whitmire'B sister, brother
in-law and two daughters, of Duliois,
visited here over Sunday, at the form
er's residence on West Sixth street.
J. H. Stephens and Fred Dininny, of
this place, visited in Coudersport on
Sunday, at the home of the former's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Addison
Mrs. Susan Sterner, has returned to
her home in this place from Austin,
having been called there by the illness
of her son and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
G. W. Sterner.
Mr. and Mrs. Amos Kresge, of Du-
Bois visited in Emporium on Sunday
and Monday, calling on old friends
and acquaintances in town and made
the PRESS sanctum a call.
Mr. and Mrs. Gust Carlson, of this
place, were PRESS office visitors on
Saturday and carried home a receipt
for one year's PRESS. Mrs. Carlson
visited old friends at Titusville last
waek and had a very enjoyable time.
She was accompanied by her daughters
Evelyn and Iva and son Gust.
Mrs. Laura Bryan, of this place, who
is visiting at Erie, is expected home
Mi.-is Addie Garrity of St. Marys, was
the guest of Miss Nina Bryan Saturday
and Sunday.
W. J. Leavitt, accompanied by his
wife and children visited Clarion and
Pittsburg last week.
Mrs. Henry Auchu, who has been
very sick with pneumonia, is again
able to be around the house.
D, 11. Branson of Dußoia, came over
on Monday to visit his wife and A. A.
McDonald and Miss Christie.
Mrs. Stella Dixon of St. Marys, ac
companied by her two children, are
guests of Mrs. Geo. P. Jones.
Carrol Mumfoxd, of this place, made
a business trip to Port Allegany, last
Edward Breene, of the New Warner,
was a business caller in Port Allegany
last Sunday.
Jus. F. Higginsand wife, of Austin,
were guests at the New Warner the
grst of the week.
Prof. Fisk had his Juvenile band out
on Tuesday evening for a serenade.
The boys are doing fine.
Master Earl Steen, of Warren, is the
guest at the home of his sister, Miss
Harriet Steen.
Henry Streicht, of Ridgway is a
guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Edward Zwald.
Miss Margaret Follmer, of Trout
Run, is the guest of Miss Maud Thom
as at her home on Allegany avenue.
Mrs. Josiali Howard and daughter,
Miss Dorothy, who are visiting at
Shenandoah, Pa., return home on
Mrs. Jas. L. Norrie and Jos. Kaye,
Jr., arrived at Buffalo last Monday,
being met there by Jos. Kaye, Sr., who
accompanied them to Emporium.
Messrs. Wm. Wylie of Driftwood
and V. A. Brooks of Sinnamahoning,
were business calllers in town on Tues
day and made the PRESS a call.
Mrs. J. H. Day and brother Arthur
Orton, returned on Monday from
Brooklyn, N. Y., where they were call
to attend their brother's funeral.
Mrs. Geo. Taggart and daughter, re
turned home last week after spending
a most delightful time in Detroit and
Port Huron, Michigan.
Mrs. R. A. Eick, accompanied by her
mother, Mrs. Rushmore, left last Thurs
day on a visit to relatives at Powell,
Bradford county, Pa.
Harry F. Moat, of Driftwood, and
Jas. David, of Greensbug, Pa., were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Matley, Alle
gheny Avenue, over Sunday.
Ralph Schnee, who has been at his
home at Montgomery has returned to
this place and will resume his work as
bookkeeper in Howard & Co's store.
The friends of Mrs. Clia3. Auchu will
be sorry to learn of her poor health.
We learn she is about to undergo a
second operation.
Mrs. Jennie Webster, accompanied
by Mr. and Mrs. Austin Jones, went to
Port Allegany on Tuesday—Dr. Mc-
Grainor to perform an operation of a
serious nature for Mrs. Webster.
W. R. Sizer, who is making a great
success as general agent for German
Commercial Accident Company of
Philadelphia, was a social caller at the
PRESS office on Monday. Many of our
citizens are carrying a policy in the
above company.
Jay Paul Felt, returned to his home
last Friday afternoon from Philadel
phia;accompanied by his wife and son,
Paul Earl Felt.
Geo. Neidlinger and wife of Ridg
way are visitors in Emporium, having
been called here by the serious illness
of Mrs. Neidlinger's father, Mr. Wei
Miss Edna Disharron, of Philadel
phia, spent the last of the week in
town, the guest of her sister, Miss Mar
garet, who has just completed her sea
son as milliner for Mr. R. Kuehne.
Before the ladies return to their
home they will take in the sights
at Buffalo and Niagara Falls.
Mrs. W. Smith, and son Foster, of
Buffalo, who have been visiting Augus
tus Nelson and family on Fifth street
for several weeks returned to their Buf
falo home Tuesday afternoon, after an
enjoyable vacation. Accompanied by
Miss Dora Nelson, her niece, they visit
ed Austin and Coudersport last week
and visited the wonder ice cave, at
Sweden Valley.
Misses Mame and Anna Cleary left
on Monday for Valparaiso, Indiana,
where they will attend school. Miss
Agnes accompanied them as for as
Pittsburg, and from there she went to
New Martinsville, W. Va., to visit her
sister, Mrs. Fred Yonkers.
Oar pleasant and good friend John
W. Metzger presented ye editor with a
good ten cent cigar last evening and
informed us that a brand new bounc
ing girl came to his home, corner of
Second and Maple street, yesterday
morning. John says this is the last
cigar under similar circumstances.
Bachelor Girls.
The Bachelor Girls were royally en
tertained by Miss Nina Bryan, at her
home on North Broad street, last
Wednesday evening.
Embarked in Hotel.
Geo. Hurteau and family have moved '•
to Pittston, Pa., where Hurteau &
Hayes have leaeed the Port Blanchard ,
Hotel. Both have had years of ex- J
perience in the business.
Emmanuel Church Notice.
Trinity Sunday, June 14th:—Celebra
tion of the Holy Communion at the
mid-day service.
House for Sale.
Six room house situated on West
Fifth street, supplied with gas and i
city water and bath, toilet and labra-I
tory. Inquire of H. Day at the tan- 1
nery office. 17-tf.
Ice Cream Sale Friday Evening.
The boys of Company M will hold
an ice cream sale on Friday evening,
this week, 011 the lawn between Em
manuel parish house and the rectory,
for the benefit of the Company's ex
pense fund.
Quarterly Meeting Services.
Rev. A. J. Hill, of Bradford, Pa., dis
trict elder of the Bradford district of I
the Free Methodist Church will preach
in the Truman school house 011 West !
Creek, Thursday and Friday evenings I
of this week, and will conduct the usual j
quarterly services the coming Satur- ,
day evening and Sabbath day in the'
Free Mbthodist Church 011 East Fifth
street. Sabbath services as follows:
Love feast 10 a. m.; preaching of the j
word, 11a m.; followed by commun
ion services; evening service at 7:30.
The pastor extends a cordial invitation \
to all to attend these services. Come. '
Eye Specialist.
Prof. W. H. Buuine, the well known j
Eye Specialist, of Binghamton, N. Y., !
will be at It. H. Hirach's jewelry j
store, Emporium, Pa., June 13th
If you can't see well or have 1
headache don't fail to call and see Prof.
Budine, a3 he guarantees to cure .all
such cases. Lenses ground and fitted
in old frames. Eyes tested and ex
amined free. All work guaranteed.
Sick Headache and Biliousness reliev
ed at once with llin:;s Little Liver Pills. ;
A rosy complexion and clear eyes result
from their use. Do not gripe ur sicken.
Good for all the family. Sold at 1!. C.
Dodson's druL: store. Mm
Camping Party.
Misses Louise Welsh, Ethel Lloyd
and Mabel Morrison are enjoying the
pleasures of camping out this week,
on West Creek, near Gillis Bliss'. Of
course they are enjoying the novelty.
Cream for Sale.
I have a quantity of strictly pure,
separator cream for sale.
JOHN Rirrz.
Throe Queer Things.
The curious things which occur In 1
the world 011 a given day wouljf no |
doubt if collected excite the wonder of!
the most incredulous. Vet in a single >
newspaper there vrivs recently found j
an account of a woman who was j
guilty of so infamous a proceeding as j
going to sleep at a shop while the as- j
sistant was in tho act of showing her
Home dress stuffs, accompanying the'
exhibition with the usual eloquence of |
these individuals.
The second related the aeuteness of ;
two tramps who conceived the idea of i
goinjr to a fancy dress hall in their j
ordinary attire. As may be imagined, j
they devoted the best part of their
time to a serious inroad on there- j
sources of the supper room, much to
the amusement of the whole party,
who naturally thought they were
guests who had been invited to the
entertainment and who, having made
themselves up with exceptional skill
for their assumed parts, were carrying
out the idea of the characters they
represented for tho purpose of the jest.
The third story was that of an ab-
Sentmlnded young woman who was
playing with a pair of scissors and
proceeded to trim off her eyebrows
quite unconscious of what she was
doing.—Pearson's Weekly.
DeWitt's Little Early Risers, the fatu
ous little liver pills, are sold by R. 0.
5 PILES TCL'suS'osiYoni :
I*3 D. Matt. Thompson, Sup'tl
• ABRADED Schools, R'ntrgrllle, N. C., writes: •*! CUD B » F
SIS!"* do all T- a claim for them." Dr. 8. M. DCTOP- I'
HH.uvn Rock, W.V a., writes; "They glvo universal sat i. '
l>r. Hy Ti-un., writr.
■ equal youn.". PIICI/SO Rati'.r.^Vr'cc!^!,!.! 1
SoM in Emporium by L. Taggartb R. C Dodsc
1 OUR NEW LINE OF illllPll Definition of 'Definitive' m
LIH This word when linked to an arti- NJ
1 Wall Paper for 1908. I
„, *■ sPr^^>CL lf iug to attain."
N =
Illi WG(\ can P ro P er, y be use(l to describe 0
Ijj Consists of the best things from three factories. Also 17 * >
U the Robert Graves Co.'s line of Decoration Paper of all S jj|
I kinds Hot-Pressed Vellum |
The Graves lino took first prize in competition at St. « if AVH Money cannot buy a better writing |j|
Louis against the world. H. 3. LLUIU. ( paper, for experience cannot produce {ffi
Tho marriage of J. Charles Lion and
Miss Anna Catharine Ritchie, occurred
Monday morning at tho Sacred Heart
church, during nuptial high mass cele
brated at 7 o'clock. Tho ceremony
was performed by Rev. P. Cornelius
Enders, O. S. 8., pastor.
The bridal party proceeded up the
is'e of the church to the strains of
Lohengrine wedding march played by
the organist, Miss Hannah Mcßride.
Tho bride, who is a decidedly pretty
young lady,looked charming in Iter suit
of champagne mirage silk and wore a
lace coat. Her hat matched the gown.
The bridesmaid, Miss Mayrae Cum
mings of Emporium, was dressed in a
tan colored crepe dress and wore a hat
in keeping with the gown. Anthony
Htraub was best man.
Following the ceremony the wed
ding breakfast was held at the home of
the bride's brother, Fred Ritchie, of
Centre street, where she had made her
home. The guests were limited to the
immediate members of both families.
The decorations at the house were in
yellow and white. Table decorations
were sweet peas, carnations, smilax
and maiden hair fern.
At the train the young couple were
showered with rice by a crowd of
young people, who came to tender
their congratulations. They left on P.
R. R. train, No. 42 East for Philadel
phia, Atlantic City and New York and
are expected to return the first of next
week, when they will goto housekeep
ing in the Mercum house on Washing
ton street.
The bride is a charming young lady,
much admired by her friends and was
one of ths popular young ladies in the
sales deparment of Hall & Kaul Go's
store. She is the second youngest
daughter of Theodore Ritchie, who al
so makes bis home with his son, Fred.
The groom is an electrical contractor
and one of the town's popular and in
dustrious young men. Ho is the oldest
son of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Lion.
Together with their many friends
we extend our congratulations to Mr.
and Mrs. Lion.—St. Marys Gazette.
A good girl for general housework.
Good wages to the right party. Box
13, Emporium, Pa. 12-tf.
Divorce Xoticc.
Carl W. Spenco, )I" «' e Court of Com"
' mon Pleas of Cam
vs 112 eron County.
Cora Greenwalt Spence, J No. 20, January Term
To Cora Greenwalt Spence: Whereas Carl W.
Spence, your husband, has filed a libel in the
Court of Common Pleas, of Cameron county, of
January term, 190H, No. '2O, praying a divorce
from you. Now you arc hereby notified and re
quired to appear in said court on or before Mon
day the 13th day of July next to answer the said
complaint of the said Carl W. Spence and in de
fault of such appearance you will be liable to
have a divorce granted in your absence.
Sheriff's Office, )
Emporium, Pa., June lltli, 1908.) 17-it
Mm of dissolution of Partnership.
r I MiE undersigned hereby give notice that the
1. partnership heretofore existing between
Win. F. Lloyd and O. Frank JJalcom, trading as
Halcom & Lloyd, in Eiuporinm, Pa., has this day
been dissolved. The business will he continued
at the old stand by a. Frank Halcom, who
will pay the debts of said co-partnership, and
collect all the claim.; duo said late firm.
\V. I'. !JLOYI>,
(x. F. HALCOM.
Emporium, Pa., May 21st, 1908.
j Special Sale!
A fine line of Groceries
Crackers, Cookies and
Also a fine line of Men's,
Ladies and Children's
Hose, black and bown.
Special, This Week
Seven bars Acme Soap 25c
1 carton of Matches for 25c
3lbs of Rice for 25c.
Large bottle Bluing Bc.
Home-Made Bread
; Cookies and
s ] !
ji Doughnuts
\ Mrs. M. F. Conway,
Restful, delightful, interesting, awl instructive, t l iere
is no trip like that on the Great Lakes, those inland seas
which form the border line between the United States and
Canada. And June is oue of the most charming months
in the year in which to take the trip.
P"or comfort the fine passenger steamships of the
Anchor Line have 110 superiors. As well appointed as the
palatial ocean greyhounds which plow the Atlantic, their
schedule allows sufficient time at all stopping places to un
able the traveler to see something of the s>reat lake cities
and to view in daylight the most distinctive sights of the
lakes, and the scenery which frames them.
The trip through the Detroit River, and through
Lake St. Clair, with its great ship canal in the middle of
the lake, thence through Lake Huron, the locking of the
steamer through the great locks at the Soo, and the pas
sage of the Portage Entry, lake and canal, across the up
per end of Michigan are novel and interesting features.
The voyage from Buffalo to Duluth covers over
eleven hundred miles in the five days' journey. Leaving
Buffalo, the steamships Juniata and Tionesta, make stops
at Erie, Cleveland, Detroit, Machiuac Island, the Soo,
Marquette, Houghton and Hancock and Duluth.
The 1908 season opens on June 16, when the Steamer
Tionesta will make her first sailing from Buffalo.
The Anchor Line is the Great Lake Annex of the
Pennsylvania Eailroad, and the service measures up to the
high standard set by the"Standard Railroad of America.''
An illustrated folder, giving sailing dates of steam
ers, rates of fare, and other information is in course of
preparation, and may be obtained when ready from any
Pennsy-vania Railroad Ticket Agent, who is also prepared
to book pasengers who may desire to take this trip through
the Great Lakes and back. No. 476-17-21.
WHITE LILLY FLOUR Always Satisfactory!
B R OOK U±\ . -iS PURE
_ 1 he Satisfactory Store
I Hot Weather Groceries " #N¥ T E aov to serve I
Don't worrv yourself over the hot stove, buy the p
ready to eat things. Let us serve you.
I Special Items for Friday and Saturday, this Week
25 lbs Granulated Sugar $1.55.
VeryOhoiceMessina Lemons 20c doz fi
~ Princess Paper Shell Almonds 25clb B
M 15c Canned Corn, 2 cans for 25c.
I 7 cakes Acme or Oak Leaf Soap for 25c.
12c canned Peas, Early June the can 10c.
Large 10c bottle Laundry Blueing, Bc.
H Oolong or Ceylon Tea, 50c grade a lb 40c.
© 50c package Searchlight Matches 45c. H
fij Dunli nil's Shredded Cocoanut a lb 35c. £
B Canned Pine Apple chunks, 2 cans for 25c. A
Can you afford to miss these bargain prices. B Sake FUSi LEAVE ORDERS FOR DE "i
8 Choicest Fresh Fruits and Vegetables and Early Garden ||
(Truck at Reasonable Prices. fl
Notable Kitchen Specialties. £
■' The pride of every successful housekeeper is to
0 have a kitchen well stocked with convenient utensils
I and cooking outfits. Why be without them when they §1
cost so little. Call and let us show them to you.
Prompt delivery to all parts of town
I You G-et Better Values Here.
J. H. DAY, |
B Phone 6. Emporium. A