6 In STORY cv I of the J THREE L I *" i KATC AND VIRGIL D. BOYLES - ... (Copyright by A. (.*. Jlci-lurn JL CO., 1W7.) SYNOPSIS. George Williston, a poor ranchman, lit-rli minded and cultured. searches for Glass Co. was made during April, ' when 1,700,700 feet of plate glass was ( disposed of. Over $60,000 was dis tributed at the semi-monthly pay, I This woman says that sick women should not fail to try Lydia ID. Pinkham's VegetaJblo Compound as she did. Mrs. A. Gregory, of 2:555 Lawrence St., Denver, Col., writes to Mrs. I'iakham: "I was practically an invalid for six years, on account of female troubles. I underwent an operation by the doctor's advice, but in a few months I was worse than before. A friend ad vised Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and it restored me to perfect health, such as I have not enjoyed in many years. Any woman Buffering as I did with backache, bearing-down pains, and periodic pains, should not fail to use Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound." FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty years Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, has been the standard remedy for female ills, and has positively cured thousands of women who have been troubled with displacements, inflammation, ulcera tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, that bear ing-down feeling, flatulency, indiges tion, dizziness or nervous prostration. Why don't you try it ? 3lrs. Pink ham invites all sick women to write her for advice. She has pfuided thousands to health. Address, Lyiiu, Mass. CAUSE FOR HIS HURRY. "Ah, I love to see a little toy In such a hurry to get to school!" "Yes, sir. Me little brother's got de measles, an' I'm hurrying up to get excused!" Bees in Block of Stone. While workmen were sawing through a block of Bath stone at Kxeter, ling land, they cut into a cavity in which was found a cluster of two or three dozen live bees. The incident occurred at the worfts of Messrs. Collard & Sons, monu mental sculptors. There was not much sign of life in the bees at first, but when air was admitted they gradually revived and after a few hours several of them were able to fly. Compensation. Mrs. Raker —My husband costs me a good deal of money. Mrs. Barker—Yes, and he isn't very good to you, either. Mrs. Baker —I know it, but I got a dandy lot of wedding presents with him. Chocolate Pie Is H«althful. Chocolate is healthful and nutritious and ehocolati! pies are becoming very popular. They are easy to make if you use "OUR PIE." Chocolate flavor. Diroctionson pack age. Contains all Ingredients ready for in "Put up by D-Zerta Co., Rochester, N.Y." Living well is the best revenge w« can take on our enemies.—Froude. Mrs. Wlnslow'n Soothing Syrup. For children teething, softens the gums, rtMluoen to tUinmatlon, allaja pain, cures wind colic. u bottle. A well-informed physician is fro quenlly ill-informed. "MADE FOR SERVICE IN THE ROUGHEST WEATHER AND GUARANTEED ABSOLUTELY • WATERPROOF V fVt •SOWEftVf I 'LVA\rq, I Wi 'rl \v POMMEL SUCKERS v \ / \ This trade mork tX iw l\ \\ and the word jtX VV, \ \ TOWER on the V\§ WAV ''itt y/\ buttons distin- V - i ,\\ \ ) qulsh this high \iy\ . 112 y )' grade slicker from eo* V \\\ JJ J |hejust as good I