Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, July 11, 1907, Page 5, Image 6

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Emporium, PH., May 22, 1907. |
NKMOPHILA, per sack $ J 35
Felt's Fancy, 44 ] £•»
Pet Grove, 44 1 J 5
Graham, 44 J
Rye 7
Buckwheat 44
Patent Meal., 44 J®
Coarse Meal, per 100 1 35
Chop Feed, 4 ' J :
Middlings, J •>»
Middlings, Fancy *• 1 \
Bran,— } *JJ
Chicken Wheat 1
Corn per bushel, W
White Oats, per bushel. 5®
Oyster Shells, per 100
Choice Clover Seed, )
ChoiceTimothySeed, / At Markest Price
Choice Millet Seed, i .
At Fourth and Chestnut Sts..
WJF"' jiM#
Telephone, 19-2.
Coutribiitions invited. That ivhich you would
like to nee in this department,let us know by pot
mi card or letter, rertonally.
Miss Annie Cadinsky is visiting her
triends in Emporium.
I). W. Donovon is making extensive
improvements on his hotel property.
Don M. Larrabee, of Williamsport,
spent Friday and Saturday in Empori
Mrs. Vm. Lawler, a former resident
of Emporium visited friends here last
Mrs. M. 11. Dodge and Mrs. Little,
fleld spent several days laet week at
J. S. Vail and family of Vilas, are
visiting their parents, Urban Bou
tain and family.
O. D. Miller and wife of Olean, spent
the past week with T. N. Hacket and
family on Third street.
Mrs. Jas. Dougherty returned last
Friday from an exteuded visit with
relatives at Bradford.
Henry Auchu, of this place, has re
cently been granted a patent for im
provements in casing head.
Mrs. C. A. Healey left last week for
Chicago, where she will be the guest
of Dr. Lulu Fulton and family.
Miss Ruby Hc-idick has returned
irom Ridgway, having attended the
Elk County Normal at that place.
Miss Mame and Margaret Cassidy, of
Olean, N. Y., are visiting relatives in
town. They formerly resided here.
S. A. Bryson of Ford City, Pa., is
visiting in Emporium, guest of his
daughter, Mrs. W. W. Weiman on
Sixth street.
E. L. Mason returned on Saturday
from a visit with his family in York
state and is again in the harness at
Howard's mill.
Kev. Mr. Robertson accompanied his
wife and children, to Monticello, IT.
Y., last week Wednesday. He will be
absent all of July.
Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Morton of Sizer
ville announce the engagement of their
daughter Grace Elizabeth to Mr. Reu
ben D. M. Parcells of Buffalo.
Mrs. Fred Seger was called to her
home at Bristol, W. Va., on account of
the serious illness of ber father, is de
tained there, her father not improving.
Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Feltwell were
guests of A. J. Barclay and family at
Sinnamuhoning, a few days last week.
Little Miss Marjorie B. returning with
them to this place.
Mrs. M. J. Byrnes and children, of
Lancaster, have been visiting in town,
guests of her mother, Mrs. Creigliton,
and sister Mrs. R. C. Moore at this
Mrs. Eflie Faucett and daughter
Marguerite, of this place, went to
Cleveland on Wednesday last to visit
Chas. Faucette and family and see the
new grand-daughter. The PRESS fol
lows them during their stay of several
Oeo. D. Niedlinger and wife and
brother Harry Neidlinger, of Ridgway,
and Miss Kate Weisenfluh of Empori
um, left yesterday for a visit to the
parents of the Messrs. Neidlinger at
Tower City, Pa., where they expect to
remain several weeks. They visited
friends in Emporium Tuesday.
Mrs. J. R. Fetter visited her mother I
:it Cameron last Sunday.
Mr. John Jones, of Wilkes-Barre,
visited Miss Rose Harbot last week.
W. G. Gilbert returned yesterday
from a business visit to Bufialo.
Miss Julia Hogan lias returned from
a delightful visit to Atlantic City and
Grover Hogan, who has been visit
ing his sister, at Binghamton, N. Y.,
returned home last Friday.
Miss AnnaTumpowsky, of Syracuse,
N. Y., is guest of her sister, Mrs.
Jasper Harris, on Fifth street.
Mrs. L. A. Walker and son, of Perry,
N. Y., are guests of Mr. and Mrs. W.
G. Gilbert at New Warner.
Mrs. C. H. Sage, nee Burlingame, of
Altoona, Pa., has been visiting friends
in Emporium for two weeks, guest of
J. H. Day and wife.
Mr. C. G. Orton, of Brooklyn, N. Y.,
is spending his vacation at Emporium,
guest of J. H. Day and wife, enjoying
his daughter's new home.
Mr. James Beattie and son Charles
aud Master Randolph Morse visited
Cameron one day last week.
Mrs. F. A. Hubbard and daughter,
Miss Irene, of Milford,lowa, are guests
of their cousin, J. D. Logan and family.
Miss Jessie E. Fowler, who has been
visiting relatives and Walker friends
of Potter county, the past two weeks,
has returned to Emporium.
Mrs. Corwin, of Sunbury, has been
visiting her relatives in Emporium for
several days—Mr. J. D. Logan and
Mrs. I. K. Hockley and families.
David Buckley, of Cross Fork, visit
in Emporium on Tuesday and Wednes
day, registering at New Warner,
where he was formerly employed.
Thos. Andrews, one of the expert
tower wire ticklers, was called to Buf
falo to accept a promotion but he likes
old Emporium the better and is back
A. E. Gross and Mrs. Alice S. Kautz
were united in marriage last Saturday
evening. The PRESS extends congrat
J. E. Rhodes and family and Ned
Brink and family, ofDunlevie, W. Va.,
have been visiting friends in this sec
tion for several days. They have been
successful in their lumber operations,
their many friends will be pleased to
Augustus Merrill, foreman tor E. &
R. V. R. R. Co., was severely slashed
about the face last Saturday by a
brother Ralian, whose weapon was a
razor. Drs. Falk and Bardwell dressed
his injury. The "Dago" made good
his escape.
Don't forget the Emporium Theator
ium has an entire change of pictures
EACH EVENING. Come and see it,
it will only cost you 5 cents. Come
every irlgnt.
The parcel room service now in
operation at .ill the Pennsylvania rail
road stations will be a great conven
ience to the public.
How to Best Avoid Lightning.
As the season of violent thunder
storms is upon ns,the Scranton Repub
lican gives some timely suggestions in
regard to the avoidance of the light
ning as follows: "It will be well to
stay away from doors and windows
during thunder storms and to avoid
trees, under which it is dangerous to
linger. It is also to be recommended
that people should know enough to
come in when it rains—especially
when the rain is accompanied by light
ning. To be walking along the street
with a steel geared umbrella is to in
vite the fatal stroke. To seek shelter
in a barn filled with hay is to tempt a
Early last week, Wednesday morn
ing, Hon. Josiah Howard's residence
was entered by experts and silverware
to the value of one thousand dollars
stolen. No clue. The fact that the
burglars picked out only the solid sil
verware is evident the chaps were not
Heal Estate Deal.
Negotiations pending between Dr.
E. O. Bardwell and Dr. H. S. Falk for
the sale of the former's residence and
oflice on Fourth street, was closed
yesterday. Consideration, $7,000.
For Sale.
, Small quantity of Silver Hull seed
buckwheat. H. DAY
Ants the Ideal Communists.
• It would perhaps he pushing meta
phors to an unwarranted extreme to
speak of "dignity of labor" In connec
tion with the occupations of ants. But
' If by the phrase Ave mean that labor
is the honorable lot of all citizens, and
. that all labors of whatever sort are
, upon the same level of respectability,
then we might venture to apply the
' saying even to the labors of an ant
! hill. For therein all are workers, from
the newly fledged callow to the veteran
' of a second summer.—Henry McCook
In Harper's.
This collect* lias JVC'Ht!y taken a new iilace
anions the colleges of the country Within five
years, six new buildings have lieen erected, new
professors added ard entering classes nearlv
■ doubled. There are five courses of stu.K —CI:i--.i
eul. 1.:.ti1l and \lod< ru I.anKtrige l.atin-Scieutilie,
I Scicnt:lie. and Civil Km-ine. ring. «;.»«! traditions
I s!T I "cult.-.. superb location, beautiful i.-n.umls
I and buildings, n as,,liable expense . I all term
'•liens September 17th. Writ - for catalogue t<,
*•»•««<!< Crawfor Mi i.JviiU .Pa
Weak Women
To weak ami iillitiK women, there is liust ono
wuy to In!]). Hut with tlmt way. two treatments,
must be combined. One is local, one is constitu
tional. but both are important, both essential
Dr. Shoop's Night Cure is the Local,
l'r. Slioop's Restorative, the Constitutional.
The former—Dr. Shoop's Ninht < ure—i- a topical
mucous membrane suppository remedy, while I'r
Shoop's Restorative is wholly an internal treat
metit. The Hestoiutive reaches throughout the
entire system, seeking the repair of all nerve,
all tissue, and all blood ailments.
The "Night Cure", as its name implies, does its
work while you sleep. It soothes sore and inflam
iml mucous surfaces, heals local weaknesses ami
discharges, while the Restorative, eases nervous
excitement. gives renewed vigor and ambition,
builds tip wasted tissues, bringing about renewed
strength, vigor, and energy. Take Dr. Shoop's
Restorative—Tablets or Liquid—as a general tonic
to the system. For positive local help, use as well
Dr. Whoop's
Night Cure
j l !«■■■■■■■■ ■ 1111 ii ii 11111 —j
Our Rug department is under the
supervision of Mrs. B. Egan. Every Rug
I was selected by her with special care
and carefully inspected. They are new
and strictlv up to date. No close outs or
lor last year stock. Many of you bought
rugs here last year and can attest to the
fine rugs we carrv. This year we show
a still larger and better stock. Neve be
fore has such rugs been placed on sale in
this part of the state.
As irreputable proof that the adver
tisements of this store is believed and
lived up to, we point with pride to our
phenomenal increase in business. We
try to merit your patronage by dealing
with you just as we would like to be
dealt with.
Emporium Furniture Co.,
is 5 r.
Plumbing Perfection m
*£ *4
ii I s
is m
on cannot exercise too much cautionl in
Kjg fc*
the selection of your plumbing fixtures. Their
construction and manner of installation is of
paramount importance to you if you would have H
M good health. 13
We insure you plumbing of a high char- M
ii ii acter.
acter. Let us estimate for you. Whether you
M are going to build or remodel, it will pay you to SHI
M examinelthe fixtures]Jwe have on display and get
JjjjJ our prices. H
** I*
Stephens & Saunders Plumbing Co. jj
[H OUR NEW LINE OF New Spring Line of Window Shades
lb from IOC to 75c per Shade. [p
I Wall Paper for 1907. I = = 1
rij ======== —-The best PAINT, Longman & Martinez. ,g
ft ~~ All Colors.
Jjji Consists of the best things [from three factories. Also , ~ -•. —JS]
the Robert Graves Co.'s line of Decoration Paper of all Rodger's Stainfloor. the best made B
ki " ds - for Floors. |
Hie Graves line [took first prize in competition'at St. ■ w * C7 11 « r jfjT l
I jjL» Louis against thejworld.* L<l-*0 ILX
' W*?,.-si~MrgL l gjgi i ß;rcii q| g=ii^=iis>=irgr=r:
Beforel'sing II you have pimples, blotches,
"NK or other «kin Imperfei tions, you
112f k -wK. tan remove them and have a clear
and beautiful complexion by usintf
Improves (he
Removes bkin Imperfections. Nfij. results guaranteeii n Tjf
or money refunded.
Send stamp for Free Sample, jtr
Particulars and Testimonials.
- Mention this paper. After Tiring.
Madison Place, Philadelphia, Pa.
W*f nn A euro gjar*nt(TJ 1 112 you use ■
PILES Suppository I
D. Matt. Thompnon, Rup tH
Graded Schools, S'l'eavlMe, N. C., write#: "I can iajr ■
thejr do all j..u claim for them." I)r. S. M. DcVore.H
Haven Hock, W. Va., writes; •'Thejrßlve universal *ati.s-H
Taction." Dr. 11. D. MeOlll, Clarksburg, Tenu., writes : H
"In a practico of 23 yeara, I have found no rrmodr t«H
: equal jours." Pbicb, 60 Cbnti. Samples Free. SoUH
SoMin Emporium by L. Taggart& R. C. Dodson
Cameron County Press
I Here We tWW I
I Have it! |
I Hot Plate y/' X>| |
I Problem Solved r "'4' I
fl At Last, 1 V I
II jnj
pi No Old Box to gather Dust, but a Neat and Attractive Frame. |!
An Ornament to any Kitchen. Try One.
! fli We have a large stock of Screen Doors and Window jjjjp
||| Screens. All kinds of Shelf and Heavy Hardware, Tile, ij|
Jjj Builders' Supplies, etc. |j
Leading Hardware Dealers. fP
r Use White Lilly Flour
SPECIAL- rj.i - GOODS fl
The Satisfactory Store
There's economy in trading where you are sure to
get satisfaction. The Day Grocery spares 110 effort to
make it the most satisfactory place to deal and invites I
your co-operation, promising satisfactory results. If 9
I you have not tried us, start now. a
Special Items for the Week, Friday and Saturday 1
25 lbs G-ranulated Sugar $ 1.40.
Pure Lard in bulk, a lb 12*
I California Hams, Trimmed Shoulder alb 12c. §
Heinz 15c Beans with tomato sauce 2 cans for 25c. ■
ioc package Bird Food Bc. ■> , ■
7 cakes Acme Soap for 25c.
15c pkge "Grocers" Matches 12c;
Pure Corn Starch a lb 6c.
, _ ioc cau Mustard sardines, Bc.
15c Ham Loat, ioc a can. ,
Boneless Breakfast Bacon—whole strips, lb 16c.
I Booth's Fresh Caught Lake Fish J
1 Each Thursday afternoon. *£eave I
* orders for delivery Friday
I morning.
I KILLER, two articles poultry raisers cannot afford to I
I be without.
I* You get Better Values Here. "
Prompt delivery to all parts of town. J
!• J, H. DAY, J
j A Phone 6. * E mpo ri 1m A
If you have anything to be printed bring
it to the PRESS office where it will be done
in first class shape.