Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, July 25, 1907, Image 1

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VOL. 41.
Itusiiiegs Cards.
Will give prompt attention to all business en
trusted to them. 16-ly.
Collections promptly attended to. Real estate [
a mi pension claim agent,
35-ly. Emporium, I'a. j
Corner Fourth mid Broad streets,
Emporium, I'a. I
All busiuess relating to estate,collections, real |
estate, Orpliau's Courtand general law business
will receive prompt attention. 41-25-ly.
Kast Emporium, Pa..
Having resumed proprietorship of this old and
well established House I invite ine patronage of
the public. House newly Atrnished and thor
ughly renovated. 481y j
(Opposite Post Office,)
I take pleasure in informing the public that I j
have purchased the old and popular Novelty
Restaurant, located ou Fourth street. It will be !
my endeavor to serve the public in a manner I
that shall meet with their approbation. Give me j
a call. Meals and luncheon served at all hours. |
noZT lyr WRA. McDONALD. |
Also dealer in all the Popular sheet MUMC, I
Emporium, Pa.
Scholarstaught either at my home on Sixth [
street or at the homes ol'the pupils. Outoftown J
scholars will be given dates at my room in this
■II I II 111 IT
Rockwell Block, Emporium, Pa j
(Successor to Dr. A. B. Mead.)
Office over A. F. Vogt's Shoe Store,
Emporium, Pa. 121y
Card of Thanks.
Please convey our thanks to all those
kind friends, who so nobly assisted
and comforted my littls daughter in
her first and terrible sorrow, the death
of J. D. Nelson, her beloved husband.
Especially do we wish to thank Rev.
and Mrs. C W. Dickson, Pastor of M.
E. Church, of Sinnamahoning, Pa., for
their many consoling visits and kind
words, which brought my child to
Mr. C. M. Wykoff, of Sinnamhoning,
the undertaker, who had charge of the
remains, and his noble wife who took
my child into their home for the time
thit was necessary for her to remain
in that place.
The powder workers, Messrs. Van
Wert, Ensign, Debuque, Victor Cruin,
Randolph, Palmer and Johnson, I shall
forever feel indebted to each and every
one of them, for the noble way they
assisted my child.
Her Father,
Hannibal, Mo.
Crow Steals Valuable Ring
A pet crow has made its home at
Hon. F. X. Blumle's home for some
time and last Monday its propensity
for stealing things cost Mr. Crow its
life. He stole or swallowed a valuable
ladies signet ring. "Dr." Wm. Dietz
ler, (George J. Laßar's upholsterer)
promptly administered strong doses,
such as cascarets, liver pills, gravel,
etc., but Jim Crow refused to dis
gorge. As a final search for the
valuable ring the bird was kill
ed and placed on the dissecting board,
but as we goto press the post mortem
has been postponed until the future.
Notice to Contractors.
We wish to correspond with log job
bers in Pennsylvania, that can stock to
railroad, from one million to three mil
lion feet in a job. When job is com
pleted, will give new job so jobber will
have work from year to year. We
have the stocking of the timber on 87,-
000 acres and pay the best prices. Our
work is worth investigating.
23-tf. Shryock, W. Va.
A small fox terrier dog, half grown;
yellow-brown; answers to the name
•'Trixy". Any information will be
thankfully received, and reasonable
reward paid, by leaving the dog at
PRESS otlice.
For Sale.
One >'-10.00 side board for $ll.OO, one
hall back, $5.00. Also an odd lot of
children's underwear, notions, em
broidery, &e., at your own price.
Please call in the forenoon.
A large line of ladies and gents shoes
will bo sold at a sacrifice to close out
the line, not desiring to handle shoes.
Tiros. W. WELSH,
Diehl's Old Stand.
Snake Story.
The following snake story emulates |
from Sugar Run and was given to the j
Clinton Republican by a citizen of that j
section whose veracity is not question- j
ed: William Gable, a farmer who re- i
sides about a half mile from the city I
line, was walking through one of his |
fields Wednesday morning, accompan
ied by a large shepherd dog.
Suddenly Mr. Cable noticed a com- |
motion in the tall grass and investi- j
gated. He discovered a rattlesnake I
coiled and ready to strike. His dog ■
also observed the reptile and attacked ;
it. The rattler at once sank its poison- I
ous fangs into the dog's jaw and for a |
time the dog could not shake the snake •
away. After it did a battle for life re
The dog again attacked the snake.
This time it grabbed the rattler just
back of the head and attempted to
shake it, but the rattler coiled about
the dog's neck and attempted to
choke it; at another time it coiled
about its legs, but the dog held on in
death grip.
In the meantime Mr. Cable ran to a
fence to get something to assist in
killing the rattler and returned with a
club and dispatched the reptile, which
was then nearly dead.
The faithful shepherd was hurried
home ii\, a weakened condition and iu
a short time its head was swollen to
abnormal proportion and its eyes were
entirely closed. It is believed the ani
mal will die from the effects of poison.
The snake was over four fee 1 ' in
Close Call.
Last Saturday evening, about .5:30
o'clock, while Geo. Oval and a Mr.
Murphy were returning from the farm
of John L. Johnson, on the Portage,
they had a miraculous escape from
death at the railroad crossing just
north of town. A freight train was
standing near the crossing and view
was so obstructed that the occupants
of the wagon could not see an ap
proaching engine, which hit the hind
wheels of the vehicle and threw both
men out, demolishing that part
of the wagon. Mr. Oval received
some severe bruises about the head,
while Mr. Murphy escaped with
slight injuries about the body. The
horses were not injured.
The Social Swim.
Mrs. E. M. Hurteau and Mrs. W. B.
Thompson entertained in an elaborate
style last Thursday afternoon, at the
residence of the former. The home was
beautifully decorated in yellow and
white, while the favors were carna
tions. About forty ladies were present
and our reporter having failed to hand
in the "copy," we shall endeavor to
give a correct list of the ladies In at
tendance, gowned as only ladies know
how upon occasions of this nature:
Mesdames H. S. Lloyd, Geo. Smutz, F.
H. Pearsoll, T. F. Moore, Chas. Felt, J.
Paul Felt, G. S. Allen, Henry Auchu,
C. J. Howard, W. G. Gilbert, A. E.
Housler, Geo. Metzger, Jr., Helen
Metzger, J. H. Day, Jasper Harris,
Frank Shives, J. I>. Logan, Chas. Seger,
E E. Forbes, 11. A. Eick, Geo. Hurteau,
R. H.Lyons, Laura Bryan,Guy I). Felt,
W. H. DeLong, W W. Weimao, B. W.
Green, F. G. Judd, C. M. Thomas,
Allen Baldwin, Fred Seger, T. H.
Norris, Lizzie Hinkle and Miss Jettie
Wylie; Mrs. Martin, Westfield, Pa.;
Mrs. Walker, Perry, N. Y.; Mrs. E. C.
Davison, Pa.; Mrs.
Potter, New York City. The first prise
was awarded to Mrs. J. Paul Felt,
while Mrs. Lizzie Ilinkle captured the
I second prize. Elaborate refreshments
were served at six o'clock. It was vot
!ed a "perfectly lovely time" by all
| present.
Thirty Cars Daily.
! About one hundred cars a week of
s saw logs are hauled from Mix Run
section, this county, every week.
It is a burning shame that this
timber must go elsewhere to be manu-
I factured.
"We Four Club"
The Misses McQuay last Friday
\ evening entertained the "We Four
Club"in honor of their brother Rus
sell, who that day celebrated his 21st
birthday. Russell is on exemplary
young man and is employed in the of
fice of Emporium Powder Company.
Sunday's Flyer Derailed.
The Buffalo flyer was delayed about
three hours last Sunday afternoon on
account of a wreck on the eastern di
vision. The engine was-derailed by a
large rock, which had rolled down the
mountain. About three weeks ago the
same train was wrecked near Sunbury,
while last Sunday a shot wis fired
J through a coach window.
"Liberty and Union, One and Inseparable."—WEßSTKß.
Ora O'Dell Assaults His Faithful
Wife, Fireing Three Shots
Into Her Head.
He Then Fires One Shot into His Own Head—
Inflicting Only a Scalp Wound—Wife Dies
Within an Hour--o'Dell Arrested and
Placed in Jail—Attempts Suicide.
The most horrible crime committed j
in Emporium for many years startled j
tour people last Thursday afternoon I
when we stopped the press to an- j
nouncethat Ora O'Dall, of East Em-;
porium, had shot his wife, then turned j
the gun ou himself. While our j
town has become, in a measure,harden- !
ed to the sudden taking away of oar
citizens, this case being only the sec
murder ever com mited hero, it caused
groat excitement, regret and indigna
tion. The tyily reason the brute was j
not lynched was the hope of all that j
his wound would prove fatal.
Ora O'Dell, who seldom of late years
worked at his trade or calling, stone !
mason or plasterer, but devoted most j
of his time to drink and abusing his j
wife—it being nothing for hitn to
knock her down, drag her around the (
house and kick the poor woman un
mercifully. Last March the PRESS j
called attention to the inhuman treat- j
ment this poor woman was subjected j
to and we then hoped he would be
locked up and thus prevent just what
Last Wednesday the fiend in human i
shape went to Stephens & Saunders
hardware store and purchased some >
window screens, a pair of shears and a |
22 calibre Iver Johnson revolver, pre- j
senting a check (probably given him
by his wife). Nothing being noticed
out of place by Mr. Saunders he gave
the man his change, when he went
down town, stopping at Norris &
Tompkins, where he purchased a shirt.
This was about noon. He secured a
bottle of whiskey at the hands of one
of those men who are always ready to
procure rum if they are sure to get a
drink. The following day he hung
around the house in his usual sullen
mood, until about two o'clock when a
gun report and screams startled the
neighborhood. What took place iu
the store can only be guessed at, that
his wife refused him more money for
drink, when he whipped out his gun,
knocked the poor woman to the floor
and held her while he flred three shots
into her head, the first shot severing
the jugular vein—any one of the three
would prove fatal. He then turned
the gun on himself and flred the shot
proving only a scalp wound, but dazed
him. The poor woman struggled to
her feet and walked to the front door
when neighbors met her. This fearful
sight was witnessed by little Jennie
O'Dell, aged nine years, and a young
lad named Bowker, aged about ten.
The boy says he saw him standing
over the prostrate form of his wife and
fire two shots into her head. No at
tention was paid to the husband, all
assistance being rendered the wife, who
was rapidly passing away. The dying
mother, with great effort, managed to
make her mother understand that she
wanted them to care for her children.
She passed away within one hour from
the time the brute who promised to
Early Late Club Meet.
j The "W. F. K." met Tuesday mom
j ing, at one o'clock, at W. S. Sterner's
i residence on Broad street, in honor of
| Mr. E. B. Saunders' 23d birthday.
! After cracking twenty- three jokes tiie
| club proceeded to give Saunders his
i annual bath, "nighty" and all. All
| were up bright and early for breakfast,
' prepared by Caterer Sterner. The boys
! evidently enjoyed the occasion, but
: Russell McQuay can't understand why
jhe had togo into the bath tub too.
An umbrella marked "M. C." was
exchanged for one marked "N. S." at
t the party given by Mrs Ilurteau and
Mrs. Thompson. "IT. S." can have
her's by calling on Mrs. R. H. Lyons.
Some Good Bargains.
I have several pieces of summer suit
I ing which 1 will sell at great reduction
j during Julv and August.
22-4t. Over Express Office.
"love, honor and protect, her" had
cruelly flred the fatal shots that made
two orphan children, and many aching
and bleeding hearts. Undertaker La-
Bar's assistant, Mr. C. W. Rishell
took charge of the remains, after the
Acting Coroner, Esq., Larrabee with
the following jurors viewed the re
mains and rendered a verdict in ac
cordance with the facts: W. J. Leavitt.
J. D. Swoope, Henry Farr, S. E. Huff,
W. A. Dalrymple, W. A. Auchu.
The body was promptly removed to
the residence of her horrified and grief
stricken mother and sister—Mrs S. L.
Stoddard and Mrs. E. S. Coppersmith
—on West Allegany Avenue. Kind
neighbors and friends rendered all as
sistance possible under the circum
Then Sheriff Swoop,ewlio was guard
ingthe murderer, loaded him into a
wagon and took him to Esq , Lar
rabee' office, who read the warrant to
him, who replied, "I did it; only get
me away." He was committed to jail
and his weakened condition has pre
vented a hearing thus far. Possibly as
soon as District Attorney McNaruey
returns from Detroit the hearing will
take place.
May Stoddard-O'Dell was in her
thirty-third year. Thirteen years ago
last March she was married to O'Dell.
Two children—Emery, aged 12, and
Jennie, aged nine—are left to mourn.
During all these thirteen years the poor
woman slaved, prayed, begged and
hoped that she could yet prevent a
separation. To enumerate the awful
ill-treatment and abuse heaped upon
this woman by the wretch is sufficient
to cause an indignant public to have
long ago banished him from our midst
Even his poor children were driven
from home and they stood across the
street, asking if, they "dared come
home." The little store, kept by the
industrious wife, afforded a good liv
ing for the family, she having by hard
work built up a good trade. It is the
saddest case that ever came under our
observation and the degenerate who
could not appreciate the sacrifice will,
we hope, pay the full penalty of the
The funeral took place from the resi
dence of the deceased's mother and
sister—Mrs. S. L. Stoddard and Mrs. E.
S. Coppersmith—on Saturday after
noon at 2:30 o'clock. The services
were conducted by Rev. Calvin pastor
of First Baptist Church, of which the
deceased was a devout member. The
floral offerings were numerous and
beautiful, especially those sent by the
members of the Baptist Church.
The following relatives and friends
from a distance were in attendance:
L. E. Runals, Arcade, N. Y.; Mr and
Mrs. J. B. Donavon, Millport, Pa.; Mr.
j and Mrs. Chas. Jacobs, Shingle House,
Pa.; Mrs. F. C. Watkins, Buffalo, N.
1 Y.
The Outlook.
The crop outlook for this season is
■ now very good. Wheat has not filled
i out to a full crop, and corn will have
to get a hustle to make a full crop.
Hay is much above the average, mea
dows that a month ago promised noth
ing, now have more than a normal
tonage. Potatoes are looking fine and
; promise an immense crop. What few
early oats was sowed are fine, late oats
j are beginning to rust, and are back
ward. Apples are all right now, and
those orchards that are kept sprayed
probably will stay all right, so as to be
a good crop. Altogether it looks like
a very good average season. Within
the last three weeks all crops have
grown wonderfully and are fast catch-
J ing up for the backward spring.
The above are the observations of
! Mr E. L. Mason, on a trip through
Cameron, Potter, McKean, Cattarau
gus, Allegany and Stuben counties -
each county being about equal. Tie is
:i practical farmer and close observer.
Noticeable Improvements.
There are numerous noticeable im- ;
provements in our town occasioned by
the application of a little paint. It
makes a wonderful change in appear- j
auce some times and adds greatly to
the beauty of our town. Let the good
work goon. When a stranger strikes j
a town nothing attracts his attention ;
quicker than property nicely painted I
and lawns well looked after. While
thia is generally the way things are
done by. most of our citizens, there are
nevertheless a few places yet that
if the weeds were only cut down it
would make a wonderful change for
the better. Try it.
Unlucky Flyer.
The Erie Flyer ran into a freight!
train at Ferney, Tuesday morning,
wrecking the flyer engine and several
cars. About twelve passengers were
injured, none seriously, except engi
neer Mackey, of flyer, whose collar
bone was broken. The freight train
was a N. Y. 0., train that uses the P. |
& E. tracks at that point.
Jail Full.
Chief Muttersbaugh yesterday j
brought from Lock Haven Hospital the J
man Ewing, who was shot in the j
Nanny Run scrap. H. is confined in
jail, held as a witne Ho alsocaptur- ;
ed J. B. Dean, the iui •■■ring "baby" of
the party and landed him in Fort {
Swope. The next term of court will j
he full of criminal business.
Base Ball.
The base ball club played at Ridg- |
way on Saturday, and the Ridgway !
boys goose egged them—6 to 0.
Emporium and St. Marys split even j
in a double header played at Keystone j
Park grounds yesterday afternoon. |
The home team won the first game by i
the score of 7 to 6. The Emporium |
boys played this game with a de
termination to win and were victor
ious. Cummings put up an excellent
game throughout and is showing up
well. O'Connell was putin to pitch
the first game but was relieved by
Hemphill, who pitch;! in his old time
form—and hit, well, he had his eye on
the ball yesterday. Chas, Hockley,
who is visiting his parents here is in
the game and kept his bat busy as did
Liston also. Billings pitched for St.
The second game opened with Gil
bert on the slab, but he was taken out
in the third and Hemphill again called
in, who pitched fine ball up to the
ninth inning when he weakened, al
lowing St. Marys to win the game,
9to 5. Emporium had several chances
to score but the man at the bat was
not equal to the task. The bunt game
is all right and works some times, but
cannot be depended upon and unless
a player is sure will lose four times out
ot five. With men on second and third
the hit is what counts. Young pitched
for St. Marys
Murderer O'Dell attempted suicide
Tuesday morning, about 2:30 o'clock,
by slashing his throat with a piece of
tin, torn from a pepper box. Night
watch, Henry Piehenton, himself a
prisoner, gave the alarm, which arous
ed the Sheriff. Dr. H. S. Falk was
called and upon examination found
the prisoner's throat torn on both
sides, besides several cuts on left wrist
and forearm. Unfortunately the
wounds were not fatal. It is said the
prisoner made an attempt to hang him
self by using a towel.
Store Changes Hands.
Thos. W. Welsh, for many yeare en
! gaged in the general merchandise busi
| ness in Emporium and lately located
| at Dußois, has purchased the stock of
i goods in the store formerly conducted
!by Chas. Diehl. He has taken posses
! slon and expects to move his family
: back to this place in the near future,
i Mr. Welsh is an industrious, honest
| and obliging gentleman and no doubt
I will do a good business, being well ac
j quainted with the trade as well as most
!of our people. Here's success to you,
' Thomas.
Chicken Thieves.
| If the party who took my chickens,
Saturday night, 20th, will drop fifty
| cents a piece, for each chicken taken,
in my mail box, there will bo no more
about it.
Escaped From Stone Pile.
William Zuber and Harry Brown,
who were sentenced :o thirty days
each on the stone pile, made their es
cape Saturday after::-, MI. William
sport Sun.
TERMS: $2.00 —$1.501N ADVANCE.
FRIDAY, Showers.
SATURDAY, Shower*.
First National Bank,
At the close of business July 24th. 1907.
To Your Advantage.
The People from all classes recognize the .n
portance of doing buisness with this Bank. It
helps the small boy and girl to save, the laborer
and farmer to pay their bills by check and the
manufacturer to keep the wheels of industry
going. SI.OO starts an account that gives joo
advantages to carry on your financial matters.
Two Half-Breed Indian Women
and Man Assult and Shcot
A shooting match took place on
Nanny Ran, near Driftwood, last Fri
day, at a house known as Barclay's old
camp, where two half-breed Indian
women live with ono Judson Shelby
alias Cooper and anther man. Barton
Ewing of Ilichardville, Jefferson coun
ty, stopped at th house for a chort
time and when leaving was fired on
by the men, two shots taking effect in
one of Ewing's legs. Ewing claims
they robbed him 0ff205. The injured
man is now confined in Lock Haven
hospital. Chief of Police Muttbers
baugh of Driftwood got on the trail of
the gang and captured them on Mon
day evening, bringing them to Em
porium Tuesday morning where they
were Committed to jail. "Bud" says
his prisoners are a tough lot.
Handsome Homes But Miserable
The property owners on West Fiftji
and Vine streets complain bitterly of
the neglected condition of their streets,
and justly too. Wo took a walk ever
the route on Monday and we must con
fess they have reason for compla : nt.
With handsome homes on both sVer,
of the street and improvements being
continually made it seems queer that
these streets, as well at others, are
neglected. Our Borough Father®
should take more pride in our tcwe
than they do and make improvements
as rapidly as the means will permit.
Gone South Again.
After spending a few weeks with hie
family at this place, W. A. Dalrymile
departed last Sunday lor White Sul
phur Springs, W. Va., where he ac
cepts a position as saw filer with a
large lumber company. W. A., Is a
good mill man and always makes him
self agreeable and companionable. "If
he don't like you he will say so; if he
is your friend he will stick until the
last button breaks.
Big bargains in ladies and gente
shoes. THOS. W. WELSH.
Class No. 1, of the Presbyterian Mon
day School will serve ice cream on the
lawn of F. G. Judd, Wednesday even
ing, July 31.
Frank Shives has laborers at work
excavating for his new brick business
block on North side of Fourth street.
Jos. Leehner has commenced re
modeling work on his store building.
He will raise it and putin a new front,
also lay concrete walk.
The attendance at the Theatoriniiv
increases nightly. The management
are putting a nice clean class of pic
tures and no one need fear to "end
their children. Only 5c admission.
Chicken thieves have been operating
I quite extensively about town lately
Keep your fowls locked up andycHU
I eyes open for these parties and make
| an example of the scoundrels if it
| hasto be done with a shot gun.
It is claimed the skin of a maelsrat
! worn on tho chest will cure the asthine.
I and has saved a man from the grave
1 Vice versa the "skin" of a "skunk,"one
| who contracts a debt and refuses to pay
it—a most beautiful scented animal,
has "worn" out more men and
sent more suuls to the poor house and
the grave broken hearted than any
other living being.
COMPANY has an opening for an ex
perienced life insurance man, capable
of supervising agents in this count/
Liberal salary and expense arrange
ment for the right party. State age,
full particulars as to past business ex
perience and references. Address he
office, Pittsburgh, Pa. 23 1!
Lady Maccabees.
The usual monthly entertain/r« nt
will take place at the Lodge re e:. t
Tuesday evening.
NO. 23