Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, January 09, 1908, Image 4
C<ait)e.ror ' -ourjiy j ESTABLISHED BY C. B.OOIIM. HENRY H. MULLIN, Editor unci Manager. PUBLISHED EVERY THDRSDAV I TKRMBOFSU BBOBIPTION: Per year |2 00 i If paid in advance tl SO ; ADVERTISING RATES. Advertisement are publish edat the rate of one lollarpev'square tor one insertion and titty cents per square for each subsequent insertion. Rates by the year or for six or three months are aw ana uniform, anil will befurnished on appli cation Legal and Official Advertising persquare. three iinesor less,s'2 00; each subsequent insertionso ( cents per square. Local noticesten ceutsper line for oneiustrtion, 1 Ave cents perliueforeacnsubsequentcousecutive 1 Insertion. Obituary notices over live lines, ten cents per ; i ne. Simpleaunouncements of births,marriages j and deaths will be inserted free. Business Cards, five lines or less fi.CO per year j over live lines, at the regular rates of advertising j No local inserted for less than 75 cts. per issue, j JOB PRINTING. The Job department of the PBBSS IS complete, J and affords facilities for doing the best class ot work. PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO Law j Printing. No paper willbe discontinued until arrearages are paid, except at the option oftbe publisher. , Papers sent out oft he county must be paid for ' t n advance. ag-No advertisements will be accepted at less j hail the price for fifteen words. flUr-lteliftious notices free. : urvniHuiiwi iih mi imiw—— POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS | All Announcements under this head mil at be I signed by the candidate and paid in advance to I insure publication. I riOR CONGRESS- P HON. CHARLES F BARCLAY OF CAM I KON COUNTY. Subject to the action ol the Republicans of the twenty-first Congressional district, composed of the counties of Cameron, Clearfield, Centre and McKean. Post office address—Sinnamahoning, Pa. 1./ OR MEMBER OF ASJSEMBLY— P HON. JOSIAH HOWARD, OF EMPORIUM, Pa. Subject to the uction of the Republicans of Cameron coun'y at the Primary Election, Sat urday, April 11th, 1908. ANNOUNCEMENT. Editor Press:— Please announce that I am a candidate for re election to the position of Supt. of Public Schools of Cameron county, subject to the decision of the convention of School Directors of Cameron county, held on the first Tuesday in May, 1908. MATT IE M. COLLINS. Emporium, Pa., Jan, Ist, 1908. 46tf Editor Press:— Please announce that I am a candidate for the position of Superintendent of Public Schools of Cameron county, subject to the decision ot the convention of School Directors of Cameron county, held on the first Tuesday in Mav, 1908. JOHN SCHWAB. Lumber, Pa., Jan. 4th, 1908. 47 A Higher Health Level. '•I have reached a higher health ievel since 1 began using Dr. King's New Life Pills, writes, Jacob Springer <>l West Franklin. Maine. "Tiny keep my stomach, liver and bowels working just ii lit." II these pills disappoint you on tr il, money will be refunded at all drug stores. 25c. The average dad at this seast 11 seems to think he is in the midst of a iinancial panic or did at least two Weeks ago. It depends upon the pill jou take. I»e\\ itt's Little Early Risers are the best pills known lor constipation and sick headache. Sold by H. C. Dodson. Turn over a new leaf and keep the snow shoveled off your walks more prompt and better than heretofore. Do you have backache occasionally or '•stitches" in the tide, and sometimes do you teel all tired out, without ambition and without energy'.'' If so, your kidneys are out of order. Take DeWitt's Kid ney and Rladder Pills. They promptly relieve backache, weak back, inflammation of the bladder aud weak kidneys. Sold by R. C. Dodson. Now that leap year is again with us it time eligible bachelors were preparing for it. Everybody loves our baby, rosy sweet and warm, With kissy places on her neck and dimples on her arms, Once she was so thin and cross, used to cry with pain— Mother gave her Cascasweet, now she's well again. Sold by R. C. Dodson. If a cough once gets into your system it acts on every muscle and fibre of the body and makes you ache all over. It especially affects the intestines and makes you constipated, so in order to get rid of a cold thoroughly and without delay you should not take anything that will tend to constipate. Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup acts upon the bowels and thereby drives the cold out of the system. It contains no opiates—it is pleasant to take and is highly recommended for child ren. Sold by 11. C. Dodson. FOR RENT OR SALE. A number of rooms, with use of bath for rent. Apply to Frank P. Day. 41-tf. Seven room house, with reception hall; West Sixth street; city water and gas; for rent. Apply to A. H. Shaffer, Ridgway, Pa. 47-t.t. Three furnished rooms with use of bath. Men preferred. Apply to 39-tf. MRS. S. L. STODDARD. Sterling House, opposite depot Sterl ing Run, Pa., for sale. Inquire at my residence, opposite Catholic church, Emporium. 11-tf MRF. MAHONY. X&icst Coin itv Correspondence. FROM OUR REPORTERS. HUNTLEY. Clarence «J. Miller spent Sunday with liis cousin in Olean. Mrs. Ada Jordan lias returned to her home, at Sinnamahoning, where she will remain (he balance of the winter. The Driftwood callers this week were: W. 11. Logue. R. J. C llins, Mrs. John Jordan and Carrie and Gladys Hill. Mrs. John Jordan is visiting her son ou Glove Hill this week. Levi Smith will soon have his new saw mill completed and be ready for business. Allied Smith was a business caller in Driftwood Monday. •Judge McDonald was a pleasant caller in town this week. The six round fjo between D. W. East man and C. Wesley Barr was declared a draw by Referee Parks. All bets were called off and the money returned. 15. J. Collins has finished his residence and now has the finest house in town. The last part ol the Willson ISros.. saw mill was shipped to-day; nothing remains but one ear load ot scrap. The weather man at Washington is giving us ideal weather for all kinds of work and everything is booming now. Operator J. 11. James, of Warren, has taken the third trick at IIV tower and will remain with us in the future. If the weather stays good I). W. Kast man expects to finish sawing at Large Run by March first. Brother Parks says: If the weather man in Washington will listen to our prayers, We will finish up the lumber job and free our minds from care; We long for Potter county and better times to come. And all the song that we can sing is, "Home, Sweet Home." —J. P. s. A Cure for Misery. "I have found a cure for the misery malaria poisou produces. " says 1!. M. James, of Louellen. S. C. "It's called Electric Bitters, and comes in 50 cent bottles. It breaks up a jase of chills or a bilious attack in almost no time; and it puts yellow jaundice clean out of commission." This great tonic med icine and blood purifier quick re lief in all stomach, liver and kidney complaints and the misery of lame back. Sold under guarantee at all drug stores. CAMERON. The teachers of Lumber township will hold their Local Institute, Saturday, Jan. i Sili. Every effort is being put forth to make this institute a success, and it is hoped that all teachers in the county will b ■ p". 'sent. V very cordial invitation is extended to all friends of education, pat rons of schools and directors, to be pres ent. The program will appear in this paper later on. Esther Stewart is quite ill at this writ ing. Richard, of Emporium, visited friends in town this week. Mrs. C. R. Burkland, of Beechwu .d, was a pleasant caller in town this week. A large pump for the new mines arrived Tuesday and will be putin place soon as possible. The coal mines and coke works will resume operations at an early date. The heavy snow storm which Fred Comley predicted last July, arrived on schedule time Tuesday morning. R. N. Beck spent Sunday at home, at Emporium. The young ladies and gentlemen of town are arranging for a sleighing party to Sterling Run some evening this week. The Kail & Engles Minstrel Troop, is billed for two nights at the Grand Opera Christal Theatre beginning Friday ®even ing. A number of invitations are already out to the theater party to be <;iven by the- social club. Mrs. William Wykoff visited at Lock Haven, last Friday. J. 112. s. It is very important and in fact it is absolutely necessary to health that we give relief to the stomach promptly at the first signs of trouble—which are belch ing of fjas, nausea, sour stomach, head ache, irritability and nervousness. There are warnings that the stomach has been mistreated: it is doing too much work and it is demanding help from you. Take something once in awhile; especially after meals; something like KODOL for Dys pepsia and Indigestion. It will enable your stomach to do its work properly. Sold by R. C. Dodson. RICH VALLEY. Born to Edward McCormick and wife, Sunday. Jan. sth, 11)08, a daughter. V. M. Dow, of North Creek, assisted his brother, Rev. A. C. Dow, to kill a large porker this week. A large number of Elk Fork people attended church at Cooks Run, Sunday evening. All the sick are improving. Clara and Estella Edgar, ot Pine Sta tion, visited their Valley friends this week. 0. M.s. Pinesalve Carbolized acts like a poul tice, draws out inflammation and poison. Antiseptic healing. For chapped hands, lips, cuts and burns. It. C. Dodson's ' (Irui; store. 3m. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, JANUARY 9, 1908 FIRST FORK. Pap Blodget was up from Siunama houing last Saturday, but whether he came to get recruits for the Liars Club there, or to organize one here, "said de ponent saith not." However, he brought his talking machine along and gave a free show at the "Corner Grocery", between trains, besides selling a few records on the side. Come up again Pap, when the weather is better. The most of the young fellows oft his section have gone to the woods to work since the Holidays are over. Our hunters and trappers, are getting occasionally a wild cat or a fox or other game, but not being in the contest with Batchelder, Jordan & Co., arc not doing much blowing about it, but keep right on keeping an eye on the bounty. The stone crusher works are at a stand still and we understand will not finish building till spring opens. Monday morning, mercury t>° above. NITF SED. Rank Foolishness. "When attacked by a cough or a cold, or when your throat is sore, it is rank foolishness to take any other medicine than Dr. King's New Discovery," says C. O. Eldridge, of Empire, Ga. "I have used New Discovery seven years and I know it is the best remedy on earth for coughs and colds, croup, and all throat and lung troubles. My children are subject to croup, but New Discovery quickly cures every attack." Known the world over as the King of throat and lung remedies. Sold under guar antee at all drug stores. 50c and SI.OO. Trial bottles free. STERLING RUN. Mrs. Frances Ilowlett went to llicks | Run Tuesday, to visit her parents W. M. | Suuirneison and wife. Minnie Losey will not commence her | school until January 20th, on account of j her brother having died with scarlet fever. Mrs. Anson Mason and daughter were Emporium visitors Tuesday. Lulu Lewis was appointed pastmaster ! of this place Dec. Ith, and assumed | charge of the post office as postmaster, j January 7th. Mrs. P. O'Sullivan, of Driftwood, was the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Dorsey i Spaugler, Saturday. James P. Furlong, of this place, was ltuirried to Mi«s Lydie, of llenovo, at I! ■ | novo, Tuesday morning, Jan. 7ii> His mother Mrs. M. A. Furlong, of this place and his brother John Furlong, of Pitts burg, attended the wedding. 11. F. Foster while comiug from the tower on Friday evening ran into one of the large lumber piles near the depot, cut ting hi-; face badly. We arc in hopes those lumber piles may be moved soon. The A el iss of 11)05, of this place, will hold a reunion in the school house. Satur day veniog, Jau. 11 th. L'tlu Lewis was a Driftwood visitor ! Saturday. Mrs. William Strawbridge had the : misfortune to fall with her baby Sunday J evening, bruising its face badly. .Joe atid James McNarncy were visitors | in town this week. Charles A. Dice returned home Tues j day, from a trip to Erie. Evangeline Brooks was a visitor in j town the past week. M. M. Whiting, of Ligoner, visited his family of this place, the past week. BLUE BELL. When you want the best, get DeWitt's Carbolized Witch Hazel Salve. It is good for little or big cuts, boils or bruises j and is especially recommended for piles. I Sold by R. 0. Dodson. COMFORTINGWORDS. j riany an Emporium Household Will rind Them So. To have the pains and aches of a j bad back removed, to be entirely free from annoying, dangerous urinary dis orders is enough to make any kidney sufferer grateful. To tell how this great change can be brought about will prove comforting words to hundreds of Empori um readers. Mrs. A. Kircher, living at 105 Bans sels St., St. Marys, Pa., says: '■! think very highly of Doan's Kidney Pills lor the good they did me. I suffered from pains through my back, and when I arose in the morning felt tired aud languid. 1 had been in a miserable condition for a long time and when Doan's Kidney Pills came to my attention, I procured a box. It was only a short time before I noticed a great change for the better in my con dition. My strength and ambition re | turned and I feel better in every way. I am glad to recommend Doan's Kidney Pills as a remedy of particular merit." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Re member the name—Doan's—and take no I otho;. It will be unnecessary for you togo through a painful, expensive operation for Pi'es il \i.u use Man/em, Put up in collapsible tube wi li :;o. ready to J apply to the soreness aod inflammation, i For any form of Pil--.. price 50e, guaran teed at R. C. Hudson's drug store. 3m WASHINGTON LETTER. I From our Regular Correspondent.l Washington, Jan. 4th, 190 X. The tactics of some of the fi iends of Senator Foraker are greatly de plored by his friends in Washing ton as well as by all republicans. Their latest manoeuvre is the cir culation of the report, chiefly among Masonic orders, and that includes a large per cent, of the politicians of the country, Demo crats as well as Repubiicans, that Mrs. Taftisa Catholic. Mrs. Taft nor her family has ever had any affiliation with the Catholic church. She is an Episcopalian as every body knows, and the Secretary is an Unitarian. The inference from the circulation of this falsehood is obvious that the friends of the Sen ator feel obliged to resort to any measure, however pnsillanimous, to boost their candidate for the Presidency. Comments were heard on every hand among Republicans upon the recent developments in New York in connection with the Hughes boom. The two events of interest were the appointment of a commit tee of the Republican Club of New York city, comprising some of the best known members of that organ ization, to push the Hughes boom; and the governor's message to the legislature. It is declared that the first practical effort of the commit tee will be to induce the Republi can county committee, at its meet ing January 1(5, to put through the resolution endorsing Gov. Hughes, proposed at the last meeting but which went over. Much disappointment was ex pressed over the governor's message to the legislature. The natural expectation had been that he would have something to say about some at least of the many national ques tions which - ' are absorbing the minds of tin* country, and there was much criticism heard on every hand that he should have confined himself so exclusively on state af fairs. SIOO Reward, sioo* The roadei'B of this paper will be pleased to learn that there in at least one dreaded disease that science haw been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a con stitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting direct ly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative pow ers that they oiler One Hundred Dol lars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address: P. J. CHENEY &Co , Toledo, O. Hold by Druggists, 75e. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Fever Sores. Fever sores and old chronic sores should not be healed entirely, but should be kept in healty condition. This can be done by applying Chamberlain's Salve. This salve has no superior for this purpose. It is also most excellent for chapped hands, sore nipples, burns and diseases of the skin. For sale by L. Taggart. Bees Laxative Cough Syrup for coughs, ce ds. croup and whooping cough mows in fivor daily with young and old. dothers s': iuld keep it on hand forchild ren. It is pompt relic! to croup. It is gently laxative, driving the poison and phlegm from the system. It is simply a emedy that gives relief, guaranteed at R. C. Dodson's drug store. 3m When the Stomach, Heart or Kidney nerves get weak, then these organs al ways fail. Don't drug the Stomach or stimulate the Heart or Kidneys That is simply a makeshift. Get a prescrip tion known to the druggists every where as Dr. Shoop's Restorative. The Restorative is prepared expressly for these weak inside nerves. Strengthen these nerves and build them up with Dr. Shoop's Restorative—tablets or liquid—and see how quickly help will come. Free sample test sent on re quest by Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. Your health is surely worth this simple test. Sold by all dealers. It Does the Business. K. K. Chamberlain, of Clinton, Maine, says <>f Buck lens Arnica Salve. "It does ilie business; I have used it for piles and it cured them. Used it for chapped hands and it cured them. Applied it to i'ii old sore and it healed it without leav ing a scar behind " 25e at all drug s: ores. - <r» - iling's Lit': li'm r up lazy 1 iv ll-. clean the >y.- . i..» ei- <r the . Try til'-in 112 r biliousness and sick In iil ielie. Piiiv 2.V nt H. C. Dodson's dm; store. 3m. Stomach Trouble Cured. if you have any trouble with your stomach you should take Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. J. P. Klote, of Kdiua, Mo., says:"l have a great many different medicines for stomach trouble, but iiud Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets more benefi cial than any other remedy I ever used." For sale by L. Taggart. The days have now commenced to lengthen. No need to fear coughs and colds this year as you can obtain Bees Laxative Cough Syrup now from your dealer. This is good news to mothers who fear croup and whooping cough. It is a gentle laxative that expells the poison from the system in the natural way. Cuts the phlegm and clears the head. Guaranteed at l{. C. Dodson's drug store. ,'3m Calenders are numerous this year. The Pure Food Law. Secretary Wilson says, "One of the ob jects of the law is to inform the consumer of the presence of certain harmful drugs in medicines.' The law requires that the amount of chloroform, opium, mor phine. and other habit forming drugs be stated on the label of each bottle. The manufacturers of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy have always claimed that their remedy did not contain any of these drugs, and the truth of this claim is now lutly proven, as no mention of them is made on the label. This remedy is not only one of the safest, but one of the best in use for coughs and colds. Its value has been proven beyond question during (ho many years it has been in general use. For sale by L. Taggart. To stop that paiu iu the hick, that stiffness of the joints and muscles, take l'iuules. They are guaranteed. Don't suffer from rheumatism, backache, kidney, trouble, when you get 30 days' treatment for SI.OO. A single dose at bedtime proves their merit. Get them to-day Sold at R. C. Dodson's drug store. 3m Don't Take the Risk. When you have a bad cough or cold do not let it drag along until it becomes chronic bronchitis or develops into an at tack of pneumonia, but give it the atten tion it deserves and get rid of it. Take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and you are sure of prompt relief. From a small beginning the sale and use of this pre paration has extended to all parts of the I nited States and to many foreign coun tries. Its many remarkable cures ot cough and colds have won for it this wiJe reputation and extensive use. For saie by L. Taairart. § . 1 n w I I 'WI ? This Space Belongs to JASPER HARRIS, j The Clothier. I 1 8 - I S j| i i 11 i ■ § I* I f* ' ->>•?;< Genuine Offer. Hfiger Bro's of Now York t .'if y, offer for sale one high grade Becker 'Sro's piano, brought to Emporium recently Same can be aeen , R. Seger's resi dence. We will neli Ihis pinno fors2so ciiHh, or §3OO on lime, $lO 00 down and $5.00 a month. Wo have also on hand two or i hrco second-hand pianos which we will ht-ii t,.- cheap. Furiner infor mation can he i:nd by writing us. ■SEGER BROS, 237 West 142 St. 36tf Ktjiv York Git.y. The Cough Syrup that rids the system of a cold by acting as a cathartic on the bowels is LAXATIVE* COUGH SYRUP wl . *a Bees is the original laxative cough syrup, contains no opiates, gently moves the bowels, carrying the cold off through the natural channels, Guaranteed to givo satisfaction or money refunded. iJKiilr ( ir-A, M v | r : W* If life# FRIEND TO FRIEND. The personal recommendations of peo ple who have been cured of coughs and colds by Chamberlain's Cough Remedy have done more than all else to make it a staple article of trade and commerce ovei a larire cart of the civilized world. S§ A guaranteed if you uso N3 iFlLiho Suppository m IS D. Matt, ihompscn, Sup'tß gflrale'l Schools, N. C. # writes: *'i can say By £3 they do all v-u claim f-r them." Dr. 3. M. Duvore.B F4 lluv'in Koorf, \V. Va., writes : "They givo universal anii.s-M ■ faction." i>r. H. I). McClll, Clarksburg, Tcno., writes: H fl" In ;v practice of 23 y \r®, I L%ve foun-1 uu remedy tojß ■ equal your."." PRICK, 60 Cwsra, Samples Free. Suldß MAFLVT.F ti'.,uy, UriCASTER, PA IB hzseeek •• : nasQananinrags SoM in Emporium by L. Tsggart&R. C. Dodsca CULL FOR 112 SAMPLE