4 ">cirr)epr) J^ress. ESTABLISHED BY C. D.OOUID. HENRY H. MULLIN, Editor dnd Man»t;cr. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: *\ r year $2 00 I. ,»aid in advance 11 BO ADVERTISING RATES. , Vdvertiseiuentsare publish edat the rate ofone foliar per square for oneinsertion and tillyceuts per square for each subsequent insertion. Rates by the year or for six or three months are OW ana uniform, and will be furnished on appli cation LEGAL and Official Advertising persquare. three IMEIH or less, $2 00; each subsequent jnsertionso cents per square. Itocal noticesten cents per line for onei nsertion, Jhre cents perlineforeachsubsequentconsecutive Insertion. Obituary notices over live lines, ten cents per lae. Siinpleannouncementsofbirths.marriages •nil deatb s will be i nserted free. Business Cards, five lines or less $5.90 peryear >ver five lines, at the regular rates of advertising No localinsertedforless than7s cts. per issue. JOB PRINTING. The Job department of the PRKSS is complete, affords facilities for doing the best class of »orl:. PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO Law Printing. No paper willbe discontinued until arrearages ARE paid, except at the option of the publisher. Papers sent outofthecountymustbe paid for »»I advance. N o advertisements will be accepted at less ISM the price for fifteen words. 4®-lieligious notices free. WASHINGTON LETTER. I From our Regular Correspondent.] Washington, July Gth. 11)07. After official denials all round that there were going to beany ad ditional warships sent to the Pacific Coast, the Navy Depart ment has now made the official an nouncement that practically the whole of the battleship squadron is going and that just as soon as they can get off. There will be sixteen battleships •it the squadron, and they will take about two months togo around by the Magellan or Cape Horn route. They will be accom- j primed by a number of gunboats as tli spatcli boats and tenders, and Ibere will lie at least three armored cruisers beside colliers and possibly ;t repair ship. On the Pacific Coast fchey will be met by the Oregon and the"Washington now under going repairs at Portland. This will make the greatest fight ing fleet that has ever been assem bled under the America n ilag, and n lighting ability as numbers, it will be one of the greatest fleets fver collected by any power. The whole will be under the command of Admiral liobley I>. Evans, who .lias seen more sea service than any other man on the active list of the wavy. It probably will be his last sea command, and the handling of ihis great fleet will be a fitting close for a long and very active and effective career. The exact route and stopping places of the fleet are not yet fully determined. They will go direct So South America and probably will make only one stop for coal on the east coast of the continent. Then they will pass through the Straits of Magellan and around to Valparaiso. They will make a very brief stop there and will pro ceed north to Peru. This will bring them to the last leg, as it were, of their course toward San Francisco. They will make a tittie longer stop in Peruvian watersand will then loaf up the coast, comparatively speaking, tak ing in San Diego and Monterey on the way to San Francisco. Their cruising speed probably will aver age about 12 knots, and this in cluding the stops now contemplat ed. will make their voyage last aboat (><) days. This will beat the record of the Oregon, which took ■V days to come from San Fran cisco to Key West during the Spanish War. But she was ac companied by the little gunboat Marietta, which retarded her speed and she was very cautious about keeping well off all ports and skirt *ng the outside of the West Indies ;»s the Spanish fleet was then sup j»c sed to be in the neighborhood of South America. The Charming Woman. fs not necessarily one of perfect form ar.d features. Many a plain woman who could never serve as an artists model, fi ssesses those rare qualities that all the world admires, neatness, clear eyes, clean smooth skin and that sprightliness of itep and action that accompany good health. A physically weak woman is never attractive, not ever to herself. io ! .' trie Hitters restore weak women, i'ive 'troriL nerves, bright eyes, smooth, velvety twin, beautiful complexion. <>uaranteed ;. all drusrjnsts 50c. SUDDEN DEATH OF AUGUSTUS D. GOULD Continue!, from Ist pa no I'SOMINBNT IN AFFAIRS. Bradford Era, July 3, 1907. A. D. Gould died suddenly at his j home in Eldred on Tuesday night, a ' victim of heart disease. His death | was entirely unexpected. Mr. Gould : wan editor of the Eldred Eagle. He founded the paper during the early oil development of the Northern field and j continued to own and conduct it up 'to the time of his death. Prior to lo : eating in Eldred he had a job printing oilice in Tarport, now East Bradford. Ho was prominent in the affairs of the Republican party, having been secretary of the county committee, delegate to the state convention, etc. For several years he had been con nected with the State Pure Food de partment. In Eldred he was a lead ing figure in local affairs, a director of the Eldred Bank, president of the Home Gas Co., of Eldred and was al ways identified with movements which had for their object the improvement of his home town. He was prominent in Masonic circles and was a member of the Knights of Pythias. The de ceased is survived by his wife and three sisters, Misses Jennie and May Gould of Emporium, and Mrs. Harry Mullin, of Emporium. He was born in Utica, N. Y., in 1856. His early life was passed there and in Binghamton, N. Y., where his father, the late C. B. Gould, established the first daily news paper published in that city. Later the family lived at Emporium, Pa., where the remains will be laid to rest in the family burial lot this after noon. Mr. Gould's death will be pincerely mourned by many friends. He was a man of most excellent traits of char acter. LHAVES A VACANCY IN ELDRED. Port Alleyaiig Reporter, July sth. Editor A. D. Gould of Eldred, died suddenly at his home on Tuesday even ing at half past eleven o'clock The news of his demise was a shock to his hosts of friends throughout the county. It seems that he retired in his usual health Tuesduy evening, and shortly after complained to his wife of not feeling well. Though a physician was promptly summoned Mr. Gould had died before his arrival. The cause ofdeath was heart failure. The fun eral was held from the family home in Eldred Thursday afternoon at four o'clock and the remains were taken to Emporium 011 the evening express and on Friday (this afternoon) were inter red in the Gould family lot. Mr. Gould was an excellent citizen and a splendid man. He was largely identi fied with all the successes of the town and had become to be looked upon as a leader in everything of benefit there. He was a Republican in politics and principle and was a councillor in the business of his party. His death leaves a vacancy in Eldred that will not soon be filled. He was nearly fifty-one years of age, and was born in Utica, N. Y., in 1808. He established the Eagle in Eldred in 1878, after first learning the printer's trade with his father, the late C. B. Gould of Emporium, and owned and operated it successfully up to the time of his demise. iiIOHLY ESTEEMED. Driftwood Gazette. A. D. Gould, the well known and highly esteemed editor of the Eldred Eagle, died suddenly at his home in Eldred on Tuesday night of last week, of heart failure, aged 51 years. He is survived by fiis wife and three sisters. The latter are Mrs. H. H. Mullin and Misses Jennie and May Gould, all of Rlmporium. * * * It is hard for us to realize that our good and kind friend is no more. Only last month we en joyed a day together in Harrisburg, and he was the same jolly, ed "Gus" as of old, and was apparent ly in the best of health. Peace to his soul. EAST SAD RITES. The remains were brought to his old home at Emporium on Thursday even ing July 4th, after short religious ser vices at his Eldred residence by Rev. Webster, Rector of Eldred Episcopal Church, of which the deceased and his wife had long labored to maintain. The Eldred Lodge, A. Y. M., of which the deceased had served as Master took charge of the funeral arrange- I rnents. Upon the arrival of the re mains at Emporium, a delegation of j Emporium Masons met the funeral party at Broad street station and ac comjjanied them to the residence of his sisters on Sixth street. At 2:30 Friday afternoon, funeral j services were conducted at the old i homestead, on Sixth street, by Rev. j J. H. McCandless, of Smethport, and i Rev. Webster, of Port Allegany, (our | Rector being absent on his vacation) ■trictly confining the services to the ritual, at the request of the family. A choir, composed of Mrs. W. H. Howard. Miss Grace Walker, Mrs. T. F. Moore, Miss Lizzie Ludlam, Miss Alice Mont gomery, Frank Felt, Chas. T. Logan and W. H. Howard sweetly rendered the service. The funeral cortege silently wended its way to the "silent city," being pre ceeded by the Masonic bodies of Eldred and Emporium, and also the Knights of Pythias of Eldred—about sixty in number. After the usual church ser vice at the grave the burial service of Masonry was observed, when all that was mortal of Augustus Dixon Gould, and upright husband, brother and citi zen was lowered to his last resting place, beside his father, mother and son, to await the resurrection morn. "Farewell, brother." The relatives and friends from a dis tance in attendance were: John B. Schwab (father-in-law,) Mrs. Jacob Schee h (aunt,Utica, N. Y.; Mr. and Mrs. sister Geo. Gridley, and Miss CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, JULY n, 1907. : Lore nil Grid ley, (niece); Buffalo, N. ! Y.; Hon. R. P. Habgood, Bradford; E, I B. Sage, Foster Brook, Pa.; Mr. and I Mrs. E. C. Davison, Johnsonburg, Pa., i Miss T. Lawrence and Mr. B. Q. Mc- Fall, of Eldred, the two latter being employees of his printing plant. * * * The numerous beautiful and artistic lloral pieces from relatives, friends, Eldred Lodge, Eldred Gas Company, Knights of Pythias, Eldred Cornet Band including personal McKean, Em porium, Buffalo and Olean friends speak louder than columns of enlogy at our hands. Council Proceedings. Regular meeting Borough Council, Emporium, Pa., July 1, 1907. No quorum. Special meeting Borough Council, July 10, 1907. Present—Messrs Mar shall, White, Goodnough, Cramer> Gregory and Green. Absent—Hamil ton and Norris. The President explained that special meeting was called for settlemeut Jof j sewer with Mr. Simpson and other | business that required immediate at j tention. Moved by Mr. White, seconded by | Mr. Cramer, that an order be drawn in favor of W. H. Simpson for $1791.49, payable in three months from date of order. Carried. Moved by Mr. Marshall, seconded by Mr. Gregory that labor bills for work done on Borough and sewers be paid. Carried: No 1. Italian, work on sewers $7 41 No. 2, do do 982 No. 3, do do 9 62 No. 5, do do 4 94 Jas. Murry. do 9 HO John Welsh, do 9 80 Jas. Davin, do 8 75 Water boy, Italian do 420 John Welsh, work on streets 3 50 Jas. Murry, do 3 50 Chas. Farley, work on sewers 2 00 Moven by Mr. White, seconded by Mr.Marshall, that an exonoration order be issued to Matthew O'Byrne for 1.00 Borough Dog tax for 1907. R.C. MOORE, Sec'y. SIOO Reward, sioo - readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a con stitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting direct ly upon the blood and inucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative pow ers that they offer One Hundred Dol lars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address: F. J. CHENEY &Co , Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Piles get quick and certain relief from Dr. Shoop's Magic Ointment. Please note it is made alone for Piles, and its action is positive and certain. Itching, painful, protruding or blind piles dis appear like magic by its use. Large nickel-capped glass jars 50 cents. Sold by all dealers. Had sick headaches, billiousness or con stipation are quickly relieved by Do Witt's Little Early Risers. Small pill, sure pill, safe pill—prompt and pleasant iu action. Sold by R. C. Dodson. A cleansing, clean, cooling, soothing, healing household remedy is DeWitt's Carbonized Witch Hazel Salve. For burns, cuts, scratches, bruises, insect bites and sore feet it is unequalled. Good for piles. Beware of imitations. Get DeWitt's. ft is the best. Sold by R. C. Dodson. C. B. Howard & Co., have the only large stock of shingles in the county at the present time. RED CEDAR from the Pacific Coast and WHITE CEDAR rom Wisconsin. WANTED. —An energtic man to handle Teas, Coffees, etc., in Empori um and vicinity. Apply to Grand Union Tea Co., 96 Main street, Brad ford, Pa. _ _ 14-tf. Stenographer. A steady young man wanted for stenographer and book-keeping, for a near by enterprise. Apply at once at PRESS office. 14-tf. For Sale or Rent. Sterling House, opposite depot, Sterl ing Run, Pa. Inquire at City Hotel, Emporium, Pa. 11-tf. MRS. MAIIONY. For Sale. A good six room house, with gas and water; centrally located. On easy terms. Apply to 52-tf. W. H. HOWARD. Parcel Room Service AvaUable at All Pennsylvania R. R. Stations. For the convenience of the public, beginning July 1, patrons of the Pennsylvania Railroad will have the privilege ofchecking hand baggage and other small articles in the baggage room at at all ticket stations which do not now have special parcel checking rooms. A charge of live cents for 24 hours or fraction thereof will be made for each article checked, except from Saturday noon until Monday noon when goods will be held for five cents. After the first 24 hours, an additional charge often cents for each additional 21 hours or fraction thereof, with a minimum charge ofsl.oo per month. 615-1* DESERTION NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given to the public that my wife MELROSI;, bavins left my bed and board without just cause or provocation, I here by caution all persons not to trust or harbor her on my account, for T sliall pay no bills of her contracting. JOHN HUFF. Grove, Pa., July 10, 1937. 21-iit. DIEHL I DIEHL 1 DIEHL Shoes Shoes Shoes PATFNT nOLT (^x^or^ s f° r Men, Ladies and Children. To ' see them is to buy them. You do yourself an in justice when you do not look at this beautiful line before lipur chasing. We also carry a complete line of Men's Working Shoes. In fact anything in the shoe line. nfl Yflll KNfIW About "the Banner Patterns. These are the ZZ very best. The prices are 10c and 15c. Every pattern is a new one. They are the simplest patterns on the market to-day to put together. Counter books only 10c. Monthly sheets are free. nflN'T FfIRRFT To examine the largest and most complete line 1 IUIIULI of long and short Silk and Kid G-loves. We have them in many different colors, ranging in price from $1.50 to $5.50 the pair. Shift Waists black, White and colors. These Shirt Waists were selected from the very best samples that have been shown this season. We can surely suit you in this line. CHAS. DIEHL. Long Live the King. Is the popular cry throughout Kurop ' ean countries; while in American, the cry of the present day is "Long live Dr. King's New Discovery, King ol Throat and Lung Remedies!" of which Mrs. .Julia Ryder Paine, Truro, Mass., says:"lt i never fails to give immediate relief and' Ito quickly cure a cough or cold." Mrs. l'aine's opinion is shared by a majority of the inhabitants of this country. New Discovery cures weak lungs and sore throats after all other remedies have fail ed; and for coughs and colds its the only sure cure. Guaranteed by all druggists 50c and SI.OO. Trial bottle free. Thousands of people are daily suffer ing with Kidney and bladder troubles— dangerous ailments that should be cheek ed promptly. DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder Pills arc the best remedy for backache, weak kidneys, inflamation of the bladder. Their action is prompt and sure. A week's treatment for 25c. Sold by 11. C. Dodson. C. B. Howard & Co., have received from the Pacific Coast what is perhaps the finest lot of RED CEDAR shingles that ever came to Cameron county. !\\\XNNNN \ S.VA.V/^ j SECOND TO NONE % | / ADAM, | MELDRUM & 7 ANDERSON CO. I N I / 396-408 Main Street, | 4 BUF'FALO, N. Y. $ ' | j| I t ' I 0 I 1 BUFFALO'S j| | LEADING | DEPARTMENT I! I STORE REFUNDS|I | YOUR RAILROAD I j FARES ; ACCORDING TO 112 I THE AMOUNT S | OF YOUR I PURCHASES # % % % I 1 | YOU CAN SHOP | BY MAIL t $ % \ % - % % A | | ADAM, | MELDRUM & ; ll ANDERSON CO ' / American Block, Buffalo, N.Y. / : /: / j / \ \ \ \ \ V \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Pennsylvania Railroad PERSONALLY CONDUCTED EXCURSIONS TO Niagara Falls July -4, August 7, 21, September 11, 2."> and October !), Round-Trip Rate $4.15 from Emporium Tickets good going on SPECIAL TRAIN ofPullmau Parlor Oars, Dining Car and Day Coaches, leaving 3:15 P. M., and returning via PICTURESQUE SUSQUEHANNA VALLEY ROUTE Tickets good returning on regular trains within TEN DAYS. Stop-oil' within limit allowed at Buffalo returning. Illustrated Booklet and full information may be obtained from Ticket Agents. .T. R. WOOD, Passenger Traffic Manager. GEO. W. BOYD, General Passenger Agent. No. 608-21-13t. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD 1 SI.OO from Emporium to Romantic Portage Falls AND RETURN EVERY SUNDAY DURtNG July, August and September, 1907 SPECIAL TRAIN Leaves 8:00 A. M. Returning, leaves Portage Falls Park 5:15 P. SI. Tickets will be good going and returning only on Special Train 011 date of issue. Baggage will not be checked on these tickets. CHILDREN BETWEEN FIVE AND TWELVE YEARS OF AGE. HALF FARE. J. B. WOOD, GEO. W. BOYD, Passenger Traffic Manager. General Passenger Agent, Philadelphia, Pa No. 652-21-13t. • mmm mmmmmmm mtamammo mmmmmm mmmmmmm "Stfiftly the seasons come and go" Haying and Harvesting Supplies Will soon be needed, and our stock is very complete. Binder Twine, Hay Rope, Hay Forks Hay Rakes, Etc. Will you allow us to quote you prices. Agents for McCormick Harvesting Machinery F. V. HEILMAN & CO