Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, October 24, 1907, Image 4

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    j emperor) SOUQIJ |f!
Editor and Manager.
Per year 112 2 00
If paid in advance |1 50
Advertisements are publiahedat the rate of one
lollar per squarefor one insertion and fifty cent*
per square for eacb subsequent insertion.
Rates bytiie yearor for six or three months are
ow and uniform, and will be furnished on appli
Legal and Official Advertising persquare.ttaree
imesor less,|2 00; eacb subsequent insertionso
cents per square.
Local notlcesten cents per line for onei nsertion,
five cents per line for eacnsubßequentconaecutive
Obituary notices over five lines, ten cents per
i ne. SimpleannouncementsofbirChs.marriage*
and deaths will be inserted free.
Business Cards, five lines or less |s.ooperyear
overflve lines, atthe regular rates of advertising
Nolocalinserted for less than 75 els. per issue.
The Job department of the PRKHH is complete,
and affords facilities for doing the best class ox
No paper willbe discontinued until arrearages
are pAid, except at the option ofthe publisher.
Papers sent out ofthe county must be paid for
I n advance.
•»-No advertisements will be accepted at less
han the price for fifteen words.
O-Religiotis notices free.
For State Treasurer,
JOHN O. SHEATZ, of Philadelphia.
For County Treasurer,
CHAS.J. HOWARD, of Portage.
Tbouias A Kdison, the great American
nventor, says, "Fully eighty per cent, of
the illness ot' mankind comes i'roni eating
improper food or too much food, people
are iuclined to over-indulge themselves."
This is where indigestion finds its begin
ning iu nearly all cases. The stomach can
do just so much work and no more, and
when you overload it, or when you eat
the wrong kind of food, the digestive or
gans cannot possibly do the work demand
ed of them. It is at such times that the
stomach needs help; it demands help, and
warns you by headaches, belching, sour
stomach, nausea and indigestion. You
should attend to this at once by taking
something that will actually do the work
for the stomach. Kodol will do this. It
is a combination of na'ural digestants and
vegetable acids and contains the same
juices found in a healthy stomach. It is
pleasant to take. It digests what you cat.
Sold by 11. C. Dodson.
Hard Times iu Kansas.
The old days of grasshoppers and
drouth are almost forgotten in the pros
perous Kansas of tc-day, although a
citizen of Codell, Harl Shamburg, has
not yet forgotten a hard time he en
countered. He says:"l was worn out
and discouraged by coughing night and
day, and could find no relief till I tried
Dr. King's New Discovery. It took
less than one bottle to completely cure
me" The safest and most reliable
cough and cold cure and lung and throat
healer ever discovered. Guaranteed at
all drug stores, 50c and §I.OO. Trial
bottle free.
Mis Dear Old Hother.
"My dear old mother, who is now
eighty-three years old, thrives on Elec
tric Bitters," writes W. H. Brunson, of
Dublin, Ga. "She has taken them for
about two years and enjoys an excellent
appetite, feels strong and sleeps well."
That's the way Electric Bitters affect
the aged, and the same happy results
follow in all cases of female weakness
and general debility. Weak, puny chil
dren too, are greatly strengthened by
them. Guaranteed also for stomach,
liver and kidney troubles, by all Drug
gists. 50c.
Doa't get out of patience with the baby
when it is peevish and restless, and don't
wear yourself out worrying night and day
about it—just give it a little Cascasweet.
Cascasweet is a corrective for the stom
achs of bubies and children. Contains
no harmful drugs. Sold by R. C. Dod
You never have any trouble to get
children to take Kennedy's Laxative
Cough Syrup. They like it because it
tastes nearly like maple sugar. Ken
nedy's Laxative Cough Syrup is a safe,
sure and prompt remedy for coughs aud
colds and is good for every member of
the iamily. Sold by R. C. Dodson.
Panama Canal—Erie Canal.
Machinery is digging the Panama
Canal a thousand times quicker than the
shovel dug the Erie.
Machinery produces the L. & M. Paint
at 50 times less cost tor labor, than if
made by hand.
The L. & M., gives the best job in the
world, because L. & M. Zinc hardens
L. & M., White Lead and makes L. &
M. Paint wear like iron for 10 or 15
It only requires 4 gallons of this cele
brated paint and 3 gallons of Linseed Oil
at 60 cts per gallon, to paint a moderatl
sized house.
If any defect exists in L. & M. Painte
will repaint house for nothing.
Sold by Harry S. Lloyd, Emporuim
If you take DeWitts Kidney and
Bladder Pills you will get prompt relief
from backache, weak kidneys, inflamma
tion of the bladder and urinary troubles.
A week's treatment 25 cents. Sold by
R, C. Dodson.
[From our Regular Correspondent.]
Washington, Oct. 19th, 1907.
What is regarded in Washington !
as the finest bargain offered to New
York bankers in recent years will
be brought by Senor Federico Yol
asques, Minister of finance for San-
Domingo, who has sailed for New
York to float the long pending Do
minican loan of $20,000,000, which
is to be secured by a bond issue
bearing five per cent interest, prac
tically guaranteed by the United
States government, and, a irte from
the fact that they will be subject
to taxation and that they cannot be
deposited by national banks as se
curity for governments deposit or
for circulation, are pronounced by
the few financiers who have inves
tigated the subject as good as Uni
ted States bonds. Officers of the
United States government will con
tinue to collect, the Dominican
customs under the terms of the
treaty ratified last session, and WBII
pay into the bauds of the trustees,
who will pay the interest and ac
cumulate the sinking fund, 81,200-
000 a year; the remainder of the
custom receipts, after the cost of
collection shall have been deduc
ted, to be covered into the Domin
ican treasury. The bonds must be
sold at 96, will run for forty years
and bear interest at 5 percent, and
may be redeemed at the end of ten
years at 102 A. $3,300,000 is already
deposited toward the sinking fund,
in the National City Hank of New
York, drawing interest at 2\ per
The control of customs houses iu
Santo Domingo by the I'nited
States has prevented all revolu
tions, as was predicted by the late
Secretary Hay, as the customs re
ceipts constituted the only incen
tive to revolution, and thus the
permanent tranquility of the Dom
inican Government is insured.*
The loan about to be floated will
pay ofl all foreign creditors, obvia
ting all danger of interference from
other governments.
On the completion of the new
office building for members of the
House of representatives, an elec
tric railway will be installed, con
necting the lobby of the new build
ing with the House and a similar
tramway will connect the new Sen
, ate office building with the Senate,
ft is now suggested that still fur
ther passenger service be establish
ed by the construction of a line
which will connect these two links
and thus facilitate passage between
the House and the Senate, and e\f
ery one who has had to walk the
nearly seven hundred feet between
the two chambers, several times in
a day, will appreciate the desirabil
ity of such a line. It is claimed
that with an electric railway trav
eling continuously from the House
to the Senate office buildings and
stopping under the respective
chambers, the greatest saving of
time and effort would be accom
The agitation against the de
struction of the historic Crittenden
oak and other trees in the Botanic
Gardens has been so great that
Gen. Oliver, Acting Secretary of
War, has cabled Secretary Taft in
the Phillipines for authority to act
in the matter. Gen. Oliver who is
a member of the Grant Memorial
Commission, telegraphed to Gen.
Dodge, chairman of the commis
sion, to come to Washington to
consider the matter, but Gen.
Dodge .ieplied that he could not
leave his home at this time; hence
the cable to Secretary Taft, who is
also a member of the commision,
and ex-official chairman. Gen:
Oliver believes that the commission
is the only body which has author
ity to act in the matter, but does
not care to assume the sole respon
sibility by taking action without
first hearing from some other mem
ber of the commission.
A very clever dispatch, published
recently in a New York paper, has
been the cause of no little excite
ment in administration circles,
where it is felt that the freedom of
the press his transgressed all pa
triotism and even decency in this
case. The dispatch is so diaboli
ically worded that no statement is
susceptible of Hat denial, and in it
the President is made to appear to
seek to menace Japai in ordering
the battleship fleet to the Pacific
coast. The dispatch goes to the
length of implying that President
Koosevelt will follow this step by
precipitating hostilities between
the two countries. It is superflous
to say that the paper which carries
this tale is antagonistic to Mr.
Roosevelt .and his progressiv epol
icies, and seeks in this way tomis
lead its readers and to injure the
President. The fact that the
newspaper itself is far too intelli
gent to believe the nonsense it
seeks to palm off on its readers as
fact, renders such an act all t'\e
more culpable in its audacity, and
has excited no little comment in
official circles.
Local news on every page.
a f£ood
lamp oil
that is safe
burns with a
clear, white light
does not "frost"
chimneys nor
char wicks is
Family Favorite
Regardless of brand or prioe
there is no better
Far superior to ordinary
tank wagon oil
Waverly Oil Works
Oil* for All Purposes
Tlie Great Lettuce Field Scene in Leah Klecshna, at Opera House, Saturday, Oct. 26th, 1907
Election Proclamation.
I, John D. Swope, High Sheriff ot the County of Cameron, in the Commonwealth of Pennsylva
nia, do hereby make known and give notice to the Electors of the County of Cameron, Pa., that an
election will he held in said county on Tuesday, the sth day of November, A. D., 1907, it being the
Tuesday following the first Monday of November (the polls to be open at 7o'clock A. M., and closed
at 7 o'clock P. M.), at which time the Freemen of Cameron county will vote by ballot for the follow
ng officers: One person for State Treasurer; one person for County Treasurer,
i *
To vote a straight party ticket, mark a cross (X) in the square opposite the name of the party of
your choice in the first column.
A cross mark in the square opposite the name of any candidate indicates a vote for that candidate.
The voter may insert in the blank space at the bottom of each group, the name 01 any person
whose name is not printed 011 the ballot for whom he desires to vote.
! , —|
John O. Sheatz Republican.
John G. Harman Democratic.
IBMOM Matthew H. Stevenson Prohibition.
Samuel Clark Socialist.
Charles J. Howard Republican
Henry Ludlam Democratic
SOCIALIST | I * ~ cj
The place for holding the election for the Township of Shippen shall be at the building ot the late J. S. Wiley, east of Portage wagon
bridge in said Township.
For the West Ward of the Borough of Emporium, at the Rink in said Ward.
Forthe Middle Ward of the Borough of Emporium, at the City Hall in said Ward.
For the East Ward of the Borough of Emporium, at the Hose House in said Ward.
For the Township of Portage, at the Sizer Springs Hotel.
For the Township of Lumber at the Alpine House.
For the Township of Gibsoiratthe house of A.J. Dent.
For Hicks Run District at the Hall of John E. Dußois.
For the Borough of Driftwood, at the Town Hall.
For the Township of Grove at the Hotel of Geo. P. Shaffer,
Notice is hereby given that every person, excepting Justices of the Peace, who shall hold any office or appointment of profit or trust under the
or or this state or of unv citv or incorporated district, whether n commissioned officer or otherwise a subordinate
ofaiw incorporated district, and also that every Member of Congress and of the State Legislature and ot the Select or Common Council
r ™nSSfrof unv incoroorated district is by law incapable of ho dug or exercising at the same time the office or appointment
of S y 'lW or Clerk of anfS™n of ihUComraoimealthalid that no Inspector, Judge or other officer of any such electron shall be
SiE'S th day of October, A.D., 1007.
joixrv i>. swope, [seal]
Sheriff of Cameron County.
It is claimed indigestion is the nation .
disease. That's why the demand !i;
Rings Dyspepsia Tablets keeps itieieas
ing because they do the work. Stomach
trouble, indigestion, dyspepsia, bloating,
etc., yield quickly. Two days treatment
free. Ask your druggist about them.
For sale by R. C. Dodson.
It comes put up in a collapsible tube
with a nozzle, easy to apply to the sore
ness and inflammation, for any torm of
Piles; it soothes and relieves pain, itching
and burning. Man Zan Pile Remedy.
Price f>o cents. Guaranteed. Sold by
R. C. Dodson.
It is a well known fact that person
living in pine forests do not suffer from
kidney diseases. One dose of Pineules
at night usually relieves backache. 30
days treatment SI.OO. Your money re
funded if not satisfied. Sold by R. C.
All persons are hereby forbidden from
trespassing upon the property of tbie
Company withont a permit from this
office, or the Superintendant at the
Emporium, Pa., August Ist, 1903.
For Rent.
A good house for small family, situ
uated an Fifth street, next to Baptist
church. Apply to A. F. FRAPPIER.
Your skin should be clear and bright
if your liver is in normal condition.
Rings Little Liver Pills act on the liver;
add headache, constipation and billious
ness disappear. Price 25 cents. Sold
by R. U. Dodson.
The rich do not preach class hatred
they practice it as au exclusive right.
Stomach troubles, Heart and Kidney
ailments, can bo quickly corrected with
a prescription known to the druggists
everywhere as Dr. Shoop's Restorative.
The prompt and surprising relief
which this remedy immediately brings
is entirely due to the Restorative act
ion upon the controlling nerves of the
Stomach, etc.
A woman is not sure a man loves her
until he tells her he does not.
Do you know that Pinesalvc Carbol
ized acts like a poultice in drawing out
inflamation and poison? It is anticeptic.
For cuts, burns, eczema, cracked hands it
is immediate relief. 25cts. Sold by R.
C. Dodson.
I have found a tried and tested cure for Rheu.
niat;-in Not a remedy that will straighten the
distorted limbs of chronic cripples, nor turn bonr
growths back to flesh again. That is impossible.
Out 1 can now surely kill the pains and pangs of
this deplorable disease
In Germany—with a Chemist in the City of
Darmstadt— I found the last ingredient with
which Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Kemedy was made
a perfected, dependable prescription Without
that last ingredient, I successfully treated many,
many cases of Rheumatism; but now. at last, ituni.
formly cures *ll curable cages of this heretofore
much dreaded disease Those sand-like granular
wastes, found in Rheumatic Blood, seem todissolve
and pass away under the action of this remedy as
freely as does sugar when added to pure water.
And then, when dissolved, these poisonous wastes
freely pass from the system, and the cause of
Rheumatism is gone forever There it now no
real need—no actual excuse to suffer longer with,
out help. We sell, and in confidence recommend
Dr. Shoop's
Rheumatic Remedy
| ADAM, £
396-408 Main Street,
1 . I
I Suits and !
i Coats |
/ Splendid quality of black *
$ Broadcloth lined through- %
112 out with satin; 50 inches. t§
% long. Neatly trimmed /
, with beautiful braid 011
cuffs, neck and shoulders. §
A grand bargain at
* $14.50
j| Same style as above but
| not as good quality
| $12.75 I
I' Good quality of twilled |
y black broadcloth; satin lin
£ ed jacket 28 inches long, t
Side plaited skirt with fold •/
■| 011 bottom; navy brown /
/ green and black;new mode] *
I $19.50 |
| John S. Brown & Sons'. |
$3.50 Napkins
* 1000 dozens in the lot ft
1 $2.50 18
Vi If
112 Let our Mail Order Depart- $
inent serve yon.
?! I
| ADAM, |
American Block, Buffalo, N.Y.
I |
x\\ \ \ v \ \ \:v\\
\ \ N N \ V X N \ \ \A'\/
j Rockwell's j
X Drug Store I
1 u
is the only place in
% this county where you '%
can buy the k.
1 i
1 __ %
\ %■
£ Injlexall we can use the
true expression, each
/■ remedy is a survival of \
g the fittest. A special
remedy for each ill. %
All guaranteed to give /
P satisfaction. If it does '&
not, come back and get
% your money, it belongs /
£ to you and we want you $
to have it.
% t
1 M. A.ROCKWELL, 112
4 j
Before Using If you bar* pimples, blotches,
©or other skin Imperfections, TOU
can remove them and hare a clear
and beautiful complexion by using
j Bemovea Skin Imperfections. ;
Beneficial results guaranteed \ i
If or money refunded. ,
•Send stamp for Free Sam pic. «i® JV
Particulars and Testimonials.
Mention this paper. • \ ?ing.
Madison Place, Philn/ *a l> a.