I I | ; ;, jj £ and strictly prohibits 1 So does France 1 So does Germany ihe sale of alum foods I 1 has been made illegal in Washington and the District of Colum- 1 I bia, and alum baking powders are everywhere recognized as 8 lnj !IJU To protect yourself against a!um, | when ordering baking powder, I Say ptainty~ 1 I and be very sure you get Royal. |j ! Royal is the only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape a Jg Cream of Tartar. It adds to the digestibility and whole- || Vk someness cf the food. Hi L,OCAI* r» III»AICRKNT, PERSONAL GOSSIP. Contributions invited. That ivhicb you won Ukc to stein thin department,let us l.non by pos tal card or letter, personally, What Are Little Girls Made Of. What are little girls made of, made of, What are little girls made of? Sugar and spice and everything nice— That's what little girls are made of. What are little boys made of, made of. What are little boys made of? Suits and snails and puppy dogs' tails That's what little boys are made of. What are their mothers made of, made of, What are their mothers made of? Ribbons and rings and similar things— That's what their mothers are made of. What are their fathers made of, made of. What are their fathers made oft Dollars and dimes and terrors—at times— That's what their fathers are made of. Miss Emma Ellis, of this place, was a j visitor in Sterling Run last Sunday. Messrs. M.V. and R M. Crum, of Sin- i namahoning, transacted business in ' Emporium on Monday. Prof. George E. Zerfoss, principal of the Coudersport, schools, was a caller in Emporium last Saturday. John Heher wears the usual broad ! smile on account of the arrival of that big boy at his home one day last week, j Mrs. Elizabeth Howard and daugh. ter, Miss Encie, have returned from several months visit at DeLand, Fla. Rev. Father Downey, of this place j assisted Father Sheehan, forty-hours j devotion, at Coudersport, on Monday. ! Miss Alicia Swain has returned to ! her home in Olean, after closing a most j successful term of school in Brady- ■ town. Messrs. Claude Rentz, Frank Dodson j and Max Balcom were in Sterling Run, last Sunday, having walked the entire distance. Mrs. Pearl Hopple, of West Creek, was shopping in Emporium last. Mon- ; day afternoon and made this office a j business call. Mrs. Jacob Zerfluh and daughter, of Ridgway, are guests at the home of 1 Mr. and Mrs. Edward Zwald on West Fifth street. Mrs. Geo. Taggart left Tuesday for Detroit, Port Huron and other Mich igan points, her husband going as j far as Buffalo. Mrs. John Neenan and children, of Sterling-Run, were in town on Tues day enroute lor a visit to her parents at Candensis, Monroe county, Pa. Mr. Woodie Robbins, of Williani sport, i- visiting his aunt Mrs. P. R. Beattie and cousins here this week. Little Misses Elizabeth Schutte and Margaret Farreli, accompanied by Richard Schutte called to seo the PRESS on Tuesday. Miss Ma me Ritchie, of St. Marys, who has been visiting friends in town for several weeks, returned home Tues day evening. Mrs. W. J. McGraw, who has been telegraph operator at Warren, for some time, has been returned to Em porium yard. Mrs. James Sherman and Miss Blanche Bush, who have been the guests of Dr. W. H. Bush, have return ed to their home in Cincinnatti, Ohio. Rev. J. H. Bogua, of Antrim, Pa , will preach in the Baptist Church next Sunday, Mayl7th, morning and even ing. A cordial welcome extended to all. Inez, Clara and Marvel Logan, Irene Farreli and Edna Marie Friendel, a bevy of young Emporium girls who are great lovers of ice cream, candies and the Tbeatorium were PRESS visitors 011 Saturday. Hon. L. Taggart is quite ill and con lined to his bed. Judge B. W. Green returned from a business visit east, 011 Tuesday. Jay P. Felt refuses to smoke live cent cigars since the advent of that ! new boy. Miss Eva Lewis, of this place, is tak ; ing a three months course atValparaiso j Normal, Indiana. Messrs. Neii and Daniel Welsh, John Heher and Frank Nangle were visitors in Warren, Pa., 011 Sunday. The board of trade will soon invite i all its members to attend a banquet | and talk over ways annd means. I Rev. J. M. Robertson and Hon. ! Jo-nail Howard -ire attending a church ! convention at Pittsburg this week. Dr. H. S. Falk is taking a few days j off, giving the fresh paint 011 his hand some residence and office time to dry. "Hayde" Gardner, of Chicago, now a young man of 20, visited his Empori um relatives in town on Monday, guest (if Mr:;. M. B. Judd, his grand-mother. Miss Mary Blumle was unable to be with the graduating class, at the M. E. ! Church last Sunday evening, being ; confined to her home by sickness. Thos. Cummings, of this place, has I gone to Niagara Falls, where ho has secured a good position. Tom a'.so has ! a position as pitcher for the Oakdales, | a base ball team of that city. Ed. Blinzler has a model place of ! business in the brick store room, corner jof Broad and Fourth. The Palace ! Tonsorial Parlors are hard to beat. ! Call and see how nice ami clean it is. Messrs. John Quigley and Frank Knight say that J. B. Meisei's oranges are fine. If you don't believe them ask John Stephens. A report comes from Huntley that a resident of that place not wishing to I be out-done by Mr. O'Leary's cat, has | set a dollar watch under a hen to see if | she can hatch an alarm clock. j Emporium Lady Visits the Fleet. Mrs. F. M. Kushmore, (Mrs. Eick's mother), returned on Tuesday from California, where she passed seven ! months, visiting relatives. She had a ! delightful visit and took in the grand j sight when the great fleet of war dogs ! arrived, having attended the celebra | tions at San Francisco and two other | points. The lady is very enthusiastic | over her visit, especially her attend i ance at the reception to Bob Evans ! and vessels. > NEW TO-DAY. Geo. J. Laßar—New adv. J. H. Day—New adv. Royal Baking Powder—New adv. First National Bank—New adv. 1 R. Kuehne—new adv. and locals. T. W. Welsh—Change. Emporium Boro.—Auditors report. Shippen Poor Report. Humphrey Med Co. WANTED—Reliable energetic man te sell lubricating oils, greases and paints in Cameron and adjacent count ies. Salary or commission. STETSON On. Co., Cleveland, Ohio. 13 2t w 111. 11. Anderson, M. D.. of Soda Springs, Ida., says that Hues Laxative Cough Syrup has relieved coughs and colds where all other remedies failed. Its gentle laxative effects especially recom mend it for children. It is pleasant to take. For coughs, colds, hoarseness, whooping cough. Money refunded if not j atisfied. Sold by It. C. Dodson. 3m Eggs for Hatching. S. C. B. Leghorn. 15 for 75c. FRED K. ZIMMER, 1 8-tf. Gardeau, Pa. | CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, MAY 14 1908 ADDITIONAL CAMERON NEWS. Rav. Allen preached here Sunday. ; I. W. Wykoff returned homo Friday. | Ball playing seems to be the order of J the day. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Robinson were : the guests of John Lawson, of Beech i wood, .Sunday. William II icli twty, oi Sterling Bun made a bushies, t ri ; > hero Saturday. Mies Edna Schwab accompanied by j Mildred Hazlett, was a caller at Mrs. j Delia Wykoff's, Wednesday evening, j Mrs. .Jnlia Greenaleh was a caller in , Emporium Friday. George Kenworthy, ofSterling Run, was calling on friends Monday. Mrs. James Leonard visited friends : in Emporium Saturday. Margaret Yocum expects to start for j Dunlevie, W. Va., in a few weeks. Mrs. Fred Schwab and Mrs. Daniel Sulliven were calling in Emporium, Saturday. Robert Boyd left for Medix Run , Wecnesday, where he is going to work > this summer. Mrs. Margaret Yocum Sullivan call- j ed on Mrs. Rosa Yocum, Wednesday. 1 Harry Moore, of Calder, was seen on j our streets Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. John Schwab were the j guests of his brother Godfrey, oi St. : Maryf-. Sunday. Miss Grace Greenaleh, of Calder, visited h me over Surtday. Sadie (' imby i-* assisting 1). C. Lin inger with I : iprmj; goods. Mrs. Juii i <;,<•» nalch was the guest of Mrs Dan S Uiiv.' n, Thursday. Edward Schwab visited home Sun- ■ day. Juoge McDonald called on A. F. Walker Thursday, last. week. Herman Brunner, of ('aider, was call, ing on friends Sunday. Seldom. DEATH'S DOINGS Cw.. v THIKUBAULT. Archie Thieubault, Jr., aged three years and 29 days, died on Monday. The funeral took place yesterday from St. Mark's Church. GUBBINS. Mr. and ?.Jrs. John Gubbins, ol Third Rtreet, had the misfortune to lose their little daughter Pearl, of pneumonia, on May 7th. The funeral took place . on Friday last, Rev. Anderson officiat- j ing. Mr. Gubbins is employed as ' blacksmith at Emporium furnace and | is an industrious citizen. KLOCK. Amos Klock, an old time citizen cf j Emporium, died at the home of his j daughter, Mrs. Oliver Darling at Buf- I falo, Tuesday. We understand his rc- j mains arrived here last night, inter- ; ment to be made to-day. The funeral! to take place from the residence of his ! son E. L. Klock, at two o'clock. No One Expects it. Without the use of Scxine Pills a ' weak or rundown person cannot expect to become thoroughly strong. Sexine I Pill- are the strongest and sun -t tonic in : the worlu. The price is §1 a box: six boxes Sf», with full guarantee. Address i or call on R.C. Dodson,Druggist,Etupori- 1 urn, Pa., where they sell all the principal remedies and do not substitute. The June Bride. An exchange says of the June bride: j She is, by immense odds, the happiest | human being in the limitable cosmos, j As the first notes of Mendelssohn's ] wedding march strike her enchanted I ears and she turns from the altar to i march in triumph down the Aisle ofj Sighs—her snared and frightened Clar- J ence on her arm and the nervous J glances of her friends focused upon her —she is as proud as thrice 10,000 con querers. Her smile is ecstatic; her eyes glitter with gorgeous joy. Otherwhere and in otherwise human happiness never scales such stupendous pinnacles. Compared to a June bride the man who has just drawn four aces in a poker! game seems like a melancholiac on the verge of self destruction. Don't cough your head off' when you can get a guaranteed Remedy in Bees Laxative Cough Syrup. It is especially! recommended for children a.s its pleasant to take, is a gentle laxative thus expel!-; ing the phlegm from the system. For coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough, hoarseness and all Bronchial trouble. Guaranteed. Sold here by R. C. Dod son. Km tjf OUR NEW LINE OF A Definition of' Definitive' ro 11 This word when linked to an arti- p 112 Wall Paper for 1908. 1 ill ——fj'l ing to attain." j{ " ■' Such a word and such a word only J=| m yji(\ can properly be used to describe lill Consists of the best things from three factories. Also F fr ' ij_i the Robert Graves Co.'s line of Decoration Paper of all '^ v ~lr tftton S 1 kinds • Hot-Pressed Vellum The Graves line took first prize in competition at St. Money cannot buy a better writing Jfij j (ML* Louis against the world. H. S. LLOYD. one * dtfj 1 KM I'OKin.M MILLING C .... i niiionum, i'n., May 12, 1!I08. ' U, |." r M.W: ;• 1 33 . " J (in j " i no " 'lit Meal " 55 ■ oarseMcal per 100, 1 B5 i Oli ip i<'eed, '• 1 65 Middlings, i 70 M .'dlings. Fancy " 1 65 i lii'jken Wheat 1 8f) | Cor . per bushel, 92 Win .dais. 11 r liusliel 70 Oysl r.Shells, per 100 Seed Oats per bushel Ohoji 1; Clover Seen, t lioice I'iur.thy Seed , >\ t Marlfet Prices 'lioiee Millet Seed. > R.C. DODSON, THE Orucjcjist,! EMPOKIUJI, PA. I s * ,1 'm corner store At Fourth and Chestnut Sts.. U. (..UOPkHON. ['elephone, 19--. ! Special Salei II A fine line of canned goods. ?! i | I I Dishes, Tinware, Post Cards. j!' Can Dried Beef 25c. Lima Beans per lb 9c Seven bars Acme Soap .25c I! : 111 Fresh Eggs 20c dozen. i Home-Made Bread jj j! Cookies and || Doughnuts 11 i| Mrs. M. F. Conway, BROAD STREET. macammcmmsaeammmmmmmaamummKmajaaammmammmam j MIT* The Cough Syrup that BP I **? rids the system of a cold by acting a3 a cathartic on the bowels is COUGH SYRUP Bees is the original laxative cough syrup, 1 contains no opiates, gently moves the bowels, carrying the cold off through the natural channels. Guaranteed to give satisfaction or money refunded. ' mi A cure guaranteed If yon oso Supposlioigt: J>. Matt. Thompson, Rui'iSE '■ ' * .N . <■'. : *• i C au suyHU r >• do I ; j •. claim I>r them." in. a. M. Jtaroye.l "jj Jlavn Rock, W. Va., writ. s; •* T. y fcWo unlrt rsal xati •• ffi ! urn." l»r. 11. I>. Jftt.'ll, Clarkihur?, Tcun vrltc'H . J"lii a j.rvi •or*3 yt t have 112. .Ino r *|oqual jour*." l'Kicv, 60 C*!*te. Sample* Fr«c. Bolißl 3 """ IWKWTIW RUDY. LANCASTER, PA ' s*tsmssz&-- :- i i'iiiiiiumi'iii SoMin Emporium by L Tsgparl&R. C Do I'm, ; ED MBNWTICCTATIOK. {*'■ £C HIVZ'A KHCWf TO F/>IL. ' sur-i 3K"- 1 smi> ■ H faction <« 'J • r Si> .i< v Ilcfiimlcd, Hunt prepaid H S3 F; ; I .'XI 1 ..• I,< \- Wiil M II«L t >IOII» OA trial,to bo PAID for B ' H Uk-X'V , 'J ' jJ' yOUr U°t ■ B UNITED MEDICAL CO., ROK 74, LANCASTER, PA. H ma Sold in Emporium by L. Tagga; nd R. C. Dodson