EMPORIUM MILLING PRICE LIST. Emporium, Pa., Nov. 11, 1907. N EMOPIIXLA, per sack |> 45 Felt's Kancy, " ] 65 Pet Qrove, " 1 66 Graham, " 75 Bye •• 80 Buckwheat, " 85 Patent Meal " 50 Coarse Meal per 100, 1 r>o GhopFeert, " 1 SO Middlings, Middlings. Fancy" Bran, 1 50 Chicken Wheal 1 65 Corn per bushel, 84 WhiteOata, per bushel 65 Oysl r Shells, per 100 75 Choice Clover Seed, ) Choice Timothy Seed, > At Market Prices Choice Millet Seed, > R.C. DODSON, THE,— Drucjc|ist, RMPORIVIH, PA. IS LOCATED IN THE CORNER STORE At Fourth and Chestnut Sts.. ). 7 I K. C.UODtiON, Telephone, 19-2. LOCAL DEPARTMENT. PERSONAL OOSSIP. Contributions invited. That irhich you would like to see in this n dress and habits do we display j] J 112 1 r~V rt -d J-X /\ __ our taste and refinement, buj just as much so ! i Wall Paper for 1907. Im ® * HOW are you represented ? lJoesyour lette ]| [I, suggest careless and disrespect, or is your id =J ———— ——— ——personality carried into withstyleand refiner JJJ ,A' T We'aje making a specialty this week of the ]|jj Consists of the best, things from three factories. Also fl 1 famoUh jjn jj. ; le Robert Graves Co.'s line of Decoration Paper of, all Eel ton S jjpj] kinfls - French Madras 1 lie Graves line took first prize in competition at St. -y HARRY S. LLOYD || lltto Mollis against the world. —"tomr-* Jpj L Snaiaaßß' 5 =ig=)gggaggirggig^ It is a well known fact that person living in pine forests do not suffer IV< m kidney diseases. One dose of I'ineules ;at night usually relieves backache. HO I days treatment $ 1.00. Your money re j funded if not satisfied. Sold bv 11. C. ; Dodson. Scatter sunshine and vou will keep out ; of the shadow. Your skin should be clear and bright !if your liver is in normal condition. Rings Little Liver Pills act on the liver; add headache, constipation and billious ness disappear. Price 25 cents. Sold by 11. U. Dodson. The only sin that wonds us is the sin we welcome. A Significant Prayer "May the Lord help you make Buck len's Arnica Salve known to all,"' writes J. G. Jenkins, of Chapel Hill, N. C. It quickly took the pain out of a fellon for me and cured it in wonderfully short time." Best on earth for sores, burns and wounds. 25c. at All Druggists. A slighted opportunity becomes no slight obstacle. DeWitt's Carbolized Witch Hazel Salve penetrates the pores—thoroughly cleanses—and is healing and soothing. Good for piles. Sold by It. C. Dodson. Life s gold comes out of the furnace of affliction. English Spavin Liniment removes 1 Hard, Soft or Calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses; also Blood Spavins, Curbs, Splints, Sweeney, Ring Bone, Stifles, Sprains, Swollen Throats, Coughs, etc. Save SSO by use of one I bottle. A wonderful Blemish Cure. : Sold by L.Taggart, druggist. 32-lyr I Only a lie needs to be bolstered by a | lie. Trial Catarrh treatments are being mailed out free, on request by Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. These tests are proving to the people—without a penny's cost—the great value of this i scientific prescription known to drug gists everywhere as Dr. Shoop's Cat- I arrh Remedy. Sold by all dealers. Itch cured in 30 minutes by Wood j ford's Sanitary Lotion. Never fails. Sold by L. Taggart, druggist. 32-lyr PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD Bulletin. THE NEW UNION STATION AT WASHINGTON. All the passenger trains of the Pennsylvania Rail road will enter and depart from the new Union Station at Washington on November 17, 1907, and 011 the same date the present station at Sixth and B Streets will be closed to traffic. The date is singularly fitting. In 1807 both wings of the Capitol were completed, and now a century later a building even larger is opened for a great public utility, which did not exist at that time. I he railroad terminal facilities at Washington have been inadequate for years, particularly at inauguration per iods and on the assemblage of other large gatherings at the Capitol. Their improvement was imperative and so it has come about that, by the combined effort of the rail roads and the United States Government, one of the larg est and unquestionably the handsomest railroad station in the world is now provided not only for the convenience of the citizens of the United States, but as a notable archi tectural addition to the great public buildings of the Cap itol City. It is a monumental edifice and a worthy type of the future structures, which will make Washington the municipal beauty spot of the world. The station including the Concourse is longer than the Capitol and nearly as wide. The waiting room is larg er than the hall of the House of Representatives. The concourse, which is the train lobby, is longer than the in terior of the Capitol building, if it were one continuous hall, and half as wide. It is the largest building ever con structed for a like purpose. Within this great structure there is every conven ience the traveler can desire, so grouped about the central hall as to serve the purpose of the best advantage. The lofty arched entrances face a plaza as large as an ordinary city park, which will be laid out as a plaza and adorned with shubbery and fountains. Ihe trackage is sufficient for all demands upon it and as the entrance to and exit from the trains are separat ed, the confusion and jostling of hurrying crowds moving in opposite directions will be obviated. The bigness of the station is impressive; its utilities obvious. x^o2-39-2t. J Thanksgiving Grocery Sale. } I RICHARDSON 3$ 9 IMPERIAL & ROBINS' IJ /\ WINE PLUM JELLY onnnmr Satisfactory Store 8 I PUDDING ASSORTED Place your Thanksgiving order far groceries, as early as pos- ■ sible, at Day's—Emporium's Best Grocery Store- where it will be H executed with promptness and satisfaction. All the delicacies of the season at prices in keeping with the times. Week End Special Prices for Friday and Saturday 25 lbs Granulated Sugar $1.40. Spring Brook Creamery Butter, 33clb Pure Lard in bulk, a lb 12 Choice Malaga Grapes a lb 16c. S hredded Whole Wheat 8$ Biscuit a pkge 12c 5j WE GUARANTEE § B I Dunham's Shredded Co- A coanut a lb 35c. \ V ■ Heinz loc plain pickles, a /W 40c Gunpowder Tea, lb >W I J China, Crockery I I Glassware I I* Aetna Enamel Ware | K The Ever-Wear Ware 112 ° yftl OKI Kresh ISaltiiiiore Shucked Oysters I You get Better Values Here. Prompt delivery to all parts of town. • J, H. DAY, I v.. Phone 6. Emporium^^^