THE TIME TEST. That Is What Prove# True Merit, Dean's Kidney Pills bring the quick est of relief from backache and kid tney troubles. Is that relief lasting? Let Mrs. James M. Long, of Jl3 Augusta St, Staunton, Va., tell you. On.lanuary 31st, 1903, Mrs. Long wrote: "Doan's Kid ney Pills have cured me" (of pain in the back, urinary trou bles, bearing down sensations, etc.) On June 20th, 1907, four and one-half years later, she said: "I haven't had kidney trouble since. I repeat my testimony." Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. HIS ONLY OPPORTUNITY. "Does .■ " V if, 1,.-r •p. major?" "No, I talk in her sleep—it's the only chance I get." SHE COULD NOT WALK For Monthc—Burning Humor on Ankles —Opiates Alone Brought Sleep —Eczema Yielded to Cuticura. "I had eczema for over two years. I had two physicians, but they only gave me relief for a short time and I cannot enumerate the ointments and lotions I used to no purpose. My ank les were one mass of sores. The itch ing and burning were so intense that I could not sleep. I could not walk for nearly four months. One day my hus band said Iliad better try the Cuticura Remedies. After using them three times I had the best night's rest in months unless I took an opiate. I used one set of Cuticura Soap, Oint ment, and Pills', and my ankles healed In a short time. It is now a year since I used Cuticura, and there has been no return of the eczema. Mrs. David Brown, Locke, Ark., May 18 and July 13, 1907." Gloomy Outlook. Long Winded Orator (lowering hl3 voice to an impressive whisper)— "Have you ever, O, my friends, al lowed yourselves to wonder where you ■will be and what you will be doing when another century shall have rolled around?" Wearied Auditor (in an equally im pressive whisper)—" Yes—we'lls —we'll still be here waiting for you to finish your speech!" STATIC OF OHIO. CITY OP TOLEDO, I LUCAS COUTY. t FRANK J. CUKVRY makes oath that ho Is senlov partner of the Ann of K. J. CUBNKY & Co.. doing LuuliicMt* In the City of Toledo. County and btato •foresaid. and that Raid tlnu will pay the sum of ONE II CXDICED DOLLAItS for each and every case of C ATA Kitn that cauoot he cured by the use of KIALL.'B CATAUKU CUKE. FRANK J. CnENEY\ 6worn to before me and subscribed In uiy presence, tlil* 6th day of December, A. D.. I*S6. f A. W. GLEASON, NOTARY PUBLIC. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally and acta directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, bend for testimonial!*, free. F. J. CHENEY Cot" Hon arm or oraator i raluo than any othar «r-« mhooa In tha world to-day. Tfc# W. L. Douglas $4 and $5 Gilt Edge Shoes Cannot Be Equalled At Anj Piloe nxcumvov. *r VACTIOW. W. L. Douglas nam# and price 1» «t*mp«l on bottom. Tnkf !»• flobatltnte. Bold by the he«t ®hoe dealrm ererrwhertb Shoot IMuedirom factory to any part of tbo world. Ilia*, laitod Catalog free to any addreM. _ _ W. JL. DOIJQLAJIi »r«flitfß, MM»* SICK HEADACHE » c n - B - rft '' A l* >0 »tll v elv cured by CARTERS theseLm, * pi,,s |H|| They also relieve Dls* ITTI F f "ojc Dyspepsia, In* # f-M ||| |» m digestion and Too Hearty mM I Eating. A perfect rem* mm 2|| a| a edy for Dizziness, Nau* Hi I LLpt sea. Drowsiness, Had J Taste in the Mouth, Coat* MPfl ed Tongue, Pain in the IBide, TORPID LIVER. They rebate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. SMALL PILL SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. PADTCD'cI Genuine Must Bear UAmCno Fac-Simile Signature VITTLE _ * REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. jaaMMwaMMßOEini jm m»m in r«iirm afwuTtwaag LIVE STOCK AND MISCELLANEOUS Electrotypes IN GREAT VARIETY FOR, SALE oAT THE LOWEST PRICES BY A.N.KELLOGG NEWSPAPER CO. 73 W. Adams St., Chicago SteCAPWE ALL ACHES Anrl Nervousarss W Trial bottle I6c AidrufttcrM RFAHFRQ of 'his paper de- HL/ill/LllwJ siring to buy any thing advertised in its columns should insist upon having what they ask for, refusing all substi tutes or imitations. orrn THAT'S PURE A***. J*» P" I I All onr •♦•♦ ml is t.ofttedW o ■■ I I II and warranted to be |K7^Vvv/% Vla Em ft# reliable. Write for our new Catalogue. It's FKEK. J. J. H. Brebort A Bcm, Marblehc ad. Mm. If Interested in poultry, write for our new booklet 20 Years with Poultry Illustrated. Brimful of facts nnd up-to-date ideas for the advanced poultry miser. r'KKF! GEO. 11. I.EK CO., Omaha, Nebr. PATENTS™* TP, ADE MARKS "b --, talnwl. defended and prosecuted by AIMMMR .V ■HItVEI.L, Pairnl l..nm (h*tablished 1(157.) 607 7tli St.. N. W., WASHINGTON. b. 5 Book A of information rent FKEK. A. N. K.—C (1908—7) 2217. 7