EMPORIUM MILLING JJOMPANY. PRICE LIST. Emporium, Pa., Nov. 11, 19#7. NEMOPHILA, per sack |1 45 Felt's Fancy, " 1 85 Pet Grove, " 1 65 Graham, " 75 Rye " 80 Buckwheat " 85 Patent Meal " 50 Coarse Meal per 100, 1 50 Chop Feed, " 1 50 Middlings M iddliugs. Fancy " Bran 1 50 Chicken Wheat 1 85 Corn per bushel, 84 White Oats.per bushel 85 Oyst r Shells, per 100 75 OhoiteCloverSeed, ) Choice Timothy Seed, > At MarketPrlces Choice Millet Seed, S R. a DODSON. THE Druigcjist, EMPORIUM, PA. IS LOCATED IN THE CORNER STORE At Fourth and Chestnut Sta.. R. C. DODSON. Telephone, 19-2. LOCAL, DEPARTMENT. PERSONAL GOSSIP. Contribution* invited. That which you would ike to see in thin departmental us know by pot llal card or letter, personally. W. A. Dalrymple is home from West Virginia lumber region. Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. G. Walker, of Calder, visited in town yesterday. Mrs. W. W. Weiman and Miss Eliza beth Ludlam are doing Buffalo this week. Mrs. Chas. T. Logan is visiting her mother at Binghamton, N. Y., for a few days. W. L. Sykes of Buffalo, transacted business in town Wednesday and visit ed relatives here. Mrs. Armstrong, of Warren, Pa., is guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. Hackenberg, being an old friend of Mrs. H. Mrs. Estella Coppersmith, and daughter Leona, are visiting and trans acting business at Buffalo this week. D. A. Skinner, of Moore Hill, enroll ed his name on the PRESS list on Mon day, at the same time rolled in the cash. C. Wesley Barr, of Gibson, transact ed business in Emporium on Friday last and spent a few moments at PRESS office. Mrs. L. J. Wylie and little niece, of Sterling Run, were PRESS callers on Monday and made the PRESS move ahead for another year. Mrs. W. L. Sykes and daughter Grace of Buffalo, were guests of George and Miss Grace Walker at the old homestead on West Fourth street. Michael Murphy of Bolivar, N. Y., visited friends in town on Tuesday and Wednesday. The PRESS editor was glad to shake hands with our old friend. Mose Harris arrived in Emporium yesterday evening to help the Moun taineer boys along with their dance. He is located at Seattle, Wash. Hi« friends are all glad to see him. W. P. Earnest, of Ridgway, years ago an employee of the PRESS for sev years, called on ye editor and family last Sunday. He is engaged in the bowling alley business at Ridgway. That young man—Henry Auchu Bair —'phones us to stand up and say why why we failed to announce that he was here. Beg pardon, young man—may you grow up as wise as your illustrious grand-father. John D. Bell, one of our most es teemed citizens and friends, who fills a responsible positiop with the Eastern Dynamite Company at this place was a pleasant social caller at the PRESS sanctum last Friday. Newton H. McCloskey, wife and daughter, of Sinnamahoning, have been spending several days with the parents of Mr. McCloskey, Mr. and Mrs. D. T. McCloskey at Chathams Run. Their son Newton, holds a re sponsible position with Barclay Bros, and has been with this well known firm for years.— Lock Haven Daily Ex press. Assessor Frank J. Lewis, of Shippen, was a PRESS visitor on Monday. He expects to close up his assessing work this month. Frank is doing a nice trade in his general merchandise store and regets his time devoted to the position of assessor. However, he is giving his attention to the duties care fully. Geo. H. Crawford visited in town on Wednesday. Mrs. Robt. K. Mickey and Mrs. I. K. Hockley visited at St. Marys last Fri day. Dr. H. P. Holt, the eye specialist, of Dußois, accompanied by his daughter, are stopping in town for a few days. Mrs. Jos. L. Wheeler, of Marion, S. C., is visiting relatives in town, guest of her brother and wife, Geo. Hurteau. Jas. R. Batchelder, the boss hunter, of Grove sends us a photo of himself and a 400 pound bear he recently kill ed. Send one to Teddy, J. R. A. H Shafer, of Ridgway, was an Emporium yesterday and called on ye editor, firing off one of his big guns. Pleased always to see you, A. H. Waning Lumber Industry. Milton O. Nelson, writing on"The Lumber Industry ot America,"in the Review of Reviews for November, says: ''A few American citizens are still living who were alive the days when the Indians and Ohio pioneers were cutting great clear-grained black wal nut, white oak and hickory logs, pil ing them and burning them to ashes in order to get rid of them. Farm houses are still standing in the Ohio Valley whose tenoned frames are of black walnut, and whose roof boards are of wide clear lumber, such as is now sought for to be made into king's table tops. Black walnut lumber in American commerce to-day is little moro than a memory, white oak in the finer finishing grades is worth half the price of mohogany, and the American vehicle industry is in dis tress for the lack of hickory. Even in sawmill cities of the present day the lath from the walls of wrecked houses is carefully cleaned and bundl ed for resale, while half decayed pine logs are sawed into merchantable lumber. "Thus in the span of one life the American lumber industry has passed from surfeit to hunger. Such another span promises to carry us from hun ger to starvation. Honor Roll. Honor roll of the Sizerville school: Lena Agliardo, Earl Montgomery, Henry Victory, Franklin Alden, Louie Villilla. ANNA MARKET, Teicher. Nov. 8, 1907. A meeting of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union will be held in the Reading Room, Friday afternoon, at three o'clock. The presence of every member desired. MRS. STRAYER, Sec'y. Bachelor Whist. Judge B. W. Green will entertain a number of his gentlemen friends Satur day evening, at whist. Of course it will be a pleasant occasion. Itch cured in 30 minutes by Wood ford's Sanitary Lotion. Never fails. Sold by L. Taggart, druggist. 32-lyr Souie uirls who think they can sing ought to patronize a correspondence school of thought. English Spavin Liniment removes Hard, Soft or Calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses; also Blood Spavins, Curbs, Splints, Sweeney, Ring Bone, Stifles, Sprains, Swollen Throats, Coughs, etc. Save SSO by use of one bottle. A wonderful Blemish Cure. Sold by L.Taggart, druggist. 32-lyr Notice to Contractors. We wish to correspond with log job bers in Pennsylvania, that can stock to railroad, from one million to three mil lion feet in a job. When job is com pleted, will give new job so jobber will have work from year to year. We have the stocking of the timber on 87,- 000 acres and pay the best prices. Our work is worth investigating. G. W. HUNTLEY & SON, 23-tf. Shryock, W. Va. It is claimed indigestion is the nation ii disease. That's why the demand foi Rings Dyspepsia Tablets keeps increas ing because they do the work. Stomach trouble, indigestion, dyspepsia, bloating, etc., yield quickly. Two days treatment free. Ask your druggist about them. For sale by R. C. Dodson. It comes put up in a collapsible tube with a nozzle, easy to apply to the sore ness and inflammation, for any form of Piles; it soothes and relieves paiu, itching and burning. Man Zan Pile Remedy. Price 50 cents. Guaranteed. Sold by It. C. Dodson. For Sale. Two good work horses, one driving horse —good saddle horse—and one good fresh milch cow. Apply to GEO. KENWORTHY, 36 tf. Sterling Run, Pa. Genuine Offer. Seger Bro's of New York City, offer for sale one high grade Becker Bro's piano, brought to Emporium recently Same can be seen at R. Soger's resi dence. We will sell this piano fors2so cash, or S3OO on time, SIO.OO down and $5.00 a month. We have also on hand two or three second-hand pianos which we will sell out cheap. Further infor mation can be had by writing us. SEGER BROS, 237 West 142 St. 36tf New York City. Wanted. Reliable Deputy Organizer and Fin ancial Secretary, for city or country if desired, lady or gentleman. Good terms to right party. W. E. P. V. Address, A. A. WHITE, Punxsutawney, Pa. No. 217 East Liberty St. 36-4t. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1907. CURE YOUR KIDNEYS. Do Not Endanger Life When an Emporium Citizen Shows You the Cure. Why will people continue to nutter the agonies of kidney complaint, back aches, urinary disorders, lameness, headaches, languor, who allow them selves to become chronic invalids, when a certain cure is offered them? Doan's Kidney Pills is the remedy to use, because it gives to the kidneys the help they need to perform their work. It you have any, even one, of the symptoms of kidney diseases, cure yourself now, before diabetes, dropsy or Bright's disease sets in. Read this Emporium testimony. Mrs. Frank Mundy, living on West Fourth street, Emporium, Pa., says: "Since using Doan's Kidney Pills which I procured from L. Tasgart, the drug gist, I am feeling ever so much better. My kidneys were very weak and I was obliged to rise ninny times during the night. I suffered with dull nagging backache and splitting headaches. Pains would dart through the small of my back, and at times my feet and hands would bloat, so that I was in constant misery. When I learned of Doan's Kidney Pills I decided to try them. I obtained great benefit from the use of this remedy, for they regulate the kidneys and drove out the pains and aches in ray back and head. I cheerfully recommend Doan's Kidney Pills. For sale by all dealers. Priceso cents. Foster Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United Stales. Re member the name—• Doan's—and lake no Ottif,. A BEAUTIFUL FACE Brforo L'aing If you have pirnples, blotches, or other skin Imperfections, you /I r *r -•* .Jw -an remove Ihe.-n and have a ind beautiful complexion by urin BEAUTYSKSfSS W' l _•. JIT II Makes new Improvel the Removes Skin Imperfection!. ff, SB® Beneficial results guaranteed pj or money refunded. \Li» jj Send stamp for Free Sample, \ IJT Particulars and Testimonials. \ , Mention this paper. After Tslng. CHEMICAL CO., Madison Place, Philadelphia, Pa. Ladies Take Notice Lessons Souvenir All Ladies You and your friends are cordially invited to attend on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Nov. 21-23,1907 Opening and Display of Fancy Work In charge of C. S. Ferguson, expert operator from Cleveland, O. .Something entirely new in Automatic Tuck ing, Insertion work, Lace Edging, Initial and outline Work. Drop in on any of these days and receive a FFEE lesson 011 any of the above. Souvenirs for the Ladies at A Machineto be Given Away Laßar's Furniture Store. White Sewing Machine Agency. OUR NEW LINE OF Arc You Corretc? g, lH Not alone '" dress and habits do we display fi|i nk ww r | | w-v - . _ _ our taste and refinement, buj just as much so £ k Wall Paoer for! 907 |v Bttsv; , i;;s: T ' 1 ' 1 >J( * *VI A "m • How are you represented ? Does your lette ffl ,| suggest careless and disrespect, or is your C= liiJ personality carried into withstyleand refiner II Ifi l ™"™"™"""""""™" nient,( J=S "Jll St , We'aJe making a specialty this week of the 11 Ifril _ . , , , , , 111 famous I^J J] Consists of the best tilings from three factories. Also Ml 112t 1 L{ the Robert Graves Co. 's line of Decoration Paper ofiall Eaton s p, ||l kinds. French Madras fl The Graves line took first prize in competition at St. HARRY S. LLOYD |j It is a well known fact that person living in pine forests do not suffer from kidney diseases. One dose of Pineules at night usually relieves backache. HO days treatment SI.OO. Your money re funded if not satisfied. Sold by R. C. Dodson. A woman's idea ot a perfect gentle man is any man who agrees with her. Your skin should be clear and bright if your liver is in normal condition. Rings Little Liver Pills act on the liver; add headache, constipation and billious ness disappear. Price 25 cents. Sold by 11. 0. Dodson. Many a woman who doesn't know her own mind gives her husband apiece of it. Mothers with little children need no longer fear croup, colds or whooping cough. Bees Laxative Cough Syrup tastes good. It works off the cold through the bowels, cuts the phlegm, clears the head. For young and old. Guaranteed. Secure a bottle at oncc. Sold by R. C. Dodson. About the only way you can arouse a man's conscience is to catch him at It. A Significant Prayer "May the Lord help you make Buck len's Arnica Salve known to all," writes J. G. Jenkins, of Chapel llill, N. C. It quickly took the pain out of a fellon for me and cured it in wonderfully short time." Best on earth for sores, burns and wounds. 25c. at All Druggists. Do you know that Pinesalve Carbol ized acts like a poultice in drawing out inflamation and poison? It is anticeptic. For cuts, burns, eczema, cracked hands it is immediate relief. 25cts. Sold by R. C. Dodson. DeWitt's Carbolized Witch Hazel Salve penetrates the pores—thoroughly cleanses—and is healing and soothing. Good for piles. Sold by R. C. Dodson. Trial Catarrh treatments are being mailed out free, on request by Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. These tests are proving to the people—without a penny's cost—the great value of this scientific prescription known to drug gists everywhere as Dr. Shoop's Cat arrh Remedy. Sold by all dealers. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD Bulletin. THE NEW UNION STATION AT WASHINGTON. All the passenger trains of the Pennsylvania Rail road will enter and depart from the new Union Station at Washington on November 17, 1907, and on the same date the present station at Sixth and B Streets will be closed to traffic. The date is singularly fitting. In 1807 both wings of the Capitol were completed, and now a century later a building even larger is opened for a great public utility, which did not exist at that time. The railroad terminal facilities at Washington have been inadequate for years, particularly at inauguration per iods and on the assemblage of other large gatherings at the Capitol. Their improvement was imperative and so it has come about that, by the combined effort of the rail roads and the United States Government, one of the larg est and unquestionably the handsomest railroad station in the world is now provided not only for the convenience of the citizens of the United States, but as a notable archi tectural addition to the great public buildings of the Cap itol City. It is a monumental edifice and a worthy type of the future structures, which will make Washington the municipal beauty spot of the world. The station including the Concourse is longer than the Capitol and nearly as wide. The waiting room is larg er than the hall of the House of Representatives. The concourse, which is the train lobby, is longer than the in terior of the Capitol building, if it were one continuous hall, and half as wide. It is the largest building ever con structed for a like purpose. Within this great structure there is every conven ience the traveler can desire, so grouped about the-central hall as to serve the purpose of the best advantage. The lofty arched entrances face a plaza as large as an ordinary city park, which will be laid out as a plaza and adorned with shubbery and fountains. The trackage is sufficient for all demands upon it and as the entrance to and exit from the trains are separat ed, the confusion and jostling of hurrying crowds moving in opposite directions will be obviated. The bigness of the station is impressive; its utilities obvious. No. 1302-39-21. Royal'' Mocha"" i JaOaCoffe^^ A A Coffee with fine body and exquisite flavor and A ■ when properly prepared, it is a drink that tickles the ft I palate, stimulates the heart, makes the user contented I M with the world and himself and sends him forth well ■ ■ - fitted to meet the responsible ties of life, 35c lb; 3lb $1 W I i| I FRESH 7k HUNTLEY & ■ CRISP /J /| / PALMER'S §| ■ CRACKERS DINNER § p The Satisfactory Store ft 112 und WAFERS BISCUIT Week End Speciel Prices for Friday and Saturday 25 lbs Granulated Sugar $1.40. 20c Blended Coffee, 2 lbs for 35c I California Hams, Trimmed Shoulder alb 101 c I m Princess Paper Shell Almonds 25clb ft ■ 7 cakes Acme Soap for 25c. ft a ioc roll "Square Deal" Toilet paper 8c,6 rolls 45c. ft « Pure Corn Starch a lb 6c. S I ioc Potted Tongue, 3 for 25c. a S 30c Welches Grape Juice, a bottle 25c. 9 * 15c package Elbow Macaroni 12c. ■ lib can Royal Baking Powder 45c. if ■ "U All No" Caramel Mint Cubes, a lb 20c. ■ | Booth's Fresh Caught Lake Fish I I Each Thursday afternoon. Leave " I orders for delivery Friday § I morning. I ft Fresh Baltimore Nhucked Oysters ft 1 Ghoicest Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, Nuts, Dates, Figs I I Confectionery. ' | 1 You get Better Values Here. J § Prompt delivery to all parts of town.. I 8 J, H. DAY, I V., Phone 6. Emporiun^^^^