Xatcst Counts Correspondence. ! FROM OUK REPORTERS. SINNAMAHONING. The Siiiuaiuahnijiiig Liars Club met in regular session Thursday night. A hot time was had. < )ne member report ed that lie had picked up li 2 pair- of buck horns near a biu rock, whore the bucks had il In :ied themselves, in order that they vvotiL! ;:ot be slaughtered, lor the law says a deer without horns must not be kill a! Anotln r member said Batchclder lost his book on the game and fish laws and it was pieked up by some of the buck family and iu this way they have learned the new law. Bear stories was tl.en taken up an 1 after a lengthy discussion, the meeting Wound up with snake stories. .J. 11, Drum told a good one which was recorded on th. HUNTLEY. Supt. Miss Collins of Emporium spent Sunday with B. J. Collins and wife. D. W. Eastman spent Sunday with his : family at Coudersport. Kdward Fawcctt spent Sunday with j friends at Tunnel) Hill. Herman C. Jones visited his parents : at Tunnell Hill Saturday evening. Try \V. 11. Logue's prime bacon and ham and don't forget to come to the box social at Mrs. Nelson's, Friday evening. You will regret it if you miss it. Albert Jordan is distributing fine beef anions his customers in the valley. Chas. Taylor has purchased a new bicycle to carry him from his home to the mill. This will save him many steps and furnish good exercise. W. 11. Smith visited Emporium on Sunday where he is having some dental work done. We hope this will, in a measure, relieve his frequent attacks of indigestion of which he has been a great [ sufferer the past year. •I. S. Jordan says while he will take his hat off to Allen liussell of Four Mile, for the present he will not give up hopes of eventually securing the championship belt. Mr. Batchclder of Sinnamahoning, is also iu the ring and we may expect re sults in the near future. Besides this, C. Wesley Barr. of Tunnell Hill, may prove a dangerous rival as soon as begets his fall work finished and the excitement of the recent election is over. Wesley has secured five coons and cut a bee tree, from which he got over 300 pounds of nice honey during the past week. The readers of the PRESS will watch this con test with snterest. Capt. English of the K. F. D. will act as judge. Herman Jones tried his hand at firing the saw mill Saturday. Herman says he can furnish steam if the injectors were taken off, as they keep the boiler filled with too much cold water. Henry Hill and Albert Jordan were business callers in town Saturday. Henry says there is a foot of snow on Grove Hill and rabbits are plentiful. Marion Hill who is attending school here, spent Sunday with her parents on CJrove Hill. Mrs. Johu McDonald, Miss Florence : and Master Charles McDonald, were the 1 guests of Mrs. J. F. Sullivan Friday. W. W. Jonnson is on the sick list. Don't forget operator Getchell when in ! need of a good suit or overcoat. Mrs. J.F. Sullivan and daughter Kuth i were Emporium callers Saturday evening. J Henry Hill was a business caller at j Cameron Monday. J Gladys, Carrie, Ethel and Marion Hill of Grove 11111, are j boarding with Darius Ives and attending school here. J. p. s. To cure a cold first move the bowels. Bees Laxitive Cough Syrup acts gently on the bowels, drives out the cold, clears the head. It's pleasant to take and mothers highly recommend it for colds, croup and wb toping cough. Guaranteed to give satisfaction or money refunded. Equally goood for young and oid. Sold by It. C. Dodson. When the Stomach, Heart or Kidney nerves get weak, then these organs al ways fail. Don't drug the Stomach or stimulate the Heart or Kidneys. That j is simply a makeshift. Get a prescrip- ! tion known to the druggists every where as Dr. Shoop's Restorative. The I Restorative is prepared expressly for these weak inside nerves. Strengthen these nerves and build them up with Dr. Shoop's Restorative—tablets or liquid—and see how quickly help will i come. Free sample test sent on re- j quest by Dr. Staoop, Racine, Wis. { Your health is surely worth thfs simple test. Sold by all dealers. Don't worry about your kidneys when j you can obtain a 30 days treatment of I J'ineuels for 81.00. These little globules j bring re lief in the first dose. Backache, i Lumbago and Rheumatism yield quickly. J If not satisfied your money refunded. | This is a fair offer, you can't lose. Sold i by B. C. Dodson* CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1907. STERLING RUN. I'. E. Trump of Olean, visited friendi and relatives here over Sunday. Mrs. J. A. Dice and Kathryn Ma) ■ were Emporium visitors the past week. Evangeline Brooks of Sinnamahoning visited in town over Sunday. Miss Anderson of Sinnamahoninvr, wat entertained by Miss Lo.sey Sunday. Patrick Killeen, who has been very ill. is reported better at this writing. Gabrille Tarrobello and Fillipi Uosatto, left on Monday for Italy on a three j months visit. Mrs. Martha Smith was an Kuiporium ' visitor Saturday. Quite a number of young folk.- attend i'd the Hobo party at Cameron. Friday : nigh'. ; Laura Strawbridge and friend, Kdith May of Johnsonburg, were guests of her ! uncle, Geo. Strawbridge, Sunday. Master V. ilford McNarney of Empori um, visited relatives in town Saturday. Mr. Ellis and wife of Emporium, visit j ed relatives in town Saturday. N. 1). Jordan and daughter Nora left j Tuesday ou a visit to Clearfield. Mrs. John Schwab of Cameron, was a visitor in town between trains Tuesday. Mr. Beckman returned Tuesday from | a short visit at Coudersport. BLUE BKI.L. ELK LICK. Mrs. James Granger is very sick at I her home in Rich Valley. Dr. Bush is j attending her. There will be a Thanksgiving offering this Saturday night, Nov. in the form of a box social, at the Elk Lick school house, all are cordially invited to attend X. X. X. REAPING'BENEFIT. From the Experience of Emporium People. We are fortunate indeed to be able tc profit by the experience of our neighbors. The public utterances of Emporium resi dents on the following subject will inter est and benefit thousands of our readers. Bead this statement. No better proof can be had. Mrs. Anna Zimet, living on West 4th street, at Emporium, Pa., says:"l have received a great deal of relief from the use of Doan's Kidney Pills. I suffered with kidney trouble for years and though j I doctored and used numerous remedies | L could get no relief. I suffered with backache, pains through my loins, severe I headaches and a constant feeling of lan j guor and depression. The kidneys were much disordered and the secretions very irregular, causing me to rise many times during the night. I finally learned of Doan's Kidney Pills and procured a box from L. Taggart, the druggist. This ; remedy gave me more relief than any thing L ever used. I am seldom troub led with backach, the kidneys have been 1 strengthened and I feel better in ever)' way. Doan's Kidney Pills have been a great help to nie and I strongly advise anyone suffering with kidney trouble to use this remedy. For sale by all dealers. Price")!) cents. Foster Milburn Co., J.uflalo, New Vork, sole agents for the United States. Ke member the name—Doan's—and take no ot he.. One cannot be and ha vie been.-- French Proverb. Appendicitis Is due in a large measure to abuse of the bowels, by employing drastic purga tives. To avoid all danger, use only Dr. King's New Life Pills, the safe, gentle cleansers and invigorators. Guaranteed to cure headache, biliousness, malaria and jaundice. All Druggists. 25c. Investigating committees are fit can didates for the Lime Kiln club. DeWitt's Little Early Risers are the best pills made. They do not gripe. Sold by 11. C. Dodson A Question of Clasc. "They are constantly catching more grafters," said the hopeful citizen. "Not regular grafters," answered Mr. Dustlu Stax. "Those who get caught are only amateurs."—Washington Star. Sick Headache This distressing disease results from a disordered condition of the stomach and can be cured by taking Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Get a free sample at Taggart's drug store and try it. Colds and Croup in Children. "My little girl is subject to colds' says Mrs. Wm. H. Serig, No. 41,5 th St., Wheeling, W. \a. "Last winter she had a severe spell and a terrible cough but I cured her with Chamberlain's Cough llemcdy without the aid of a doctor, and my little boy has been pre vented many times from having the croup by the timely use of this syrup. As soon as he shows any signs of croup 1 give him Chamberlain's Coutrh Remedy for three or four days which prevents the attack." This remedy is for sale by L. Taggart. no v WASHINGTON LETTER. I IFrom our Regular Correspondent.] Washington, Nov. Kith. 1907. The admirable address with which .Secretary Moot opened the Peace < '(inference of the Central American Republics is receiving the greatest commendation on all sides, as in it Mr. I toot again em phasised tin* necessity of that pol" icy which in; regards as the key stone of international agreements. His argument was the same in sub stance as that urged so effectively in support of an international permanent court of arbitration, by the chairman of the American del egation at the Hague. The Sec retary insists that '"the mere dec laration of general principles, the mere agreement upon lines of policy and conduct, are of little value unless there be definite and practical methods provided by which the responsibility to keep the agreement may be fixed upon some definite person, and the pub lic sentiment of Central America be brought to bear to prevent its violation." This agreement, it is maintained, is sound and is especi ally applicable to the conditions which obtain in Central America, where, as Secretary ltoot so ably sets forth only the selfish ambitions of individuals prevent these people from living together in harmony, and where is found every tie of sentiment, relationship, religion and aspiration to weld these repub lics together. The President's "In God we Trust'' letter has aroused no lit tle antagonism among a certain class of people in this city and it now appears that there is, after all, some authority for the inscrip tion. But, in spite of the fact, the more intelligent contingent in Washington will express the hope that the President's dictum will stand and that Congress will not be beseiged to restore the inscrip tion on the "tribute money" of the country. From advices which have reach the government from official and unofficial sources, those foreign corporations and governments which have obtained concessions from the Chinese government for the construction of railroads and other public works, are experienc ing no little difficulty in the prose cution of their enterprises. Offi cials here claim that American in terests in China are being watched carefully by our representatives there, and that any alleged viola tion of their rights are promptly reported to the State Department. The opposition to the foreigner# and their work is said to extend alike to the Germans, the English and especially the Japanese. Among the prominent men who are beginning to make flying visits to Washington, and presumably to the White House, is Andrew Carnegie, but when asked what brought him to the Capitol at this time he facetiously replied: "the Congressional Limited." It is understood, however, that he has come here to keep in touch with the peace conference, as he has taken a great interest in the effort to bring about lasting peace in Cen tral America and has given 8750,- 000 of the 81,000,000 fund that will erect the new building on the Van Ness site in this city. The Postmaster of Gasconade, Mo.: Danial A. says of DeWitt's Kid ney and Bladder Pills, -'I am doing so well, and improving so fast in health, that I cannot say too much ior your Kid ney and bladder Pills. I feel like a new man. DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder Pills are sold by 11. C. Dodson. What Would You Do? In ease of a hum or scald what would you do to relieve the pain? Such injur ies are liable to occur in any family and everyone should be prepared for them, j Chamberlain's Salve applied on a soft i cloth will relieve the pain almost instantly j and unless the injury is a very severe one j will cause the. parts to heal without leav- [ ing a scar. For sale by L. Tag«art. It is claimed indigestion is the nation . disease. That's why the demand !< i Kings Dyspepsia Tablets keeps increas ing because they do the work. Stomach trouble, indigestion, dyspepsia, bloating, etc., yield quickly. Two days treatment [ free. Ask your druggist about them. I For sale by K. C. Dodson. Genuine Offer. Soger Bro'a of New York City, offer for sale one high grade Becker Hro's piano, brought to Emporium recently Same can be. seen nt li. Soger's resi dence. Wo will sell this piano fors2so cash, or S3OO on time, SIO.OO down and ?v r >.oo a month. Wo have also on hand two or three second-hand pianos which we will sell out cheap. Further infor mation can he had by writing UR. SEGER BROS, ■237 West 142 St. 3Stf New York City. \ \ \ •» N \ \ X \ \ \ \. \ / HK : Gift Goods - / in Buffalo. Every depart- ' / ment is now showing its 112. / best goods. The time to % / shop is now, before the rush / comes, and while assort- / ments are complete. % \ Si I'urs, Neckwear, y Smoking Jackets, 'i g Umbrellas, sS y Gloves, Hosiery, Fancy Goods, $ Jewelry, Toilets, $ I p? Boys' Clothing, <| 4 Men's Furnishings, / Waists, Robes, j H Books, Stationery, '-y Toys, Dolls, Games, p & Leather Goods. I < ; We refund Railroad Fares | / In connection with the Chamber of Commerce we / '/ refund your railroad fares $ / according to the amount of v ■ your purchase. p , •fc.< • >£ ' / % \ / ADAM, \ ; MELDRUM & / I ANDERSON CO. / '/i American Block, Buffalo, N.Y. /■ \ 112 i\ ✓ \ \ \ \ \ \ \,\ \ \ \ \ s CLEARANCE SALE OF TRIMMED HATS If AT THE || New Dry Goods Store, H Every Hat must be sold REGARD- 112 i LESS OF COST. || You can buy a stylish Hat during |U | this sale for less than cost of material Hi I , 1 All our $3.00 to $4.00 Trimmed Hats 112 Reduced to !i| ii|! | ==sl.9B= | | All our $5.00, $6.00. $6.50 and $6.98 Silk Velvet and French Felt Trimmed i " Hats Reduced to \w\ | $3.98- 11 Buffalo Dry Goods Store §1 * pL R. KUEHNE. Prop. ®j Mothers with little children need no longer fear croup, colds or whooping cough. Bees Laxative Cough Syrup tastes good. It work.-- oil the cold through the bowels, cuts (he ]>hleguj, clears the head. For young ai.dold. Guaranteed. Secure a bottle at one-. Sold bv I!. C. Dodson. AdmiiiistraiorN Notice. Estate o JACOJi MILLER, deceased. •VTOTICE is hereby given that letters testa | J.X mentary upon the estate of Jacob Miller, late of Orovf township, County ofCamcron, I'a., deceased have been granted tothi undersigned to whom claims against said estate must be present ivd, duly :uiMi"r;tieatcd: -o all persons indebted to said estate must malce settlement. O. 1.. BAILKY, Administrator. Or bis Attorneys, Johnson .* .McNahkey, Emporium, I'a. VVri.i.iAM MoDowur.r., Sharon, I'a. Oct. sth, 1907.—34-fit. j The Bargain j | Slore | 112 1 can Arch Rock brand Salmon j * 3 cans Lake Shore Pumpkin 25c > 112 3 cans Army brand Baked J 5 Beano 25c. \ < 1 can Beechnut brand Beans * 112 15c. All other canned goods as ) S cheap as they can be sold. \ * 25lbs Granulated Sugar §1.40 s 112 1 can Royal Baking Powder } S 45c. \ < Fancy Jersey Sweets 3c lb. s r filbs good Coffee §I.OO. J \ A pure New Orleans Molasses \ < 60c a gallon. s 112 A line line of fresh and salt J \ meats on hand at all times. \ s Goods delivered to all parts s of town free. 3 T.W.WELSH | Chas. Diehl's Old Staisd, West Ward j FRIEND TO FRIEND. The personal recommendations of peo ple who have been cured of coughs ami colds by Chamberlain's Cough Remedy have done more than all else to make it a staple article of trade and commerce over a lartre part of the civilized world. Foley's Honey and Tar for children,safe,sure. No opiates.