Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, October 10, 1907, Image 8
Xatest Countv Correspondence. FROM OUR REPORTERS. STERLING RUN. F. S. Leonard and wife returned from I their JweJding trip Friday. We wish j them much joy. Mrs. Ed. Whiting and daughter Mar- j ion were Emporium visitors Monday. Mrs. Nellie Fultun and children of I Sinnamahoning, were visitors in town the I past week. Lulu Lewis was aft Kmporiuni visitor ! on Mondoy. Mrs. F. A. Kissell returned home the ! past week from a week's visit with her daughter Mrs. Rufus Baker at Shingle | House. Wm. Berry and wife were called to j North Creek on Tuesday to attend the funeral of a grand-child, sun of Krnest I Houslers. John May and crew were helping his brother, Jas. May on the section at West port a few days this week. Mrs. J. E. Smith is visiting her sister Elizabeth Arnold at Elmira, N.Y. Fred Shaffer expects togo to the Lock Haven hospital again on Wednesday. ; The school house on Chapman Hill is i about completed. John Kissell of Renovo, visited his j parents over Sunday. Wm. Wade is the guest of his parents. Mrs. Geo. Hulsinger and son, of Re- i novo, were visitors intown the past week. A. G. Harvy has sold his saw mill to Eastman & Faulkner. Florence Reed of Renovo,was a visitor in town the past week.' Mrs. A. L. Barr was a visitor at Re novo the past week. Mrs. J. H. Darren is visiting her son Edwin at Ridgway. His wife has just recovered from a run of typhoid fever. Mrs. Page left to spend the winter with her daughter at Dunlevie, W. Va. Minnie Losey spent Saturday and Sun day with relatives at Sinnamahoning. Claud Williams of Medix Run, was a visitor in town Monday. Ella Zelf, of Brockwayville, was the guest of her father Mr. Shaffer, the past week. The old gentleman has been quite ill, but is reported better at this writing. Dorsey Spangler and wife spent Sun day at Caineron, guests of John Schwab and wife. G. H. Ilowlett of Ilicks Run, spent Sunday with his family. Clarence Miller and wife of Huntley were visitors in town Sunday. Mildred Strawbridge, who is attending school at Johnsonburg, spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents. Klmer Whiting of Dents Run, spent Sunday with his family. Jess Hart, who has been working on the railroad, is spending a few weeks at home. PLUNKY. CAMERON. The coalmines arc shut down tempor arily this week. G. L. Page and wife visited at St. Marys Sunday. Esther Stewart visited at Sterling Run, Saturday. John Lawson, of Beechwood, spent Sunday with his daughter, Mrs. Robinson. Chas. Hollenworth, Chief clerk to Sup.t Coughlin, of Renovo, was a business caller at the Penn Vitrified Brick works Tuesday. Herman Anderson, who was promoted to section foreman here, moved his family from Driftwood. E. S. Randolph, of Emporium, is learning the new block work at l 'F" this week. The Canoe Run Stars, crossed bats with Cameron, this week; first game 13 to 3, in favor of Canoe Run, second game 17 to 1G in favor of Canoe Run. Thressa Iloehn returned home after a few weeks visit with her sister, Mrs. Page. G. L. Page and A. F. Walker, went to Round Island to-day to hunt pheas ants. A. F. Walker is the crack-shot and Page says he is only going along to carry the game. J. F. 8. Don't worry about your kidneys when you can obtain a 30 days treatment of I'ineuels for SI.OO. These little globules bring relief in the first dose. Backache, Lumbago and Rheumatism yield quickly. If not satisfied your money refunded. This is a fair offer, you can't lose. Sold by R. C. Dodson. It is a well known fact that persons living in pine forests do not suffer from kidney diseases. One dose of Pincules at night usually relieves backache. 30 days treatment SI.OO. Your money re funded if not satisfied. Sold by It. C. Dodson. Notice to Contractors. We wish to correspond with log job bers in Pennsylvania, that can stock to railroad, from one million to three mil lion feet in a job. When job is com pleted, will give new job so jobber will have work from year to year. We have the stocking of the timber on 87,- 000 acres and pay the best prices. Our work is worth investigating. G. W. HI'NTLEY & SON, 23-tf. Shryock, W. Va. HUNTLEY. Mrs. Wm. Wheaton and children, of Siunamahoning, are the guest of W. 15. Smith and wife. Charles Taylor, of Tunnel Hill, called an friends in town Sunday. Weare glad j to see him out again. G. W. Starr and A. W. Smith were j business callers in Emporium Friday. B. J. Collins has completed his water j line and now has running water in both i house and out buildings. Pennsy Fireman Samuel Smith, of Ridgway, brought his infant child from that place to Huntley Friday, where the child was buried. It only lived about three hours after being burn. Lloyd Logue, of Kenovo, is visiting his parents. Thomas Hill, of Grove Hill, accompan ien by his son, where callers in town Saturday. He has purchased a valuable bear dog from Connecticut and contem plates devoting his spare time to hunting bears this winter. Mrs. Harry Johnson, of Renovo, was a guest of J. L. Johnson and wife last week. Clare Ford, of Millers Run, is visiting at the home of W. R. Smith. W. H. Logue was a business caller in i Sterling Run Sunday. The Driftwood callers this week were: W. H. Logue, Levi Smith, W. R. Smith, Gertrude Hill, Elmer Hill, Alice Jordan and David Ives. The birthday party given in honor of \ Gertrude Hill Friday evening, was a suc cess in every particular. Many useful and valuable presents were given to this popular young lady as marks of the high esteem iu which she is held by the com munity at large. A fine coalation was served and social games and music were indulged in until a late hour when the party dispersed well satisfied with the evenining's entertainment. C. J. Miller and wife spent Sunday in Sterling Run. A. W. Smith spent Sunnay in Sterling Run. W. W. Johnson wa3 a Driftwood call er Sunday. Our former fellow townsman and friend, John F. Carson, who now claims Shintown for his home, advises us of the advent of a fifteen pound boy which was added to the family circle last week. John has a fine family and docs not be lieve in race suicide. We wish him many happy returns of the day and hope himself and family will continue in good health and prosperity. We understand the child is named Cyril Wayne Carson, whieh is a very pretty name. J. F. 8. RICH VALLEY. Edward Huff and lady of East Em porium, were Valley callers, Sunday, as were A. M. Hamilton and wife. Mrs. Edward McCormick of Cooks Run Junction, has been on the sick list the past week. J. H. Kvans of Sizerville, called on his Valley friends Monday. Merrick Barker and wife of town, visited at Elk Fork Sunday. J. Ray Poorman and James Hennessy of Emporium, called on ye scribe Satur day. Sam Lewis of Sizer Run, is visiting Lewis Run friends this week. Leon Chadwick and wife of Emporium spent Sunday with Elk Fork friends. Mrs. L. Lockwood was the guest of Sizerville friends last week. Mark Goodwin is a Pennsy brakeman at Renovo, is at the home of D. H. Adams, nursing an injured foot. S. C. Lewis is employed by Ray Lyon on More Hill. Misses Crystal Housler and Daisy Lewis of Emporium were on our streets Sunday. Wm. Brown moved from Elk Fork, back to River Side Park last week. Floyd Barton and wife of Slabtown spent Sunday with Mrs. Frank Moon of North Creek. Mose Minard was sizing up the chick en coops up this way Sunday. Mrs. Burton Barr. of Slabtown was to the city Monday. A small child ot Ernest Housler's was buried in the local cemetery Tuesday, Rev. A. A. Dow officiating. Mesdames Malcom McLeod and Iliel man Lewis were guests of Kev. and Mrs- Dow Tuesday. c. M. 8. Trial Catarrh treatments are being mailed out free, on request by Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. These teats are proving to the people—without a penny's cost—the great value of this scientific prescription known to drug gists everywhere as Dr. Shoop's Cat arrh Remedy. Sold by all dealers. A Criminal Attack. on an inoffensive citizen is frequently made in that apparently useless Jittl tube called the "appendix." It's gener ally the result of protraced constipa tion, following liver torpor. Dr. King's New Life Pills regulate the liver, pre vent appendicitis, and establish regular habits of the bowels. 25c at all drug stores. Local news on every page. CAMEROIN COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, OCTOBER io, 1907. Honor Roll. Honor roll of Sinnamahoning school, primary room, for the first month. Pupils not having been absent or tardy during the month: Emma Mci Coll, Ode Burk, Ruie Kreba, Orpha Leightner, Mary Logue, Sadie Fisher, Marian Campbell, Marg uerite Floyd, Lolo Smith, Oladyß Espy, Vida Knaule, Wilma O'Connor, Dora thy Hackett, Mabel Wheaton, Lily Gore, Claud Beldin, Dewey Kirkland, Layton Ben net, Chauncey Pitts, Don ald Lupoid, Theodore Gore, Dan Campbell, Dan O'Connor. Pupils of the Sizerville school, who have missed no days the first month of school: Maria Villelle, Earl Mont gomery, Lena Agliardo, Max Edwards, Margaret Rozaman, Franklin Alden, Willie Kephart. ANNA MARKET, Teacher. The successul liar must occasional tel' enough truth to make the lies stick. If real coffee disturbs your Stom ach, your Heart, or Kidneys, then try this clever Coffee imitation—Dr Shoop's Health Coffee. Dr. Shoop has very cloßely matched Old Jav!> and Mocha Coffee in flavor and taste, yet he has not even a single grain of real Coffee in it. Dr. Shoop'sllealth Coffee Imitation is made from pure toasted grains or cereais, witn IVJalt Nuts, etc. Made in one minute. No tedious long wait. You will surely like it. Get a free sample at our store. Sold by all dealerr. Better a dozen freckles on' your face than one on your character. To check a cold quickly, get from your druggist some little Candy Cold Tablets called Preventics. Druggists everywhere are now dispensing Pre ventics, for they are not only safe, but decidedly certain and prompt. Pre ventics contain no quinine, no laxative nothing harsh nor sickening. Taken at the "sneeze stage". Preventics will prevent Pneumonia, Bronchitis, La Grippe, etc. Hence the name, Pre ventics. Good for feverish children. 48 Preventics '25 cents. Trial boxes sc. Sold by all dealers. A woman is not sure a man loves her until he tells her he does not. Do you know that Pinesalve Carbol ized acts like a poultice in drawing out inflaraation and poison? It is anticeptic. For cuts, burns, eczema, cracked hands ii is immediate relief. 25cts. Sold by R. C. Dodson. Solicitors for a charitable enterprise are offered more excuses than money. Your skin should be clear and bright if your liver is in normal condition. Rings Little Liver Pills act on the liver; add headache, constipation and billious ness disappear. Price 25 cents. Sold by R. (J. Dodson. The rich do not preach class hatred they practice it as an exclusive right. It is claimed indigestion is the national disease. That's why the demand lor Rings Dyspepsia Tablets keeps increas ing because they do the work. Stomach trouble, indigestion, dyspepsia, bloating, etc., yield quickly. Two days treatment free. Ask your druggist about them. For sale by R. C. Dodson. Some wives seem to think that "it is their duty to nag their husbands. Out of Sight. •'Out of sight, out of mind," is an old saying which applies with special force to a sore, burn or wound that's been treated with Bucklen's Arnic Salve. It's out of sight, out of mind and out of existence. Piles too and chilblains disappear under its healing influence. Guaranteed by all Druggists. 25c. Wise is the man who realizes that he is a fool and tries to live it down. For Sale. Sterling House, opposite depot Sterl ing Run, Pa. Inquire at my residence opposite Catholic church, Emporium. 11-tf MRS. MAHONY. Obstinate cases cf constipation and nasty mean headaches promptly disap pears when you take DeWitt's Little Early Riser Pills. Sold by 11. C. Dodson. How's This. We offer One Huudred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned,have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be lieve him perfectly Honorable in all business transactions, and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. WALDING, KJNNAN & MARVIN, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intern ally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price, 75c per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for consti pation. Very often the less faith other people have in a man the more his wife has. DeWitt's Carbolized Witch Hazel Salve is good for little burns and big burns, small cratches and burns and big ones. It is healing aud soothing. Good for piles. Sold by R. C. Dodson. A Wonderful Dog. I ran a news stand at Port Jervls, N. Y. I owned a common shepherd dog which was a very intelligent ani mul and was of great assistance to me the newspaper business, run ning across the street with papers in his mouth to customers. lie attracted much attention, and he got me many new customers, for everybody liked him, he was such a business dog. I was sick one day and not able to sell my papers. My dog came in my room where I lay in bed. He fumbled around in my pants pockets and took the keys to my news stand and ran out of the house, and the first thing I knew he had the newspaper stand opened up and doing business. He was very clever in making change, changing five and ten dollar bills without a single mistake, work ing the cash register with his paws, and everything ran smoothly until a man came up and passed him a lead quarter. My dog got mad and lost bis temper entirely, and I was forced to Interfere. With much trouble I man aged to pull them apsu-t. If this dog had notiiad such a quick temper I would have started him in business for himself. This dog Is still living.—Boston Post. Crushed by Beecher. Henry Ward Beecher was once ap proached by a young man who con sidered himself very clever. "Do you know. Mr. Beecher," said he, "I've been thinking that I would settle down. Now, I like your preach ing, but when I goto your church and see such men as old S. and others, grasping skinflints and hypocrites to the core, sitting there in full member ship, why, the thing is Just a little too much for me, and really," he added. "I cannot join." "Well, you're right," said Mr. Beech er. "Every church has such men, and 1 fancy Plymouth is not free from them, and until you spoke I have al ways wondered why the good Lord permitted it. Now I understand." "Ah," gurgled the young fellow, "I am glad I have thrown light on the question! What strikes you as the reason, Mr. Beecher?" "Well," replied the great preacher, "it Is permitted in order to keep just such fools as you out of the churches." The Nearest Approach. An English tourist visited Arran and being a keen disciple of Izaak Wal ton was arranging to have a day's good sport. Being told that the cleg, or horsefly, would suit his purpose ad mirably for a lure, he addressed him self to Christy, the highland servant girl, "I say. my girl, can you get me some horseflies?" Christy looked stupid, and he repeat ed his question. Finding that she did not yet comprehend him, he exclaimed: "Why, girl, did you never see a horsefly ?" "Naa, sir," said the girl, "but a wanse saw a coo jump ower a preshl piee." Grandfather's Portrait. A villager, Intensely conceited and ignorant, but quite wealthy, was per suaded to have his grandfather's pic ture repainted. The artist, not having been decently treated by the villager, drew the por trait almost in a nude form. Rolling it up, he told the man not to look at it before the coming New Year. On that day the villager ordered the pic ture to be hung up that he might pay it his New Year respects. As It was being unrolled he frantically waved his hands and shouted: "Wait! Wait! The old gentleman is not ready, for he is not yet dressed."—From the Chi nese. The Worth of His Money. Not seldom In highland districts the attendance at church during unpropi tious weather is but scanty. One min ister, finding himself on a boisterous Sunday confronted with but one soli tary auditor, who happened to be a gruff, outspoken character, took him Into his confidence, with a view to propitiate -him. "Will I goon with the sermon, John?" John answered gruff ly, "Of course." Getting into the pul pit and leaning over it, he asked, "Will I give you the Gaelic sermon or the English one?" "Gle's balth. Ye're weel paid for 't," said John, more gruffly still.—Dundee Advertiser. Bituminous Coal. Shortly after the adoption of bitu minous coal as a fuel In England a royal proclamation was used forbid ding its use and authorizing the de struction of the furnaces of the users, who were characterized as evil doers. Scarcity of fuel, It seems, shortly com pelled the resumption of Its use. In the relgn of Elizabeth bituminous coal was again prohibited during ses sions of parliament lest the health of the members suffer thereby.—London Telegraph. The Richest. That country Is the richest which nourishes the greatest number of no ble and happy human beings; that man Is the richest who, having |>er feeted the functions of his own life to the utmost, has also the widest help ful Influence, both personal and by means of his possessions, over the lives of others.—John Buskin. A Philosopher. Frances Willard once wrote to a friend who had just lost a daughter: "Dear Sister Anna, how much richer are you than 1! Here I sit alone with out a child to die, while you are mother to an angel." Tho Hat Scale. A fifty dollar hat is a conceit. A thirty dollar hat Is a confection. A two dollar hat Is a sin and a shame and a perfect Justification forgoing home to mother.—Pittsburg Post. Plenty of light and no eye strain. 1 Steadier than gas or incandescent. Not so sharp as the arc light. Just u hi)?, round, smooth, bright flame. Family Favorite Oil Humiliating, j Gives the cheapest and hest-for-the-eyes light known. Removes all lump troubles —no smoke, no soot, no dirt, no churred wicks. Burns up full and bright to the last drop. Your dealer will supply you right from the original barrel—direct from our refineries. WAVERLY OIL WORKS Oils for All Independent Refiners PITTSBURG, PA. . e n."'£ce^ Constipation Raked sweet apples, with some people, bring prompt relief (or Constipation. With others, coarse all-wheat broad will have the tame effect. Nature undoubtedly has a vegetable remedy to relieve every bailment known toman. if physicians can but find Nature's way to health. And this 1» strikingly true with regard to Constipation. The bark of a certain tree in California—Cas cara Sagrada—offers a most excellent aid to this end. Hut. combined with Egyptian Seuna, Slip pery Kim Bark. Solid Extract of Prunes, etc.. this same Cascara bark Is given its greatest possible power to correct constipation. A toothsome Candy Tablet, called Lax-ets, is now made at the l)r. Shoop Laboratories, from this ingenuous and most effective prescription. Its effect on Consti pation, Biliousness. Sour Stomach. Had Breath. Sallow Complexion, etc., is indeed prompt and satisfying. No griping, no unpleasant after effects are ex. perieneed. and Lax-ets are put up io beautiful lithographed metal boxes at 5 cents and cents per box. For something new. nice, economical aud effective, try a box of Lax-ets "ALL DEALERS" ITTITT A cure guarnntwd if you u*o H a PILES a»^sappo3i(oni| jCtidtJ School!". Statmllle, N*. C.J wrluß:" I ''l°c'*o §'»>'■ |n* 1 Stock l'" r fl - ». DcTort.B H fiction." lir. H. ii. McGUI, C!ariubiiti;, < T< uu ■ "la » P'M'loo of 1J J(ar«, I hive f..u.<t uo r« mvtlT loH ■ equal your.." Puict. 50 C«»r«. SoTu;,!es I'r.-e. Soil ■ L " Nc SoM in Emporium by L. Tznc,arlL- R. C. Dodson CULL FOt* r ■-»»>; A BEAUTIFUL FACE Before Usiug If you have pimples, blotches. ®or other skin Imperfections, ycu can remove them and haye a clear and beautiful complexion by using BEAU T Y SKIN . Icmovei Skin Imperfections. V& Yf® Beneficial results guaranteed or money refunded. Ijj Send 8t amp for Free Sam pie, v#f Jf Particulars and Testimonials. Mention this paper. After Using. CHICHESTER CHEMICAL CO., Madison Place, Philadelphia, Pa. WITCH HAZEL OIL. (COMPOUND.) For PlLES.—External or In ternal, Blind or Bleeding, Itch ing or Burning. One applica tion brings relief. For Burns, Scalds, Inflamed or Caked Breasts and Sore Nip ples, Salt Rheum, Chapped Hands, Fever Blisters, Corns, Bunions. Sample mailed free. At Druggists, 25 cents, or mailed. Humphrey*' Homeo, Medicine Co., Cor. lUlam *ud ioxrn Streets, New York. NERVOUS DEBILITY" Vital Weakness and Prostra tion from overwork and other causes. Humphreys' Homeo pathic Specific No. 28, in use over 40 years, the only success ful remedy. $ 1 per vial, or spec ial package for serious cases,s3. Bold by Druggists, or sent prepaid on receipt of price. HumphreyH' Homeo. Medlclue Co., Cor, William and J una streets. New York. THE ORIGINAL LAXATIVE COUGH SYRUP Kor all Coughs and aiih'.J In /") _?*• JJ" •spelling Colds from the tyt- Mil CloTer Bloy lem by gently moving the _IM join «M the bowali. A certain i i Honejr Be* relief for croup and '• on rrery whooping jcougli. curei^ mr motes ih# bowsls. contains KENNEDY'S LAXATIVE OQNTAINIKO HONEVMTAR mruun AT m LAioaAToar or B. O. DeWITT * 00.. OHIOAQO, U. •. A. Sold by R. C. Dodson. Administrator's Notice. Estate oj JACOB MILLER, decerned. NOTICE is hereby given that letters testa mentary upon the estate of Jacob Miller, late of Grove township. County ofCiimeron, Pa., deceased have been granted to the undersigned to whom claims against said estate must be present ted, duly authenticated; also all persons indebted to said estate must make settlement. O. L. BAILEY, Administrator. Or his Attorneys, JOHNSON & MCNAKNEY, Emporium, Pa. WILLIAM MCDOWELL, Sharon, Pa. Oct. sth, 1907.—34-Bt. Scaled Bids. DEPARTMENT OP FOBEKTBY, ) Oct. 4th, 1907./ rpHE State Forestry Reservation Commission 1 invites sealed bids for the removal of stone from Warrant No. 4152, Grove Township, Cam eron County, on a basis of 1,000 lbs. per ton, to be measured In carload lots by car capacity. A car with a capacity of 100,000 lbs, to be regarded as 60 tons, of 80,00 ii lbs. to be regarded as $0 tons, and BO on. All bids will be made at so much per ton, to be computed as above. The right to re ject any or all bids is specifically reserved. All bids must be received at the office of the Comis sioner of Forestry, in Harrisburg on or before Friday, November Ist, 1907. ROBERT S. CONKLIN, 34-M Commissioner of Forestry. nmn .... WHEN IN DOUBT. TRY The* hire rtood (he test of yen Jp«TS?% CTnflljn haT « Cl "ed thousands i> H T Oinunu L* * Jtt. /// a! e s of Nervous Diseases, su< li IZa AGAIN circulation, make digestion wt\.-J«' Hior lo ,h f »h*>le being. All drains and losses are r«ra HfMtfyT 1? nlesi patients M.IPIS £ ~"«*?• HL E CO ? D 'TIOO i ofteu worries them Inte Insanity. Consumption or Death. r*"* 4 * T **?'• 6 . bo *"' W .'£ •««■«'«<» legal guarantee to cufe or refuudth, ,HIB " mouey, » 5 .00. Send for Irec book. Address. PEAL MEDICINE CO.. Cleveland. 0. Geo. J. LaHar „ Furniture | jgfT) DON'T BE CAUGHT ' napping. Your neighbors will be getting ahead of you if you've not yet taken advantage of the immense reductions in prices that we have made for THIS WEEK ONLY. All kinds of handsome Furni ture in willow and wicker. New designs suitable for summer letc. Undertaking Geo. J. Laßar \ \ .x \vv\:x \ \ v s s \/ j Rockwell's 112 I Drug Store t I I is the only place in this county where you can buy the Is | REXALL REMEDIES \ % - - - - | % H K In Rexall we can use the & true expression, each J % remedy is a survival of y the fittest. A special £ remedy for each ill. % AH guaranteed to give / K satisfaction. If it does u not, come back and get % your money, it belongs / '£ to you and we want you to have it.?> % | M. A. ROCKWELL. I 112 % Windsor Hotel 1217-1229 Filbert St. A SQUARE FROM EVERYWHERE Special Automobile service for our guests Sight-seeing and touring cars. Rooms SI.OO per day and upwards. The only moderate priced hotel of repu tation and consequence in Philadelphia, Pa. THE CHILDREN LIKE IX KENNEDY'S LAXATIVE COUGH SYRUP