Xatest County Correspondence. | FROM OUR REPORTERS. FIRST FORK. The funeral of Mrs. Fred Peno was held at the house on Thursday afternoon, .services being conducted by ltev. Dick son of Sinnamahoning and interment made in the Smith cemetery. She had been a great sufferer for years and leaves a husband, two sons and one daughter, Mrs. Kilduff. Alonzo Bailey and wife and Mrs. and Miss McCall of Sinnainahoning were visiting B. M. Williams and wife on Fri day and Saturday. "Lon" is gaining and may get eutirely over his sickness. Bear are quite plenty in this neck of woods. Last Thursday Chancey Logue and Fred Williams each caught one and Fred brought his in alive, with the help of Logue and Percy Swank. They have him on exhibition near First Fork post office. Chas Council was up from Sinna inahoning and took a "snap shot" of him up a tree. Mrs. A. J. Bell is quite sick and un der the care of Dr Bees of Costello. Alfonzo Bailey came over from Ham mersley and visited friends here over Sunday. There is a new telegraph operator at Lushbach by the name of Boy Williams, vine of the other men having gone away. He is stopping with W. W. Wykoff. NUF SED. STERLING RUN. Mr. E. C. Wing is moving his saw mill from Square Timber Bun, here and putting it up on the landing. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Leonard of Ben ovo, visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kissel, over Sunday. The entertainment in the M. E. Church Friday evening by Mr. and Mrs. McKeen was very good. Mr. McKeen has been blind since infancy. . Mrs. Dorsey Spangler was quite ill a few days the past week. Bev. Allen, will have "Old Peoples Services" in the M. E. Church next Sunday, Nov. 3rd. Nettie Bay Kissel returned home Saturday from a week's visit at Benovo. Quite a number of Sterling people at tended the "Gypsy Concert" at Empor ium last Thursday night, but owing to their commencing the entertainment so late, they had to leave in order to make the train before it was half out. Harry Peck of Tioga Co., commenced school on Chapman Hill with eight pu pils, Monday. Mrs. J. 11. Strawbridge has been quite ill, but is reported better at this writing. Miss Minnie Morse, of Emporium, is visiting friends here this week. Mrs. L. J. W r ylie and grand-daughter, returned home Monday evening from a short visit with friends at Dent's Bun. Miss Mary McDonald, of Driftwood, was entertained by Teoka Whiting the past week. Mrs. J. E. Smith and Mrs. F. A. Kiasel visited Mrs. Nellie Fulton, of Sin nemahoning, Thursday. Marion Wilting gave a party to a number of her little friends one day the past week. All enjoyed a very pleasant time. Misses Edith aud Lylie Berry left for Hicks Bun Saturday, where they expect to work. Lost, between the Post Office and M. Iv Church, a valuable pocket book. H. C. Jones the owner. Mr. Fred Ellis returned home Mon day from a short visit at Elbon. BLUE BELL. How's This. We offer One Huudred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned,have kuown F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all business transactions, and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. WALDING, KINNAN & MARVIN, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure fs taken intern ally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price, 75c per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for consti pation. The Cough Syrup that rids the system of a cold by acting as a cathartic on the bowels is BEES LAXATIVE COUGH SYRUP Bees is the original laxative cough syrup, Contains no opiates, gently moves the bowels, carrying the cold off through the patural channels, Guaranteed to give satisfaction or money refunded. BAN ME R SALVE mo- ' -«iinQ saive in the world- HUNTLEY. Geo. Darrin, of Sinnamahoning, is j doing carpenter work for B. J. Collins. A. W. Smith was a business caller ou j First Fork, Saturday. Darius Ives transacted business in Sterling Hun this week. David Ives, of Mason Hill, called on | relatives in town Saturday. George Hill, of Grove Hill, called on j friends in town this week. Mrs. J. S. Jordan was a Driftwood caller Saturday. W. A. Nelson visited friends on Mason | Hill, Friday. C. J. Miller attended Directors Con j vention at Emporium, Thursday. W. W. Johnson was a Driftwood call er Saturday. Bruno Strongarmio called on friends in Sinnainahoning Saturday. Hiram S. Getchell, the popular and ef ficient operator and signalman, has re turned from a two weeks vacation, look ing greatly refreshed and in shape to tackle the heavy traffic with renewed in terest. The fiftieth anniversary of the marriage of John L. Johnson and wife was cele brated by a golded wedding held at the family residence Monday, Oct. 28th. This pleasant affair was largely attended by a large gathering of relatives and friends. Many useful and valuable pres ents were bestowed on the estimable couple and the PRESS joins with tbeir many friends in extending hearty congratula tions and best wishes. John S. Jordan, the recognized champ ion hunter and trapper north of the Mason ond Dixon Line, has secured his fourth bear since Oct. 19th. All of the animals were in good condition, the larg est one weighing over 200 pounds. John is baiting his traps this season with raw cabbage and says it is the best bait he ever used. He has also secured five coons in the last ten days. Some time ago he visited in New York State and says the game is not near as plentiful there as it is here in "Old Pennsylvania" and says his native state is good enough for him. John says: O leave me in old Pennsylvania, Where the black squirrel barks on the tree; Where the pheasant, the quail and the rabbit, Are roaming so happy and free; The bear and the dear and the wild cat, Make their home in the mountaits so high, In my own native state, Pennsylvania 'Tis there that I'll live and die. W. A. Nelson is a busy man these days, trapding coons and muskrats. He has been very successful this season and seldom comes in from his traps without having one or two fine muskrats or coons. We wish him every success. Selburn Logue is assisting in tearing down the remaining portion of the Wil son Bro's mill this week. J. F. 8. CAMERON. It is reported that the Emporium coke works at Cauoe ltun intend to resume operations in the near future. Fred Schwab is the proud father of a big boy. Congratulations. Millie Hazlett is'assisting D. C. Lin inger in the Post Office the past week. Grant Woods and son spent a tew days in town the past week. Operators G. L. Page and E. D. Krape are both complaining of a very bad cold, and only keep at work for the sake of cutting down expenses, not that they are fit for duty. . John Schwab spent Saturday and Sun day at home with his family. There was a wedding reported last week, and the happy couple received a few pouads of rice aud a few old shoes as a send off when they started on their trip west, Tuesday morning, but as we can not officially sanction this report,we will not mention any names. George Walker returned from a few hours hunt, Wednesday of last week, with four nice pheasants. This is the best record of any hunter so far this year. Birds are very scarce in this community but George seems to know where the few are. Dan'l Sullivan Sr., will have the prize hog in this community to butcher. He claims it will dress -150 pounds, by the Ist of December. The L. C. have not had their meeting tor the past few weeks on account of their President resigning his position. Mr. Comley claiming they have members who are more deserving the office than he is. The N. P. L., held their monthly meet ing in the N. P. L. ball, Thursday, Oct. 24th, with a full house. Our write up did not appear in last week's paper, but we will try and repre sent this week. Mrs. C. Burkland is reported on the sick last. Our Emporium visitors were few this week owing to the extreme cold and in clement weather we have been having the past week. Schwab Bro's are expecting a full iine of winter wearing apparel, and our town people will do well to examine this line before purchasing elsewhere. J. V. 8. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1907. A HARD STRUGLE. Many an Emporium Citizen Finds the Struggle Hard. With a' back constantly aching. With distressing urinary disorders, Daily existence is but a struggle. No need to keep it up. Doan's Kidney Pills will cure you. Emporium people endorse this claim. John Montgomery, living on West Sixth St., Emporium, Pa. says; "1 can recommend Doan' Kidney Pills as a safe and reliable remedy for backache and kidney disorders. I suffered with lame back and sharp shooting pains through my loins and was so lame at times that I was unable to straighten up. Every move I made would cause pains to shoot through me. My kidneys were very weak and the secretions irregular caus ing me much annoyance and forcing me to arise many times during the night. I got a box of Doan's Kidneny Pills from L. Taggart, the druggist, and since using this remedy I have been completely cured of all anting symptoms of Kidney trouble. I am able to sleep soundly all night and do not have any more trouble with my back. I heartly endorse Doan's Kidney Pills." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Be member the name—Doan's—and take no othe.. Out of Sight. "Out of sight, out of mind," is an old saying which applies with special force to a sore, burn or wound that's been treated with Bucklen's Arnic Salve. It's out of sight, out of mind and out of existence. Piles too and chilblains disappear under its healing influence. Guaranteed by all Druggists. 25e. No man is totally bad and no woman is totally good. DeWitt'e Carbolized Witch Hazel Salve is good for little burns and big burns, small cratches and burns and big ones. It is healing aud soothing. Good or piles. Sold by B. C. Dodson. Obstinate cases cf constipation and nasty mean headaches promptly disap pears when you take DeWitt's Little Early llsier Pills. Sold by B. C. Dodson | Opening of the * '~l | NEW DRY GOODS STORE | a In the Cramer Building 1 You are cordially Med to attend our Opening 1 H which takes place fj I Wednesday and Thursday, Nov. 6 and7th | |||| Music Wednesday Afternoon and Evening by Fisk's Orchestra |l| || Great Display of Fashionable and High 11 Class Merchandise f|| gi EVERYBODY WELCOME AT || |g The Buffalo Dry Goods Store 11 |||| R. KUEHNE, Proprietor. Wedding Bells. On Oct. 23, 1907, at the home of the bride's parents, by Walter E. Barr, Justice of the Peace, Miles J. Bender and Alice M. Hicks, both of Hicks Run, Pa. At the home of Sheriff J. D. Swope and family, October 22, 1907, Rufas H. Johnson, ot Dunlevie, W. Va., and Miss Alice Maud Reed, of Cameron. After the usual congratulations they departed for an extended wedding trip. * * John Cronkwright and Christine Myers of East Emporium, were mar ried at the home of the bride, Satur day evening, October 26, 1907. There were about forty guests present at the sumptuous wedding supper and all re port having had a very pleasant time. * * j * Eugene P. Duling, one of our most industrious young men, was married to Miss Lily Smith, Monday, October 28, 1907. They have the best wishes of a host of friends. * * * Harry Edward Moore, one of the Calder Brick Com pan's most trusted employees, and Mina Edith Reed, one of Cameron's popular young ladies, were married at the home of Mrs. Amanda J. Matteson, on West Sixth street, Monday evening. For Sale. Sterling House, opposite depot Sterl ing Run, Pa. Inquire at my residence opposite Catholic church, Emporium. 11-tf Mbf. Mahony. Heart Strength ITeart Strength, or Heart Weakness. meansNerva Strength. or Nerv# Weakness— nothing more. Pos itively, not one weak heart in & hundred is. in it f®'/. actually diseased. It is almost always a hidden tiny little nerve that really Uall at fault. This obscure norve—the Cardiac, or Heart Nerve —simply needs, and must havo, more power, mora stability, more controlling, more governing strength. Without that the Heart must continue to fail, and the stomach and kidneys also have these same controlling nerves. This clearly explains why. as a medicine. Dr. Bhoop s Restorative has in the past done so much lor weak and ailing Hearts. Dr. Shoop first sought the cause of all this painful, palpitating, suffocat ing heart distress. Dr. Shoop's Restorative—this popular prescription—ls alone directed to theso weak and wasting nerve centers. It builds; lt.strengthens: it offers real, genuine heart help. If you would have strong Hearts, strong di gestion. strengthen these .nerves re-establish them as needed, with Dr. Shoop's Restorative "ALL DEALERS" Modern Naval Warfare. Nothing in all modern times has ad vanced more rapidly than naval en gineering and warfare. Ever since the public has been impressed with the fact that a nation's life depends 011 its navy, it has been becoming more and more interested. But as it makes dul reading and as very few have had any opportunity to inspect a monster Bat tleship at close range, most of us have, at least, only a vague sense of its mag nitude and power. Therefore Lyman H. Howe's moving pictures of a great naval attack, in Emporium Opera House on Thursday, Oct. 31st. will prove not only distinctly novel and in structive, but will gratify much nat ural curiosity. To many minds, the series will impart the first true and full conception of naval realities, for how ever much we may have read of them, nothing oonveys ideas more clearly than seeing actualities. The pictures were secured only thru special facilities given by the Lords of the Admiralty, England, and as Mr. Howe controls the sole American rights for the great er portion, they are exhibited in this country only by him. The scenes showing the physical drill and amuse ments aboard ship, are followed by perfect views of the leatst sub marines in cruising trim, and with only their backs and conning towers visible. Then a realistic torpedo attack is shown. These deadly and terrible weapous are shown leaving their muz zles and ploughing the sea. As they speed directly toward the audience, their paths are plainly visible. A tjucliing scene showing Jack's last farewell to his sweetheart just before the battle, is then introduced as a nat ural incident of the tragedies of war. It is so finely and pathetically portray ed that it appeals forcefully to all hu man sympathy. The series concludes with scenes of a land attack by naval forces. The vigorous bombardment from the gunboats to shield the land ing troops is followed by the flight up the slope, landing and hauling a 4 7 gun, and armored train and maxim battery in action. Finally the repulse is shown amid the boom of artillery and crackle ot rifles, and the invaders are seen racing with their guns for the boats, while the victors fall in line of march to headquarters. Do you know that Pinesalve Carbol ized acts like a poultice in drawim: out inflamation and poison? It is anticeptic. For cuts, burns, eczema, cracked hands it is immediate relief. 2octs. Sold by It. C. Dodson. HUMPHREYS' WITCH HAZEL OIL. (COMPOUND.) For PILES. External or In ternal, Blind or' Bleeding, Itch ing or Burning. One applica tion brings relief. For Burns, Scalds, Inflamed or Caked Breasts and Sore Nip ples, Salt Rheum, Chapped Hands, Fever Blisters, Corns, Bunions. Sample mailed free. At Druggists, 25 cents, or mailed. Humphreys' Homeo, Medicine Co., Cor. William and Jonn Streets, New York. NERVOUS DEBILITY, Vital Weakness and Prostra tion from overwork and other causes. Humphreys' Homeo pathic Specific No. 28, in use over 40 years, the only success ful remedy. $ 1 per vial, or spec ial package for serious cases,s6. Sold by Druggists, or sent prepaid on receipt of price. Humphreys' Homeo. Medlclue Co., Cor, William and John streets, New York. Sour Stomach No appetite, loss of strength, nervous ness, headache, constipation, bad breath, general debility, sour risings, and catarrh of the stomach are all due to indigestion. Kodol relieves indigestion. This new discov ery represents the natural Juices of diges tion as they exist In a healthy stomach, combined with tlr> greatest known tonlo and reconstructive properties. Kodol for dyspepsia does not only relieve Indigestion and dyspepsia, but this famous remedy helps all stomach troubles by cleansing, purifying, sweetening and strengthening the mucous membranes lining the stomach. Mr. S. S. Ball, of Rarensvood, W, Va., says:— ' I was troubled with »our stomach for twenty ye»r». Kodol cured me and we are now using it In mife for baby." Kodol Digests What You Eat. Bottles only. Relieves indigestion, sour stomach, belching of gas, etc. Prepare* by E. O. DeWITT & CO., OHICAQO, Sold by R. C. Dodson, Windsor Hotel 1217-1229 Filbert St. A SQUARE FROM EVERYWHERE Special Automobile service for our guests Sight-seeing and touring cars. Rooms SI.OO per day and upwards. The only moderate priced hotel of repu tation and consequence in Philadelphia, Pa.