Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, July 18, 1907, Image 8

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    I will mail you free, to pr: va merit,
samples of my Shoop's Restorative,
.tad my Book on either Dyspepsia, The
Heart or The Kidneys, Troubles of the
Stomach, Heart or Kidneys, are mere
ly symptoms of a deeper ailment.
Don't make the common error of treat
ing symtoms only. Symtom treatment
is treating the result of your ailment,
and not the cause. Weak Stomach
nerves—the inside nerves—mean Stom
ach weakness, always. And the Heart,
and Kidneys as well, have their con
trolling or inside nerves. Weaken
these nerves, and you inevitably have
week vital organs. Here is where Dr.
Shoop's Restorative has made its fame.
No other remedy ever claims to treat
the "inside nerves" Also for bloating,
biliousness, bad breath or complexion
use Dr. Shoop's Restorative. Write
me to-day for sample and free Book.
Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. The Restora
tive is sold by all dealers.
When there is the slightest indication
if indigestion, heatt burn, flatulence or
my form of stomach trouble take a little
Kodol occasionally and you will be af
forded prompt relief. Kodol is a com
pound of vegetable aciu'sand contains the
juices found in a healthy stomach. Ko
dol digests what you eat, makes your
jood do you good. Sold by It. C. Dod
This college lias recently taken a new jilace
union if the colleges of the country Within five
years, six new buildings have been erected. new
professors added and entering cla.--.ts nearly
doubled. There are five courses of stiMv—Classi
cal. I,a tin and Modern language, l«atin-scientific,
Scientific, and Civil Engineering. Good traditions,
.strong faculty, superb location, tieautifulgrounds
and buildings, reasonable expenses. Fall term
Septeml>er 17th. Write for catalogue to
'resident Crawford. Meadville. Pa.
Of Shippen School District for the
Year Ending June 3rd, 1907.
Cash on liatul June 4th. t9OG J1,927 49
Rec'd from P. 8. Culver, Coll 1,279 65
Rec'd from Elihu Chadwick J,997 60
Rec'd from County Treasurer 5.663 00
Rec'd from State Appropriation t,820 72
Rec'd from other sources 9198
£12,680 44
Repairing school houses 388 56
Teaching aud Institute 5,823 82
Textbooks 432 53
Fuel. 325 43
Treasurer 2 per cent, on money paid.. 185 69
Secretary 100 00
Bonds and interest 1,845 00
Other expenses 369 13
$9,470 16
Cash on hand $3,210 28
Due from unseated tax of 1906 816 00
Due from P. S. Culver, Coll 113 00
$4,138 28
We, the undersigned auditors of Shippen
township do certify that we have audited, adjust
ed and settled the several accounts of Mark
Goodwin, Treasurer of Shippen township School
District, for the year ending June 3, 1907 and find
them as stated above.
Witness our hands this 30th day of June, 1907-
ATTEST- Auditors.
W. L. THOMAS, Clerk.
Executors Notice.
Estate of JOHN DA Y, late oj the Borough of Em
porium, Deceased.
VTOTICE is hereby given that letters testamen
- M tary upon the estate of said decedent have
been granted to the undersigned. /V* persons
indebted to said estate are requested to make
payment, aud those having claims or demands
against the same will make them known without
delay, to
Or to their Attorneys, GREEN & KELT. 17-6t.
Emporium, Pa.. June 12th, 1907.
Executor's Notice.
Estate of AUGUSTUS C. GOODWIN, late of the
Township of Shippen, deceased.
"VTOTICE is hereby given that letters testa
i > mentary upon the estate ofthe said decedent
have been granted to the undersigned. All per
sons indebted to said estate are requested to
make payment and those having claims or de
mands against the same will make them known
without delav to
Emporium, Pa.,
Or his Attorneys, GREEN & FBLT. 15-6
Schedule in Effect NOV. 25, 1906
For Harrisburg, Philadelphia. Baltimore ana
Washington, 8:10 a.m., 12:05, 3:15,10:30 p.m. daily.
PorWilkesbarre and Scranton, 8:10 a. in. week
day 8.
For Erie and intermediate stations: 10:45 a.
m., 4:23 p. m.daily.
For Falls Creek, Red Bank and Pittsburg,
10:45 a. m. week dayß.
For Buffalo: m.'and 4:15 p. m.daily.
J. R. WOOD, Pass'gr Traffic Mgr.
General Manager. Gen'l Passenger Agt.
Hotel |
Between 12th and I3tli Sts.. on Filbert St. I
Philadelphia, Pa.
Three minutes WALK from the Reading I
FivcMiiunites WA Llv froni the Pena'a R. I
European Plansl.oo per clay and upwards. I
American PJan $2.00 per day.
I sing If you have pimples, blotches,
or uliit-r bkin imperfections, you
41 'jij\ can remove l^eni * nd have a clear
and beautiful critnplexion by using
. Removes Skin Imperfections. -jK- toßj
Beneficial result s guaranteed W jjj/
or money refunded. yf
Send stamp for Free Sam pie,
Particulars and Testimonials.
• Mention this paper. After Tslng.
—• Madison Place, Philadelphia, PH.
Xatest Count? Correspondence.
Barclay Bros, mill shut down Tuesday
uutil they get the balance of their logs in.
Lou Shafer and wile of Detroit, M icli..
left for home Tuesday.
Hon. and .Mrs. Clias. Barclay are at
Atlantic City this week.
(ioo. P. Shafer Joe '» . Shaf
er left Tuesday for a visit at Detroit,
Mich., and other western cities.
Mrs. .lean Fox of ltenovo, visited here
this week.
<). IJ. Bailey is busy completing plans
for the Wykoff Run powder plant.
F. L. Miller, the practical farmer of
First Fork, was in town Tuesday, lie
reports crops looking good.
J. F. Berfield moved to Hicks Run,
MonJay, where he has a position in the
Cole Swartz has rented the house of
J. F. Berfield and is moving in.
Harry Shadman and faniily moved
to Pittsburg Tuesday.
lid Snyder and John Clontz left Tues
day for Hatnmersley Fork to peel bark.
Howard Council of Lock Haven, is
visiting friends here this week.
A piece of a man's foot came floating
iuto the boom one day last week.
Rev. and Mrs. C. W. Dickson left on
Monday on their summer vacation. They
will visit friends at Pine Creek, Harris
burg, Ocean Grove and other places.
They will be gone about three weeks.
litta M. Chase of Philadelphia, is
spending her vacation with her parents.
Geo. P. Shafer, chairman of the Dein
ocrotic county committee took in the state
Democratic convention at Harrisburg and
is now on a campaign lour in the west.
He says he will get pomters enough to
carry Pennsylvania while he is gone.
Logue Bros, are thinking some of go
ing into the "Polartricks'' this
fall. There will be something doing
if they do.
D. P., N. 11. McCloskey, accompanied
by several brothers of W. C., 136, went
to Emporium Monday night to install the
officers of Camp 382. All report having
a fine time.
D. P., N. H. McCloskey went to j
North Bend Tuesday niglrt to install the
officers of Camp 502.
Delegates Irom upper Clinton and
Cameron counties met in P. O. S. of A.
hall, Wednesday evening to elect officers
for the district.
Al. Ensign and wife were called to
Keating Summit Monday, on account of
the serious illness of Mrs. Snyder, Mr?.
Ensign's sister.
Grove supervisors are putting in a con
crete sewer and fill at Pepper Hill. This
will be a fine job but pretty expensive.
B. E. Smith and family of St. Marys,
are the guests of their mother, Mrs.
Samuel Smith. Audra. their oldest
daughter, had an attack or the measles
several months ago, which left her iu very
poor health.
Mr. Spence and family have moved in
J. B. Iliney's house at the tannery.
Mrs. John Mason and family of Mc-
Kees Rocks, are visiting their parents
Rev. libersole and wife.
Mrs. John Neenan was an Emporium
visitor Tuesday.
H. F. Foster and wife of Renovo, re
turned to Sterling Run on Monday and
will board with Thos Lewis and family.
Elmer Whiting of Dents Run, visited
his family over Sunday.
Ervin Smith was the guest of his father
Leanard Smith the past week.
Mrs. Yocum and daughter Stella of
Dunlevie, W. Va., were visitors in town
a few days the past week.
Mrs. J. B. Iliney and children left
Tuesday to visit her husband and parents.
Fred Shaffer has recovered from an
other attack of rheumatism and is able to
be out again.
A. L. Barr and wife were Emporium
visitors Tuesday.
L. J. Wylie and grand-daughter re
turned home Saturday from a six weeks'
visit at Harrisburg and Allendale.
C. G. Howlett and wife expect togo
to housekeeping in the Arnold house in
the near future.
J. It. Straw bridge and wife were Re
nova visitors the past week.
Mrs. J. A. Dice has returned from a
visit with relatives and friends down
Dora Morse of Emporium is visiting
Mrs. Ellen Mason.
There will be a birthday party at the j
home of Harry Barr, Friday evening.
Mrs. Mel. Whiting and family of!
Itidgway, arrived here Tuesday morning. |
They inteud camping for a while.
A cleansing, clean, cooling, soothing, |
healing household remedy is DeWitt's I
Carbonized Witch Hazel Salve. For
burns, cuts, scratches, bruises, insect ;
bites and sore feet it is unequalled. Good i
for piles. Beware of imitations, (jet!
DeWitt's. It is the best. Sold by 11.
C. Dodson.
I Mrs. W. R. Smith is visiting her par-
J cuts at Mcdix Run.
C. J. Miller and wife spent Sunday
with relatives and friends at Driftwood.
Geo. Wylie was a business caller at
Driftwood Monday.
Mesdames Geo. Ilill and A.F.Nel
son spent Sunday with Mrs. Emeline
Summerson at summer camp"The
Pines" in Wylie Hollow.
Seth Baker ol Andover is visiting J.
S. Jordan and family.
County Supt. Miss Mattie Collins spent
Sunday with B. J. Collins and family.
The Driftwood callers this week were:
J.E.Johnson, B. J. Collins, W. 11.
Logue, Lloyd Logue and Mrs. J. F. Sul
Helen Jordan is visiting her sister at
Castla Garden this week.
Have you tried Win. Logue's peanut
butter? If not. get busy.
A party consisting of Pennsy Bridge
carpenters, Tlios. Kailborn, Jas. Jordan,
Larry Summerson and Geo. Strawbridge
visited the Williamsport hospital Sunday,
calling on their popular and esteemed
foreman, L. B. Munsell, who underwent
an operation in that institution some time
j ago. These gentlemen brought back the
[welcome news that "Barney" is gaining
strength rapidly and expects to be able to
sit up soon. This will be pleasing news
to his many friends on the Pennsy lines
as well as throughout the county.
Mrs. W.W. Johnson is feeling some
what better at this writing.
The many friends of Wm. Wylie will
be glad to hear that he is in the best of
health this summer and every pleasant
day finds him busy in his lields handling
his farming implements in a way that
surprises many of our younger citizens.
Long life to him.
J. P. s.
Work on the new brick plant was com
-1 pleted last Monday and it is expected to
j start manufacturing brick at once.
John Schwab and wife visited at Lock
1 Haven Friday.
| Fred Comley has been laid up the past
| week with rheumatism and cold in neck
I and head, but is again able to be around.
J. F. Sullivan, telegraph operator at
Huntley, was in town last Friday, shak
ing hands with friends.
The Emporium callers this woek were:
Mrs. WIP. Greenalch and'daughter Anna,
Mrs. Ed. McCracken and sons, Mrs. M.
L. Yocurn and daughter Stella, Jas.
Leonard, G. L. Page, John Cruger.
('has. Burkland, Wm. Wyk»lF, Wm.
Wertz, G. E. Dinniny and wife and A.
F. Walker.
C. It. Burkland spent Sunday with
friends at Howards.
J. Schwab and wife spent Sunday with
friends at Sterling Run.
j. F s.
Mrs. D. M. Toner and Mrs. Hay call
ed on Emporium friends Sunday.
Kate Market of Emporium visited her
parents last week.
Delia and llose Lawson visited St.
Marys friends Sunday.
Jacob Herbstreet andwife were visitors
to St. Marys Friday.
R. L. Lawson of llenovo, visited his
parents Monday.
Theresa Lawson, Irene and Vera Rob
inson visited relatives in town Sunday.
The dance and supper given at the G.
T. U. hall on Monday evenin<; was well
attended. All reporting a good time.
Forrest Pye visited his wife on Sun
Rose and Delia Lawson and brother
returned home on Friday, after a few
weeks visit with Williamsport friends.
Master M. J. Haley of Johnsonburg, .
is the guest of Miss Delia Lawson.
Margaret Wylie is spending her vaca- j
tion with her parents.
John Lawson and wife spent Sunday '
with friends at Emporium.
The Charming Woman.
Is not necessarily one of perfect form j
and features. Many a plain woman who !
could never serve as an artists model,j
possesses those rare qualities that all the j
woi Id admires, neatness, clear eyes, clean j
smooth skin and that sprightliness of j
■tep and action that accompany good ;
health. A physically weak woman is ;
never attractive, not ever to herself. !
Electric Hitters restore weak women, give
strong nerves, bright eyes, smooth, velvety !
skin, beautiful complexion. Guaranteed!
by all druggists 50c.
When the baby is teething it is cross
and restless; it becomes feverish, and in
many cases vomits a great deal and often-1
times cannot even keep cool water on the '
stomach. All the delicate little organs of
the stomach are affected, bring on colic
and diarrhoea. CASCASWEET for babies
and children makes the stomach right and
allays inflamation and prevents irritation.
Cascasweet makes the baby happy and
well. Sold by R. C. Dodson.
Bad sick headaches, billiousucss cr cm
stipation are quickly relieved bv De
Witt's Little Early Risers. Small pill,
sure pill, sale pill—prompt and pleasant
in action. Sold by R. C. Dodson.
j Fred L. Peterson of East Emporium
; is home in the Valley on the sick list.
Mrs. Wm. White of Shippen, called
j on Elk Fork friends this week.
Lafayette Lockwood is visiting New
York state friends and relatives.
Garnie Housler, accompanied by llena
'' and Gertrude Swesey, took in the Fort
age excursion; Sunday. Who said < Mean?
Milton Lewis, the Howardville carpen
• j ter, was on our streets Sunday.
We were misinformed last week when
'j we said Mrs. A. C. Dow was visiting
j North Creek friends. It should have
; j read New York state friends.
. j Sadie McCaslin of Ilicks Run, was
■ j calling 011 valley friends last week.
Dora Evans of Sizerville is spending
11 the summer with her grand-uiother,
j Lockwood.
t j Joseph Fisher and Frank Pearsall of
j the city were on our streets Tuesday.
;! One of Frank Loekwood's horses died
, j last week. He had the team only a few
: days.
1 Edmund Chadwick of the city has
' been calling on Elk Fork friends this
i Wm. Shnyder and daughter Clara of
| j East Emporium called on ye scribe Tues
» day evening.
J S. C. Lewie has accepted a position
. I with ltobt.Warner on North Creek.
Estella Dulling, Mabel Matteson and
I Crystal Housler, of Emporium, were val
] ley callers Suuday.
I | Carl Ingersoll had busiuess in the val
-1 ley Sunday.
j Clive Lewis, the Mix Run athletic
: i promotor, was visiting his parents here
| over Sunday.
I If the parties who had the wreck on
I North Creek last week, will call on M.E.
| Taylor they can have the articles tbey
I lost. He also claims damages from said
I parties for frightening his pig till the
! porker had fits.
C. M. S.
$ 100 Reward, SiOO-
Tlie raaders of this paper will be
I pleased to learn that there is at least
I one dreaded disease that science has
' been able to cure in all its stages, and
| that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure
: is the only positive cure now known to
the medical fraternity. Catarrh being
a constitutional disease, requires a con
stitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh
, Cure is taken internally, acting direct
ly upon the blood and mucous surfaces
of the system, thereby destroying the
; foundation of the disease, and giving
) the patient strength by building up
; the constitution and assisting nature
In doing its work. The proprietors
have so much faith in its curative pow
-1 ers that they offer One Hundred Dol
lars for any case that it fails to cure.
Send for list of testimonials. Address:
F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, O. Sold
by Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family
Pills for constipation.
Piles get quick and certain relief from
Dr. Shoop's Magic Ointment. Please
note it is made alone for Piles, and its
action is positive and certain. Itching,
painful, protruding or blind piles dis
appear like magic by its use. Large
nickel-capped glass jars 50 cents.
Sold by all dealers.
I'll Btop your pain free. To show
you first—before spend a penny—what
my Pink Plain Tablets can do, I wil
mail you free a Trial Package of them
—Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablets. Neu
ralgia, Headache; Toothache, Period
pains, etc., are due alone to blood con
gestion. Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablets
simply kill pain by coaxiug away the
unnatural blood pressure. That is all.
Address Dr. Snoop, Racine, Wis.
Sold by all dealers.
< Not to Be Overlooked.
Blobbs—Wh.v does Subbubs hate his
j uext door neighbor so? Slobs—The
| man built a high spite fence. Blobbs—
I Well, I must say that isn't an easy
thing to overlook.—Pftiladelplha Rec
| ord.
It Often Comet.
; 111 a Scotch Sunday school the lady
1 teacher, after speaking on the subject
j of death, asked, "And what comes aft
! er death';" Instantly a little girl called
| out: eagerly, "A fight about the money."
The Perfume of Good Cheer.
We were made to radiate the per
i fume of good cheer and happiness as
j much as a rose was made to radiate its
! sweetne. ;s to every passerby.— Success
, Magazine.
I ..
Tho Seat of Authority.
It is an unwritten law on shipboard,
and especially 011 men-of-war, that tho
quarter deck is for the exclusive use of
j officers, and all good seamen remem
-1 her It, in spite of their ambitions. It
! once happened that an ancient mar
iner, a "five striper," while on shore
leave captured a mule. Not without
difficulty he mounted the animal aud
perched himself as near the tail as pos
sible. The mule objected in every way
known to a mule and in ways several
and unexpected.
"Jack, sit more amidships," called
out an engineer officer who happened
past; "you'll ride easier."
"Captain," grinned the old salt, "this J
is the lirst craft I ever commanded, |
aud It's a pity if I can't stay 011 the j
quarter deck."
| mg with Kidney aud bladder troubles—
| dangerous ailments that should be check- I
I promptly. J>e n SVitt's Kidney and
: Bladder Fills are the best remedy for '
1 baekache, weak kidneys, inflamation of'
j the bladder. Their aetion is prompt and !
| sure. A week's treatment for 25e. i
Sold by 11. C. Dudson.
Nearly all old fashioned cough syrups j
. are constipating, especially those that con- ,
| tain opiates. They don't act just right. |
j Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup con- 1
, tains no opiates. It drives the cold out j
of the system by gently moving the bow- j
j els. Contains honey and tar and tastes i
| nearly as good as maple syrup. Children j
| like it. Sold by 11. C. Dodson.
Get a free sample ol' Dr. Shoop's
"Health Coffee." If real coffee disturbs
your Stomach, Heart, or Kidneys, then
try this clever Coffee imitation. Dr
bboop has very closely matched Old
Java aud Mocha Coffee ill flavor and
taste, yet he has 110 L even asinglegrain
of real Coffee in it. Dr. Shoop's Health
Coffee Imitation is made from pure
| toasted grains or cereals, with Malt
Nuts, etc. You will surely like Health
Coffee. Sold by all dealera.
All persons are hereby forbidden from j
trespassing upon the property of this I
Company without a permit from this j
office, or the Superintendant at the '
Emporium, Pa., August Ist, 1903.
Latest Popular Music.
Miss May Gould, teacher of piano
forte has received a full line of the lat
est and most popular sheet music. All
the popular airs. Popular and class
ical music. Priceß reasonable.
to. J. Laßar!
Ornamentally Useful
1 112 life — 1
\ I : 1 1
; j |
is a pretty little desk for the draw- 1
ing room or parlor—just the thing for
a lady's use. We have them in a va
riety of styles and sizes, stoutly built
for long wear, yet very handsome and
fashionable as as ornament for a room.
Pigeon-holes, drawers, and side cup
board, with polished tops and rails.
These are sold at various prices, and
any one of thera would make an accep
table gift for a lady.
to. J. Laßar
Pennsylvania Railroad!
$9.95 from Emporium.
Atlantic City I
CITY, NCH? Jersey
August 2,16, and 26, 1907
Tickets gooil going on all regular trains on date of excursion I
to Philadelphia, and connecting trains to seashore points.
allowed ongoing trip if ticket is deposited with Station Ticket
Agent, or on return trip, without deposit, within limit. Tickets
good to return within fifteen days.
B Full information of Ticket Agents.
m Passenger Traffic Manager. Genera! Passenger Agent, Philadelphia.
?! No 756-22-8).
Taking effect July 14. 1907.
12&B 8 I 2 10 1
P. M. A.M.! A.M.,P.M. p. M
Port AlleK.Miy, .. Lv. 5 15 :) 30 11.17 2 45 7 K
Chemical Works.... 0> <*9 34: 00 00 ,00
Burtville 525 9 40 11 47 2 65 7 2C
Roulette 531 948 11 55 303 730
! Knowlton'- ,5 37 »9 52! 0 »,'! 07' co
Miuu, '5 43 968 1205 313 7 v
I Olmsted, 547 »1002 00 "3 17 "7 4
_ - f Ar 56510 10 12 1 7 3 25' 00
Couderßport, A . M 7 y
1 ■6 00 12 '25
1 North Couderfiport, 00 ... »12 28
| Prink's «,j 10 *i2 35
Colesbnrß <5 17 12 42
Seven Bridges 22 "12 47
Raymonds B 32 1 1*"!'
Gold,. G 37 1 02
j Newneld, \ co 1 j Qg ....
j Newfleld Junction,.. 647 115 .!.
I Perkins »g CO «1 18
! Carpenter's 00 »1 22
croweKV.' *6 56 .'!!!.; «i 25;!!!!!!!!!!
Ulysses 7 05 1 35' I !A.
!A. M. I I
STATIONS. 1 7 ! 1 | 8 I 9 I 6
A. M. A. M. P. M. P. M
Port Allegany c 45 910 230 500 65i
Chemical works 00 00 »2 24, 00
g urt I vi " e " !1 32 «57 217 447 637
Roulette... 6 J5 850 210 440 631
Knowlton's, co 00 *205 *485 00
Mina, 015 840 200 430 62(
Olmsted, <0 10 »8 35 *1 55 »4 25 »6 IE
_ . . tAr 605 830 150 420 61(
Coudersport, .. < p. p m ■j. yj
(Lv. 8 25 .' 4 18
North Coudersport, 00 4 14
I * Bl3 ••••• ** 07.
Colesbnrg ; *8 06 #4 t
Seven Bridges »8 02 i 3 '
I Raymond's «7 52 »3 4f
Gold j 7 4s o
i Newfield | *7 44 1 338
Newfleld Junction,.. 1 7 40 *1 1=
Carpenter's *7 30 1 .3 u>
Crowell's, »7 27 .... *3 10
Olyases. Lv.l 1 7 20t I |»s 0 ?
Monday 15 arrives at 8:50 at Porl Alleßany l>n
S-l'o'p'm^ ltavcs Port A "eeany on Sunday ai
\ ,l, a ? sUti ? ns - (°°) Trains do not stop
t Telegraph offices.
Trai run week days only.
Tr ns run on Eastern Standard Time. •
Connections—At Ulysses with Fall Brook
for points north and south. At B.«& S. June-
S? l Ji W mi a !? Susquehannaß. R.
Wellsyille, south for Qaleton and Addison. At
I ort Allegany with Pennsylvania R. R., nort!
for Buffalo, Olean, Bradford and Smethport:
souitii for Keating Summit, Austin, Emporium
and Penn'a R. R., points.
13. A. McCLURE, ijlen'lSupt.
I Coudersport, Pa.
Weak Women
! To weak and ailing women, there is at least on«?
way to help. But with that way. two treatments.
I must be combined. One is local, one is constitu-
I tional. but both are important, both essential
Dr. 8 hoop's Night Cure \* the Local.
I I)r. Sboop's Restorative, tlie Constitutional.
1 * The former—Dr. Shbop's Night Cure— is a topical
mucous iu( inbranc suppository remedy, while Dr
1 Shoop's restorative is wholly an internal treat
ment. Tli« Restomtive rrsfc'hes throughout the
i entire ?yst»m. seeking the repair of all nerve,
i aIJ tissue. ;»u(i all blood ailments.
The "Night Cure", as its name implies, does it*
work while you sleep. It soothes sore and inflam
! Ed mucous surfaces, heals local weaknesses and
discharge- while the Restorative, eases nervou?
j excitement, gives renewed vigor and ambition.
1 builds up wasted tissues, bringing about renewed
strength, vigor, and energy. Take Dr. Shoop!-
Restorative —tablets or Liquid— a«a general toni(
j to the system. For positive local help, us* as wri"
Dr. tShoop's
Nig'ht Cure
No appetite, loss of strength, nervous
ness, headache, constipation, bad breath,
general debility, sour risings, and catarrh
of the stomach are all due to indigestion.
Kodol relieves indigestion. This new discov
ery represents the natural Juices of diges
tion as they exist in a healthy stomach,
combined with ttl, greatest known tonio
and reconstructive properties. Kodol for
dyspepsia does not only relieve Indigestion
and dyspepsia, but this famous remedy
helps all stomach troubles by cleansing
purifying, sweetening and strengthening
the mucous membranes lining the stomach.
t Mr. S. S. Ball, of Ravenswood, W, Va„ says:—
' I was troubled with sour stomach for twenty year*.
Kodol cured ma and wa are now uslne it In milk
lor baby,"
Kodol Digests What You Eat.
Bottles only. Relieves Indigestion, sour stomach.
belching of gas, etc.
Prepared by E. O. DeWITT & CO., OHICAQO.
Sold by R C. Dodson.
A Cbutaik Reuxf for Sl'fprb9*bd '
KIVER KNOWN TO ?All. Safe' Sure! Sifcrtj 1 S*ti
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