The Host Common Cause of Suffering, Rheumatism causes more pain and suf fering than any other disease, for the rea son that it is the most common of' all ills, and it is certainly gratifying to sufferers to know that Chamberlain's I'ain Halm will afford relief, amd make r stand sleep pos sible. In many oases the relief from pain, which is at first temporary, has become permanent, while in old people subject to chronic rheumatism, often brought on by dampness or changes in the weather, a permanent cure cannot be expected; the relief from p:iin which this liniment af fords is alone worth many times its cost. 2,"> and 50 ceut sizes for sale by L. Tag gart. Here comes the Spring Winds to chap, tan and freckle. I '«• Pinesalve Carbolis ed. (Acts like a poultice for cuts, sores, burns, chapped lips, hands and face. It soothes and heals. Sold by 11. C. Pod on. 3m TREASURER'S SALE OF UNSEATED LANDS In Cameron County, for foxes lor Yocirs l«)()(j and l<)07. \ GREEABLE to an Act of Assembly entitled XI "An Act to amend an Act directing tlic mode of selling Unseated Lands for taxes and other purposes" passed the Kith day of March, A. I)., 1815 and further supplements thereto, 112, 'HAS. J. HOW Alt I), Treasurer of the County of Cameron, hereby give notice to all persons con cerned therein, that unless all arrearages of tax es due on the following tracts of unseated lands, situate in Cameron county, l'a., are paid before the day of sale, the whole or such part of each tract as will pay the costs and taxes chargeable thereon, will be sold at public vendue or outcry, at the Court House, in Emporium Borough, County of Cameron and State of Pennsylvania, on itloixUiy-, June Htli, i:2"> A. M. (iood re turning on Special Train leaving Buffalo P. M., May :!(), running through to Fillmore and stopping at all inter mediate stations, or all regular trains leaving Niagara Falls and Buffalo, May .'SO or .'sl. Train No. 54 will stop at Port ville and Keating Summit, May !K( and 15], to let off pas sengers holding Buffalo or Niagara Falls excursion tickets. I— Baggage will not be checked on these tickets. Tickets will not be accepted for passage in Pullman l'arlor or Sleeping Cars. v Children lletwecu Five and Twelve'. Years of Age, Hair Fare. J. U. WOOD, GEO. W. BOYD, Passenger Traflic Manager. General Passenger Agent No. 427-15-lt. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, MAY 28, 1908. Something Hotel Clerks Remember. "There's lots less danger of the night clerk forgetting an early call left by some guest than most travelers imagine," remarked a hotel manager the other day."The fact is," he de clared. "the average night clerk could not forget one of those early calls if he wanted to. You know, it's mptly"obta^ <> Send model, sketch or photo of invention lor 112 freereport on patentability. For free book, (