Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, March 19, 1908, Image 4

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    GanQepon Sourjfj j?re<?s I
Ed', 11 11 1 Manager.
Per year 00
It paid inadvam fl 50
Advertisement > a.r < lubiishedat tlie rate of one
loHarpersquareforon insertion and Hftycents
oersquare for each suh-'UUiiit insertion.
Rates by the year or for six or three months are
ow aim uniform, and will be furnished on appli
cation .. _
Legal and Official Utvcrtisni;,'per square, three
lines or less,s2 00: each subsequent insertlonoO
ceuts per square.
Local notices! en cents per line for onet nscrtion
dve cents per line for eachsubaequeutconsecutive
Insertion. ,
Obituary notices over five lines, ten cents per
i ae. Slmpleannonncementsofhirthß,marriages
and deaths will he inserted free.
Busiuess Cards, live lines or less $5. t'Operyear
over five lines, at the regular rates of advertising
No loealinserted for less than 75 cts. per issue.
The Job department of the PRBSS is complete.
And aHords facilities for doing the best class of
Printing. , ~,
No paper will he discontinued until arrearages
are paid, except at the option ofthe publisher.
Papers sent out ofthecounty must be paid for
in advance.
O-No advertisements will he accepted at less
ban the price for fifteen words.
Religious notices free.
Editor P*cu&: —
Please announce that I am a candidate for re
election to the position of Supt. of Public Schools
of Cameron county, subject to the decision of
the convention of School Directors of Cameron
county, held on the first Tuesday in May, 1908.
Emporium, Pa~ Jan,
Editor Press:—
Please announce that I am a candidate for the
position of Superintendent of Public Schools of
Cameron county, subject to the decision of the
convention of School Directors of Cameron
countv, held on the first Tuesday in May. 1908,
Lumber, Pa.. Jan. 4th, 1908. 47
Editor Press:—
Your are requested to announce tay name as a
a candidate for the office of Supt. ofthe Public
Schools of Cameron county, subject to the decis
ion of the school directors in convention assem
bled on the first Tuesday in May, 1908.
Lumber, Pa., Jan. 20th, 19U8.—tc.
Prof. h. A. Howell, of Havana, Cuba >
Recommends Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy.
"As long ago us I can remember my
mother was a faithful user and frienu of
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, but never
in my life have I realized its true value
until now," writes Prof. H. A. Howell
of Howell's American School, Havana,
Cuba. "On the night of February 'id
our baby was taken sick with a very severe
cold, the next day was worse and the fol
lowing his condition was desperate,
lie could not lie down and it was neces
sary to have him in the anus every mo
ment. iiven then his breathing was dif
ficult. I did not think he would live un
til morning. At last 1 thought of my
mother's remedy, Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy, which we gave, and it afforded
prompt relief, and now, three days later,
he has full}' recovered. Under the cir
cumstances I would not hesitate a moment
in saying that Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy, and that only, saved the life of
on; - dear little boy.'' For sale bv L.
When a man writes as follows don't
you think he mo-ins it? S. G. Williams,
Powderly Texas, says:"l have suffered
tor years with Kidney and Bladder
trouble, using every preparation I came
across and taking many prescriptions all
without relief until my attention was call
ed to Pineules. After 30 days' trial
§1.00). lam feeling Cue. Money re
funded if not satisfied. Sold by It. C.
Dodsoa. 3m
MenZan Pile Remedy cotncs ready to
use, put up in a collapsible tube with
nozzle attached. One application proves
its merit. Soothes and heals, reduces
inflammation and relieves soreness and
itching. For all forms of Files. Priee
50c. Guaranteed. Sold by R. C. Dod
son. 3m
ManZan Pile Remedy, price 50c is
guaranteed. Put up ready to use. One
application prompt relief to any form ol
Piles. S thes and heals. Sold by R.
C. Dodson. 3m
Best Healer in the World.
Rev. F. Starbird, of East Raymond,
Maine, says: ''l have used Isucklen's
Arnica Salve for several years, on my
old army wound, and other obstinate
sores, and find it the be:-t healer in the
world. I use it too with great success
in my veterinary business.' Price 25c,
at all drug stores.
For Diseases of the Skin.
Nearly all diseases of the skin such as
eczema, tetter, salt rheum and barbers'
itch, are characterized by an intense itch
ing and smarting, which often makes life
a burden and disturbs sleep and rest.
Quick relief may be had by applying
Chamberlain's Salvo. It allays the itch
ing and smarting almost instantly. Many
cases have been cured by its use. For
sale by L. Taggart.
30 days'trial SI.OO is the ofter on
Pineules. Relieve Backache, Weak
Back, Lame Rack, Rheumatic pains.
Best on gale for Kidneys, Rladder and
Blood. Good for young and old. Satis
faction guaranteed or money refunded.
Sold by 11. C. Dodson. 3m
Mr. John Riha,of Vining, la., says:
"I have been selling DeWitt's Kidney
and Bladder Pills for ab( ut a year and
they give better satisfaction than any
pill I ever sold. I have used them my
self with fine results." Sold by li. C.
I From our Regular Correspondent. 1
Washington, March 14, 1908.
The arrival oft C Atlantic licet
at Magtlelena Bay. Southern Cali
fornia, without accident and four
days ahead of schedule time is the
occasion of the utmost gratification
to the Prcsiddnt and the naval
authorities in Washington. This
is the largest cruise so large a fleet
ever undertook in the world's his
tory and its satisfactory completion
is properly the occasion of gratifi
cation. Admiral Evans has sent
an official report to the Navy De
partment and the President has
caused to be sent a telegram of con
gratulation to the brave Admiral
who, in spite of great physical af
fliction, has so ably commanded
the great fleet on its long voyage,
incidentally, the forcasters of evil
who were so certain the licet would
come to grief in Magellan Straits
will have to thiuk up some other
dire ending for the flower of the
The submarine boat scandal in
the House is assuming unfortunate
proportions. Xot only has Repre
sentative Lilley made a startling
statement of the improper influence
exerted by the submarine boat com
pany, but Representative Hobson,
formerly Lieutenant of the Navy,
lias testified that when he first
came to Congress a representative
of the company, who had been his
classmate at Annapolis, called him
up over the telephone, after first
writing him several letters to which
he paid 110 attention, and assured
him he would, if desired, secure
Hobson's appointment by Speaker
Cannon 011 the committee on Naval
Affairs. Mr. Hobson told him he
did not desire submarine boat in
fluence and secured the appoint
ment without assistance on the
recommendation of the Democratic
leader, Mr. Williams. The com
mittee which Mr. Cannon has ap
pointed to investigate this affair
does not seem to be anxious to
develop the facts but with a few
more witnesses like Hobson they
will come out whether or 110.
Senator Carter is also endeavor
ing to secure an investigation in
the Senate of the so-colled Bieber
land scandal, whereby one Sidney
Bieber, the special protege and
friend of Speaker Cannon, secured
legislation calculated to secure to
Bieber title to about twenty acres
of land 011 the river front in this
city, along that section of the Ana
costia River on which Congress
I has already expended $.'500,000 for
! improvements and on which it is
planned to spend probably S-i,-
000,000 altogether.
Frank J Cheney makes oath that he
is senior partner of the firm of F. J.
Cheney & Co., doing business in the
city of Toledo, County and State afore
said, and that said firm will pay the
for each and every case of Catarrh that
cannot be cured by the use of Hall's
Catarrh Cure. FRANK J CHENEY.
Sworn to before me and subscribed
in my presence, this 6th day of Decem
ber, A. D., 1886.
(SEAL.) Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intern
ally, and acts directly on the blood and
mucuous surfaces of the system. Sond
for testimonials free.
F J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, O.
Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Take
Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
State Highway Department
SEALED proposals will be received by the
State Highway Department of Pennsylvania,
under the act approved May Ist, 1005, for the
construction of 4,348 feet of road, extending from
the township line of Gibson Township through
the village of Sinnamahoning, along the Hinna
mahoning Creek to the bridge over the First
Fork, in Grove Township, in the county of Cam
eron. Plans and specifications can be seen at
the office of the county commissioners, Empori
um, and at the office of the State Highway De
partment, Harrisburg, Pa. Kidding blanks will
be furnished by the State Highway Department
upon request. Bids must be endorsed "PROPO
and received at the office of the State Highway
Department not later than March 26,1908.
3-4t State Highway Commissioner.
Administratrix Notice.
EsUtte of LE GRAND COOK, deceased.
"VTOTICE is hereby given that letters testa
.l > mentary upon the Estate of LeGrand Cook
late of Emporium, Cameron county, Pennsyl
vania, have been granted to the undersigned.
All persons indebted to said estate will make
immediate payment and those having claims
present same, without delay, to
NELLIS PEARL FELL, Administratrix.
F. D. LEET, Att'y.
Emporium, l'a., March sth, 1908.—5-4t.
y In these days when youth is the moving factor when man has made his mark at thirty-five and is dubbed e
H "has been" at forty; when business houses pension the man we used to call middle aged, rather than allow his
I lagging influence to intrude upon the modern commercial rush —a bald head is a serious handicap.
In the social world it is equally bad for a man, while for a woman it is fatal.
Few people can afford a bald head. Even those who can those who are fixed socially, financially and matri
-1 monially have no wish to do so. But afford it or not, thousands of us are bald, either partially or wholly.
What caused baldness whether an inherited tendency; whether through undue menta* effort, sickness, dandru.t
■ or other scalp disease makes no difference. What we want is HAIR.
Millions of dollars have been spent in vain 6fforts to grow hair on bald heads. Other millions have been spent
I in an effort to restore faded gray hair to its natural shade, and still others to banish dandruff. And still dandruff
I declined to disappear; hair refused to grow; lost tints of brown, blonde and auburn failed to return.
All this, however, is of the past. Failures have give place to success. A real hair tonic has at last been found.
REXALL "93" HAIR TONIC is a positive cure for all hair and scalp troubles- It is not sticky or gummy, will
| not thicken on hair, does not become rancid, has no disagreeable odor. It is clean, agreeable ana pleasant to use.
nrv«i t I.l*lo Tnutn Remember that dandruff is proof STORY QF NINETY-THREE sent enthusiastic
fe REXALL 93 HAIR TONIC positive that microbes areat work on reports of the remedy and gave de. |f
li' 112 , . „ .... the roots of your hair. Then is the REXALL 93 HAIR TONIC. tails °f the splendid effect in each ||
jfe Cures all cases dandrufl, falling time t0 b of Rexall » 93 » ™ individual case. M
§«• hair, irritation of the scalp, baldness, , r , . . We therefore selected" NINETY- |R
■ premature fading, scanty growth, and "'J 1 an egm ' Before placing REXALL "93" HAIR THREE" HAIR TONIC as the FL
BFI all those annoying affections of the 011 1 WULT UNLI ' OU ARE A TONIC on the market we realized name 0 f this preparation, which we
scalp which scientists have found - - that we had a formula of exceptional believe to be the best. Could any I
WlO be due to the presence of mi- "GREATLY ADDS TO BEAUTY." value, and yet we determined to give other name be so significant of merit?
■ crobes. REXALL "93'' IIAIR TONIC can moS (; highly recommend it a thorough trial before we offered Any test have been more fair ? Any
I restores the hair by first killing the mi' Rexall '93' Hair Tonic as the best it as a Rexall preparation. \\ e there- results more encouraging ?
■ crobes, by supplying a nutritive food of preparations for the preservation fore wrote to one hundred druggists j n bu y; n g REXALL "93" HAIR igfj
H element upon which the injured hairs of the hair and the promotion of its in as many cities, asking the name of TONIC you take no chances what-
I may feed and regain health and healthy growth. It not only pre- one customer who suffered from a ever If after a trial you are not ■
I strength by cleansing the scalp and serves the hair and stops it from disease of the hair and scalp, io mo re than satisfied we will promptly
■ strengthening the hair follicles. It falling, ut it gnes it a g °ss an each of these customers we sent and cheerfully refund your money.
I assists nature to restore ihe color by fatness which greatly adds to its three bottles of the hair tonio and > i
I making the hair healthy and enabling <93 asked . them to try it and report SOLD ONLY AT OUR STORE.
it to draw its own coloring matter to the hair if she desires to keep her u ' >on IfiRPF RATTI F Rf! flF
from the pigment glands in the scalp. hair in the best condition." THE RESULT: Five reported no LHnUC Dull IX; Ob
Jt is not a dye. —Mrs. J. C. HALL, • Palmyra, N. Y. answer, two reported adversely and MAIL ORDERS FILLED.
I MRS. M. A. ROCKWELL, Druggist | |
The Store Ip
A Pleasant Physic.
When you want a pleasant physic <:ive
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver 'J'abiets
a trial. They are mild arid gentle in
their action and always produce a pleas
ant cathartic efFect. Call at L. Taggurt's
drug store for a free sample.
No use to Die.
"I have found out that there is no use
to die of lung trouble as kin;; as you
can get Dr. King's New Discovery,"
says Mrs. J. P. White, of Rushboro. Pa.
"I would not be alive to-day only for
that wonderful medicine. It loosens up
a cough quicker than anything else, and
cures lunec diseases even after the case is
pronounced hopeless." This most reli
able remedy for coughs and colds, la
grippe, asthma, bronchitis and hoarse
ness, is sold under guarantee at ail drug
stores. 50c and 81.00. Trial bottle
The Lucky Quarter.
Is the one you pay out for a box of
Dr. King's New Life Pills. They bring
you the health that's more precious than
jewels. Try them for headache, bilious
ness, constipation and malaria. If they'
disappoint you the price will be cheer
fully refunded at. alldrng > tores.
Kodol '< it K'iiMitific preparation of
|vi "table acids with riatun.i 'i»estant.»
;.nd eontai'.s the miiug juices foVind in
healthy stemach. Each dose will dige.-t |
moi". than o,OUO grains of good food.
Sold by 11. C Dudson.
King's Little Liver Pills for bilious
iit:-> and siek headache. They clean the
system and clear the skin. Price U.ic.
Try them. Sold by 11. 0. Dotison. 3m
Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup acts
gently yet promptly on tin. bowels and
allays inflammation at the same time. 1(
is pleasant to take. Sold by It. C. Dod
Latest Popular Music.
Miss May Gould, teacher of piano
forte has received a full line of the lat
est and most popular sheet music. All
the popular airs. Popular and class
ical music. Prices reasonable.
1 al! persons are hereby forbidden from
; t '< spassinf.' upon the property of this
1 Company without a permit from this
1 office, or the ft'a:':*• r at the works.
Keybtoni- v.'dkk Mfg. Co.
Emporium, P. . *.i\;ir>! Int. VIO"
j The Cougli Syrup that
1 rids the system of a cold
by acting as a cathartic on the
j bowels is
- . — i
Bees is the original laxative cough syrup,
contains no opiates, gently moves the
bowels, carrying the cold off through the
natural channels. Guaranteed to give
satisfaction or money refunded.
■ A Safe, Certain Relief for Suppreksud Menstbuatio w. I
■ NEVER KNOWN TO FAIL. Saf.>! Sure! Bpeedj ! Satis- H
■ faction (iuarautct'tl or Money Refunded. Seut prepaid
■ for SI.OO per box. Will acini thein on trial, to bo paid for ■
when relieved. Samples Free. If jour druggist does not H
■ liavo tliom send your orders to the
Sold in Emporium by L. Taggart and
R. C. Dodson
' t.'h <ir photo of Invention for I
< free report on pnfetitnbilitv. For free book, r
Before IJshif; If you have pimples, blotch"*,
JS&-7*;~. or other akin Imperfections, y * .
can remove them and have a clcs
I md beautiful complexion by ufiog
• * J:1 !t M Bi ke d l!ew
■ ""V." Improves the
3-"nov«es Skin Imperfections. flar*'
Beneficial results guaranteed
or money refunded. jJ
Send etamp for Free Sample, VQ*
Particulars and Testimonials.
Mention this paper. After Using.
Mad»son Place, Philadelphia, Pa.
■ ley's Money and Tar
.. jc-ds < ~w: l r pneutnoah .