Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, November 14, 1907, Image 8

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    Xateet Count? Correspondence.
The Liars Club me: in regular session
ra their hall Monday evening, at 1:32,
when the crowing cocks awakened Pap
Blodget from bis first sleep. The club
discussed the whopper about the bear
killing that boar as Published last Sun
day. We are trying to find the author
of the yarn. He would make a shining
light in our club anil would be accepted
as a full member,with all the degrees free
of charge. Jim Mead saw the track of
the bear and took up a sapling. The
bear was so frightened that it was white
in the iace. There were more truths told
in ten minutes than the secretary could
record iu six days. Frank is learning
fast and iu otic week more can tell as big
a truth story as any member. Pap Blod
get and Batchelder are debarred from
Well, election is over and the G. O. P.
came out ahead. There were many plit
tickets in Grove.
J. 11. Batchelder took his annual va
cation of two weeks and captured a bear,
a wildcat, four coons and quite a bit of
small game.
All of the mighty hunters are getting
ready to slay the big bucks when the
season comes in.
Ralph Sutnmerson has moved to
Jamestown, N. Y.
John Huff and family moved to St.
Marys, Wednesday.
John Berfield and wife were visitors
E. >l. C'. Peasley of Pottersdale was a
visitor here last week.
A. H. Shafer of Ridgway was a visitor
here Wednesday. He reports the fever
patients all improving.
Mrs. Geo. Chace and daughter Flor
ence are visiting at Picture liocks.
iNellie Gray strayed into town Tues
day enroute for Galcton, and had quite a
time getting her ticket iu time to make
the train.
The bear story in last Sunday's Grit
has all the young and old hunters on
their metal and now you may look for
something doing in this line.
A. B. Penrith and son started after
bruin one day last week and located one
ni Wykoff Itun that would weigh about
900 lbs., but they did not bring it in.
J. R. Batchelder tried John Jordan's
bait, onions and cabbage and peanut
butter and caught a musk rat. He says
the bait is all right.
Four small boys got the. bear fever
last Saturday and started after bruin
with two air gune and two bows and ar
rows and came in contact with a wildcat,
and took to their legs for home with hair
standing straight up.
G. L. Barclay is home from Seattle,
Mrs. P. 11. Rich of Wharton was a
visitor here Monday.
Frank Wolf met three doer Monday,
an old doe aud two fawns, within sight ot
town. They feel safe this fall.
Pop Blodget and .Jim Batchelder arc
going after a big catamount in Pepper
Hill and they will then have their pic
tures taken with their game.
A party of hunters from Harrisburg
opened camp on Monday. They are go
ing to be on time.
He Fought at Gettysburg.
David Parker, of Fayett, N. Y., who
lost a foot at Gettysburg, writes: Electric
Bitters have done me more good than
any medicine I ever took. For several
years I had stomach trouble, and paid
out much money for medicine lor little
purpose, until I began taking Electric
Bitters. I would not, take 8500 for what
they have done for me." Grand tonic for
the aged and for female weaknesses.
Great altrative and body builder; cure
for lame back and weak kidneys. Guar
anteed by All Druggist. 50.
Investigating committees are fit can
didates for the Lime Kiln club.
The Postmaster of Gasconade, Mo.:
Danial A. Bugh, says of DeWitt's Kid
ney and Bladder I 'ills, "I am doing so
well, and improving so fast in health,
that I cannot say too much for your Kid
ney and Bladder Pills. I feel like a new
man. DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder
Pills are sold by R. C. Dodson.
The Cough Syrup that
rids the system of a cold
by acting as a cathartic on the
Dowels is
- - ... . _
Bees is the original laxative cough syrup,
contains no opiates, gently moves the
bowels, carrying the cold off through the
patural channels, Guaranteed to give
ifttisfacuon or money refunded.
Rev. W. H. Ebersole of Brighton,
j Ont., who has been guest of his parents,
Rev. S. Ebersole and wife returned home
j Wednesday.
Mrs. Ed. Whiting and Mrs. L. J.
Wylie were Emporium visitors Monday,
j Mrs. John Ncenati who has been quite
ill the past week is reported better.
Mrs. Emma Marsh Whiting and
Dorothy of Ilichwood,W.Ya., are visiting
j relatives and friends in town.
Mrs. Gus Carlson of Emporium, was
guest of Mrs. Thos. M. Lewis, Saturday.
Dorsey Spangleraud wife are keeping
j house iti Mrs. Chapman's house.
Mrs. Geo. McDonald of Austin was
j the guest of Mrs. Ellen Mason the past
I week, also Mrs.Anson Lyman of Autsin.
John Kissell of Ronovo was guest of
| his parents over Sunday.
John Devling visited his father at
I the Williamsport hospital Sunday.
Nellie O'Keefe was the guest of her
mother Martha Smith Sunday.
Mrs. Herrick and daughter Mrs.
Wright visited her son Geo. Herrick at
St. Marys the past week.
Tho Reymer k Bros., candy agent,
Mr. Jacobs, was in towu Tuesday.
Mabel Stephens is \#siting her parents
in town.
Mrs. F. A. Kissell visited in Siunama
honing the past week.
Owen Dininny and Jasper Harris of
Emporium were iu town one day the past
week distributing posters.
Mrs. Brenan and daughter of Itenovo,
were the guest of her sister Mrs.Spangler
The Emporium visitors this week were,
W. R. Smith, J. F. Sullivan and Mrs.
G. S. Hill.
Wayne Nelson was a Driftwood caller
Herman Jones called on fhends in
Sterling Run one evening this week.
Edward Faucett visited friends at
Tunnell Hill Sunday evening.
The Coudersport Mangle Holler Mfg.,
Company's mill, which is in charge of D.
W. Eastman, began operations at Big
Run this week. Everything is running
smoothly and nine thousand feet of lum
ber was sawed Tuesday.
Mrs. Emmalene Summerson is visiting
relatives at First Fork.
A. W. Smith has accepted a position
at Dents Run.
The pie social held at the residence of
Mrs. A. F. Nelson last Friday evening ,
was a success both socially and financially j
and in view ot the pleasant time every
one had, it has been decided to hold a box
social at Mrs. Nelson's on Friday even- j
idg, Nov. 22nd. As the proceeds will
go towards securing books for the school j
library it is hoped that all who possibly j
can attend will do so and help the good j
work along. Everybody come and bring j
your friends.
Hiram S. Getehell, the popular tele-'
grapher at Huntley Tower, has accepted
the agency from the American Woolen
Mills Co., of Chicago, to handle their
clothing. Any one wishing a fine tailor
made suit or a nice evercoat will do well
to call on him. Give him an order.
John Jordan has secured six fine
"coons" this week but no bears as yet but
says it is only a question of time until
"Br'er" Bruin will yield to the perfumes
of Levie's onions.
As first assistant tail sawyer Elmer
Hill was digging a post hole at the Big
Run saw mill he came upon a nest of cop
perhead snakes who had made their
winter quarters under a rock. The
snakes were frozen' and the mill boys
are using them for canes.
B. J. Collins is making extensive im
provements on his residence, what was
formerly the Huntley property.
Charles Taylor is the champion checker
player of the eighth ward, having beaten
William John and W. R. Smith to a
stand still in six different games. How
ever he has not tried Levi Smith yet.
Wait a while.
Harvy Mason who has been troubled
with grip is on the gain.
J. V. .8
When the Stomach, Heart or Kidney
nerves get weak, then these organs al
ways fail. Don't drug the Stomach or
stimulate the Heart or Kidneys. That
is simply a makeshift. Get a prescrip
tion known to the druggists every
where as Dr. Shoop's Restorative. The
Restorative is prepared expressly for
these weak inside nerves. Strengthen
these nerves and build them up with
Dr. Shoop's Restorative —tablets or
liquid—and see how quickly help will
come. Free sample test sent on re
quest by Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis.
Your health is surely worth thfs simple
test. Sold by all dealers.
Don't worry about your kidneys when
you can obtain a 30 days treatment of
I'ineuels for 81.00. These little globules
bring relief in the first dose. Backache,
Lumbago and Rheumatism yield quickly.
If not satisfied your money refunded.
This is a fair offer, you can't lose. Sold
by R. C. Dodson.
To Kent.
Oflice or store. Best location in
town. Inquire at this office.
D. M. T 'oner made a business visit to
Emporium, Monday.
Mrs. R. Dankel visit at Howard, Pa..
| one day last week, guest of Miss Fisher.
Mrs. Ed. Reid and child ren of Renovo
j are visiting the former's parents at this
J place.
Bessie Whaley spent Sunday with her
' mother at Emporium.
, Mrs. D. Kirkpatrick visited a* How
| ard, Pa., Tuesday.
Richard Lawson ofOlean, N. Y., eall
ied on his parents a few hours Wednes
We are glad to learn that Delhia Law
| son, who has been quite ill is again able
| to resume her duties.
A. J. Kautz of Emporium was a visi
tor in town last week, guest of Otto Ton
Mrs. Thos. Lyons of Emporium is
the guest of her parents at this place.
Mrs. M. Evers returned home Tues
i day evening, after a six weeks visit with
| friends and relatives at Williamsport.
j The Emporium visitors this week
I were Mesdames Geo. Hartsock. R.Wylie,
| Geo. Market, D. Toner and Robt. Mor
l rison.
Preparations are being made for the
I W. C. T. IT. Demorest contest, which is
to be held on Saturday evening, next.
Is due in a large measure to abuse of
the bowels, by employing drastic purga
tives. To avoid all danger, use only Dr.
King's New Life Pills, the safe, gentle
cleansers and invigorators. Guaranteed
to cure headache, biliousness, malaria
and jaundice. All Druggists. 25c.
DeWitt's Little Early Risers arc the
best pills made. They do not gripe.
Sold by R. C. Dodson
To cure a cold first move the bowels.
Bees Laxitive Cough Syrup acts gently
in the bowels, drives out the cold, clears
the head. It's pleasant to take and
mothers highly recommend it for colds,
croup and wl> oping cough. Guaranteed
to give satisfaction or money refunded.
Equally goood for young and oid. Sold
by R. C. Dodson.
We have met with remarkable success since our opening of last week. I||l
We wish to thank our customers for the liberal patronage and assure them ipl
SS that whatever is bought at this store, shall and will be of the best of its kind
for the money paid. It is our aim to sell only good up to date goods at the most §j|
reasonable prices. ||gj
New Merchandise is Arriving Daily jl||
We have just opened a very handsome line of Fancy Crockery and Novelty Glass- §||
ware, suitable for daily use and special gifts. IpS
I w!fa n el S P" n Q mnnMr««nn 1 Dress Goods Dep t gj
fill line of Infants hand crochet \ Utjl 11 Ul 10 (Id 11 Ull } If you are in want of a new %
Bonnets, ranging in price from \ \ , , , . , {fefflE
112 ) dress, ot course this is the store gSRJ
American Beauty i
> > the very latest and np to date. <
Underwear Dept Corset This Week. cloth in black, navy or brown,
It will pay yon if in need of i * the SI.OO quality for 84C agi|j
good warm underwear to give us ( \ All wool Ladies Cloth x 6 in. .(fIR
a call. We have the best of \ MISS McINTYRE, ot the American { • i •
tan. vv e nave me dcsioi i Reautv Corset Co is with n« V( ) w,de » ln three shades of gray
everything 111 this line, for meu, \ eauty corset u>., is with us this week \ . y7*L>
, , M j i 1 ( and will advise you, lust the style of corset <* mixtures the ">oc quality t SQp Llis
women and children and at > yo u should wear for style and comfort and J ggl
prices to suit your purse. 5 remember we do not urge you to buy. ) BH
— > Come and have a talk with her, it will cost > /*~ii a t-*
tt t\ x. } you nothing. i Ciloak N ,,Fur Dept
Hosiery Dept. } i ... , , J „ s£s
No matter what kind of have marked all our Coats, \pr£jj
Hosiery you may' wLit, we can Skirts . and Furs at remarkable |S9
supply you. We keep the very T"|_ I W P" ces ' ' n act ITluc ' a below
best makes only. Such as Lord InQ &cl|f|o|f) % I B.iffalo prices. Coats range
& Taylor's celebrated Onyx ||||J DUIIdIU OIUIUI from s ' o ° to # 2 7-5°- Skirts £53
Hose, Burson's seamless, Bear 7 from $5.00 to $12.50. Fur Scarfs £s®
cimdren a and makls! In the New Cramer Building f ™'" 9 ' ,c to . and every " M
lowest" 068 are abSO,Utely lhe "• KUEHNE. Propr. " abSO "" ely ™lg
Wm. Greenaleh lost his valuable driv
ing horse, last Friday.
Mrs. C. A. Dice, of Sterling Run,
visited her Lister in this place Tuesday.
Hon. John McDonald, of Driftwood,
made a business trip to this place Tues
day forenoon.
Herman Anderson, section foreman,
is busy the past few days remodeling
westbound main track. The intention is
to lengthen the main track cross over
about 1 i) 0 feet.
Rev. Allen, of Emporium, visited
anion;, bis members in this place last
Joe Vocuni, while engaged in cutting
wood for H. l>. Krape, Tuesday, slipped
and fell in the creek. Joe says it is
rather cold to take a shower bath, but he
dou't mind it much, if it don't come too
Henry Norris, A. E. Lord and Robt.
Boyd are busily engaged tearing down
and loading the boilers and stacks wnich
where located at the old mill.
.Mrs. E. D. Krape was a caller at Em
poriuui, Friday.
Robert Graham butchered a beet arid a
large hog Friday, being among the first
to butcher in this place this year.
We are glad to sec Robt. Sinsabaugh
back again at bis old position as clerk for
the Furnace Supply Co., after a, few
months leave of absence.
Constable Cyrus Lupro made an official
trip to Driftwood, Tuesday.
D. C. Linihger is now waiting on his
telephone wire, otherwise the telephone
line which he is erecting is nearly com
pleted. Dido is a hustler.
G. L. Page truant officer, made an of
ficial trip to Driftwood, Tuesday morn
Bookkeepers are in demand in Cam
eron, after church hours, which was
plainly seen here Sunday. For informa
tion ask some of our young town ladies.
Quite a number of our young Indies
intended to give John Schwab a surprise
party on his arrival in town Friday even
ing, and were dressed in the latent style,
but it proved a surprise on themselves
when he arrived, as they all took their
sudden departure due the arrival of Mr.
Schwab with compauy which was unex
pected. Girls you should have placed
guards to watch the situation. Wonder
A number of our young sports partici
pated in a coon hunt Saturday night, but
owing to the scarcity of this kind of game
and the quanity of creek water they in
bibed, their suecess was not as expected,
Ed. says Jack could not shoot straight
and Jack says hd had too much creek
water, BO don't know who is lo blame,
but they returned empty handed. Who
is to blame is the question?
J. F. S.
Notice is hereby given to all parties to the lol
lowiug action that the Court has made the fol
lowing order:
No. 2, December Term, 1006,
Writ dc Partitione facienda.
Elizabeth S. Barrows, Mary W. Barrows, Nancy
C. Barrows, and Elsie B. Peale, heirs-at-law and
devisees under the last Will and Testament of
\V. W. Barrows, deceased, Frank Dallett, Laura
A. Dallett, George P. Dallett and James Dallett,
heirs-at-law of Estellina A. Dallett, deceased,
Martha Noyes, Elizabeth Noyes, Hannah V.
Noyes. Daisy Noyes, Margaret Noyes, Ellen (Mrs.
J. W.) Sehnarrs, Edward Noyes and Harriett
Noyes, iieirs-at-law of Charles R. Noyes, deceas
ed, and devisees under the last Will anri Testa
ment of Hannah M. Noyes, deceased, Mary E.
Farr, Frank P. Noyes, and the following heirs
at-law of James C. Noyes, deceased, to-wit:
Maroa H. Noyes, Mrs. Belle Southard, Mrs.
George B. Noyes and Mrs. George B. Noyes,
Guardian of Christine Noyes and Margaret
Noyes,minor children of George B. Noyes, deceas
ed, and Willis B. Blandin, and Amos N. Blandin,
heirs at law and devisees under the Will of Jen
nie C. Blandin, deceased, Annie B. Southard,
James N. Southard, Agnes Southard, and Fran
cis Southard, devisees under the last Will and
Testament of Hannah M. Noves, deceased.
And now, October 18th, 1907. The said writ
having been returned by the Sheriff and the re
turn thereof approved by the Court, on motion
of Green & Felt, attorneys for plaintiffs, the
Court grant a rtileoti all persons interested in
said case to appear in Court on Monday, the 16th
day of December, next, to accept or refuse the
premises mentioned in said writ and purparts
thereof at the valuation made thereof or at a
higher price.
By the Cuurt,
President Judge.
JOHN D. SWOPE, Sheriff.
Attorneys for the Plaintiffs.
Emporium, Pa., Oct. 30th, 1907.-37-71.
Kxecutrix'B Notice.
Estate of LUCY SIZEII, deceased, late of Portage
NOTICE is hereby given that letters testamen
tary upon the estate of said deceased have
been granted to the undersigned. All persons
indebted to said estate are requested to make
payment, and those having claims or demands
against thesauke will make them known without
delay, to
Emporium, Pa., Oct. list, 1907.-36-61.
A strictly high grade Illuminating Oil
must make a large, white light, and burn the lamp out
dry with strong, firm flame without charring the wick
Family Favorite i LLUMINATING I
Perfectly safe —ISO degrees fire test —water white and odorless—
Will not soot or smoke. BOOKLET SENT FREE
Your Dealer Has It. independent refiners
A hard Debt to Pay.
<; I owe a debt of gratitude that can
never be paid off," writes <>. S. Clark, of
Westfield,lowa, for uiy rescue from death
by L>. King's New Discovery. Both
lungs were so seriously affected that
death seemed imminent, when 1 commen
ced taking New Discovery. The omin
ous dry, hacking cough ijuit before the
first bottle was used, and two more bot
tles made a complete cure." Nothing
has equaled New Discovery for coughs
colds and all throat and lung complaints.
Guaranteed. All Druggist 50c andsl.oo.
Trial bottle free.
| The Bargain j
| Store 1
£ 1 can Areh Rock brand Salmon 5
I 15c. X
< cans Lake Shore Pumpkin 25c \
r 3 cans Army brand Baked )
5 Beano 25c. \
« 1 can Beechnut brand Beans \
112 15c. All other canued goods as }
i cheap as they can be sold. \
< 251bs Granulated Sugar $1.40 s
112 1 can Royal Baking Powder 3
\ 45c. \
< Fancy Jersey Sweets 3c lb. <
r 61bs good Coffee §I.OO. 3
i A pure New Orleans Molasses \
S 60c a gallon. s
r A fine line of fresh and salt 3
5 meats on hand at all times. V
s Goods delivered to all parts s
t of town free. J
! T. W, WELSH ]
{ Chas. Diehl's Old Stand, West Ward )