Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, April 16, 1908, Image 4

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    Garr)CPor) \l(6ui)l^y
I'.'.ilnr iind Man^xer.
Cer year |2 00
II paid in advance $1 50
Advertisements are publish edat the rate ofon©
(ollarperaquareforoneiusertion and fiftycentß
per square lor each <iibßeuuentinsertiou.
Rales by the year or for six or three months are
ow ana uniform, and will befurnished oil appli
Legal and Ottlcial Advertising persquare.three
lmesorlesß,s2 00; each subsequent insertionso
cents per square.
Local noticesten cents per line for oneinsertion,
Ave cents pi-rlineforeacnsubsequcntconsecutive
Obituary notices over five lines, ten cents per
ine. Si nipleannouncements of births, marriages
and deaths will be inserted free.
Business Cards, five lines or less $5.00 per year
over five lines, at the regular rates of advertising
Vo local inserted for less than 75 cts. per issue.
The Job department of the PRKSS is complete,
*nd a'lords facilities for doing the best class ol
No paper willbe discontinued until arrearages
*re paid, except at the option of the publisher.
Papers sent out of the county must be paid for
i n advance.
* j-N'o advertisements will be accepted at I ess
han the price for fifteen words.
Religious notices free.
Their Unceasing Work Keeps Us
Strong and Healthy.
All the blood in the body passes
through the kidneys once every three
minutes. The kidneys filter the blood.
They work ni«jlit and day. When
healthy they remove about .">OO grains
of impure matter <iaiiy, when unhcalty
some part of this impure matter is left in
the blood. This brings on many dis
eases and symptoms —pain in the back,
headache, nervousness, hot, dry skin,
rheumatism, gout, gravel, disorders ot the
eyesight and hearing, dizziness, irreaular
heart, debility, drowsiuess, dropsy, de
posits in the urine, etc. Hut il you keep
tho filter right you will have no trouble
with your kidneys.
Mrs. JoeSimpier, Cathriuestreet, Port
Allegany, Pa., says:"For some time I
have suffered with dull nagging back
aches and severe pains that were always
present in the region of my kidneys.
Constant headaches and dizzy spells caus
ed me to feel tired and upon risiug in the
morning, I felt almost unable to begin
the day's work. A friend hearing of my
condition advised me to try Doan's Kid
ney Pillg, and I did so. The effect of
their use was wonderful. The backaches
vanished and the headaches aud dizzy
spells arc now a thing of the past. It is
with pleasure that 1 recommend
Doan s Kidney l'iils to all suffering irom
troubles arising from inactive kidneys."
ior i! >by all dealers. Price.">o cents.
Foster .\ii!i>um Co., Huffalc. .New York,
so! igpnfs for the I'uited States. Ile
u.> !i,!x>! the nam —Doan's—and la've no
ol t><..
-»«!»■» 41m
Chamberlain's Has the Preference.
''ri d llaniaban, a prominent drug i I Portsmouth, Va ays: "For the
pa r six years I have sold and recom
n ii led tjliamberlainColic, Q><>lent and
Diarrhoea Rcmedv. It js a great remedy
«nd one of the best patent medicines on
hi market. I handle some others for
th- ram-' purposes that-pay me a larger
profit, but this remedy is -o suie to eff'eci
a cure, aud my customer so certain to ap
:ireei::te my recommending it to him, that
If ive it the preference." For sale by L.
DeWitt's Little Early Risers, the fam
ous little liver pills. Sold by 1!. Dud
DcWitt's Carbolized Witch Hazel
Salve. It is perfectly good for piles.
Sold by R. C. Dodson.
i here i< ii thing better than Kodol for
Dyspepsia, ind'-gestion, sour stomach,
be! hitiL' n!' fin.- and nervous headache.
It digests '..hat veil eat. Sold bv K. C.
Dod '.n.
Cloth aiS Woo! a:iti l'aint nil l J ai:it.
Is cheaper tin.n sht ddv cloth or shoddy
paint. The L. <S M. is /inc .Metal made
into < '.: ide of Xitie ei mbined with White
L-'ad. anJ then made into paint with pure
Liuseed Oil in thousand gallon grindings
and Wears long, actual cost
only • '•1.20 per gallon, llarry S. Lloyd.
Emporium, L. b Paint Agent.
Buy Your Happiness.
Yon can't be happy _jf you don't feel
like it. But, if you don't feel like it,
you can buy Sexine Pills and thus re
store your shattered nerves. Sexine
Pills are guaranteed for nervous men and
women. 81 a box; six boxes 35,
with full guarantee. Address or call on
il. C. Dodson, Druggist, Emporium, l'a.,
where they sell all the principal remedies
and do not substitute.
Dr. W. H. Mitchell, Dentist, Empori
nra, Pa. Over Vogt's shoe store.
A number ot rooms, with use of bath
or rent. Apply to Frank F. Day.
* 41-tr.
Itch cured in 30 minutes by Wood
ford ;i Sanitary Lotion. Never lai's
Sold by L. T tggart, druggist. 32-lyr.
.t. 4- ❖ 4* * ❖ '?• + + +
.j. <. 4 * 4- * 4- 4* •!• * * * * + + * *■ * * * + + + * ❖
* +
:* Boom! Boom!! •:
** *♦
♦♦ n 8 *i #
< Doom!!! >
* 11 That's the way Grant's ♦
+ guns thundered at Vicks- •>
+ * hurg and Lee's guns thun
* y dered at Fredericksburg.
•j. A A Each of them thundered ♦
*+ V la little louder than the
J} other fellow at each place
+ * 112 The war is over long
+ * /TIJMWLI \ ago, but booming still %
% 112 I Make this town and 4.*
+ + iotA 1 the country around it
+ • your battleground, and
+* ~_J If you boom loud *.j.
enough, people will come
\ from afar off to find out *•'
J J \ more booming will take
•S« y them prisoners and add
* + Then they will begin
,•> | r|ff booming, and other will
*•*4, ing captives will come in. 4.^
<•* | torv of every town on
jj anything more than a hill *4,
''"4. Booming may be done 4.^
in many ways. A board of trade can do it. A commercial
*>•. c'ub or business men's club can do it. You can do it individ- *
<•' ually.
»>,' !f you don't believe in this town, why do you live **•£<
here? If you do believe in it, why don't you boom it?
•s* Every new family means money in your pocket if you
»> are in business here or own property here. If you mako
- your living by working here, every increase of popula-
tion tends to increaso your wages, every new industry >% v
•{• brought to town tends to enlarge your opportunities for
4* •...••
making a good living.
" * *,l
* fi . Batteries in a battle boom together. If only one gun
*. l)Ooms now and then it 110Ip> aome, but when they all boom .
•£» together something bi is going to happen right off. It's "•*
just the same with town booming. When we all boom to
. + gether, the things we desire to have happen will begirt hap- +3
'* pen ing.
4, '\ow, suppose yo-.i who read this suggest through the col- 4.
umn- of this paper 0:11 c method of massing our boom bat-
terit - and making a noise that will bring people running into
-c. v this town togo into business, start a factory, develop some of 4
.J®* our natural resources. 4
4. q **
% j N. B.—BOOM! BOOM!! BOOM!!! j **
0 ' ~ ~~~~~~ ~O A
A „ 1
.j. 4. >b i> •:> 4 •>.* , •" .v o <- . =•;■.+ e .*?•. "^.v.
O *2* *3* *i* *2* *3* *"• V *•* V V *■ ♦ • '«• *r *s* *i' t 'j
Catarrh Cannot be Cured.
they cannot reach tho seat of the dis
ease. Catarrh is a blood or constitu
tional disease, and to cure it you must
take internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh
( "re is taken internally, and nets
directly on the mucous f-ur
fa>•:•. Hall'.- Catarrh Cure is not a
quaeL: ineuicine. It ia preucrib d by
one of the best physicians in this
country for years and is a regular pr<
seription. It i 3 composed of the he r
tonics know,!, combined with tho best
blood purifl- ts, acting directly on the
mucous [iurfaei s. 'i'lie perfect combi
nation of the two ingredients is what
prodcea such .'.unclerful results in cur
ing Catarrh. Send for te;t,imonia!«
fre«. P. .1. ( HHM'JY Co., Toledo, <).
Sold by druggists, 75c, Take ilatl's
Family Pills for constipation.
Eggs for Hatching.
S. C. Pi. Leghorn 15 for 75c.
S-tf. Gardeau, Pa.
Do it Now.
This is a good time to have your lawn
mowers and SHWS sharpened; call on
7-31 L. L. WELSH, W. Fifth St.
Here comes the Spring Winds to chapt S
tan and freckle. Use Pinesalve Carbolis- j
ed. (Acts like a poultice for cuts, seres, i
burns, chapped lips, hands and face. 1,
soothes and heals. Sold by 11. C. Dod
on. 3 m
Jfi'? SHiTcLSaHaEiHSHSaHeaeiSS <=^
| Old Reliable |
[J Drug Store
jO . tfj
ifj Sceley's hard Rubber Trusses, fj]
In clobiug out at §I.OO each. nj
[Jj Cutlery, a fine line, closing oat |{j
nj at cost. [n i
2] 100 regular 25e boxes pills. [}: 1
[n None better. Closing out at n]
ju 17c each. Ul |
■{j 100 bottles 25c size Cough and [!;
In Cold Medicine, closing out at n]
ju 17c each. There is not any Ln
s] better Cough and Cold niedi- [}! i
[n cine made.
[}j Kalamazoo Celery Nerve and j{] ]
nj Blood Tonic. A tonic every- Ln j
uj body needs in the spring of the pj
[JJ year. Closing at 65c the bottle [{]
ju Electric Hitters, one of the very uj ;
J{] best Stomach, Liver and Kid- [})
Ln ney remedies. Closing out at nj |
JJj 35c each uj
m Skinner's Wild Cherry Tonic, [r
J1 one of the very best appetizers. Price nJ
Ul reduced from 50c to 30c. Lf|
[}i If your physician gives you a(n
nj prescription take it to Taggart ril
u" and save one half 011 it."l
U* rjj
L. TAGGART, Prop g
Election of County Supcriai
To the School Directors of Cameron (bounty:
Gentlemkn: -In pursu nice of the fortf-third
a -1 ion of the < t 112 Uaj 8, 1854, yo
notified to meet in convention, at the Court
House, in Emporium at l:tO p.m.. <>n the first
Tuesday in May A.D.. 1908. tliu«V.;i <..:y of
the month, ami select, .'if r voce, by a majority of
the whoie number of directors pre . at, one per
son of literary and scientific acquirements, and
of skill and experi?n(v i', tt" art teaching
.• unity superintends rit, f.>r the tin • • sticcef dins
yc • rs»; and certify the result to the Slate • u;• r
-11*i• *ndent. at Rarr'sliiirj*. ;is r< liivi bv ihc
tiiiity-uinth and fortieth .-"Cti n* of- i-i «:cl.
County Superintendent of < J.»ni- r>n ( oun; ,
April 10,1U0S.— 9-3t,
Adiuiulstratur'n Notice.
N'OTICK is hereby tfiveri th:»t letters ti.-slu
ment.iry upon the Est'.te of Mrs. .M r< t
Muli-ahy late of Ki>iporiu•>>, Cameron county,
Pa., h .ve been granted to the undersigned.
All pers >ns inda'jie.l to miid estu:e wilt make
immediate payment and tlioso having claims
present same, without delay, to
DAVID J. MULCAHY, Administrator.
Elwaod City. Pa., April 11th, 1018, 9-lt
Desertion NoliA'e.
VT US. Naney Llewellyn, my wife, having left
iVI. mv bed and boardund lied leaving a larj;<;
family of small children, without a mother 'a care
I do hereby warn every one not to harbor >r
trust the said Nancy Mewellyn, for I will no! be
responsible for anv such debts.
Weedville, I»a„ March 3t), liius —7-:!t.
I T W /\rTY¥ "W
IHM M I s'%i 4 ' I; If 11 Hb .H I
I JL Atl.A. %. Jt. ij AJL JLJLaKJ
I Perfect Fitting, Better Tailored 1
and More Stylish Clothing* 1
Than you will find elsewhere for the same price—our stock of TOP COATS, 1
SUITS and CRAVENETTS ready—come see them. We are showing many novelties J
in garments for Men and Young Men as well as lor the youngsters.
I Children's Suits Men's Suits Topcoats and Raincoats 1
$1.50 up to $6.50 $7.50 up io $22.50 $lO up to $25 |
Stetson, Broadway ¥., Cluett, Monarch, Gold |
I Special ana Samobin 1 --<* l 1 and Silver Dress Shirts 1
I _ Opposite Post Office, EMPORIUM, PA. efr 1,(/(? 50 <j)1.50 I!
| dpriliig' diyles Where Ute Good Glothes Comfe T ■'•m. New Spring Neekvfsar 55c tc 50c.
'. rl^t' T'~ ""ZS&JXZZ '■■■£€.' .23HBE2«TOT? >' V"*' • , ■.■3£ss&L 25?': £? '-.TV .TaESSHSEte *?
L. G. Cook Farm for Sale.
The well known L G. Cook farm, lo
cated on Eddy llun, in Shipped town
ship consisting ot 450 acres—2oo acres
improved—is offered for sale. Pro
posals for purchase or rental will he
considered. This farm m one of the
best fruit and hay farms in the comity
and is a golden opportunity for the
right party. A!ro for n.ile five tons of
fertilizer and a quantity of sawed lum
ber. "Apply to Mwa Nkllis Pearl
Emporium, Pa 5-tf.
English Spavin Liniment removed
Hard, Soft or Calloused Lumps and
Blemishes from horses; also I>lood
Spavins, Curbs, Splints, Sweeney, Ming
Bone, Stifles, Sprains, Swollen Throats,
Coughs, etc. Save SSO by use of one
bottle. A wonderful Blemish Cure,
god by L.Taggurt, druggist. 32 lyr
I Straight Talks on
Patent Medicines
The " Rexall" Remedies deserve confidence.
As all these remedies are grouped under one name, they must suc
ceed or fail together. There must be no weak links in this chain. One
unworthy remedy would mean disaster to the entire plan. If you,
for example, purchased the "Rexall" Cough Cure and were not cured
by it, how could we expect you to place any faith thereafter in the
"Rexall" Dyspepsia Cure or any other member of the "Rexall"
family ?
You can understand, therefore, why such anxious care was given
to finding and choosing the remedies to which the name "Rexall" was
given. We have admitted none to this circle until our committee of
experts had been convinced by investigation and test that it was the
best remedy known to medical science for the ailment it aimed
to relieve.
Who should know better than the leading thousand druggists of
this country what are, and what are not, efficient medicines?
Remember, the success of our enterprise depends on the merit of
each individual remedy. Our reputation, which is cur very business
existence is at stake. Can you doubt, that in buying a "Rexall" Remedy,
you are buying the best that science and experience can give you ?
Here are three prominent members of the " Rexall" family:
The famous Rexall "08" Hair The remarkable success of A new idea in Cough Syrups.
Tonic is composed in chief of Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets is This IJrcparation owes its ef .
Resorcin, Beta Naphthol and largely due to the new and sue- . n v; W
Pilocarpin cessful method of manufacture, " < -' CR -Y *° P le - - nee of ild
whereby the well known prop- Cherry, Vinegar Squills, Bone-
Resorcin is one of the I«itest crtics of Bismuth Subnitrati: set, Xlorchound unci Syrup,
and most effective germ-killers and Pepsin have been combined J
discovered by a science, and in with carininitives and other All ot iliese have been known
connection with Beta Naphthol, agents. for a hundred years as remedies
which is both germicidal and Bismuth Subnitratc and Pep- for coughs and hoarseness.
I antiseptic, a combination is sin are recognized by the en t ire In Rexall Cherry Juice Cough
formed which not only destroys Judical profession as specifics g vru „ pll of these remedies I
the geims which rob the hair of dyspepsia. have been combin d by a pro
its nutriment, but creates a The Pepsin used is manufnc- cc>s of manufacture that has
Clean and healthy condition of turcd u J er a now procc ;. , blended them into a perfect me
the scalp, which prevents the which develops its greatest cf- dichal harmony whereby the
lodgment and development of ficicncy. Pepsin not only sup- 1 . ■ r ,
new germs. plies to the digestive machine, character, Lcs of each support 1
Pilocarpin is a well-known oneof the most important ele- and 1 unforce the others,
agent for restoring the hair to e P atholo & ical properties |
| its natural color, where the loss the rland" v'liich" of e ? ch , ingredient does its own . I
■ of color has been due to a dis- supply all the c her ek.nen'c.. particular work m easing the in- I
ease of the scalp. It is not a The carminn'vos add pror>- Gained membranes, loosening 1
coloring matter or dye—it pro- ertics which promptly rejtevc the i-hlcgm and setting up a
I duces i.- effect by stimulating pains cauccuby undigested food, condi ti iof health in the bron- S
the scalp and hair follicles to The combination of tlie whole c '-->i-.rdi ■ -il m-sr'es I
| health and active life. » makes a remedy absolutely in- C '"" /, ~ g 1
S This combination of cur- valuable to any man or woman . relieve the *
I ntives mixed with alcohol as a su ' lcr, »- from dysnepsia-ar.d inflamed membranes and tempo
stimulant, perfects the most cf- U W 'fjrad. u3l/"'re- stop^ llc cough - One bot- |
fecUve remedy for hair and building and •stimulating't b c t,e \ v .' ' vur ' c a cure " 11 ls ex "
scalp troubles known to-day. glands which perform the di- ceedingly pleasant to the taste— g
Per Pottle, 50c. gestive functions. Package, 25c. children like it. Per Bottle, 23c.
Look for this Qexall Guarantee on each package: "This
preparation is guaranteed to give satisfaction. If it does not, come
back and get your money. It belongs to you, and we want you to
I have it." ]
MRS. I¥i. A. ROCKWELL, Druggist 112
The Store
For Sale at a Bargain.
One pair of draft horses, sound, and
jin first-class condition. Also one
' sinr<le draft horse. Owner has no
further use for them. Inquire at this
I office, or address Lock Box E, Empori
■ am, Pa. 4 (it.
Wm. if. Anderson, M.!>., of Si»ja
| Spring", liia., says that Bees Laxative
1 Cough Syrup lias relieved coughs and
coliis where all other remedies failed. Its
i gentle laxative effects especially rccom-
S mend it for children. It is pleasant to
| take. For coughs, colds, hoarseness,
1 j whooping cough. Money refunded if not
| atisficd. Sold by 11. C. Dodson. 3m
Jl,i: yctl pimpits, uiolckes,
/; : fr" other akin imperfections, vou
, ~ ar ' remove them and have a clear
beautiful complexion by vtlaj!
v• •. \.j (it y
i. ' - **•/ Improves the
J llealth,
L ?TJOV®» 2>!;Jn Imperfections. sifiT >sBB r»> ults guaranteed
or money refunded. \ "rf
"•( tamp for Free Sam pie, \ A f
Particular* end Testimonials.
Mention thi paper. AfierFfiinK.
Madison Place, Philadelphia, Pa.