Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, May 21, 1908, Image 5

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i The only Baking Powder made |s§lEi§|
I with Royal Grape Cream of Tartar
1 —ffiade from grapes-- |
% Insures healthful and
%de!icf:oi2s food for every | I
Safeguards your food against 11
Contributions invited. That which you woula
'ike to see in this departments let ua know by pos
tal curd or letter, personally.
John Stephens, of this place, visited
his home in Coudersport last Sunday, (
Miss Lucy Berfleld is again assisting \
in the ice cream parlors of J. B. Meisel. ;
Homer Hayes, of this place, is visit- ]
ing relatives and friends in Williams- j
port this week
Mrs. Ida Hamilton is entertaining '
her daughter, Mrs. Lena Linsell and j
daughter of Wilcox.
Mrs. Pearl Hopple and her family, J
are now nicely domiciled in their
new home, in the Tulis block.
Frank J. Kelley, of Austin, manager
of Dreamland, of that place, was a vis
itor in town the last of the week.
Ray W. Keeney, one of the popular (
young men of Port Allegany, was a |
jailer in Emporium last Sunday.
Miss Anna Blumle, of this place, was
a visitor in Buffalo the last of the week
and was the guest of Mrs. Eberhart.
Lee Felt has returned to his home in i
this place, after spending the winter !
in the Sunny South and Philadelphia, j
George Callahan, an enterprising i
merchant, of Driftwood, was a busi- !
ness caller in Emporium last Tursday. !
Ohas. Staff Nelson,one of the Climax ;
Powder Company's faithful employees,
as fireman was a PRESS caller on Mon- ■
Earl B. Saunders made his usual |
business trip to this place the last of j
the week and attended the Alumni j
Misses Raehael Brookbank and Edna
Mitchell, of Driftwood, were guests of j
Miss Lora McQuay, the last of the 1
Mrs. Lora E. Erhard, of Austin, is
visiting at the home of her parents Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Hackenburg, on Fifth
Mrs. Lizzie Hinkle, is serving the
customers, in her usual pleasant man- j
ner, in the ice cream parlors of George |
Metzger, Jr.
Edward Breene, clerk at the New i
Warner, attended the Alumni dance I
and banquet at Port Allegany last Fri
day evening.
Messrs. T. C. Dempsey and F. B. \
Campbell, of Williamaport, were guests
at the home of Hon. F. X. Blumle and
family last Sunday.
Miss Encie Howard is spending a
few days with old college "chums" at
Albany, N. Y., and taking in the com- ;
mencement exercises.
Carroll Mumford, the obliging and
courteous night clerk at the New
Warner, was in Buffalo, the first of the ;
week taking in the sights.
Miss Stella Tebo came home from St.
Marys, where she is attending school, ;
in order to be present at conllrmatioD,
she being one of a class of 78.
Miss Ethel Fisher, of Howard Siding, !
attended the Commencement and i
Alumni dance last Thursday evening j
and was the guest of Miss Margaret :
Miss Grace Six, who has for some j
time been assistant cook at the Warner i
House, left for her homo in Couders- '
port last Thursday where she will ro
main for some time.
Geo. Neidlinger and wife who visit
ed Mrs. N's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Weisenfluh, West Fifth street, return
ed to Ridgway Sunday evening. Be
fore going home Mr. Neidlinger, ac
companied by his brother, H. J., of
this place, paid their respects to the
PRESS and Geo. and family will read
the news from home weekly.
Mrs. Richard Kuehne leaves to-mor
; row for a few days visit in Buffalo.
Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Mickey are visit
ing in Cleveland, St. Louis and Chi
cago this week.
Miss Elizabeth Crandell. of this
place, attended the commencement ex-
I ercises at Port Allegany last week.
Alfred Nelson is attending the session
i of the Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows,
, being held in Philadelphia this week.
Arthur Catlin who has been attend
ing school at Spring Arbor, Mich., is
| home for his summer vacation. The
j school was closed early on account of
j scarlet fever.
The PRESS acknowledges the receipt
of handsome postal cards from Chica
go, compliments, no doubt of Mr. and
Mrs. R. K. Mickey, who are visiting
Forestry a Winner.
Despite the bitter tirades of certain
Western Senators the Senate on Mon
day passed the Argicultural Depart
ment appropriation, including §1,009,-
000 for the forestry service. One
amendment provides that 25 per cent, of
S income from the national forests shall
| goto the States wherein such forests
| are located for benefit of their road
i and school funds. Another prohibits
publication of articles on theforest ser
| vice, modified by a provision pormit
! ting the giving out of information of
| public interest.
This latter amendment is the extent
| of the concession to the enemies of the
j forest service says the Pittsburg Dis
-1 patch. On the lloor of the Senate it
was charged that forest service ;fundfi
were used to carry on a propaganda
I for national forestry. This is suppos-
I ed to be prohibited by the amendment
referred to. As a matter of fact, the
| only propaganda conducted by the for
j est service has been the dissemination
of "information of public interest," for
est and wood experiments, statistics of
the cut of timber and the decreasing
i average and kindred subjects. This is
the more effective propaganda'for for-
I ests conservatism, because the facts in
the case appeal to the public reason.
It is no hazardous prediction that be
i fore the next Congress is in session the
i public sentiment favorable to forest
preservation and rehabilitation will be
overwhelming. The people are just
beginning to realize that what the for
esters have been teliing them for
twenty years, about exhaustion of tim
ber resources, is only too true. Those
who laugher, at Dr. Rothrock's propa
ganda in Pennsylvania twenty-five
j five years ago have been con
vinced that he was a pioneer in a good
cause,the prophet of an essential re
| form.
j The clock dials on the courthouse
j look better.
Work Wanted.
I desire work, such as house clean
-1 ing, garden making, carpet cleaning or
| any other general work. Drop postal
I in office.
| Emporium, Pa., May 18, 1908.— 14-4t.
WANTED—Reliable energetic man
Ite sell _ lubricating oils, greaseß and
| paints in Cameron and adjacent count-
I ies. Salary or commission. STETSON
j On. Co., Cleveland, Ohio. 13 2t
i Win. 11. Anderson, M. D., of Soda
Springs, Ida., says that Bees Laxative
Cough Syrup has relieved coughs and
colds where all other remedies failed. Its
gcnfle laxative effects especially rcconi
| mend it for children. It is pleasant to
take. For coughs, colds, hoarseness,
whooping cough. Money refunded if not
atisfied. Sold by I{. C. Dodson. Mm
Hot Weather Joy—POBOSKNIT UN
Jewelry Protection.
"The general public is not aware of the 1
carefully worked <>;: 1 nystpm l>y which
the lai'Kc jewelry h<>u;v-i continue to j
protect their spleniiid wares long after j
these have heen sold and passed out j
of their hands," said u detective,
discussing daring modern burglaries. I
"Most large establishments dealing in
precious metals ami gems have a care
fully organized and very eliieient de
tective system which makes it easy
for a patron to recover stolen goods'
without charge and with little or no I
delay in the institution of the search, j
In the safes of these large jewel houses j
are minute descriptions of every piece '
of valuable jewelry which goes out !
from Ihe establishment. Each piece !
is numbered too. When the gems are
missed the patron telephones the shop
in which the articles were purchased, i
At once a special detective, thoroughly i
acquainted with the business in hand
liul armed with a detailed description
of the jewelry, is hurried to the scene
of action. This is without expense to
the client." —Chicago Inter Ocean.
The Word "News."
On the derivation of the word j
"news," which lias been a puzzle to |
many learned philologists, there is the j
The word explains itself without a muse, I
And the four letters speak from whence j
comes "news;"
From north, east, west and south—the ;
solution's made.
Each quarter gives account of war and
Minneapolis Journal.
Warnings For the Wise.
You know the tirst signpost on the I
Great Main road? "When a woman
advertises that she is virtuous, a man j
that he is a gentleman, a community j
that it is loyal or a country that it is ;
lawabiding—go the other way."—Rud- I
yard Kipling.
Don't cough your head off when you 1
can get a guarantee! Remedy in Hues j
Laxative Cough Syru> !r is especially
recommended lor children as its pleasant i
to take, is a gentle laxative thus expel!- 1
ing the phlegm from the system. For
coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough,
hoarseness and ail Tironchial trouble.
Guaranteed. Sold here by R. ('. Dod
son. 8m
I (55
A m
( #\M~ Vjk ■
| ■ i
' &■
« '■ H
I have removed my Tailoring estab
lishment from the flat above the Ex
pres3 Office to the store room formerly j
occupied by Edw. Bliuzler as a barber '
shop, where I now have an elegant j
line of patterns for Spring and Sum- j
mer wear. All the very latest at a i
moderate cost.l will give a DIS-1
COUNT ON EACH SUIT sold during j
June, July and August.
All work Guaranteed. Give me a trial. I
The personal recommendations of peo
ple who have been cured of coughs and
colds by Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
have done more than all else to make it a j
staple article of trade and commerce ovei
a large part of the civilized world.
agiteiiaiiaiis). fens H^sgsgj^S^^^^^gSPSSgß^BiPSlis
I OUR NEW LINE OF I rfjjj% A Definition of 'Definitive' w
II This word when linked to an arti- P
[f Wall Paper for 1908. 1
, | ing to attain."
111 nujs!C Lj can properly bo used to describe Si
Jjj Consists of the best things from three factories. Also ( j» F ' rfi
L the Robert Graves Co. 's line of Decoration Paper of all
kinds Hot-Pressed Vellum
M The Graves line took first prize in competition at St. j Money cannot buy a better writing ll
@n honis a * ainst the world. H. S. LLOYD. ZT> for experience Ciim,ot produce J!
13mporium, May 12, 1008.
e H, \J< 1: i fjA, per i.ick < j 35
Pelt's Pane) , " j co
• ''t firovi:, " 1 |;o
'iiahdin, 41 70
S sc ."u " •••••• K0
• tttent Meal " !!!!!! 55
Coarse Meal per iOU !. i 65 I
O 'pFeed,. 14 1 05
Middlings, 1 70
M 'ldlingji. Fancy 14
, u , r . ,n , mi
Chicken Wheat 1 HO
Corn per hush el, 92
While Oats, per bushel 70
Oysl r Shells, per 100
Heed Oats per bushel
Choke Clover Seed, i
choice Timothy Heed, V Vt MarketPricea
hoice Millet.Seed, 1
ENPORirn, I»A.
Al Fourtn and Chestnut Sts..
I*. C.i>UI»S«N.
Tolephone, 19-2.
Special Sale
A fine line of canned goods, j
] Dishes, Tinware,
I Post Cards.
j! Can Dried Beef 25c.
II Lima Beans per lb 9c
Si Seven bars Acme Soap 2sc I 1
I! 1
|j bresli Eggs 20c dozen.
| = ===== I
j : , Home-Made Bread jj
jj Cookies and
! Doughnuts j
Mrs. M. F. Conway,
EH®*" The Cough Syrup that
rids the system of a cold
by acting as a cathartic on the
bowels is
Bees is the original laxative cough syrup,
coDtains no opiates, gently moves the j
bowels, carrying the cold off through tha \
natural channels. Guaranteed to givo
Satisfaction or money refunded.
&mi VQ nuors P CnnnniiVn« t f 1 M A?i AWW MM FRENCH FEWALE |
% rlLli j H „c E Suppository h a MAUAMB Mfl ii pill s. j
a I>. Matt, fhotopson, Suj t ftm Km M
>1 • N. write: "1 can Ba ,(• Kb ASakr, Ckrtai Ilp.i.i <-p for Scppbicwkp Mbnrtruatios. K
' rvr'JrtM.W »r. S. M. |>,W lg N£VtR KNOWN TO FAIt. «M S..r. !8, I;! Sail, 1
J 112 !• n - . J *l, il X, lT h ?^ fiVO • nlwr, a | Mti.|.« IH «' » ' ...- Mom Ktfunhrl. ,v pre,,ail I
■ fr» H. J». M GUrksborg, T- :.ti.. WlitM : H Kfi r 1
.li.® J rac ,?° rl ' ' havofonnd no remedy t<D fig] «'«•'» ' >l;,-. If your d.a not B
Hh 5 I!"*' rB,CB » 60 Samples Fr-e, fc<>uE : M Lave them .v -n-l >.,urorders to tho
; 'msmmr^TSßßswrTzmmmmmmF: [Wlßiiiißiwi■ mil—iiiiwiiiiinmi iinlimn i ~-umw
Seisin Emporium by L. Tzggjrt&R. C Dodtcr, Sold in Emporium by L. Tagg:,t and
CULL FOR F •' *;WHP>[ t R- C. Dodson
Balcom & Lloyd
• Royal Blend; High Grade Coffee, the ®
I best Coffee money can buy, 35c lb; 3lbs $ 1
The Satisfactory Store •
Time is saved and satisfaction assured by trading 1$
at Day's. Let ns know at once if you have cause for I
complaint. It will have our prompt consideration and H
lif in our power, satisfactory adjustment. ■
Saving Prices for Friday and Saturday
25 lbs G-ranulated Sugar $1.55.
6 Spring Brook Creamery Butter, 28clb B
I California Hams. Trimmed Shoulder alb lOe
Princess Paper Shell Almonds 25clb S
15c Macaroni, imported all) 12c. n
lib can Royal Baking Powder 45c.
20c Blended Coffee, 2lbs for 35c. H
20c Prunes, large thick meated and tender 2lbs 35c B
12c canned Corn, the can 10c. £
K Cylon Tea, 50c grade 40c. A
Fairbank's Gold Dnst Washing Powder, 4II) pkge H
H 2Sc yellow Crawford Peaches, a can 25c.
These low prices ought to interest all economical ■
©_ _ i
I" Fresh Caught Lake Fish ISSS \
The best place m Cameron county to buy |
House Furnishing Hardware, ft
I China, Crockery, Glass |
Peerless Crushed Oyster Shells for Poultry
I Prompt delivery to all parts of town 1
You Get Better Values Here.
A Phone 6. Emporium.