IF *m ! J|! Breezy I ||! Countyl I 2V R EN?S HUNTLEY. Dr. 11. W. Mitchell, dentist, Empori um, Pa. Over Volt's Shoo Store. Blanche Login: of Williamspart, ia \is- j iting her parents over Sunday. Mrs. G. S. Hill and Klmer llill of drove Hill, visited friends in town Sun day. Mrs. Arthur Barclay of Sinnamahon iug, was a guest of J. S. Jordan and family over Sunday. Special officer A. O. Caldwell of liidg way, was a business caller in town Fri day,looking after the company's interests. Ruth Sullivan is ill with the grip. A.W.Smith was a business caller at Sinnamahonintr Monday. Miss Collins, County Supt. visited rel atives here Friday evening. A. B. Croup visited friends at Tunnel Hill Sunday. The base ball teams played a game on Sunday. Score, 10 to 0 in favor of the west end nine. The Rev. llazlett preached at the Huntley church Sunday to a large con gregation. Flossie Johnson lias returned from a week's visit niuong relatives at First Fork. Signalman Spangler of Sterling Run* was a business caller in town Tuesday. J. F. S. CAMERON. Dr. W. H. Mitchell, Dentist, Empori m, Pa Over Vogt's shoe store. Mat Phoenix made a business trip to Emporium Saturday. Hulda Olson spent Saturday and Sun day in Emporium. Edward McFadden visited friends at St. Marys Saturday. Mrs. Mary Yocuin was taken suddenly ill Sunday but is reported better at this writing. 1). B. Peterson is reported ill. lloss. W. Barrows and wife of Lock Haven, visited friends at this place Fri day and Saturday. Mamie Cassidy of Olean, visited I'riends here Saturday. Mrs. G. L. Page and children visited relatives in St. Marys Sunday. Jacob Lester and James Leonard re turned from Potter county Thursday, where they have been working in the woods. Alice Greenalel' was removed to the Williamsport hospital Sunday night. Her condition grew worse Saturday and an operation for appennicitis was advised. Godfrey Schwab and family and his father, J. J. Schwab of St. Marys, visit ed friends and relatives in town Sunday. A. F. Walker and son George are working on a saw mill in Salt Bun. George says it is hard work but he is getting used to. The Indian squaw passed throgh town Friday and erected her wigwam in the west end. John Devlin of Sterling Bun was ou our streets Sunday with his fine turnout. Some attraction up this way. A. E. Lord is having troubles of his own with the wood chucks. lie hasal readyjeaptured ([six of them. But they have captured nearly all his truck patch. Mrs. Cyrus Lupro returned from Medix Bun Sunday after a short visit with friends. es liobt. Boyd of Medix Bun, spent Sun day in town. Edw. McFadden and gang are busy planting potatoes. If there is anything in signs he should have a big erop. School meeting was held here Monday. Directors James Strawbridge, L. C. Sum merson of Sterling Bun. and Andrew Jenks and D. C. Linninger of this place answered to roll call. LOUISE. SINNAMAHONING. Dr. W. 11. Mitchell, Dentist, Empori um, Pa. Over Vogt's shoe store. Geo. Darrin was at Emporium Tues day. It. M. Williams of First Fork, was in town Tuesday. M. J. Logue brought down a load of calves for Crum Bros. Tuesday. Hon. and Mrs. C. F. Barclay arc ex pected home this week. Bev. C. W. Dickson was in Empori um Tuesday. The Star Box Mill is moving along as fast as the machinery comes. The contractors for the state road are at work with a small crew of men. - Pap Blodget, who has been laid up for some time with rheumatism is around again. The P. k E. bridge painters arc paint ing the bridge this week. Memorial day services were very quiet here. Mrs. C. W. Dickson and a small band of Junior Lcagurers and com rade Batchelder formed the line and marched to the Wildwood Cemetery and placed flags and flowers on the gravos of the old soldiers there and then march ed to Wyside cemetery and placed flags and flowers on the graves there. The little band was small but patriotic and willing to do what they could in memory of the soidier dead. We hope that the effort of the little baud will take root and a larger memorial service given the fu ture. The ball games Saturday were tame affairs. Shintown vs Sinnamahoning, score 18 to Bin favor of Shintown. The rain prevented the afternoon game. Memorial day is getting to be more of a day of celebration than a day to be ob served as a memorial to the boys in blue of the years of 'til and 'OS. Don't for get the million of dead whose bodies are laid to rest. Go and place a flag or a few flowers on their last resting place. Mrs. J. V. Strayer was in Driftwood Tuesday. Mrs. T. S. Fulton visited her sister in Benovo Sunday. Myrtle S. Shafer spent Decoration Day with her step-mother :n Duliois, and also visited her sister in Puxsutawney. Myrtle Shafer is packing her house hold goods preparatory to moving to Bidgway where she will make her home with her uncle, W. A. Shafer. Edna Lloyd called on her old friends one day last week. Mabel Buchanan, one of our popular teachers left this week to attend commer cial college at Williamsport. Milford Ivrebs was home from Reno vo Sunday. Born April 22 to G. W. Darrin and wife, a son. Mrs. 11. I). Baird ol Renovo called on friends here last week. Mrs. Daugherty of .Johnsonburg was visiting Mrs. Coffery Monday. Maggie Welton, the pleasant little book keeper for the Star Box Factory, spent Sunday at her home at Hieks Bun. Bertrand Crum of Chicago, on account of poor health, is spending a few weeks at the home of his grand parents, B. 15. B. Crum and wife. Blanche Morris visited her cousin, Mrs. Leu Krebs on Grove street this week. Margaret I "llrich returned from Em porium, where she has been visiting her sister. Mrs. Shores was in town last week visiting old friends and caring for the graves of her dead. DEBSE. STERLING RUN. Dr. W. 11. Mitchell, Dentist, Empori um, Pa. Over Vogt's shoe store. Mrs. Emmett Lord is visiting relat ives on Huston Hill this week. Haven Johnson tho only child of Prof. Chas. Johnson died last Thurs day at Bloomsbttrg. Body was brought here Saturday and buried in the Pine Street Cemetery. His mother was buried here about a year ago. She was a sister of A. L.and C. W. Barr, of this piace. Mr. and Mrs. 11. F. Foster are visit ing in town the guests of Mrs. Thos. M. Lewis. John Killeen, of Dents Run, visited in town Sunday. Ed. Marshall returned home Tues day from the Williamsport hospital, where he has been three weeks for an operation for appendicitis. Lulu Lewis and Zoella Mason were business visitors in Emporium Satur day. Mrs. Maggie Roach, of New York, is the guest ot her sister Mrs. Bibianna Spangler. Mrs L. J. Brooks and little grand child returned home Monday from a short visit with her son at Medix Run. L. C. Summerson was one of the wit nesses sworn into witness the hanging of Ora Odell on Tuesday. Mrs. Henry Morse and grand-child ren, of Cameron, visited in town Wednesday. A. W. Mason, of Shyrock, W, Va., is homo for a short time. Glad to see you Alex. Miss Jean McNarney, of Emporium, visited in town Tuesday. Dr. W. H. Mitchell, Dentist, Empori um, Pa. Over Vogt's shoe store. BLUE BELI.. No Need of Suffering From Rheuma tism. It is a mistake to allow rheumatism to become chronic, as the pain can always be relieved, and in most cases a cure ef fected by applying Chamberlain's Pain Balm. The relief from pain which it af fords is alone worth many times its cost. It makes sleep and rest possible. Even in cases ol long standing this liniment should be used on account of the relief which it affords. Do not be discouraged until you have given it a trial. Mauy sufferers have been surprised and delight ed with its pain relieving qualities. 25 and 50 cent sizes for sale by L. Taggart. Hundreds of people who sufler from backache, rheumatism, lame back, lum bago and similar ailments are not aware that these are merely symptoms ol kid ney trouble, and to be relieved they must correct the cause. Pineules for the kid neys, pleasant and easy to take, are read ily absorbed by the stomach and blood act directly on the kidneys, bringing quick relief to backache and other symp toms of kidney and bladder derange ments. A dose of Pineules at bed time brings relief. 30 days' trial §I.OO and guaranteed or money back. Sold at R. C. Dodson's drug store. Hm A number of rooms, with UHOof bath or rent. Apply to Frank F. Day. 41-tf. \ CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, JUNE 4, 1908. | The NEW DRY GOODS STORE] i Extraordinary Keduetion in Millinery. Friday we begin the Sale i of all our Trimmed Mats and Untrimmed Dress Shapes I at the following prices: Extra! TRIMMED HATS Extra! Extra! [ i All Linen unbleacli- ... . . ... Perlee de Soi, an ex led Crash, 18 inches All °ur $3.00 to $3.50 hats, choice $1.98 cluisite s ilk finished t wide, reg. price t washable Dress fabric I 12ic; Sale price l"c o,UU 0./» i n mo st beautiful pat -6-00 4.29 terns, white ground £ 36ince Unbleached 7.00 ** " 4.98 pink or blue ! I Cotton, regular 6!c " 8.00 '* k * 5.98 flowers, reduced 0 I Sale price 5c " 9.00 to $lO hats " 6,79 from 50c too J j'iSffoSSSSrf UNTRIMMED DRESS SHAPES ,"££? &wJSi j reduced from 8c to b 4 c \ the SI.OO hats, at each - - 69c j Lawn with silk strip- | | -1 " i.50 " - 98c s es ' reduced from 1 1 Ladies Muslin under- j 2.00 " - - $1.25 j 2sc a yard to fi wear at extraordinary " 2.50 " - 1.69 j | I low prices. 1 " 3.00 " - - 1.98 Muslin Drawers for I i ~ ac a r r-r, ■ \ children, g:ood quality I | G-0wn5,43c.45c,50c, j —————— - well J | 75c, 98c. $1.50 to A lot of Infants Muslin Bonnets, made - - c § I $4.50. soiled from handling. 50c and 75c kind, | Drawers, 25c to take your choice 19c. All Linen 12x12 1 I $2.50. —— . —. inch Table Napkins- g Corset Covers, 25c To Out of T ortn Customers each - - ~ | 50c, 75c, $1.00,51.251 TTr « i -i i g i ft*i r-rJ Write for samples. Mail orders re- , TTI ~ , ? I and $1.50. . , 112 „ . White Parasols with \ 8 Skirts *1 25 S-I 50 ° eiVS P rom P t anc L oareful attention. wasllable covers, en- I I to?'! Wllen m Emporium make this a meled frames. j J; : Store your headquarters. You are j I L. —— i t eKMMgzaaai' arHraffrawwg avaasLainut mtaammsmm mmtea ami rb emxs ——» ttwrm'f .magt tsaraasacas astj STATE OF OHIO, CITY OP TOLEDO, L GG LucAS COUNTY. r Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the city of Toledo, County and State afore said, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of Decem ber, A. D., 1886. A. W. GLEASON, (SEAL.) Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intern ally, and acts directly on the blood and mucuous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials free. F J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Operation for piles will not be neces sary if you use Man Zan Pile Remedy. Put up ready to use. Guaranteed. Price 50c. Try it. Sold at 11. C. Dud son's drug store. 3ui lvodol is the best known preparation that is offered to the people to-day for dyspepsia or indigestion or any stomach trouble. Kodol digests all foods. It is It is pleasant to take. It is sold here by It. C. Dodson. One application of Man Zan Pile ltcmedy for all forms of piles, relieves pain, soothes, reduces iuflamtna tion, soreness and itching. Price f)oc. Guaranteed to give satisfaction. Sold at it. C. Dodson's drug store. 3tn DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder Pills are prompt and thorough and will in a very short time strengthen the weakened kidneys. Sold by It.C. Dodson. Sick Headache and Biliousness reliev ed at once with Rings Little Liver Pills. A rosy complexion and clear eyes result from their use. Do not gripe or sicken, flood for all the family. Sold at R. 0. Dodson's drug stoic. 3m Life Not Worth Living. Don't say any life is not worth living. Take Sexine Pills and then when you feel the new life coursing through your veins you will feel a new interest in liv ing. Sexine Pills are sold by It. C. Dodson, Druggist, Emporium, Pa., where they sell all the principal remedies and do not substitute. Price 81 a box; six boxes 85. Full guarantee. Valuable Home for Sale. The Julian residence on North Broad street, Emporium, Pa.; all modern im provements, good barn, handsome grounds. For terms apply to CAM ERON COUNTY PIIESS, Emporinm, Pa. lltf. Forssight and Delicatessen. In Chicago is a woman who com- j bines tin* functions of caterer and j trance medium, serving her customers | with refreshment psychical or phys- I leal, according l<> their wishes. Either she or the sign painter whom ] she employed must be a humorist, for j her sign reads thus: "Madame Blank, caterer and trance medium. Groceries and Provisions." Guaranteed Ghosts. "No intelligent person pays any at- I tention to ghosts." said the dogmatic person. "Perhaps not," answered .Miss Cay enne, "unless the ghost has been able to secure an introduction from some psychic research society."—Washing ton Star. The Bohemian. "Ah, once a bohemian always a bo- j homian!" exclaimed the unweissored i poet. "A bohemian never changes." "Xo. not even his collar," replied the practical man, who had met a few bo- | bcmiitns.- Chicago News. Wayside Communings, Warcham f.ong Wot started the hard times anyway? VuHold K mitt--We did, ye ole fool! We WHS siifferin' with 'EM long 'fore j any bod\ else caught 'em. Chicago j Tribune. Locating the Blame. Father—Why. when 1 was your age | I didn't have as much money In a month as you spend in a day. Son— Well, pa. don't scold me about It. Why j don't you go for grandfather? awMgifiiiran HUMPHREYS' WITCH HAZEL, DLL. (COMPOUND.) For PILES.-External or In- ! ternal, Blind or Bleeding, Itch- j nag or Burning. One applica tion brings relief. For Burns, Scalds, Inflamed or Caked Breasts and Sore Nip ples, Salt Rheum, Chapped Hands, Fever Blisters, Corns, Bunions. Sample mailed free. At Urußgista, 25 conts, or mailed. iiumyhreyh' Hoiueo. filedlclue Co., Cor. William and Juun Streets. Mew York. NERVOUS DEBILITY, Vital Weakness and Prostra tion from overwork and other j causes. Humphreys' Homeo- | pathic Specific No. 28, in use over 40 years, the only success- J ful remedy. $ 1 per vial, or spec ial package for serious cases,s3. Sold by Druggt9tß,or neat prepaid on receipt of prloA. Humphreys' Homeo. Medloiuo Co., Cor. William and Jolin street*. New York. K ffidl For Ingestion. *- A Relieves sour stomach, palpitation of the heart. Digests what you eat. jMillinery-- Fancy Goods) | I 1\ S I I I I Millinery - Dress Goods J