COMPRESSED AIR SERVICE. Suggestion for Securing Running Wst»r in the Farm House. A farmer of Milton, Ind., thinks that he has invented a novel and superior form of compressed air water service system. As water in wells is o.ften found within slight distance from the surface, from 12 to MO feet, he would dig the well of good size and immerse an air-tight reservoir directly in the water. This would till by mc.ely opening a valve, and the water he would force out by pumping air into the reservoir. The air pump could be located anywhere and con- AIR PUMP OUTLET PIPE Ej f\ I Z j| A 1.1 VALVE - = |! E • I = •! z > _ t! INLET VALVE z D'snrnm of Well and Tank. •ecUd by small pipe. Wind or gaso ne would work the pumps. He pre> en's a diagram of the idea. Doubtless this would work quite veil, remarks Breeders' Gazette. In >rdcr to have a continuous flow oi water there should lie two of these reservoirs, and if above them there was a separa'e : . serveir fcr com pressed air, all the better, since tht windmill would not always operate The main difficulties are two: it if costly to open a large well and most modern wells are drilled ones, and ai: Is not a real easy thing to pump with i windmill, since a slow motion is ery wasteful in operating an ait lump. As a matter of fact, a great Jeal cf thought and experiment has oeen expended on this and similai problems, and thus far little usf seems to have been made of the idea DRAGGING ROADS. Points Which Must Ee Rememberec to Do Gccd Work. The following points are to be born< n mind in dragging a road: Make a light drag, which is haulcc ver the road at an angle so that •< small amount of earth is pushed to th< center of the road. Drive the team at a walk. Ride on the drag; do not walk. Begin at one side of the road, re turning on the opposite side. Drag the road as soon after ever; tin as possible, but not when th< iud is in such a condition as to sticl i the drag. Do not drag a dry read. Drag whenever possible at all sen sons of the year. If u read is draggec Immediately before a cold spell it wii freeze in a smooth condition. The width of traveled way to bf maintained by the drag should b( from !£■ to 20 feet: first drag a littH more than the width of a single wliee track, then gradually increase until th< desired width is obtained. Always drag a little earth towarr 'he (112 ntcr of the road until it is ralsec ,'roni ten to twelve inches above the edge ' 112 the traveled way. Remember that constant attejnioi 5 necessary to maintain an earth r«.a --i its best condition.—Wisconsin Geo and Natural History Survey. FARM NOTES. Nail a leather strap to the side o the wagon box to hold an ax and al ways keep one there. The best tools are the cheapest, th< best stock is the most profitable am the highest fertilization and cultiva tion will bring the largest crops. The meadows and pastures, as wel as the growing wheat, arc often bene fited by rolling well in the spring aft 'r the frost is out of the ground. Ey cleaning up the farm you will in crease its value, and when it i cleaned and cleared it will cultivate more easily and cheaply and give lai ger returns. When you have finished plowinj clean the dirt from your plow am jrease all the wearing parts with ax!' grease. Smear it on with a rag am be sure to leave no spots untouched Cure Indication. f'ure indigestion in poultry by feed Jng eicer. stuff and bulky food gen erai',.'-. This is easy to do in th< epring. This is better than medi cine. If the sick bird lias no appe lite keep food away from it till thi appetite returns and a little longer Indigestion is frequently mistaken foi cholera, as the symptoms are sim liar. CORN CROWING. Stir the Soil and Kill the Weeds in Eetween the Rows. I "ive made it a somewhat firm and last rule not to plant corn un til th> t-oil is good and warm, writes a Mis. Uiri correspondent of Orange Judd Farmer. This gives Immediate and rapid germination, bringing t lie corn up at once, and in that way saves the injuries that often result from too earl> planting, by mice and insects working on the seed. It. is my judgment that the early planting has more to commend it to the corn grower than late planting, yet as staled above this is a matter wholly to be regulated by the individual op erator. I have secured my very best stands by getting the planter just deep enough to cover the corn well. If the ground is real dry, deeper planting is advisable, three or even four inches not being considered too deep. Now for the cultivation. There is a maxim in the, commercial world that well bought is half sold. So it may be said, if the corn grower does his duty to the corn plant before it ap pears above ground, his battle is hall won. I like to cultivate, so to speak, at least twice before the corn comes up. By so doing 1 accomplish some of the many purposes of cultivation. You kill the sprouted weed seeds, aerate the soil, hasten the warming up of ihe seidbed and increase .t,,ur chancos for s good stand. I hkt togo over the land twice and leave it in fine shape fo- the first go ing over v ith the six-sho\tl cultiva tor. Twice over with the. smoothing harrow wi'.t ■' Alexander, of Omaha, Neb., eaya: "A mcdlcln so vn!u:&!o cnS Im'| \ Mil fceneflcial for children as your Caotcrla is, deservea tho lilgheot praise. R ,SJEij| 7 i find it in use everywhero." ■# alcohol 3 per cent!"] Dr. J. A. McClellan, of Buffalo, N. Y., eays: "I have frequently proscribe® sl« : AVegelablePwparationGrAs ! your Castcffia for children and alwaja got cood result. In fact luu ijtsl Simllating the Food and ReCuta Castoria for my own children." tingUieSlomadisandßcwasof Dr. J. W. Allen, of St. Louis, Mo., says:"l heartily endorse your Caa» Saylp. l tor la. I have frequently prescribed it In my medical practice, aad have ftlwaya found it to do all that is claimed for it." Bc'w Dr. C. H. Glidden, of St. Paul, Minn., says: "My experience as a prao Ksf Promotes Digestion-Cliferful tltloner wlth y° ur Castoria has been highly satisfactory, and I consider 1« pi.'! ness and Rest.Contllns neitta an excellent remedy for the young." , Opium.Morphine norMiocraL H. D. Bcnner, of Philadelphia, Pa., says:"l have used your Caa- BJffiy! NOTNarCOHC. i tor!a as a purgative in the cases of children for years past with th« moal *g!j3 - | happy effect, and fully endorse it as a safe remedy." Atift if Old. DcSHMWJliuiuk Dr. J. A. Boarman, of Kansaa City, Mo., says: "Your Castoria 1b a aplen* PiMfJtin S*d- did remedy for children, known the world over. I use it in my practice §wP • AMUL ft- | 6113 havo no hesitancy in recommending it for the complainta of Infanta E2.k £*. AmeSttd* I end children." fflUvleadrMt* ? Dr. J. J. Mackey, of Brooklyn, N. Y., says:"l consider your Castoria an lpO'4 cfeSrfAwp. ] excellent preparation for children, being composed of reliable medicine# I and pleasant to the taste. A good remedy for all disturbances of Uia Aperfert Remedy forCoitsflpa digestive organs. ___ LIL SSSB GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS § nzss and Loss OF SLEXP. IBH The KM You Have Always Bought In Use F" 01 * ovei * 30 Years. UOpy Of Wrapper. THC CKNTAUR COMPANY, TT MURRAY dTRtCT, NCWYOMCin. The Young Idea. "How many sped compartments are ' there in an apple?" lie asked. No one j answered. "And yet," continued the j school inspector, "all of you eat many j an apple in the course of a year and j see the fruit every day, probably. You must learn to notice the little things in nature." The talk of the inspector Impressed the children, and at recess the teach er overheard them discussing it. A little girl, getting her companions around her, gravely said: "Now, children, just suppose I am Mr. Taylor. You've got to know more about common things. If you don't you'll all grow up to be fools. Now, tell me, Minnie," she continued, look ing sternly at a playmate, "how many feathers are there on a hen?" Deafness Cannot Be Cured hy local application*. aa they cannot reach the dla caned portion of tlie ear. There U only one way to cure deafness. and thai 1p by constitutional remedies Deafuo** le caused by un Inflamed condition of the mucous lining of tbe Eustachian Tube. When this tube Is luflatued you have a rumbling sound or Im perfect ncarlug. and when It 1* entirely closed. Deaf ness is the result.and uuleM the Inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to Its normal condi tion. hearing will be destroyed forever: nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which Is nothing but an Inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will glvo One Hundred Dollars for auv case of Deafness C aused by catarrh) that t.uur ot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Seud for circulars, free. K. J. CHENEY A CO., ToifcJO, 0. Bold by Druggists. 7'» c. Take Hall's Family tfiila for constipation. The Little Things. "You shouldn't," the doctor «d --rised. "permit yourself to be worried by little things." j "Good heavens," replied the pa j tient, "I wouldn't if 1 could help It, ! but how is a man who has married a widow with si* children going to j get around it?" If You Have Common Sore Eyes, if lines blur or run together, you need | J'KTTiT'S KYK SALVE. '.T>e. All drug gists or Howard Bros., Buffalo, N. Y. 1 When the Lord makes a fool, th« 112 j devil gives him a tongue.—Life. Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Ryrnp, Fore' liiiren teething, tofteue tlio gwtns, reduces tn ftamn at lon, allays pain, cure* wind colic. 25c a bottle. Wise women get their rights without I talking about them. Ci j MEN, BOY 3, WOMEN, MISSES AND CHILDREN. « A B W. L. Oouglaa makna and eello mora u JBk v A.s men'es2.sO,sS.oUands3.Soahoea YiCpfe v . - /jfflßk ff _ than any othor manufacturer In tho ______ Mr world, beoauao I hay hold their XKI vaW/Swß' fut chape. fit batter, wrear longer, and Cgf, 1 twjajr Aw •C?. are of greater value than any other otn. ohoee In tho world to-day. W. L. Douglas $4 and $5 Gilt Edge Shoes Cannot Ba Equalled At Anj Price ** or «'A t'XIO Y. w. 1.. IVtitfUs namo and price I, Mumped, on bottom. Tnk eW o Hafc.Utulk Bold bv the lest shoe dealers rvery where. bbocs mailed from factory to u li Hated Catalog free to any address. W. JL. DOUGLAS, Uro« kt»>. Mala. | SICK HEAOAGHE _ Positively cured by ri RTFRS thcse La,,e l>lUs - C3B Tliey also relieve Die- iTTLE tress froin Dyspepsia, In |KJ j % r-Vfc digestion and Too Hearty fe \f I" R Eating. A perfect rem nj || i edy for Dizziness, Nau* Kvj r S LLva F.ea, Drowsiness, Bad Taste in tlie Mouth, Coat ed Tongue, Pain In the I Side, TORPID LIVER. they regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. p.QTcn'cl Genuine Must Bear jjAKILKo Fac-Simile Signature WITTLE - | PILLS. ■™ REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. HOMESEEKERS NEW TERRITORY PUBLIC LAND OPENING *• nnder the Carey law, along irrigation canal I now finished; land with perpetual water right, 110 to sls per acre on long time and small pay* rnents; als»o irrigable homesteads. Husband arid wife are entitled to a section of smooth, i productive irrigable public land near Kork Springs, Wyoming. Free timber for fuel and 1 improvements; white pine lumber, 110 per I thousand ; finest of fishing and 1 urge and sniul' game hunting ; millions of acres of good year around free range. Heady for entry June 6, 1008. For ofHolal bulletins, post cards, etc., 1 send four cents in sf.tmps to L. S. TRAPP, Official Agent, Boulder Canal Lands, Rock i (Springs, Wyoming. If you are coming wire ; at once. No drawiug for uumbeis. ■OH h^R^eaMM Cleaners beaunfies tho^hafr. r ° SOLDIERS' WIDOWS April ll'. li«0F, passed a law all widows or Civil \»ur m wilier a. having WO days honorable nervine, • luMiMioti of * I y.oo per month. Write us for papers. IIVI NCiTON iV WILSON. Attys.. Washington, i>. C. NOTARIES and JUSTICES HANDLING DKTM C I IM vouchers should write fort ash r CißvGlwll oiler to TAHIIC A WHITMAN j Co., Washington, I>. C. (Over 27 years' experience.) f*| Aft TCIITC w«uon R. c«ir mon. Patent At tor f|| 1 IP* Me I nt»>. WHithiniitoii. I>. 0. Advice V P* I bll I W free. TarsuHluw. llighMt rai. ! Thompion'i Eye Water ffiHig In a 11111 L»Ji *£TTiirll ■ll ™ I rr r r frwiiiiatfim , Typical Farm Scene, Showing Stock Rautn# to WESTERN CANADA Rome of the choicest lands for grain growVoia stock raising and mixed farming in the now dip trie's of Saskatchewan and Alberta hare i» ceutly been Opened for Settlement under the Revised Homestead Regulatlani Entry may now be made by proxy (oo certain conditions), by the father, mother, sou, dangii , ter, brother or sister of an intending hocu* 1 Bteadar. Thousands of homesteads of 100 acraS each are thus now easily available in vbaac great grain-growing, stock-raising and miaai farming sections. There you will find healthful climate, fool neighbors, churches for family worship, school for your children, good laws, splendid iropa and railroads convenient to market. Entry fee in each case is 910 00. For let, "Last Best West," particulars aa to ratM* routes, beat time togo and wLert to locate apply to H. M. WILLIAMS. Law Building. Tolsdoh Ohtrn MftLABUTONE ■!■■■■■ ■hi— iii■■ Malarial Fevan Works While You Work ——' and Enables You to Do CURES > | Better Work. Mntled [MALARIA) lon Receipt of 123 Cents. ImmmmmmmmhmmW THE MF.DATONE CO. 125 E. 23rd Street, NEW YORK PE3 (9 carat jpStk ANAKEBlßfriT»»f»*a*f • M| HI HE« reilo 112. is A HIMIM.Kt uick Bv Kb ML_ VL 'si ut drusuiKin or by I H Pi® fcHtni'lo ?I;KJC. AddrM* m H 18 mm "ANAKESIO" fe£ 9K BE TribtiiM* lUd*.. Haw TOONS. a nr&ciro Ca " ,u!ikß ,sui mwnk* >•* AEEw 112 S j mi hut on tiuud commission. CONBUMam I MANUFACTURING CO., Baltimore, M«i. ETV fll »gi|panf IfurkaMutf yA n &ii|f ft >a. All ma tiers klvcii poreonsi aft* 'MB tall I Inquiries l>rou>pitaf I answered, liovtk A. Rl'ltHh, lUUillbidt., BOYS AND GIRLS, WRITE US how to make money easily at home. H. A. LoCllOt 1 CoM p AN V, 812 humuor Ave., Brooklyn, M. Y. __ -* A. N. K.—C (190® — 22) 2292 L 7