Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, December 05, 1907, Image 14
, I)^mAj4sAUL -Jc & ffyggMWfrfffflft -■ r ......... r v P-xxlcli^m'• ' «ia ■■; k*xxsaiif<?f ~ -._• - ,- ' : > ""> |'4 The Progressive Policy of the New Dry Goods Store pW*j \{ \! I RIGHT goods, right methods and right prices. This is the policy of this store. One treatment, S • £'"a/ ® |*i JF g V .:£ : \ > I-A J one cash price and good attention to all. Your purchases satisfactory or money refunded. With this " J as y/X\ * ]\/f % 11 % Every Trimmed Hat in our stock must be sold. We will not carry a single hat IVJL 1111T1 Grv over, if prices will sell it. We did not take cost into consideration, but here is how we marked them this week: L JIJIgK Every $2.50 to $3.98 Trimmed hat reduced to 98c Every $4.98 to $6.98 Timmedfliat reduced to $2 fej| A T||j| te|? Great Bargains in Ladies aid Childrens Coats fwj| « lifts Neckwear weMMr Magnificent Lawn, We have a beautiful We have a fine as- New Teddy Bear We have just receiv- We are agents for jK \ Silk and Lace Waists, assortment of the very sortment of Men's Silk and other styles in pil- ed a beautiful assort- the "Duchess" Skirts, w White, Pink, Light latest styles in Neck- Ties, each one in a low tops, also the pil- ment of "Heather- the finest and best fit- Blue, Ecru and Black wear. Prices range pretty, fancy box. lows togo with them. bloom" petticoats in ting skirt made. SI.OO to $12.50 25c to $5.00 25c to 50c 25c to 50c $3, $3.75, $3.98 $5.00 10 $12.50 B °° ks I o[]ffg|Q o[]ffg|Q Qp| store I 1 ™ .^Bl| llSßfej '"""" 10n I RICHARD KUEHNE, Prop. ! $4.25. $5.00 CAMHRON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1907