Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, January 30, 1908, Image 8

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    Xatcet Countv orresponfcence.
Miss Losey, 112 Sterling Hun, visited
friends in town Sunday.
We were ohi<j< d to omit in last week's
PRESS the seven round bout between A.
E. Lord, Jr., and Frank Sullivan, which
resulted in a draw. The purse being
equally divided.
I). E. Spangler of Sterling Run, was
in town Tuesday looking over the electric
lock and block.
Joe Yacalano, one of foreman Ander
son's men, is quite ill with the grip.
The Swartwood orchestra of Empori
um will bold a danco in the K. G. E
hall next Friday night.
It. N. Beck visited his parents at Em
porium Sunday.
Mrs. G. L. Page visited her home
at St. Marys over Sunday.
Fire was discovered in the New Cam
eron House at 0:30 Tuesday morning, in
the partition between the bar room and
the liquor room, and was burning very
rapidly when discovered, but with the as
sistance of the neighbors Mr. Walker suc
ceeded in dutting it out and saving the
building, but most of the goods were de
stroyed. The most of the goods were
carried outside but through the hurry
and excitement, what was carried out was
broken or smashed to pieces. Loss is
estimated at §BOO. Mr. Walker had no
insurance. The fire again broke out at
.3:155 p. m., but was soon extinguished.
-J. F. B.
Estella Duling of the city spent Sun
day with her parents.
F. E. Swesey called on Lewis Run and
Slab town friends Sunday.
Ctystal I lousier of Emporium is visit-
Elk Fork relatives.
Murdock McNeal had a foot injured
an Spence's lumber job on Hicks Run.
M. F. Hamilton, V. S., was in the
valley Sunday.
Clinton Ostrum, of West Creek called
on his Slabtown friends Sunday.
A number of friends of Rev. and Mrs.
C. A. Dow, surprised them Friday night.
Ilenrv Carter of North Creek was the
guest of Lock wood Station friends last
John Buck of Sbintown, visited Pat
rick Duling and family Sunday.
Jas Dixon moved from town into Geo.
E. Housler's house at Cooks Run.
11. J. Newton, while painting for R.
Loekwood last week, fell from a ladder
seriouslv injuring himself.
Every one who owns a team is busy
hauling logs for one or another of our
various jobbers.
Eugene Dulling of the city,was on our
streets Tuesday.
C. M. S.
Mr. Washington of Pine Street is very
ill, with little hopes for his recovery.
Robert Whiting of Richwood, W.Va.,
is visiting friends and relatives in town.
Wm. Wing left town on Monday for
Filmore, N. Y., where he intends work
Mrs.Jennie Mason returned home from
St. Marys Monday.
The social in Brooks' hall Satur flay
night was well attended, clearing §l2.
Mrs. Ellen Mason, who has been ill
with grip is reported better.
Mrs. Maggie Pauley of Driftwood,
visited friends and relatives in town the
past week.
P. E. Trump of Olean, N. Y., was
called here Saturday on account of the
illness of his grand-father W. Mason.
Miss Bubb of Williamsport was the
guest of her aunt. Mrs. John May.
Clyde Mason of Shyrock, W. Va., ar
rived in town Tuesday to visit friends
and relatives.
Mr. Burns has moved his family in J.
W. house at Pine Street.
Mrs. Bibiana Spangler was an Empo
rium visitor Tuesday.
They took Mrs. O. B. Tanner of Ma
son Hill to the Lock Haven hospital SunJ
day, for an operation.
Mrs. Cora Stewart's youugest daubg
ter Grace, has been quite ill the past
Geo. Star, who has been working
at Dents Ruu, was in town a few days
the past week.
Mrs. Houser of Olean, came here Tues
day morning on account of the illness of
her grand-father.
Evangeline Brooks ol Sinnamahoning,
attended the social in Brooks' hall, Sat- j
urday evening.
Mrs. W. 11. Smith was an Emporium !
visitor Monday.
Miss Gladys O'Keefe and friend Miss
Barr of Mix Run, were entertained by j
the former's mother, Mrs. Martha Smith,
on Saturday.
Miss Winnie Losey was a Cameron
visitor Saturday and Sunday.
Mrs, Geary and daughter, Mrs. Sykes, j
of Lock Haven, were called here the past :
week on account of the illness ef the ;
former's daughter, Mrs. 0. B. Tanner.
Hulbert Smith was out exercising his
line colt, ''Dexter," Tuesday.
Blue Bei.l.
The members of Sinnamahoning Lodge
No. 1 LJK, I.(). 0. F., accepted the iu
; vitation of our pastor, Brother llev. Con
way Wiug Dirk iin to attend service on
j Sunday morning, .lan. 20th. Twenty
j four members formed at the hall, and at
j the sound of ilie bell marched to the M.
10. church, where they listened to a fine
discourse and earnest appeal to attend
church oftener and to always remember
our motta."Fraternity, Love and Truth."
Several members from Driftwood at
The members of the P. O. S. of A.,
assisted in the institution of a Camp at
Hicks Hun, last Thursday evening
with twenty-one charter members. The
new Camp starts with bright prospects.
A bounteous banquet was served aud an
enjoyable time was had bv alh
V. E. Crum was an Emporium visitor
Geo. P. Jones of Emporium, was in
town Tuesday.
L. C. Wykoff of First Fork, was in
t.iwn Monday.
Clyde Krebs and Jas. Mead left for the
gas works in llammersley Fork.
W. J. Mead aud family of Renovo
are visiting here.
The P. & E. carpenters are putting
some improvements on the station here.
Edward Verbeck is moving into the
house of Chas. Krebs.
A party of young people gave a sur
prise party to Master Harry Ensign on
Tuesday evening. All report a good
U. H. Wykofl of Mix Run visited his
family over Sunday.
The mighty hunters are in the woods
looking for big frame. Anything from a
chipmoqk to a bear.
Mrs. Geo. Batchelder and daughter
Eula ar visiting at Huntley.
Mrs. Martha Beldin visited Emporium
Amos Bennett went to Laquin Tues
J. Hawley Baird, who has been ill
with typhoid fever, is improving.
There was quite a strife for the nomi
nation of high constable on Satuiday,
but J. Henry Logue beat his friend John
Swartz by six votes.
Our bakery is doing a fine business.
J. V. Strayer is an old hand at the busi
ness and knows how get a good trade.
Miss Grace Lupoid visited friends in
Sterling Run last Saturday and Sunday.
A sleigh load of Driftwood's young
people visited our town Monday evening.
Evangeline Brooks attended a church
social at Sterling Hun Saturday night.
Ralph Shafer, wife and daughter, of
Benezette were visitors in town Sunday.
Heber Wykoff was home last Satur
day. His father I). J. Wykoff, who
was sick, is able to be out again.
Rev. Conway Dickson began a series
of revival services in the M. E. church
last Sunday night.
J. Herman Krebs, who has the posi
tion of bridge inspector for the B. & S.
is inspecting the bridges here this week.
Mrs. V. A. Brooks is visiting her
daughter Mrs. Wra. Piper at Galeton.
Mrs. Cal. Swarfz entertained her sis
ter Mrs, Murray of Emporium Tuesday.
Glen Bailey purchased a new Edison
talking machine this week.
There is some hopes of sleighing now.
Richard Lawson visited his parents
Sunday last.
A big card party was held at John
Lawson's, Thursday night and everybody
reports a good time.
Bessie E. Whaley visited friends in
Emporium Sunday last.
Robert Wiley visited friends in Em
porium Saturday last.
There was a large surprise party held
at John Smith's.
We are sorry to ham that C. R.
Morrison, of this place, got badly in
jured at Hix Run Friday last. He is
having bad luck.
At Aaransburg, at 8 o'clock Monday
evening, Jan. 20th, 1908, Abner Hill,
of Medix Run, and Eva Wanco, of
Aaronsburg, wore united in marriage at
the parsonage of their minister, at that
place. They will make Aaronsburg their
future home.
Dr. Mock is able to be up. All the
fever patients are doing well at this writ
Mr. Winslow was re-nominated for
school director. He is not sore.
If a cough once gets into your system i
it acts on every muscle and fibre of the j
body and makes you ache all over. It
especially affects the intestines and makes
you constipated, so in order to get rid of
a cold thoroughly and without delay you
should not take anything that will tend
to constipate. Kennedy's Laxative
Cough Syrup acts upon the bowels and
thereby drives theeold out of the system-
It contains no opiates—it is pleasant to
take and is highly recommended for child
ren. Sold by R. C. Dodson.
A. W. Smith, of I licks Run, visited
friends in town over Sunday.
Geo. W. Starr, of Hicks Run, was a
| business caller in town this week.
Mrs. James K. Jordan, of Emporium,
visited 15. J. Collins and family Satur-
I day.
County Supt. Miss Collins called 011
| her brother Friday.
Mr. Biam, of Andover, N. Y., has
1 returned home after visiting his sister,
Mrs. John Jordan.
Geo. Batchelder and wife, of Sinna
mahoning, are visiting J. S. Jordan
and family.
Wayne Nelson spent Sunday with
friends in Shintown.
Darius Ives has cut off his mous
tache, Darius is a sorry man, for he is
afraid that inflammation will set in
and he will get whiskeritus 011 account
j of the drop in temperature.
llena Carson, of Shintown, is visit
| ing Mrs. A. F. Nelson.
A large number of our voters attend
ed the primary election in Driftwood
j Saturday. There seems to be plenty of
I good timber for Associate Judge this
; year.
Melvin Logue, of First Fork, was a
guest of William Logue Thurday.
Alice Jordan has returned from a
visit among friends in Castle Garden.
Charlie, youngest son of J. S. Jordan,
injured his leg on Wednesday while
trying to get in a wagon.
George Hill, of Grove Ilill, called on
; his daughter, Gertrude Hill, Monday.
| Mr. Hill there is plenty of snow 011 the
; Hill.
Kathryn Johnson lias returned from
! a visit with her sister in Renovo.
J. A. James and Herman Jones are
i taking their turn with "grip" this
j week under care of W. R. Smith, T. N.
| Brother Parks says:
j Jesse Jauies and Herman Jones,
I Have aches and pains all through their bones;
I The air is filled with mournful groans,
| They are a sorry pair.
| But Kaymand Smith with his pink pills,
1 Will knock the tar out of their chills,
| He is the boy to cure their ills,
And take away their cares.
W. W. Johnson spent Sunday with
; friends in Driftwood.
J. P. s.
It depends upon the pill you take.
DeWitt's Little Early Risers are the best
i pills known for constipation and sick
! headache. Sold by R. (.'. Dodson.
Itch cured in 30 minutes by Wood
j ford's Sanitafy Lotion. Never fails.
I Sold by L. Taggart, druggist. 32-lyr.
Fever Sores.
Fever sores and old chronic sores should
| not be healed entirely, but should be kept
jin healty condition. This can be done
Iby applying Chamberlain's Salve. This
i salve has no superior for this purpose.
! It is also most excellent for chapped hands,
| sore nipples, burns and diseases of the
skin. For sale by L. Taggart.
Everybody loves our baby, rosy sweet
and warm,
With kissy places on her neck and dimples
on her arms.
Once she was so thin and cross, used to
cry with pain—
Mother gave her Cascasweet, now she's
well again. Sold by R. C. Dodson.
A Cure for Misery.
"I have found a cure for the misery
malaria poison produces,'" says R. M.
Jamee, of Louellen. S. C. "It's called
l Electric Ritters, and comes in 50 cent
bottles. It breaks up a ease of chills or
a bilious attack in almost 110 time; and
it puts yellow jaundice clean out of
commission." This great tonic med
icine and blood purifier pives quick re
lief in all stomach, liver and kidney
complaints and the misery of lame back.
Sold under guarantee at all drug store?.
It Does the Business.
E. E. Chamberlain, of Clinton, Maine,
says of Bucklen s Arnica Salve. "It
does the business; I have used it for piles
and it cured them. Used it for chapped
hands and it cured them. Applied it to
an old sore and it healed it without leav- |
ing a scar behind." 25c at all drug j
Kennedy's j
Cough Syrup
Relieves Colds by working them out
of the system through a copious and
healthy action of the bowels.
Relieves coughs by 'cleansing the
mucous membranes of the throat, chest
and bronchial tubes.
"As pleasant to the taste
as Maple Sugar"
Children Like It»
DeWitt's Kidnej and Bladdir Pills-Sure and Safe
Sold by R. C. Dodson.
S\ A \ N \ \ \ N \ \ \. \y,
t ADAM, /
/ 390-408 Main Street, /,
y BUFFALO, N. Y. \
<■ |
' Half Price for I
% %\
/ . / •
; Coats am Suits;
%. | '
■/ We are now holding a great y / j
. Clearance Sale of Suits, Coats £ j
and fancy Gowns which will pay '% j
/ you to take advantage of. Every /
j garment is up to-the-minute in
style, and the values are the
'% greatest we have ever offered. /
' §ls Coats, 50 inches long; all- £
/ wool dark Cf* QQ
/ mixtures 4)0.30
/ Caracul Coats if
/ Regular 20.00 up to $75.00 /
/ Now 10.00 up to 37.50
/ Persian Cloth Coats /
/ Regular §IO.OO s2l 50 $22.50 y
N0w.... 8.00 10.75 11.25
' Suits %
' S3O line Worsted Suits; 28 and %.
; sassi sis.oo;
/ S4O line Worsted, Cheviot and /
- S". $20.00 "
/ /
' Furs <
/ The greatest bargains in furs /
"■£ ever known We end the selling
season with the most remarka- '
/ able reductions ever known in /
the fur business:
/ % |
' We flefund Railroad Fares /
g In connection with the *
' Chamber of Commerce we /
/ refund your railroad fares |
/ according to the amount of
/ yonr purchase. % \
/ | I
American Block. Buffalo, N.V. /
I "
/■V \ \ A <V \ \.\ \ \ \ \\
Kodol or Indigestion.
Relieves sour stomach,
palpitation of the heart. Digests what you eat.
New Wash Goods
Arc Now on Sale and Await your Inspection.
Here are a Few o | Soi Perlee, A magnificent sheer material, in
of ii t 4/ I=3 tff] woven with silk, very elegant Cft„
Hie New Weaves | Fior.i ,ie»i g ,. s , price; wc
v «... „ , Paris Tissue, A line Silk Mull, printed in
ful new Japanese Silk beautiful designs of roses and other OS C
32 inches wide, in [\ 7 flowers, price __ < " M '
black, white, light y ] "V\ Imported Scotch Ginghams, Very styl
hlue and pink jr ish ' lar S e aild * rnall checks, splendid OC
per yard || \ jj 1 quality, price £DC
Tokio Silk a thin Silk ————
finished wash cloth in black, red, white U/o Itfill flO
light blue and pink - A SnlmirJirl nPW A«- « nillUH
Soisette. a beautiful silk finished cloth abso
jpicnuiu new «=>- pi ease (t f 0 ma ;|
lutely fast colors. Black, white, light blue and | oomnlnt* nf nur
I^e,.'^ cl tai 8 p^ i,lB " ft ' lotor 25c Isortment of Laces sa *S »« r
Silk Dot Muslin, for party and evening J . .
dresses, all the light shades per yard JL and Emb Xoi(le tie S (liS6 tO Ollt Of
Nero Cloth, a uew and beautiful Linen linished _______ i nuin niietnmnre
cloth for suits 111 brown and tan, pink, light J luWII CuSTOITIBrS
blue, rae'd blue, full .s(> in. wide, "J C _ Is now on sale. All the qpqp jj§ POSTAL
absolutely fast color, price - - latest novelties are shown and CARD AND the NEXT
New White Goods You must see them to appre- |we oiler many special bar- MAIL WILL BRING
ciate their beauty and quality, lO} CA. 1 „ a .j ns , YOU THE SAMPLES
Many new weaves, prices I£*2 IU JVC. | *>'
We earnestly ask you to closely V T TTV
inspect our * 13 W
W&p American
Beauty Corset .
K*F' ( -ir■ (Kalamazoo Corset Co., Makers)
\\ ... 1 ■ 1 TheOnfyHose x?'
112 \ \ Cari ' y a varuHl as " thai is
V\W / \ ) sortment in sttick and are pleased Knit 60 Fit
// \J at all times to show this exquisite
\\\ corset to those ladies interested. •e- _ .
\\ \\ . ... Oeam furrowed Ankle
112 WORKMANSHIP. &******■
J lift These corsets mect eve,, y ,e( l«ir- inX^AlHo" line^? 19BPleDdid j> B6
I I inent aud are made in models to the celebrated (( /
suit every purse and figure. Price J Io "? ,or 11> y ts\
AMERICAN BEAUTY Style 502 ' b Ladieß. J
Kalamazoo Corset Co.. Makers c ©o.UU. PRICE, 25 TO 50c
Rlfl TT7T-XNTT7 1 Emporium's Largest and
• XV. J-ii Finest Dry Goods Store
White m Car
Lconomy in fuel and superior in power.
The most simple and easiest con
trolled car on the market to
day. Will be pleased to
furnish any informa
tion desired.
Address all communications to
Sales agent for Middle Western Penna
j Slephens 8 Co. j
s [Successors to Stephens \
1 & Saunders] \
112 In Jill kinds of farm and
£ kitchen Utensils. ?
\ Bought Cheap for \
Cash and will be j
sold at right prices <
for cash. Prices }
| rangingfromsctosl |
( Gas Heating Stoves and s
\ Horse Blankets. s
For PILES.- External or In
ternal, Blind or Bleeding, Itch
ing or Burning. One applica
tion brings relief.
For Burns, Snnlds, Inflamed
or Caked Breasts and Sore Nip
ples, Salt Rheum, Chapped
Hands, Fever Blisters, Corns,
Bunions. Sample mailed free.
At Druggists, 25 cents, or mailed.
Humphreys' Homeo, Medicine Co., Cor. William
and Joun Streets, New York.
Vital Weakness and Prostra
tion from overwork and other
causes. Humphreys' Homeo
pathic Specific No. 28, in use
over 40 years, the only success
ful remedy. $ 1 per vial, or spec
ial package for serious cases,s3.
Sold by Druggists, or sent prepaid on receipt of price.
Humphreys' Homeo. Mediclno Co., Cor. William
and John Streets. New York.
Weak Women
To weak and ailing women, there is «t least one
way lo help. liut with that way. two treatments,
must bo combined. One U local, one is constitu
tional. hut both are important, both essential.
Hr. .-hoop's Night Cure is tile Local.
I'r Shoop'* I:.storative. the Constitutional,
i'he formel —1 >r .-hoop's Night Cure—is a topicai
mucous membrane suppositorj rem "fly. while Ur
Mioop\ IPMnn.tive is wholly an interna! treat
ment. Th" He-toiative reaches throughout the
entire sy-t -m. ■■ king the repair of all nerve
all tissu ■. and all blood ailments
The "X'ght <'ure", as its name implies, floes it;
work while yo i sleep It soothes sore and inflam
ed mucous surfai.s, heals toenl wealim at. ■
discharge-. while the Restorative. case- nervous
excitement, iriv s renewed v• i;nr and ambition
builds tip « : :> d tis-,u. s, brimmm about renewed
strength, vigor, and *wrgY Tak- I>r .-hoop'
Hestorative—Tablets or Liquid— asgeneral tonic
to the system For positive lwcal lielp. use us wci:
Dr. vSlhoop's
NigTrkt Cure
■\B L 7. AU T \ 112 U L FACE
U"f|j y CU pimpics, blotches.
/- - f#t ether skin imperfections, vca
/ r • v ; ar 4-emovp their- and have a cle:»
J ' ' , v . A .nd beautiful complexion by vr . 112
.j !t Makes Hew
\, *. Vj Improves the
J —£ Health,
RemomSkin Imperfections.
Ilcneiieial results guaranteed ,]Jj
or money refunded. }f
Send stamp for Free Sam pie, "Of /<
I'"reticulars and Testimonials.
Mention this paper. After t'aiuj.'.
Madison Place, Philadelphia, Pa.
KeJ Clover Blossom and t!aney Dee on Every Bottle.
PINEULES for the KicSney*