KMPOiUUM Mi '.LING COMPANY. i'ftjOE LIST. Emporium, Pa., Dec. 30, 19u7. N EMOPHI LA, per sack $1 30 Fell's Fancy, " 165 Pet Grove, " i 65 Graham " 70 Rye " 80 Buckwheat, " 85 Patent Meal " 50 Oourse Meal per 100, 1 45 Chop Feed, " l 15 Middlings 1 55 Middlings. Fancy " M ran 1 45 Chicken Wlreat 1 CO Corn per bushel SO r bushel ti.s Oysl r Shells, per 100 75 -choice < 'lover Seed, ) Ohoice Timothy Heed, ( At Market Pricea Ohoice Millet Seed, S B.C. DODSON, THE K.tU'<>KIH.H, PV. ts LUCATED IM THE CORNER STORE Ai Fourth and Chestnut Sts.. jp> ■l. c.IHIDHON. Telephone, 19-2. LOCAL WEPA RTMENT. PERSONAL GOSSIP. Contributions invited. That which you itould ike to nee in thin department,let 1/t know by poB - card or letter, personally. Ophelia Card returned to Lock Haven Normal this week, after upend ing her vacation at this place. Mrs. J. C. Beldin, accompanied by her grand-daughter Ophelia Card, visited in Dußois last week, guest of her son J. 11. Beldin, of that place. J.lrs. Lizzie Lacey and son, of Re novo, have been guests of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jordan, Chest nut street, during the past two weeks. Mr. and Mrs, 11. N. Knight, of Em porium, were visitors in Lock Haven Friday Congressman C. F. Barclay, of Sinnamahoning, was a visitor in this city Thursday—Lock Haven Democrat. E. C. Davy, of Four Mile, went to St. Marys, Sunday on Flyer to visit his wife, who is seriously ill at the home of her daugeter, Mrs. T. F. More, 310 High Ave. Mrs. C. G. Catlin accompanied her son Arthur to Spring Arbor, Mich., on Monday, where he will enter school. He is an energetic young man and will make his mark some of these days. Sir. and Mrs. W. 11. Welsh have re turned from a delightful visit to their son Ralph and wife, at Medina, N. Y. They also visited at Buffalo and Nia gara Falls, returning home on Thurs day. N. A. Ostrum, of West Creek, was a PRESS visitor on Monday and after re newing his paper for another year in formed us that he was going to attend a meeting of the Alliance Insurance Company at Williamsport, of which he is one of the directors. Mrs. II C. Olmsted, accompanied by her husband, and Mrs. Wm. Hacken burg, went to Philadelphia on Mon day, where Mrs. Olmsted undergoes a very dangerous operation, at German Hospital The many friends of the family hope the operation may be beneficial. Jas. Ostrum and daughter Florence, of Forest House were visiting friends at this place over Suaday and made the PRESS a business call. Mr. Ostrum is just recovering from a severe case of blood poisoning, the result of run ning a nail in his left foot. Mrs. A. Kempher, of Spring street, made her usual prompt visit to the PRESS office last Friday. She has for many years been one of our most es teemed as well as prompt paying pat rons. We regret she is a great sufferer with rheumatism. A. 11. Shaffer and son Jay, of Ridg way, visited in Emporium on Monday and Tuesday, calling on old friends and incidentally called on ye editor. "Al" has just returned from an ex tended surveying visit to West Vir ginia. Call again, friend, you always are welcome. M. J. McLaughlin, of Chaffee, Elk county, was a business caller at the PRESS office on Friday last and pushed his paper ahead another year. Mr. McL, is still in the employ of the Pipe Line Co., as engineer, having recently been sent to Chaffee from Allegany county, where he and his pleasant wife are nearer old friends, and they have many in this county. Gluts. Wood ley, of St. Marys, visited in Emporium on Saturday. Mr. G. F. Balcorn reports hi i partner, ; Mr W. F. Lloyd, improving. JI. H. Nisaley, of Mt. Joy, transacted j business in town this week. Judge B. W. Green attended a wed ding at Lock Haven yesterday. Mrs. J. C. Dinger is visiting her j daughter, Mrs. Ross Overturf, at this J place. j J. B. Meisel has returned from a i pleasant visit to Clermont and other points. Edgar Henry has gono to Canada to erect a jelatine plant. He will be ab j gent about two months. Mrs. Kathrino Bush lias returned : from Bolivar, N. Y., where she visited i Michael Murphy and family. 77. S. Swartwood, clerk in Sinnama- I honing Powder Co's offices at this : place, was a pleasant PRESS visitor last ' evening. j Miss Nellie Turbidy, who visited in I Emporinm last week, guest of Miss Margaret Dodson, returned to Bolivar on Sunday. Geo. Metzger, Jr., went to Elmira, N. Y., on Tuesday to attend a meeting of the New York and Penn'a Tele phone Co. j Mrs. J. B. Schriever and daughter | left on Monday's Flyer for their home |at Scranton, after a delightful visit i with Chas. Zarps and family. Miss Mary Welsh, daughter of Mr. ; and Mrs. Jas. J. Welsh, who has been 1 visiting her parents for two weeks, re -1 turned to Lock Haven Normal on i Monday. Misses Grace and Myrtle Lloyd, who are attending a Musical Conservatory in New York city, returned to New York on Monday, after a pleasant visit at home. C. J. Miller, of Mason Hill, was in J town on Monday and made the PRESS a social visit. Mr. Miller was return ! ing from Olean where he visited with | his cousin O. I). Miller and wife over j Sunday. Mrs. E. O. Bard well, of Buffalo, who I visited in town from Thursday until j Monday, returned home after a pleas ant time with her mother, sisters, | brother and friends. She reports the j Dr. tip-top. Carefully read R. Soger & Co's big Clearance Sale ad in this issue. County Auditors Geo. Wylie, (). B. ! Tanner and Geo. A. Walker are busy ion the county books. A number of Eaßt Ward hotels will ! go "dry" until court transfers the | license.^. Itch cured in 30 minute? by Wood ford's Sanitary Lotion. Never fails. Sold by L. Taggart, druggist. 32-lyr. Another Glass. The seventeenth century puritan 1 preachers talked for two hours or more not "by tb" clock," but by the hour glat-'s A t least one of tliem turned the glass to humorous account. He found himself no further than the mid i (lie of the sermon when the sands had I run out. "Drunkenness" was his sub ! ject, and, reversing the horologe, "Let's j have another glass," said he. Sir Roger L'Estfange tells of a parish clerk who sat patiently until the preacher was three-quarters through his second glass and tin? majority "112 his hearers had quietly left the church. Rising at a convenient pause, he ask ed the minister to close the church door when he had done, "and push the key under it. as he and the few that remained were about to retire." Holme and Philadelphia. The gridiron pattern upon which Philadelphia was laid out was the work of Thomas Ilolme, the surveyor general of Pennsylvania. The design, however, was Penn's own. Little seems to be popularly known of Thom as Holme, although some of his de scendants still live in the city and bear his name, but it is said that all of his vast trac; of land and his city lots j have long . ince passed out of the pos session of his family. A Remarkable Hat. A woman wants a divorce because her husband has purchased her only hat in twenty-live years. It would be interesting to know if there is enough of the hat left to get on straight.—Cleveland Plain Dealer. Social Duty. The idea of social duty dominates our time. We are impregnated with it. It is the most urgent aspiration of the modern conscience and in the | midst of our controversies defies ail our ironies.—Georges Touchard in La Nonvelle Revue, Paris. A Case of Luck. Benevolent Lady—But, my poor man, if you have been looking for work all these years, why is it that you have never found itV Tramp (confidential ly)—lt's luck, mum—just sheer good luck. Often th'j Case. "A man should think twice before I ho speaks." "And a woman three times before she sings." Ilarjip- - Weekly. Immense Clearance Sale. Don't fail to read It. Seger & Co's great clearance sale adv. in this issue. Big bargains for thirty days. During ; this great cash sale some of the great ; est bargains ever given in clothing and ( furnishings will the disposal of ' the public. Come early and often. 46-4 CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, JANUARY 9 1908. The Social Swim. Mr. and Mrs. G. 8. Alien closed tho old year with an enjoyable whist and entertained their friends royaliy, UB they always do. Air, and Mrs. E. E. Forbes gave a wliist last Wednesday evening to the same "gang." Mr. and Mrs. Geo Metzger, Jr., en tertained a number of friends last Fri day evening in honor 01 their brother Ward B. Metzger. BOYS AND GIRLS WANTED,—TO act aa agents for the best line of Souvenir Post Cards ever issued. Any bright boy or girl can very easily earn their own pocket money by working a few hours each day before or after school hours. Send 10c for samples and prices. Address the Farmers Ex change, Pittsfleld, Pa. 47tf ''l trust this may bo read by many suf tiiiuris from kidney and bladder trouble," writes Mrs. Joe King, of Woodlaud, Tex. "I suffered fuur years and could find nothing to give even temporary relief. Our druggist at last iuducod me to try your IK) days days' treatment o! Pinlues for §I .OO. This one bottle has cured me and money could not buy the value it his been to me. Guaranteed at 11. (J. Dodson's drufi store. 3m A King's Dyspepsia Tablet ufu-r raeh meal overcomes indigestion, dyspepsia and other stomaehe ills. Two days' trial tree. Ask our dealer. Sold at l'i. ('. Dodson's drug store. ;j U)i Latest Popular Music, Miss May Gould, teacher of piano forte has received a •'-,11 lino of the lat est and most popular sheet music. All the popular aii>\ Popular and class ical music. Pric-h reasonable. 44-tf. Warning. All persons art- t.vroby forbidden from trespassing upon the property of this Company without a permit trom this office, or tho Superintendant at the works. KEYSTONE POWDICK MFG. CO. Emporium, Pa., August Ist, 1003. White SCar "" ry-J. Economy in fuel and superior in power. The most simple and easiest con trolled car on the market to day. Will be pleased to furnish any informa tion desireri. Address all communications to F. H. REED, CLERMONT, PA. Sales agent for Middle Western Penna. | NEW FIRM I { Stephens & Go.l [Successors to Stephens SPECIAL PRICES. £ \ Gas Heating Stoves. Ten 112 1 per cent. Reduction. j C LADIES SKATES, 80c i { and ,SI.OO. Boy's Skates, > > soc. 5 oc. | * PORTABLE STAND 1 C LAMPS, 25% off for two * \ weeks. s j A. STEPHENS, j rl OUR NFW I IMF OF ll A poor dressmaker can make an ugly |L UUKINfcW LINb Ur WS gown from good material. The cut- 1 I U r I, n J* 4 rtW tmg is as important as the goods. g | Wall Paper for 1908. B mm mm | JL' ( //J V Is not only the most beautiful of IP- Consists of the best things from three factories. Also /'il V writing papers, but ahe outting of the Sjj the Robert Graves Co.'s line of Decoration Paper of all /'v) A /\ sheets and envelops has given to it a P, !.• i | style and "smartness" which appeals [IS] jIJ I /V to discriminating buyers of stationery fjlj The Graves line took first prise in competition at St. J M «y n°t show yon this celebrated paper? |jj| rLi_ Louis against the world. HARRY S. LLOYD, J| Bw93,"Si SP?altagSlßSaagaiiaJiißtiaisSßSSSSSWSiSSM '' \ U i iic (lame from Family l J avorite i J • Icady, white and without soot. iioes not clinr the wick and :« to the last drop without | " ick adjustment. i Family ; 9s | Favorite ■ OH ! V Made from genuine Pennsylvania * :: Crude Oil hy a triple refining pro- S o'.fi, carefully, absolutely uniform. | fj Don't try to get better oil —it ii oesn't exist. | ASK YOUR DEALER. jj Waverly Oil Work: l INDEPUNI)KNT KEFiNERS Oil for All Purposes jj PITTSBURG, PA. BOOKLET SENT FREE ?. ~ , | Pnin in the head—pnin anywh r<>. has its muse Pain Is'oiifje.-tioii.pain istlnoil i r. "tire—nothing Bl«o usually. At least, so suys Dr. Hhoop, and to jrove it ha Ims ereated a little pink tabli't. That tablet- —railed Dr. Shoop's I aelic Tablet— .'paxes blood pressure away from pain centers Its effect is charming, pleasingly delightful. Gently, though safely, it surely the blood circu lation. If you have >, headache, it's blood pressure, if it's piiiriful periods with « inn'ti. smtnis ratise. If you are ileeplMS, restlen, n irvou#. it's blood ronrre.tion—blood pressure. Thai ->:r»-ly is a - rt; i !v. for Dr. Shoop's Headaelio Tublots Stop : i!i i i,. : !iut.'s, and t!i.- tablets sdupljr distribute tli" unnatural bluod pr.-s>ure. llrulse lour llnor-r. and doesn't it get ri d. and swell, me! ptiln you ' Of coni - • it d<.-». It's con- Mood j>r(.— u.- Yo rn liud it where pain is—alway. It's simply Cut. -.on s.-nse We sell at eeiit- . and criully recommend Dr. Sib oop's Headache Tablets "ALL DEALERS" ( OMMER( IAL HOTEL, Near P. A: E. Depot, Emporium, Pa. FREDERICK LEVECKE, Prop'r. Centrally located. Every convenience for the travel in? public. Rates reasonable. A share of he public patronage solicited. 44\y UiKCTION >.OTICK. THE FIRST NATIONAL HANK. Emporium , Pcc., Dec. ilfh, 1907. r pHIS annual meeting of the stockholders for 1 the election of a Hoard of Directors and the transaction of such other business as may be laid before them, will be held at the Hank on Tues day, January 14th, 1908, between the hours of one and three in the afternoon. T. B. LLOYD, Cashier. Notice of Meeting of^tockliolders annual meeting of the stockholders of i the Emporium & Rich Valley Railroad Com pany will be held at the Law Office of H. W. < ireen, Tuesday, January 2H, I!KH, at one o'clock, p. in., for the election of ofllccrs and the trau . action of such other business a3 may come be fore them. HENRY AUCHU, President. Emporium, Pa., Dec. *28, 1907. 45-3t NOTICE. N'OTICE is hereby given that the annual meet ing of the stockholders of tho Sinnamahon ing Powder .Manufacturing Company, for tho election of directors and officers and tho trans action of such other business as may conn; be fore them,will be held on Tuesday the 28th day of January, 1908, at one o'clock p. in., at the omce of the Company in Emporium, Pa. Yours truly. J OSE Pll KAY E. Secretary. Emporium, Pa., Jan. 7th, 10 s 17-2t. .\ollcc of llissoln.iloii of Partucrsliip. N'OTICE is hereby given thi.t the partnership lately subsisting between A. Stephens and Earl B.Sauntlere, of Emporium, Pa., under the firmname of Stophcns and Saunders, was dlsolv ed en the third day of January, 1908, by mutual consent, 12ail li. Saunders retiring. All debts owing to the said partnership are to be received by the said A. Stephens, and all demand on the said partnership are to be presented to him for payment. A. STEPHENS. EAR I, H. SAUNDERS. Emporium, Pa., Jan. 3, 1909. 47-3t. Department of Forestry. Harrisburg, J'a„ Dec. 26, 1907. rpHE State Forestry Reservation Commission I invites sealed bids for the sale and removal of stone from Warrant No, 4152,Gr0ve town ship, Cameron county, on a basis of 2000 lbs. per ton, to be measured in carload lots by car capacity. A car with a capacity of 100,000 lbs to be regarded as 50 tons, of 80,000 lbs. to be regarded as 10 tons, and so on. All bids will be made at so much per ton, to be computed as above. The rigt t to reject any or all bids is specifically reserved. All bids must be received at the office of the Commissioner of Forestry, in Harrisburg, on or before Thursday, February 6th, 1908. ROBERT S. CONK LIN, ■ls—ll Commissioner of Forestry. | WINOSOB HOTEL j W. T. BRUBAKEIt, Manager !.j Midway between Broad St. Station L] and Reading Terminal on Filbert St. I A convenient and homelike place to stay while in the city shopping. An excellent restaurant where good scr | vice combines with low prices. Rooms SI.OO per day and upwards. I The only moderate priced hotel of repu- B tation and consequence in Philadelphia, Pa. A BEAUT) FU L FACE ' ,il ' !I ytU h«VC piMplr.. utolclic^, or ether ikin Jmpcrierlions, yi, A. ' ... icmcre tiie.n mid liavo aci ■: bcautilid complexion by U! ; .i ig/^-^BEAUTYSKIW 1.1 !t Makes Hew * T •' y 8100d ' V, * . "v./ Improves the J lietllh, - Bernobkin Imperfections. ftcnefieial results guaranteed or money refunded. jf Send stamp for Free Sample, *3? Jw Particulars and Testimonials. Mention this paper. Aftc to 81.50. [r nj For Men from 50c to 81.50. n] For Ladies from 25c to 81.50. □J All knives from 50c to 81.50 are fully warranted. !r I SKATES 1 w rfl K We have the full line of the famous Winslow Skates and m In are selling them at reduced prices. Cj \Ve earry a very large line of COOK Jjj [}{ K.-VNfIES, IIFATING STOVES for coal wood or gas, ranging [{] in price from $40.00. rj| PI 11 in bin 55, Tinning, Mot Water and Ln | Steam Heating a Specialty. 1 F. V. HEILMAN & CO. iss aSHSHSBS aSHSHSHS a 55.5 ELS 2SHSaSHSSHS2S2SB SHjO You Take no Risk Buying Groceries at |j| • ft I! USE M SPRING WHITE /i /| jf EROOK LILLY -ri c i * e* CREAMERY 1 1 he Satisfactory Store *£, FLOUR BUTTER Come to the store when you can — we are always pleased to H ! see you— if not convinient "to come, phone or nsfi' for tbo order j clerk to call. FRIDAY AND SATURDY SPECIALS. Eg | Sugar 251b bag /ift E Soap— sc cake Acme | beat granulated .fffU i Soap, 7 cakes for Shredded Wheat Lard—Absolutely pure •» jg| Biscuit, 15c pkge Ai£€ and wholesome, lb IZiC ® Royal Baking Powder Ar* 5 Cocoanut—Dunham's *?r" ® I lib cad TfDC Shredded Cocoanut Ib*- >' . y'' III end dives more *hon'hnVi°Q AetliaEnamelWare gg V J docen cheap ten-cent aiftera "The Ever- wear Ware" IMPROVED PERFECTION TINS. I The only tins to use if you want perfnet cokaa. „ r Tho ' liipitovED ' will not leak batttr. y let B We have many other I Up-{o-dota hitchen Improvement*). ® IPresli Shucked Baltimore Oysters A Prompt delivery to all parts of town i You get Better Values Here. J. H. DAY, I Phone 6. Emporiu^^^| BIKKBES'S SEEKS SUCCEED » I W SPECSAL OFF ~ R: fly | w make you our permanent cui - ncr. « i Prize Collection i iM w 112 ■ tare, 12 kinds j Tomfttoes i 11 the finest; Tnrnlp, 7 splendid ; Onion, h test varie- ' i Hit iOipni«*flt««rinK '■» iv tnetiee In all. CI'AKANTKKD TO PLEASE. Write jQ'tteyj Mention this Paper. ~ SEND 10 CENTS"™. I to cover postage and packing nnd receive tlita valunMc L 1 collection of Keedn postpaid, together with my big J A InMlriicilve, lleuuliful Sccdund i'lunt liook, I Bl tolls all about the licet %arieties of See