Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, April 16, 1908, Image 8

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    I I Great Easter Dis P'ay
/IMIyJ of High Glass Dry Goods at the New Store
I vM§Mw^l -
OLV We guarantee our prices to be as low if not lower than in any of the
\ lipM \ \ \ larger cities. Everything we sell is the best of its kind for the money. We
irk \ ll4\\\ r show the very latest novelties.
• fX Beautiful Shirtwaists If I Coats, Suits and Skirts
'/ p ''v,!! |!• 112 uy\k V> 48T New White Lawn Shirtwaists, with j IVllliltlCry
/112 r n black dots, linen colors (tl 9C \ We have a very large line of Ladies Black Broad-
F Ct"# - and Js, r ot 'He, price Jhe most up-to date hats of the season are the cloth, Silk and Covert Coats to CC flfi IP rn
W Elegant White Lawn "Waists with embroider- , M , or !T Sailors. We show them very j select from. Pices range from «®O.UU TO fO.OU
t 8551125 150 2t03 98 $3.00 t0 56.00 '?«w' ***** «,«se.. My
iiontsOw? s?«j cJ«wW „ on the street or :n church next Sunday with an ex
ci or t- Magnificent Silk and Lace OQ OQ Tf) 10 Efl I , VG a ge number of exceptionally pretty oeptional well fitting and sUlish skirt on, you may
JLiCfotci J. n NiVt-Cil Waists vOiOO *- "'i Z, bOU i Trimmed Hats at the special price of £r (lfj make up your mind its one of the "Dueliess."
Most up-to-date Collars, Bows and Japots are here " ™*—— j each 33.UU 1 hey fit like a glove. We have over 100 in stock
at remarkable low prices. Ilr Pof-fr; pnr . f-<-< * In the finer trimmed hats we show a large col- to select from. If we should not have your size
' 1C- IQ r oy*A &U& lection and no two alike Cn flfk Tf\ CIC «-mong these, wo make them to order for you.
jtofi-y iJLf dilu JUL. We offer a splendid quality black taffeta Petti- at from 30.Uu I U | I rices range, g*J
-|-i p - coat, regular price 86.00 fljC ftO ~ j from " B<fc.3U
ij&S iGT DGItS at each «■ U \ If IVPtlllo TV/f i! I We also have a nice line of <T9 QO C fift
We have the very latest and prettiest Belts TTi t A orwroa *» JU-VCIIIIC lVlllllliery Skirts at 3)3.00 and J.UU
shown this season. Elastic, Gold of Silver, Leather, 1YJ.U.&1II1 U UUcI WCdl The daintiest creations in little folks head wear.
Embroidered, etc. Prices, We show the very best qualities in Muslin Gowns, Every desirable style in muslin and straw. Prettv Misses Skirts at 8" 00
7C <£l Aft 311 9C Skirts, Drawers and Corset Covers at most reason- little hats from 50c to 8-'*.oo.
LiOy DU, ZD, <pI.UU, 3>i.£,D, able prices. Handsome Bonnets in muslin or silk 25c to 82.00
$1.50 and $2.00. _ ~ - - =, :^r === E' t G1
Easter Hosiery The Emporium Board of Trade has been organized to boom our pretty town. Now
Silk Hose for ladies 81.00 and 81.50. The very let all pull together; patronize your home merchants. Keep the money in town The best kid gloves in the world "PERKINS"
latest shades in fine inake.
Lisle Thread Hose 10 button lengths, white, black C* CO
Fancy Embroidered Hose, 25c and 50c. - and tans 30.DU
Easter Parasolls O %/' STC"f. JTV IT7 Emporium's Urgest and -xtSiS-"" *" " "*""
U Finest Dry Goods Store. j, m , 9Q
Dr. W. H. Mitchell, Dentist, Empori
um, Pa. Over Vogt's shoe store.
A goodly number of our voters attend
ed the primaries at Castle Garden on
D. W. Eastman spent Sunday with
his family at Coudersport.
Alvin Benson Croop was an Empori
um visitor Tuesday.
Mrs. W. 11. Smith and sister visited
friends in Sinnamahoning Monday.
J. S. Jordan and Levi Smith are
starting the onion business in earnest
this season. Both gentlemen expect to
exceed last year's output.
The Coudersport Mangle Holler Co.,
have finished their sawing at Big Run
and have moved the mill to Coudersport.
About fifteen cars ot lumber are yet to
be moved.
A.W.Smith, our progressive farmer
has purchased a phonograph and will
hereafter spend his evenings at home in
stead of upon the boardwalk.
W. W. Johnson was a visitor at Reno
vo Sunday.
Alice Jordan returned Saturday from
a visit with her sister in Sinnamahonina.
An escaped lunotic (colored) was seen
in iown Tuesday morning. The man
slept in the woods Monday night and
wandered about the streets Tuesday
morning, refusing offers of food. He
was walking westward when last seen.
J. F. 8.
Dr. W. H. Mitchell, Dentist, Empori
um, Pa. Over Vogt's shoe store.
A. F. Walker made a business trip to
brick works on Thursday.
Fences all made—farmers in this place
have commenced.
i). E. Spangler, of Sterling Run. made
a busines trip to this place Friday.
Alice Greenalch, who has been ill all
winter, is reported some worse at this
Mrs. E. D. Krape and sou have been
ill the past week, but are reported some
Mrs. Geo. L. and son Thomas
visited relatives in St. Marys Sunday.
E. F. Comley was an Emporium visitor
John Schwab returned from Sinnama
honing Wednesday evening, his school
having closed that day.
Win. Graham, who has been visiting
Ins brothers at this place, the past few
months, left for Straight Creek, Friday,
where he has secured employment on the
The K. G. E., meeting in the hall
Saturday evening was well attended and
a good and interesting time reported by
all present. It is understood the goat
was very badly used up before meeting
All our sportsmen are casting the rod,
I and doing their best to get the biggest
• catch the first day of the season. No re
| turns have been received yet, but we are
-1 expecting to hear of some fine "fish
) j stories."
Theßoad Supervisors have a large force
i of men at work renewing the road toward
the brick works. This has been needed
. this long while, as well as some of the
other roads, which are more traveled than
I this one.
A. A. Smith, has again resumed duties
at this place after a week's absence, mov
t intr his family from Warren to Emporium
j where lie is now permanently located.
E. F. Comley, the newly nominated
Truant Officer, is making "good" in the
' performance of the duties of this office,
and the teachers now report a good at
j tendance. Mr. Comley had considerable
trouble in getting one of the pupils to at
tend school, and after he was successful,
1 the teacher took him, the pupil, to task
the same day, with the assistance of two
of the male pupils, gave him a severe
punishment, and then expelled him from
- school, but from the last reports he is still
attending school.
1 Thomas Fergason. of Brisbin, Clear
■ field county, is visiting his brother-in-law,
I A. F. Walker at the New Cameron
i House, and is looking after business in
-1 terests in this place.
r The L. C. held their regular meeting
; in the "Beehive," Saturday evening, at
8:30 p. m.. with a crowded house. Meet
ing was called to order by the newly elect
ed President, G. W. Krise, wjio was
elected at the annual sleetion held April
Ist. Geo. Walker, pro ton, acted as
secretary in the absence of Frank Sulli
van, who is on a business trip to Cleve
land, 0., as a delegate from this club.
A. F. Walker acted as bouncer. The
meeting was disturbed by Brother Joe i
Yocum coming in late, reporting having I
seen a four foot eel, 17 inches in cireurn
serence, going up Hunts Run, as he
! crossed the bridge. Joe promised that
|he would catch this monster before the
j season closed, as he saw two large initials
j "11. K." on the back of his head, and
i was also minus its right eye, this provod
| that it was the same large water snake
that A. F. Walker had the battle with
last summer. A six round bout was
scheduled, bnt owing to serious injury
one of the men received the bout was
j postponed. The Club adjourned ai 11:45
Ito llobt. Graham's pump for refresh- j
j rnents, as the members all are in iavor of
! Local Option.
Don't cough your head off when you
| can get a guaranteed Remedy in Bees
; Laxative Cough Syrup. It is especially
I recommended for children as its pleasant
to take, is a gentle laxative thus cxpell-
I ing the phlegm from the system. For
! coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough,
hoarseness and all Bronchial trouble.
Guaranteed. Sold here by R. C. Dod
sop. 3m
Dr. VV. H. Mitchell, Dentist, Empori
j um, Pa. Over Vogt's shoe store.
Captain Barr, of Tunnel 1 Hill, brought
'down a large raft"'of logs for the Star
'' Box mill last,week.
Ira Barclay and Jos. Burlingame, of
I Wharton, Potter county, were callers,
j Saturday.
j Myrtle Shafer is visiting friends at
I liidgway this week.
j Prof. Schwab, principal of the gram
| mar school closed a very success! ul term
of school here last week and returned
home on Thursday last.
Mrs. C. W. Peaslev was a visitor at
lienovo this week.
Hon. C. F. Barclay, of Washington,
i D. C., was at home to attend the primary
I election Saturday.
J. 11. Baird, C. A. Council and J. D.
I Council attended Masonic meeting at
j Driftwood, Friday evening.
M. Blodget, A. S. Losey and Jos.
| Fiscus attended installation of the I. O.
O. F., at Driftwood, Thursday evening.
Prothonotary W. J. Leavitt, of Em
| porium, was in town on business last Fri
! day.
A. J. Barclay and Amos Bennett were
at Karthaus and Frenchvillc last week on
j business.
Deputy Sheriff A. 0. Swartwood. of
I Emporium, was a caller last Friday.
County Chairman Geo. P. Shafer was
at the county seat last Friday.
G. W. Gore, of Castle Garden, was a
caller on Saturday'.
Geo. C. Gore, formerly of this place,
left on Monday last to join the U. S.
The stockholders of the Star Box and
j Notion Co., met Saturday.
Harry Ensign and Kay Lupoid leave
I to-day for a week's trout fishing on Por
j tage Creek.
Mrs. G. E. Smith and Mrs. S, L. Wil
son. of Castle Garden, were callers
j Wednesday.
Mrs. J. F. Rerfield, of Hix ltun, visit
ed friends here over Sunday.
Boyd Lucas, of Hicks Run, was a
visitor this week.
An son Lo'iue has his water mill nearly |
Evangeline Brooks is visiting lriends
iu RidgWay this week.
Myrtle Sliafer has returned from Em
porium, after a short illness.
Nettie Kissel, of Sterling Run, is visit
ing her sister Mrs. T. S. Fulton.
Hazel Crosby spent Sunday in Empori
A large congregation heard an excell
ent sermon by our pastor, Rev. C. W.
Dickson, Sunday evening.
Edward Losey and wife and daughters
Minnie and Frances, of Williamsport,
visited friends here this week. Mr,
j Losey has resigned his position with the
j La.ijuin Lumber Co,, and is going into
the bakery business at Williamsport.
j Fulton Bros, arc busy at Drifwood this
j eckw.
The ground is being surveyed prepara
tory to starting the new box factory,
j Jessie Willett and Louise Ross, teach
ers at Johnsonburg, spent Saturday with
| Mrs. T. E. Fulton.
i Dr. 11. W. Mitchell, dentist, Empori
um, Pa. Over Vogt's Shoe Store.
Dr. W. H. Mitchell, Dentist, Empori
nro, Pa. Over Vogt's shoe store.
There was a big forest fire hero on
Sunday, caused from some small children
setting fire to the woods. The men had
to fight fire Sunday night and Monday.
No j;reat damage being done, although
some properties were in danger for
Joseph Furlong, who has been attend-j
ing Villanova College, came home Satur
day for a short visit.
Fishing season opened on Wennesday j
and a large number of people turned out !
to catch the speckled beaties.
Blanch Logue and sister, of Huntley, !
visited relatives in town the past week. |
Mary Summerson visited her daughter j
Edna Schwab, at Cameron Saturday.
Joseph Caskey, of llenovo, was a j
visitor in town the past week. How I
about it Z ?
Nellie Whiting was a visitor at Huntley i
John and Minnie Furlong, of Pitts-1
burg: came home Friday to spend Easter !
with their mother. Mrs. M. A. Furlong.
Nellie and Gladys () Keefe have re
turned home from closins: successful
terms of school at West Creek and Mix
Mrs. Olive Smith and children visited
Mrs. Edna Schwab at Cameron, Friday
and returned to their home at Pent/.,
Delia Lord returned home
Wednesday, having spent the winter with j
her daughter at Bingham.
Josephine Pcttit has been quite sick i
the past week.
Mrs. Cora Stewart and family moved i
to Drittwood the past week.
On account of the terrific wind Satur- i
day, J. E. Smith had to put new roofing j
on several of his buildings.
Kathryn May visited Miss McClosky, I
at Driftwood Saturday.
Dorsey Spangler wag an Emporium j
visitor Tuesday.
Mrs. G. A. Dice and little grand- I
daughter, returned home Tuesday from a I
short visit at Renovo.
Xmenia Brooks closed a successful j
term of school here Wednesday.
j j Millinery--Fancy Goods!
I Special I
!I 'tigs D 'sPlayl
w Easter
I xf Hals
I Wednesday, April 15th at I
I and will Continue at reduced prices a few days 1
I I Millinery - Dress Goods I