Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, July 11, 1907, Image 9

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    I will mail you free, to prove merit,
samples of my Shoop's Restorative,
and my Book on either Dyspepsia, The
Heart or The Kidneys, Troubles of the
Stomach, Heart or Kidneys, are mere
ly symptoms of a deeper ailment. .
iDon't make the common error of t reat- '
ing symtoms only. Symtom treatment
is treating the result of your ailment, j
and not the cause. Weak Stomach j
nerves—the inside nerves—mean Stom- J
ach weakness, always. And the Heart, |
and Kidneys as well, have their con
trolling or inside nerves. Weaken I
these nerves, and you inevitably have j
week vital organs. Here is where Dr. |
Shoop's Restorative has made its fame.
No other remedy ever claims to treat j
the "inside nerves" Also for bloating, |
biliousness, bad breath or complexion j
use Dr. Shoop's Restorative. Write
me to-day for sample and free Book.
Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. The Restora
tive is sold by all dealers.
Of Shippen School District for the
Year Ending June 3rd, 1907.
Cash on hand June 4th, 1006 #1,9*27 49
Rec'd from P. y. Culver, Coll 1,279 66
Rec'd from Elihu Chadwick . 1,997 fiO
Rec'd from County Treasurer . r ».G63 00
Rec'd from State Appropriation 1,820 72
Rec'd from other sources 91 98
$12,680 41
Repairing school houses 388 56
Teaching and Institute 5,823 82
Textbooks 432 53
Fuel 325 43 j
Treasurer 2 per cent, on money paid.. 185 09 !
Secretary 100 00 |
Bonds and interest... 1,845 00 |
Other expenses 369 1:5 j
*9,470 1G |
Cash on hand $3,210 28
Due from unseated tax of 1906 ... 815 00
Due from P. S. Culver, Coll 113 00
•112: 1,138 28
We, the undersigned auditors of Shippen
township do certify that we have audited, adjust
ed and settled the several accounts of Mark
Goodwin, Treasurer of Shippen township School
District, for the year ending June 3, 1907 and find
them as stated above.
Witness our hands this 30th day of June, 1907.
ATTEST- Auditors.
W. L.Thomas, Clerk.
Estate of JOHN ADAMS, late of the Township t 112
Shippen, deceased.
"VTOTICE is hereby given that letters testa
mentary upon the estate of the said deced
ent have been granted to the undersigned. All
persons indebted to said estate are requested to
make payment and those having claims or de
mands against the same will make them known
without aelay to
Emporium, Pa.
Or to his Attorneys GREEN & FELT. 15-£.
Register's Notice.
- is hereby Riven that George J. Laßar,
guardian of Harry E. Barr, Carrel L. Barr
and William L. Barr. minor children of Alice
Belle Barr. deceased, late of Shippen township,
<Jameron county, Pa., has filed his first and final
account, and the same will be presented at next
term of court for confirmation.
WM. J. LEAVITT, Register.
Register's Office, I
Emporium, Pa., June 4th, 1907. I 16-lt.
Mi lid.
Schedule in Effect NOV. 25, 1906
For Harrisburg, Philadelphia. Baltimore and
Washington, 8:10 a.m., 12:05, 3:15,10:30 p.m. daily.
ForWilkesbarre ami Scranton, 8:10 a. in. week
For Erie and intermediate stations: 10:45 a.
m., 4:23 p. m.daily.
For Falls Creek, Red Bank and Pittsburg,
10:45 a. m. week days.
For Buffalo: 4:05; a. m.'and4:ls p. m.daily.
J. R. WOOD, Pass'gr Traffic Mgr.
General Manager. Gen'l Passenger Agt.
No appetite, loss «112 strength, nervous
ness, headache, constipation, bad breath,
general debility, sour risings, and catarrh
of the stomach are all due to Indigestion.
Kodol relieves indigestion. This new discov
ery represents the natural juices of diges
tion as they exist in a healthy stomach,
combined with the greatest known tonio
and reconstructive properties. Kodol for
dyspepsia does not only relieve Indigestion
and dyspepsia, but this famous remedy
helps all stomach troubles by cleansing,
purifying, sweetening and strengthening
the mucous membranes lining the stomach.
Mr. S. S. Ball, of Ravenswood, W, Va., says:—
"I was troubled with sour stomach for twenty years.
Kodol cured me and we are now using it in milk
for baby,"
Kodol Digests What You Eat.
Bottles only. Relieves Indieestlon, sour stomach,
belchlne of gas, etc.
Prepared by E. C. DeWITT & CO., CHICAGO.
Sold by R C. Dodson.
THE ——
Between 12th and 13th Hts.. on Filbert St.
Philadelphia, Pa.
Three minutes WALK from the Reading
Terminal. " 1
Five minutes WAI-K from the Penn'a It.
R. Depot.
European Plansl.<iQ per day and upwards.
American Plan $2.00 per day.
» A SAFE, CBKTAIN I'.BUEP for Sl*ppßK*flßn MBNATHI'ATN)". IT,!
\ NEVER KNOWN TO MIL. Safe! tw 81--. ' • ft,
1 motion Guaranteed '.r .Money Refunded, nt |»r-i .ad 02
! ? r S'. f, O I- r box. Will send them on trial, to | :t.d f..r ffi
j when r«*H«v»'d. Samples Free. If your druggist dues not W
. j have them .send your orders lo the K
Sold in tmporium by L Taggart O R. C. Dodson
Xatcet County Correspondence.
John McKinn and wife, of Castle .
(Jarden, spent Sunday with W. R. Smith I
and famliy.
W. R. Smith spent the Fourth visit- i
inj; his sister in Belmont, N. Y.
The three daughters of \V. ii. Logue
of the east side spent Friday with Ruth
Any one wishing to purchase granite
were, dry goods or notions of any kind
would do well to call on Wayne Nelson
who has a store at his residence. Wayue
is a deserving young man and we hope
he will meet success.
Goto W. H. Logues for Pillsbury's
best flour and"The only York State
George Wyfie was a Driftwood caller
Geo. \V. Starr has returned from a
two weeks visit with relatives in Mt.
.Mrs. Enmieline Suimuerson has re
turned from a visit with her daughter at
First Fork.
Darius Ives and family visited friends !
on Mason Hill Sunday.
Lyle Jordan is visiting his brother!
Albert on Grove Hill this week.
John Jordan has returned trom a two !
weeks visiting trip with relatives in ,St.
Marys. Emporium, Andover and Galeton. |
D. E. Spangler and wile, of Sterling
Hun, called on J. F. Sullivan and wife I
Mrs. Mitehelltrce. of Williamsport, is
visiting her parents, W. 11. Logue and
The Driftwood callers this week were
•J. F. Sullivan, W. H. Logue, J. E.
Johnson. A. W. Smith, W. W. Johnson,
Wayne Nelson and Lewis Smith.
Owing to a loose wheel on a west
bound freight Monday evening traffic
was halted for about three hours at
Huntley tower. No damage was done
aside from breaking a few ties.
The school directors ot Gibson held j
their meeting at Driftwood on Saturday
July 6th, to elect teachers for Gibson j
district, Miss Gertrude Hill was elected!
teacher of the Huntey school. Every-1
body is well pleased with her election.
ltev. Gibbs, of Houghton, N. Y., has
been appointed by the Lockport confer
ence to fill the vacancy of the Huntley
and Castle Garden charge. Rev. Gibbs
is a very able speaker and a conscientious
church worker and he is appreciated very
much by his congregations.
The oniou growing contest, between
John Jordan and Levi Smith was decid
ed a draw by Captain English. There
fore the medicine was divided equally
between the two contestants. Mr. Jordan
has secured some new kind of seed
from "Yawk" State and says he will
beat Levi in the next heat.
W. 11. Smith lost a valuable dog Mon
day night with "brain storm".
J. F.Sullivan was a business caller in
Renovo Monday.
J. F. 8.
Roy Chadwick who spent ihe Fourth
at Canton, Pa , returned on Saturday,
bringing his daughter Irene back with
Miss A. E. Hall ot Little Genessee,
N. Y., has been visiting her friend Mrs.
Oscar Heath for a few days, but has now
returned to her home.
Mr. Lorshbaugh ofW. Va., who was
called to Sinnamahoning on account of
the death of his father Amos Lorshbaugh
and liis brother-in-law, Filmore Summer
son, who was blown up at the powder
works at that place, made a short visit
at the home of his uncle Elihu Chadwick
and family. 11. R,
Mrs. A. C. Dow of Cooks Run, spent
the week with Mrs. V. M. Dow ofNorth
Walter Granger called on his brother
Geo and other Portage friends last week.
Misses Hazel Lockwood, Mabel Mat
teson and Crystal Housler took in the
celebration at. Austin on the Fourth.
Kay Poormau of the city visited in the
Valley frequently last week. Why?
Wm. Criss of Lorrine, Ohio, was in
the Valley Monday.
Wm. Herrington of Emporium was a
Valley visitor on Sunday.
The expected happened last week,
when V. M. Dow and Miss Blanch Moon
of this place, were quietly married at
Olean, N. Y., July 3, 10(17. The bride
has been a teacher .in the public schools
of this place and was nonibered among
the best. The groom is one of our most
popular young men. The PRESS ex
tends congratulations.
H. J. I jewis ol the city, is a visitor at
the home of Oscar Heath and wife of
Elk Fork, this week.
The Bradford (las Co., are drilling a
well on Cooks Run.
11 at lie Carter of Emporium called on
j her Valley friepds this week.
Melvin Logan and Jas. Flemmingof
j Emporium, were in this section Sunday
j evening.
Jack Ingersoll, L. Lewis and Merrill
Craven took in the sights at Austin on
the Fourth.
"The democratic nominee for county
treasurer will keep his little Republican
competitor guessing till election day—
Independent, July 4th." The "farmer" |
is guessing on the size of his majority. !
Mrs. Frank Moon of North Creek,
visited her daughter Mrs. Floyd Barton
on Tuesday.
Frank Lockwood purchased a line;
work team Monday.
The party who sent us the items lrom j
Lockwood Station Tuesday will please |
send their name and we will endeavor to I
accommodate them.
C. M. 8. |
Irene Edwards, of Franklin, Pa., spent j
the past week with John Schwab and |
John Lawson and family of Beech- j
wood, spent the Fourth with Joseph |
Robinson and wife.
E. I). Krape's child who has been ill j
for the past few days is reported consider- |
able better at this writing.
G. L. Page's son and daughter who j
have been very ill the past week are j
I both better at this writing.
Emery Deninny and wife, of Dunlevie, j
i W. Va., arc visiting friends and relatives
j in this place.
Mrs. L Yocum and children, of Dun
j levie, W. Va., returned to this place on a ;
| visit with their children,
j The Fourth was celebrated in this j
| place without any accidents reported. |
| L'icnics appeared to be all the go. The ;
1 three parks were all crowded with cele-'
Quite a wind and rain storm with con
siderable hail passed through here Mon
day afternoon doing considerable damage.
Trees were up rooted and considerable,
tence was blown down.
()perator Krape, of Cameron takes the
lead in this place with his truck patch
He has had new peas, beans and potatoes
for the pas two weeks and says his coru
has tassels on. Who can beat it.
The dance held in the hall at Canoe
Run, Saturday evening was well attend-
I cd and all report having a fine time.
A. F. Walker, Propr., of the New
j Cameron Hotel who has had a severe
! attrack of reumatism is able to be about
j again.
Esther Stuart visited friends in Sterling
Run Sunday.
Mrs. Mary Lord and family of Mix
Run have been visiting Mrs. Dora Lester
and family.
John Leonard visited Leonards this
Among the Emporium callers this
week were Mrs. Dora Lester, Mildred
Hazlett, Thomas Shreevc, Mrs. Delia
Wykoff, Leonard and wife, and John
Schwab and wife.
Thomas Shreeve, of W T est Virginia,
and Mayme Cassidy of Olean, are visit
ing Mrs. Dora Lester.
A pleasant party consisting of Wil
liam Wykoff and wife, Mayme Cassidy,
Mildred Hazlett and Thomas Shreeve
were entertained at the residence of
John Schwab and wife on the evening of
the Fourth A beautiful and excellent
lunch was served at 9:30 p. m.
Thomas Shreeve departed for West
Virginia Monday morning.
Mildred Hazlett has returned to Saund
ers, N. Y.
Emery Dinniny and wife, of Dunlevie,
are spending a tew days visiting their
many friends in Cameron aounty.
Emery is a full fledged engineer now.
Through error a number of our young
people "riced" Miss Hazelett and Thomas
Shreeve when they were getting oft' the
train the other day but found they were
a little ahead of time but mistakes will
often happen.
J. F s.
Benj. Dayton and wife celsbrated their
50th anniversary, July 4. Twenty-one
relatives and frienus were present.
Mrs. J. P. McNarney and children of
Emporium were the guests of Thos.
Lewis and family a few days the past
1 week.
E. P. Brools, wife and children of
1 Medix I'un, spent the 4th with their
mother, Mrs. J. L. Brooks.
John and Minnie Furlong of Pittsburg,
were the guests of their mother a few
. days the past week.
Frank Lanningcr, wife and children,
, of Eagle Kock, Pa., are visiting friends
i in town.
Chas. and Julia Ilowlett took in the
sights at lleynoldsville on the 4th.
Henovo visitors in town the past week
were: Mrs. Joe Mason and son. Frank
Leonard; Mrs. John Floyd and children,
Peter Dayton, wife and grand son and
; Mabel Reed.
| Miss Bessie, of Liberty, was visiting in
town the past week.
Clarence Smith of (ialeton, was the
1 ! guest of his grand-parents a few days the
1 past week.
1 | John Kissell returned home Sunday,
| having spent a few days with friends at
I I Shingle House and Coudersport.
' ! Emma Dayton of Cross Fork, is visit
friends and relatives in town.
1 I Aaron Kolshstrand moved his family
• to Buffalo.
| Flora Belle Ebersole and niece, of Buf
/ j falo are visiting in town,
i | John l'iaquado, an Italian who works
- J oa the sectipn for John May was serious-
ly hurt last week while loading ties, lie i
iell, one of the ties striking him on the I
Eftie Barr- Johnson of East Straus- ;
burg, was buried in old Pine Street ceme
tery a week ago Sunday, she having died
quite suddenly. Her son is also ill in a
hospital in Philadelphia.
Nettie Kissell returned Sunday from a
month's visit with her sister at Shingle
Violet Jordan of Huston Hill and Ray
Miller of Millers Run, were married at
Olean, July 2nd.
Warren Hinkley, wife and daughters!
of Ulysses, were the guests of A. L. Barr
and family a few days the past week.
A number of our people attended the
base ball game between the Cherokee
Indians and Emporium on Monday.
Nellie Whiting of Philadelphia, is
spending her vacation in Sterliug, guest
of her mother.
Geo. O'Keefe returned Saturday after
a visit of several days at Williamsport.
Frank Welsh has accepted a position
at. Kuiporium Junction.
Mrs. Randolph Mitchelltree and son
of Williamsport are visiting relatives in
Esther Stewart of Cameron was a visit
or in town Sunday.
Emery Dininny, wife and daughter of
Duulevie, W. Va., are the guests of their
sister, Cora Stewart.
Mrs. D. E. Spangler was a Driftwood
; visitor MonJay.
John T. Earl of Elkhart, Ind., was
: visiting Thos Lewis and family Friday.
He is vice president ol the Davis Acety-
I leae Co., at that place aud was on a busi
| ness trip to Washington.
Corn is looking good and a fine crop
' is expected.
! E. L. Logue of First Fork, was down
! Monday attending to business.
L. E. Smith was at Nisbet, Saturday.
| N. H. McCloskey and wife visited
friends at Renovo, Saturday.
J. E. Shafer of Flemmington, visited
friends here this week.
Lon Shafer and wife of Detroit,
Mich., are visiting relatives here this
Hon. C. F. Barclay and wife are on
an auto tour in the south, this week.
They will visit Gettysburg, Antietam
I and other battlefields and Jamestown,
this trip.
Master Bernie Shafer fell from the
railroad bridge Monday, but the water
was deep enough to break the fall and
he came out with a good wetting.
Misses Bertha and Lizzie Taylor of
Emporium were callers Tuesday on
their way home from Potter county.
O. L. Bailey was at Emporium Tues
day in the interest of the WykofF Run
Powder Co. We will soon have two
1 powder plants.
Crum Bros, are putting in a bakery.
J J. V. Strayer will have charge.
The Junior Epworth League will
hold their annual pic-nic in WykofT
grove, Wednesday, under the guidance
of Rev. and Mrs. C. W. Dickson.
The Powder Co.,will have their gela
tine building in operation next week.
The Wykoff Run Powder Co., will
commence, on their plant about the
middle of July. They have one of the
finest locations in the country, located
about two miles up the run.
The B. & S. R. R. Co., have their en
gineers locating a site for a mammoth
stone crusher. They have selected a
site about five miles up First Fork.
Mr. Harvey and family have return
ed from Bolivar, where they have been
for the 4th.
Jay Johnson visited with friends in
this place on Friday and Saturday.
Harvey Mason, who has been work
ing in Dents Run, was home for the 4th.
Miss Mableßeid and Mr. Carlson, of
Renovo, were the guests of Mrs. P. H.
j Mason on the 4th.
Miss Minnie Dill and brothers, were
the guests of Anson Mason and family
on the 4th.
The remains of Mrs. Eflie Barr John
j son were brought to this place for bur
| ial on June 30tli, by her husband,
j Charley Johnson. She was well anil
I favorably known here, having been
| born and lived here until her marriage,
! and has many relatives and friends in
| this vicinity, who will be grieved to
i hear of her sudden death. Her only
j son, Haven, was too ill to attend his
i mother's funeral.
Miss Blanche Kissel and Mr. Frank
| Leonard, of Ilenovo, called on friends
i in Pine Street, Thursday.
| An epidemic of sore throat has been
in our neighborhood for the past two
weeks. All having recovered, except
ing Blanche Mason, wiio is quite ill at
i this writing. Grover Mason is much
I better.
1 Zoella Mason visited in Emporium
! on Monday.
Charley White was home for the 4th.
Mr. Harvey is putting and edger in
| his mill and the busy hum will soon be
| heard in our quiet little hamlet again.
| X. X. X.
The Origin of a Great invention.
On OIK! of the daily trips of young
Westihghouse from Kchenectadj' to tl»e
foundry at Troy his train was hold tip
bf a had wreck. Two freights had
come together in a head-on eollisiou oil
u piece of straight track. The engi
neers had seeu tiie danger plainly, but
by the time the hand brakes were
brought into play II was too late. The
young man allowed these facts to sink
into his mind. Then he said to one of
the train hands:
"If the engineers had been able to
control their trains from the cabs, the
wreck could have been prevented,
couldn't It V"
"Control 'em how?"
"Brake them."
"Yes. They had lots of time."
That was enough. The air brake was
conceived. Amid the piled up wreck
age the thing that was to make the
name of Westinghouse familiar to ev
eiy schoolboy the world over was call
ed into being. It did not come in its
perfected form, but the idea itself had
germinated.—Paul Latzke in Every
A Fight In the Air.
W. E. Webb, the author of "Buffalo
Land," tell* this cat story:
The chicken hawk of the west is a
savage and dangerous enemy, but once
one of these air pirates got worsted. I
was sitting in front of the doctor's of
fice when a hawk shot down with won
derful rapidity of wing so fast that
its shadow seemed hardly to reach tlie
earth before its body. It pounced upon
the doctor's favorite kitten, which lay
asleep 011 the grass, and made off with
it. At an elevation of about lifty feet
puss recovered from its surprise and
went to work for liberty. Its feline
mind was exercised to astonishment
and wrath. Twisting like a weasel,
its claws came uppermost, and to my
straining gaze a sight presented itself
much like a feather bed being ripped
open in midair. The amazed hawk
received new light on the subject or
prey, let go and made off like a badly
plucked goose, but the cat came safely
to earth—on its feet.
The Onion Dodge.
"Incredible as it may seem," said the
detective, "there are many shoplifters
who steal by the agency of the onion.
These men, before setting out upon
their contemplated crimes, eat of ri\w
onions abundantly. Then they stroll
into the silversmith's or the haberdash
er's or the jeweler's that they propose
to rob.
" 'Show me those large solitaires sur
rounded with pigeon blood rubies,
please,' says the jewel thief.
"The clerk brings forth the tray of
gems and, bending over it, the tliief
sighs with admirafion. Ilin face close
to the clerk's, he sighs again. And the
clerk's nostrils quiver, and he turns
away liis head. The inspection of the
diamonds continues for some minutes.
Throughout it the thief keeps breath
ing hard, the clerk keeps turning his
head away, and hence it Is 110 wonder,
at the day's end, that a couple of costly
rings are missing."—New York Press.
Imitation of Ebony.
There are two processes, says the
Carriage Monthly, in use In the imita
tion of ebony. Take 11 tine grained
piece of tvood, use French black pol
ish, made b'aek with flue coloring mat
ter, or good air drying black varnish
may be applied. This, however, gives
only a superficial coloring, and when
the edges wear off the light colored
wood shows. The other method is to
wash three or four times any dense
wood with a boiling concoction of log
wood, allowing it to dry between each
application. Then wash with a solu
tion of acetate of iron, which is made
by dissolving iron filings in vinegar.
This stain is very black and penetrates
Into the wood so that ordinary wear
and chipping will not show the original
Piano for Sale.
A good second hand piano for sale
very cheap. J. P. MCNARNEY.
July 15 to 20, when the Elks hold their Annual Re
union in Philadelphia will be a glorious week in the
Quaker City. Not for years have sacli elaborate prepara
tions been made to honor the City's guests as those which
are HOW being made to welcome members of the Order,
and to entertain the thousands who are expected to visit
the city during the week.
A grand Court of Honor in Broad Street, the most
magnificent structure of the kind ever erected in America,
costing $50,000, will be a great feature of the occasion.
Every night during the week this Court of Honor, together
with "the City Hall, will be illuminated by myriads of elec
tric lights of various colors.
On Wednesday, July 17, a massed baud parade of over
2000 musicians will take place.
On Thursday, July 18, the Grand Parade of all visit
ing Elks will occur. Over 15,000 men from all sections of
the country will participate. Each Lodge will have its own
band and will wear a distinct uniform. Each uniform will
typify the stale or city represented by the lodge. Many
of the uniforms will be historical and picturesque.
On Saturday, July 20, there will be a grand excursion
to the seashore. Atlantic City, Cape May, YVildwood,
Ocean City, Asbury Park, and other popular resorts are
within easy reach of Philadelphia by the fast express trains
of the Pennsylvania Railroad.
Excursion tickets to Philadelphia will be sold July 13
to 17 inclusive, at reduced rates from stations over 100
miles from Philadelphia.
For exact fares and conditions of tickets, consult near
est Pennsylvania Railroad Ticket Agent.
Mo. 587-19-2t.
A Wonderfui happening.
Port Byron. N. \ , has witnessed one
(if tho morst rcmarkiili ■ CUM: of ln alinp.
ever recorded. Amos F. King, of' tliat
place says: ''Uuekiei 's Arnica Salve
cured a sore on iuy I g with which I
had suffered over 80 years. I am now
eighty-five." Guarant ed to cure all
sores; by all druggists _'sc.
A nemorable Day.
One of the days «'<■ remember with
pleasure, as well as with profit to our
health, is the one on which we became
acquainted with J'r. King's New Life
Pills, the painless puriti'-rs that cure head
ache and biliousnes. and keep the bowels
right. 25c, at all drug stores.
When there is the slightest indication
of indigestion, heart burn, flatulence or
any form of stomach trouble take a little
Kodol occasionally and you will be af
forded prompt relief. Kodol is a com
pound of vegetable acids and contains the
juices found in a healthy stomach. Ko
dol digests what you eat, makes your
jood do you good. Sold by R. C. Dod
When the baby is teething it is cross
arid restless; it becomes feverish, and in
many eases vomits a great deal and often
times cannot even keep cool water on the
stomach. All the delicate little organs of
the stomach arc affected, bring on colic
and diarrhoea. CASCASWEET for babies
and children makes the stomach right and
allays infiamation and prevents irritation.
Cascasweet makes tin baby happy and
well. Sold by R. Dodton.
Panama Canal—Erie Canal.
Machiuery is digging the Panama
Canal a thousand times quicker than the
shovel dug tfie Erie
Machinery produces the L. & M. Paint
at 50 times Kss cost tor labor, than if
made by hand.
The ]i. & 51.. gives the best job in the
world, because L. & M. Zinc hardens M., White Lead and makes L. &
M. Paint wear like iron for 10 or 15
It only requires 4 gallons of this cele
brated paint and gallons of Linseed Oil
at 60 cts per gallon, to paint a moderatl
j sized house.
If any defect exists in L. & M. Painte
will repaint house for nothing.
Sold by Harry S. Lloyd, Kmporuim,
Nearly all old tashinoed cough syrups
are constipating, especially those that con
tain opiates. They don't act just right.
Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup con
tains. no opiates. It drives the coid out
of the system by gently moving the bow
els. Contains honey and tar and tastes
nearly as good as maple syrup. Children
like it. Sold by R. C. Dodsou.
Get a free sample of Dr. Shoop's
"Health Coffee." If real coffee disturbs
your Stomach, Heart, or Kidneys, then
try this clever Coffee imitation. Dr
Shoop has very closely matched Old
Java and Mocha Coffee in flavor and
taste, yet lie has not even a single grain
of real Coffee in it. Dr. Shoop's Health
Coffee Imitation is made from pure
toasted grains or cereals, with Malt
Nuts, etc. You will surely like Health
Coffee. Sold by all dealera.
All persons are hereby forbidden from
trespassing upon the property of this
Company without a permit from this
office, or the Superintendant at the
Emporium, Pa., August Ist, 1903.
Latest Popular Music.
Miss May Gould, teacher of piano
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