Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, April 30, 1908, Image 9

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    Ipi a jsii^L
| Breezy|
l| County 1
I Netfs 1
Dr. W. IF. Mitchell, Dentist, Empori
um, Pa. Over Vogt's shoe store.
Signal Inspector I). E. Spaugler, of
Sterling Run, was a business caller in
town Tuesday.
lluth Sullivan is ill with grip.
Mrs. R. A. Lord and children, who
liavc been visiting at A. W. Smith's, re
turned home Tuesday, to Mix Run.
A. W. Smith spent Suuday in Sinna
Huntley was well represented at the
Bocktail Re-union at Driftwood, Monday.
Reuben Jordan, of Mason Hill, spent
Sunday with his uncle, J. S. Jordau.
C. Wesley Barr, of Tunnel Hill, called
on i'riends in town Sunday.
A. W. and W. K. Smith are preparing
to put a suspension bridge across the
West Branch in the near future.
The many friends of J. E .Johnson
are glad to hear of his recovery, alter his
recent severe illness.
A. B. Croop spent Sunday with C. A.
I>ice at Sterling Run.
Foreman W. W. Johnson visited
friends in Bitumen Sunday.
The father of Pennsy Operator J. 11.
James died at the family residence in
Warren on April 21st. Mr. James has
been a sufferer from cancer of the stom
ach for some time.
Pennsy Fireman Dan Kilburn, of Ile
novo, is spending a few days visiting his
father here and friends in Driftwood.
Commissioner O. L. Bailey visited
friends in town Wednesday.
John Drivas and family, of Driftwood,
were the guests of Win. Kilburn this
Kathryn and Daisy Johnson visited A.
W. Smith at River Terrace Sunday.
J. P. S'.
Dr. W. H. Mitchell, Dentist, Empori
um, Pa. Over Vogt's shoe store.
Minnie Losey, of Sterling Run, visited
Mrs. John Schwab Saturday.
Owing to rain Saturday the mines
which have been recently opened at the
brick works, were not worked on that
The St. Marys work train and crew
re-placed the freight house siding switch
at this place Friday.
Assistant Supervisor Robb, of Drift
wood, was a business caller in this place
G. L. Page visited Emporium Friday
p. m., and walked back. Roy says there
is nothing like plenty of exercise.
On Friday, Frank Sullivan caught a
trout 15 inches long in Hunts Run.
This is the largest one caught this season
in this Run.
Robert Graham is handing out the
cigars on account of the arrival of a big
girl. Congratulations. Both reported
doing nicely.
Geo. Walker had the inisfortueto have
his thumb dislocated Friday evening
while playing ball.
Mountain fires are numerous and con
siderable young timber has been destroy
ed. East Hill was completely burned
over Friday and Saturday.
James Hayes, of Emporium, visited
Mr. MeVane and wife Sunday.
Harry Smith, of llenovo, visited
friends in town the past week.
John Devling, of Sterling Run, was
seen in town Monday evening, attending
to important business.
A. F. Walker, of the New Cameron
House, was in Driftwood during the Buck
tail Re-uuion, assisting Proprietor Thos.
J. Riley at the Commercial House.
John and Ed. Schwab, D. B. Peterson,
E. F. Comiey, Robt. Boyd, Leslie Shealy
and Miss Annie Greenalch took in the
dedication of the Bucktail monument at
Driftwood Monday.
Clarence Lupro, of Renovo, visited his
brother Cyrus in this place Tuesday.
Herman Anderson, section foreman,
wears that smile that won't copo off, ac
count of a big girl. Citiars in demand.
April 28, I'jOS.
The Secret of Sexine Pills.
There isn't any. Their wonderful ef
fects are simply the result of a scientific
combination of the best remedies that are
known in medicine for the. upbuilding
and rejuvenating of tired, weak and worn
men and women. They act on the blood
in such a manner that the user is soon
imbued with new life and hope and hap
piness. Price $ I a box; six boxes 85,
fully guaranteed on the moncy-back plan.
Address or call 11. C. Dodson, Druggist,
Emporium, Pa., where they sell all the
principal remedies and do not substitute.
There is nothing better than Kodol for
Dyspepsia, indigestion, sour stomach,
belching of gas and nervous headache
It digests what you eat. Sold by R. C-
Itch cured in 30 minutes by Wood
ford's Sanitary Lotion. Never fails
Hold by L. Taggart, druggist. 32-lyr.
Dr. H. W. Mitchell, dentist, Empori
um, Pa. Over Vogt's Shoe Store.
Amos Lowden and family moved to
York State last Thursday, to a place near
Otsego Lake.
.Mike Thileyas moved his family to
Medix Bun on Friday where he is going
■to work at the pulp wood business, lie
sold his team to .toe Bartolett, o! Rrift-
I wood.
i Chas. Council, of Sinnamahoning, was
j up and he and bis brother I'. M., of this
I place, and C. I'). Logue were out and cap-
I tured about as tnauy of the "speckled
| beauties" at the law allows. Chas. Coun
cil returning home on Saturday afternoon
But few of our citizens attended the
dedication exercises to-day at Driftwood,
on account of the poor train service on
the B. & S. B. B.
Mrs. W. W. Wykoff' returned home
the last of the week, after spending a few
weeks with her daughters at Coudersport
and Punxsutawney.
Mrs. Maud Rukgaber says she expects
to move to the State ot Washington,
soon, where her husband has a good posi
Albert II ussy, of Medix Run, was up
last week and bought 100 bushels of po
tatoes tor his store at that place.
Art. Nelson aud wife Sundayed at W.
W. Wvkoffs, and returned to Couders
port Monday morning.
Dr. W. IT. Mitchell, Dentist, Empori
nm, Pa. OveV Vogt's shoe store.
The showers of Saturday put out the
i forest tires but they started up Sunday
! afternoon again. Think they must have
had help.
April 27th, IUOB.
Dr. W. 11. Mitchell, Dentist, Empori
um, Pa. Over Vogt's shoe store.
Mrs. MeCullough and Nancy Spencc,
of Emporium vi-ited the latter's parents
B. L. Spencc, of Emporium, C. W.
Spencc and mother, of Bryan Hill, and
Robert Ingersoll, of Moore Iliii, visited
L. W. Spenee of this place Sundav, who
is reported very ill.
A large number of our town people at
tended the dedication of the Bucktail
Monument at Driftwood this week.
J. R. Strawbridge and wife visited at
Philadelphia this week.
Jennie Berry, of Corry, Mildred
Sprung aud Minnie Quinn, of Emporium,
and Lyliah Pondas, of Hicks Run, were
called home the past week on account of
the serious illness of their father William
Berry, who is reported some better at
this writing.
The Post Office was robbed Monday
noon, while the postmistress was home for
dinner. This is a very bold robbery aud
wc hope the party will be caught and get
the fullest extent of the law.
John Schwab and wife, of Cameron,
were the guest of Mary Summerson, Sun
C. G. Ilowlett and wife and Nettie
Kissel visited at Hicks Run, Sunday.
Fred Shaffer returned from the Lock
Haven Hospita'l this week. He is still
quite poorly.
Mrs. Joseph and Mrs. Perry Mason,
of Renovo, were visitors in town this
William Welsh who has been at the
Ridgway Hospital with a broken ankle,
came home this week and is able to walk
on crutches.
Miunie Losey closed a successful term
of school Wednesday, and went to her
home at Williamsport this week.
J. T. Lyuch who is working at Elk
land was home over Sunday.
James Phillips, of Pittsburg, visited
old friends in town Saturday and Sunday.
George Herrick, of St. Marys, visited
his mother Saturday.
Mrs. Jennie Oliver is visiting her
mother Mrs. Moore.
John Mason, of McKees Rocks, is
visiting friends and relatives in town.
Dr. W. II Mitchell, Dentist, Empori
um, Pa. Over Vogt's shoe store.
Farmers arc busy these days getting
their farming done.
Congressman C. F. Barclay came home
from Washington on Saturday to attend
the Bucktail Re-union and dedication at
Hon. W. 11. Walker, Democratic
nominee for Congress, of Bellefonte was a
visitor Tuesday evening.
Sinnamahoning turned out in force to
attend the Dedication at Driftwood this
week. About two hundred went up to
take in the sights.
E. A. Pyle, foreman of the Sinnama
honing Paint Works, is hustling, taking
orders for paint. The plant will soon start
up on lull time.
The Star Box aud Novelty Co., have
commenced operations on their new plant.
They have got tliejfoundations laid for the
saw mill, which will be 10x7o feet. The
plant will be built as soon as material can
be got on the ground.
Comrade Joshua Bair, of Emporium,
was a caller Tuesday.
C. A. Council came home from his
annual trout liishing trip Saturday. He
reports a good catch of fine trout.
Edward Bowers, of First Fork, was a
caller this week.
The Mountain House will change pro
prietors the first of May. Have not heard
all the particulars yet.
Coats onSaleat New Dry Coods Store
Tbit nobby Prince Chap Coat is |' V 2B?a ' '
made of an all-wool English Covert | Kif M 'Ep> if \
26 inches long. Lined throughout with | j£
satin. Strictly tailored <|>r Aft This beautiful Covered Coat, made -" TV"
made. Our Price «P«J»UU of best quality cloth, handsomely trim-
Same style as above made of an all- med with silk braid, satined lined d ! This swell Black Silk Taffeta Coat 50
wool Black Broadcloth and lined throughout. Pointed Blackdji 0 doub le twisted cloth. Splendidly tail- inches long, beautifully trimmed with
throughout with satin. (PC p,j ce i9Ij,DU ored. 24 inches long rf»p* AO silk braid d»"ao r*A
Our price «p«J»UU T Priee Price
New Wash |J |# 11 jFI ll* Emporium's Largest and The Latest
<£*£* It. KULIM, MgX
I C'nas. Edgar ami family visited Geo.
| Nickerson and family Sunday.
Horner Johnson of the city, accompan
ied by Miss Ada Wright visited Valley
friends last week.
F. J. Lewis our merchant, had busi
ness in town Monday.
Miss Susan Chadwick attcuded the
Bucktail Monument dedication at Drift
wood Monday, as did a number of our
City friends visited S. Easterbrook at
Lawn View farm the past week.
Mabel Brown, who lias been spending
the spring with Valley friends, returned
to her home at Addison, N. Y., Wednes
As the stock of chickens became tem
porarily exhausted, last week the con
'emptible thieves which infest this place
varied their program and made a raid on
the residence occupied jointly by Geo.
Nickerson and Edward McOorauck,
sametime between Thursday and Monday
and carried off one hundred pounds of
pork. The villians had togo down in
the cellar and face two vicious dogs. No
clue has been obtained.
Elis Barr and family of Slabtown,
transacted business in town Monday.
A school entertainment was held at
Swesey school house Thursday evening, j
Fred Edwards and wife of Emporium [
visited Valley friends Sunday.
Jos. Gainey and Herman Melin of
of East Emporium were on our streets
on Monday.
Dorris Chadwick spent Sunday with (
her brother Elihu Chadwick, Jr., of Elk I
A. McAuley the Elk Fork farmer
took in the sights in town Monday.
C. M. S.
Marriage is a Failure.
When either of the parties marry
for money.
When the lord of creation pays more
for cigars than his better half does for
hosiery, boots and bonnets.
When one of the parties engages in
a business that is not approved by the
When both parties persist in argu
ing upon a subject upon which they
never have and never can think alike.
When neither husband nor wife
takes a vacation.
When the vacations are taken by
one side of the house only.
When a man attempts to tell his
wife what style of bonnet she must
When a man's Christmas presents
to his wife consist of bootjacks, shirts,
and gloves for himself.
When the watchword is: "Each for
When dinner is not ready at dinner
When "he snores his loudest, while
"she" kindles the fire.
When the "father" takes half of the
pie and leaves the other half for the
one that made it and her eight chil
When the children are given the
neck and back of the chicken.
When the children are obliged to
clamor for their rights.
When the money that should go for j
a book goes for what only one side of 1
the house knows anything about.
When there is too much latchkey.
When politeness, fine manners, and
kindly attention are reserved for com
pany or visits abroad.
Cloth all Wool and Paint all Paint.
Is cheaper than shoddy cloth or shoddy
paint. The L. &M. is Zinc Metal made
into Oxide of Zinc combined with White
Lead, an J then made into paint with pure
Linseed Oil in thousand gallon grindings
and mixings. Wears long, actual cost
only $1.20 per gallon. Ilarry S. Lloyd.
Emporium, L. & Paint Agent.
The Bucktails.
'Twas the month of April, in eighteen sixty-one,
That our Union's Flag was threatened by the
fall ofSumter's guns;
Each loyal heart was beating true and waiting for
; ; commands.
To shoulder arms and give their lives to save
| their native land.
Among the hosts of patriots who heard their
country's call,
] Were a band of hardy mountain men, a sturdy
race ana tall,
Who volunteered their services, these men of
i daring deeds,
: And only waited for a man, they, to the front
j to lead.
j A leader came, a soldier true, all honor to his
; name.
This man was one of nature's best, 'I was Thomas
Leiper Kane,
: He was a inau of sterling worth, a natural soldier
Who knew these mountain men from birth, and
loved them as his sons.
From Elk and Cameron and McKean, these
sturdy men came forth,
With Kane to guide through fire and llamc as
they fought for the North,
Their deeds are known by young and old, their
their names are household words.
These patriots who volunteered to fight with
gun and bword.
called, their honor they upheld.
Through many blood-stained battle fields where
they faced shot and shell,
i They never knew the word retreat, or quailed
at death's alarms,
! The Union's trust was in them placed, defended
by their arms.
I Mtohanicsville and Malvern Hill, Bull Run and :
Fredericksburg, ,
Antietam and South Mountain too, their battle !
cry was heard,
Gains Mill and Groveton, Gettysburg, The Wil- !
derness also,
! New Market Cross Roads, where brave blood in
rivulets did flow.
j Catlets Station was the same, and yet Bethesda
Where Ideath did stock In bullets form, for
soldiers lives to search,
The Bucktail Regiment never flinched, 'twas
always in the van,
The mountain men stood side by side to save
their "Yankee Land."
We raise this monument to-day, to those who've
gone before,
And they who have been spared to us, we warm
ly greet once more.
All honor to the Bucktails; their names willnever
May they receive all bltssings here, and eternal
peace on high.
—John F. Sullivan.
The Bucktail Camp-Fire Song.
(Tune Marching Through Georgia.)
Dear Comrades, once again we meet, in Penn
sylvania's land,
Just forty-seven years ago we were that gallant
Who started out, with spirits bold, our country
to defend;
We are the Pennsylvania Buck-tails.
Three Cheers! Hurrah! for Biddle and for Kane,
We wish thai they were here with us again;
But still we know that those who've gone, have
homes in heaven gained,
And their spirits watch over the Bucktails.
Our country now is safe again, the Bucktails
work is done, >
No more the bugle calls them to light with sword
and gun,
But still the Nation loves them all, yes each and
every one.
And blesses the Pennsylvania Bucktails.
We cheer and love tills gallant soldier band.
Who fought to save the honor of our land,
The Bucktail stands for liberty and all that it j
Three cheers for the Pennsylvania Bucktails.
—Jo/in F. Sullivan.
j Chamberlain's Has the Preference.
Fred C. II an rah an, a prominent drug
' gist ot Portsmouth, Va., says:"For the
past six years 1 have sold and recom
mended Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Keinedy. It is a great remedy
and one of the best patent medicines on
| the market. I handle some others for
the same purposes that pay me a larger
profit, but this remedy is so sure to effect
a cure, and my customer so certain to ap
preciate my recommending it to him, that
I give it the preference." For sale by L.
DeWitt's Little Early liisers, the fam
ous little liver pills. Sold by li. C. Dod
I Millinery -- Fancy Goods)
I Millinery - Dress Goods I
DIRECTIONS WLLH rirh Till la FITA Un^utßri.
English, German, Spanish, Portuguese and French
No FOB Prleo
1. Fevers, Congestions, Inflammations 25
2. Worms, Worm Fever, or Worm Disease .25
3. Colic, Orying and Wakefulness of Infants.2s
4. Diarrhea, of Children and Adults 25
r> l)ysentery,~t!flplngs, Bilious Colic 25
7. Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis 25
8. Toothache, Faceache, Neuralgia 25
9. Headache, Sick Headache, Vertigo 25
10 Dyspepsia. Indigestion, Weak Stomach 25
1.1. Croup. Hoarse Cough, Laryngitis 25
14. Salt llheuiii. Eruptions, Erysipelas 25
15. Rheumatism. or Rheumatic Pains '25
10. Fever and Ague, Malaria 25
17. File*. Blind or Bleeding, External, Internal.2s
18. Ophthalmia, Weak or Inflamed Eyes 25
10. Catarrh, Influenza, Cold In Head 25
20. Whooping Couch, Spasmodic Cough 25
21. Asthma, Oppressed, Dltllcult Breathing 25
27. Kidney Disease, Gravel, Calculi 25
(JB. Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness 1.00
29. Sore Mouth, Fever Sores or Canker 25
30. Urinary Incontinence, Wetting Bod 25
31. Wore Throat, Quinsy and Diphtheria 25
35. Chronic Congestions, Headaches 25
77. Crippe, H>*y Fever and Summer Colds... 25
A small bottle of Pleasant Pellets, fits the vest
pocket. Sold by druggists, or sent on receipt of price.
Medical Book sent free.
William and John Street?. New York.
The Cough Syrup that
rids the system of a cold
by acting as a cathartic on the
! bowels is
- ,
Bees is the original laxative cough syrup,
coDtains no opiates, gently moves the
bowels, carrying the cold off through the
natural channels, Guaranteed to give
satisfaction or money refunded.
KnHnl For Indigestion.
* * Relieves sour stomach,
palpitation of the heart. Digests what you eat.
Mum*?* Saftre
For Piletf Burns* Sores*