Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, June 27, 1907, Image 8

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    Ik J. Laßar
We Can Furnish
a single article, a whole room, a bouse,
jr a street of houses with the best of
furniture so far as style, serviceability
and economy are concerned and we do
..t on short notice. From carpets and
oil-cloth up to brass bedsteads and oil
paintings anything—everything in the
way of modern house-furnishings is
hers at sacrifice prices.
to. J. Liilliir
Business Cards.
Will give prompt attention to all buniness en
trusted tothem. 16-ly.
Collections promptly attended to. Real estate
i.nd pension claim agent,
35-ly. Emporium, Pa.
Corner Fourth and liroad streets,
Emporium, Pa.
All business relating to estate.collections, real
estate, Orphan's Courtand general law business
will receive prompt attention. 41-25-1 y.
East Emporium, Pa..
Having resumed proprietorship ol'this old and
■■•ell established House I invite the patronage of
he public. House newly furnished and tlior
ughly renovated.! 48ly
(Opposite Post Office,)
Emporium, Pa.
1 take pleasure in informing the public that j
..avc purchased the old and popular Novelty
Restaurant, located ou Fourth street. It will be
,ny endeavor to serve the public in a manner
•.hat shall meet with their approbation. Give me
t. call. Meals and luncheon served at all hours.
n027-lyr Wm. McDONALD.
Also dealer in all the Popular .Sheet MUMC,
Emporium, Pa.
Scholarstaugliteither at my home on Sixth
streetor atthe homesofthe pupils. Outoftown
scholars will be given datesat my roomsinthis
v .
Executors Notice.
Instate of JOIIX DA V, late oj the liorouyh of lCm
porium, Deceased.
N OTICE is hereby given that letters testamen
tary upon the estate of said decedent have
oeen granted to the undersigned. All persons
indebted to said estate are requested to make
payment, and those having claims or demands
ugainst the same will make them known without
delay, to
Or to their Attorneys, GREICN & FELT. 17-6t.
Emporium, Pa., June 12th, 1907.
Executor's Notice.
EH tale of AUGUSTUS C. GOODWIN, late ofthe
Township of Shippen, deceased.
N'OTICF. is hereby given that letters testa
mentary upon the estate ofthe said decedent
have been granted to the undersigned. All per
sons indebted to said estate are requested to
make payment and those having claims or de
mands against the same will make them known
without delav to
Emporium, Pa.,
Or his Attorneys, GREEN & FELT. 15-6
No appetite, loss of strength, nervous
ness, headache, constipation, bad breath,
general debility, sour risings, and catarrh
! of the stomach are all due to Indigestion.
Kodol relieves Indigestion. This new discov
ery represents the natural juices of diges
tion as they exist in a healthy stomach,
combined with the greatest known tonio
and reconstructive properties. Kodol for
dyspepsia does not only relieve Indigestion
and dyspepsia, but this famous remedy
helps all stomach troubles by cleansing,
purifying, sweetening and strengthening
the mucous membranes lining the stomach, j
M Mr. S. S. Ball, of Ravenswood, W, Va„ says:—
I was troubled with sour stomach for twenty years.
Kodol cured mo and wo are now using it In milk
Kodol Digests What You Eat.
Bottles only. Relieves Indigestion, sour stomach,
belching of pas, etc.
Prepared by E. C. DeWITT & CO., CHICAGO.
Sold by It C. Dodson.
Xatcst Count? Correspondence.
Fieu growing weather and crops arc
looking better.
A Seudder has resigned his post
tiou with the B. & H. and accepted one
with the 1\ & H. K. 11. :it Driftwood.
Jas. 11. Hayncs has purchased a phon
ograph andean now make his own m;iM:.\
W. 11- Mei'/icr is contemplating
trout fishiug this week. Look out for
some ones.
The powder plant resumed work on
few weeks longer fo get the gelatine plant
lion. 0. F. Barclay was at Emporium
<j. B. Barclay left for Seattle, Wash.,
on Friday.
C. W. Shoemaker and wife of New
York, visited friends here last week.
Mrs. C. A. Roberts of Owcgo, X. V.,
is visiting her brother, Congressman liar
clay this week.
G. B. Barclay, the firm of Barclay
Bros., is in the state of Washington, look
ing over a large tract of timber. He will
be absent until fall.
Miss Belle I'llrich, who was taken to
Williamsport hospital last Saturday, died
Sunday evening. The remains were tak
en to Emporium for burial Wednesday.
The shell girls of the Sinnamahoning
Powder Co., will goto Emporium as
casket bearers.
Mr. and Mrs. Saunders will start on a
visit to Missouri next week.
W. C. 136, I*. O. S. of A received an
invitation from our pastor, llev. C. W.
Dickson to attend services at the M. E.
church on Sunday evening, the 23d.
About 40 members were in line and listen
ed to one of the best sermons ever deliver
ed here and will long be remembered.
Those who were not there missed a treat.
Rev and Mrs. Dickson have taken our
little town by a storm of love and good
work and kindness, visiting the sick and
afflicted and having a pleasant word for
County Chairman Geo. P. Shafer was
at Harrisburg last week. He reports that
we have a fine building but the fixtures j
are cheap affairs.
Geo. P. Shafer, son ofthe lute Joe 31.
Shafer, proprietor ofthe Sinnamahoning
House, who was elected Democratic
County Chairman is a true blue General
Jackson Democrat and will lead the
county to victory if any one can. [3OO
Republican majority.]— KlHTOß PRESS.
I will mail you free, to prove merit,
samples of my Shoop's Restorative,
and my Book on either Dyspepsia, The
Heart or The Kidneys, Troubles of the
Stomach, Heart or Kidneys, are mere
ly symptoms of a deeper ailment.
Don't make the common error of treat
ing symtoms only. Symtom treatment
is treating the result of your ailment,
and not the cause. Weak Stomach
nerves—the inside nerves—mean Stom
ach weakness, always. And the Heart,
and Kidneys as well, have their con
trolling or inside nerves. Weaken
these nerves, and you inevitably have
week vital organs. Hero is where Dr.
Shoop's Restorative has made its fame.
No other remedy ever claims to treat
the "inside nerves" Also for bloating,
biliousness, bad breath or complexion
use Dr Shoop's Restorative. Write
me to-day for sample and free Book.
Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. The Restora
tive is sold by all dealers.
Bert Barber, of Elton Wis., says I
have only taken four doses of your Kidney
and Bladder Pills and they have done far
more than any other medicine has ever
done. I aiu still taking the pills as I
want a perfect cure." Mr. Barber refers
to DcWitt's Kidney and Bladder Bills,
which are unequalled for Backache, weak
kidneys, inflammation ofthe bladder and
urinary troubles. A week's treatment for
Usc. Sold by R. C. Dodson.
A Fortunate Texan.
E. W. Goodloe, of 107 S. Louis street,
Tex., says:"ln the past year 1 have be
come acquainted with Dr. King's New
Life Pills, and no laxative 1 ever before
tried so effectually disposes of malaria and
biliousness." They don't grind nor giipe.
25c at all drug stores.
A steady young man wanted for
stenographer and book-keeping, for a
near by enterprise. Apply at once at
PRESS office. 14-tf.
For Sale or Rent.
Sterling House, opposite depot, Sterl
ing Run, Pa. Inquire at City Hotel,
Emporium, Pa.
11-tf. MRS. MAHONY.
Removal of The Emporium Water
Company Office.
The Office of The Emporium Water
Company will be located in The Par
sons Bazaar, on Chestnut street, second
door from corner, on July Ist, 1907,
where all payments will be made to the
Thanking you for your patronage in
the past wo remain.
Respectfully Yours,
June 10th, 1907.—17-3t.
For Sale.
A good six room house, with gas and
water; centrally located. On easy
terms. Apply to
52-tf. W. 11. How AIM.
Ned White and family of Paducah.
ivy., are visiting their parents Mr. and
Mrs J. R. Frank of this place.
Ed. Whiting, wife and daughter
Marion were Emporium visitors Monday.
Elmer Whiting of !li> \ Run, visited
his family Sunday.
Nellie and Gladys O'Keofe left Satur
day for several months visit with friends
! in Connecticut.
Mrs. Wright of Columbia, is the guest
of her mother, Mrs. Derrick.
Mrs. W. M. Summerson and sons
. Arthur and Kenneth of llicks Run, are
I visiting relatives and friends in this
i section.
j Frank Lcnard of Renovo, was a visitor
j in town on Sunday.
Mrs. Anna Housler and children of
} North Creek, arc visiting their parents
Wm. Rerry and wife.
A. G. Hatvcy and family and brother
in-law, Mr. Brounco and family moved to
town the past week. Harvey is running
one of the saw mills for Eustmon at Pine
I Mrs. Minnie Quinn of Emporium is a
| visitor in town.
i Dorsey Spangler and wife returned
I from their weddin_* trip on Tuesday, hav-
I ing taken in the sights at Philadelphia,
Washington and Atlantic City.
We are glad to hear that W. E. Dev-
Ing is improving at the Williauisport
Miss Floy Whiting left Saturday on a
visit with frieues at Williauisport.
Genevieve Frank, who has been teach
ing in PerthAmboy, N. J., returned home
Mrs. Jos. Robinson of Camerou, was a
visitor in town Tuesday.
Mary Summerson was a Cameron visi
tor on Tuesday.
Mabel Wylie has returned home, after J
closing a successful term of school at A 1 :
Kathrine May visited at North Rend
on Saturday.
Delbert Rockwell of Mix Run, accotn-1
panied by Miss Gertrude Housler of Lawn ;
View, attended church at Cooks Run 1
Sunday evening.
Agnes Taylor of Nortn Creek, was the J
guest of Mrs. A. C. Dow last week.
Gertrude Swesey of Maple Shade, re
turned home from Lock Haven, where '
she attended normarschool.
The proceeds of the box social at L- |
Lockwood's Saturday eveniug, were §22- j
Messrs. Ura Conway and Joseph Cook !
of camp 20, Elk Fork, called on Cooks j
Run Junction friends Saturday 'evening. |
There was no services at the church j
Sunday evening. Too much rain.
Lowell Lewis of Lewis Run, is under
the doctor's care, having injured his knee.
Jake Swesey has been drawing hay
from Elk Fork this week.
Miss Bertha Wright of the city has
been spending the week with Tillman
Chadwick and wife of Cooks Run.
Chas. Barr and daughter Beatrice
were on our streets Monday, as was
Blanch Moon.
Edw. McCormick purchased a hunting
dog last week.
Ilunkey, the second, was vi.»itin<r Val
ley friends Sunday.
The secretary of the local athletic club
is in receipt of a letter from Give Lewis
formerly of this place, now manager of
the Mix Run athletic club containing a ;
challenge for some of our pugs. There i
will be doings in pugilistic circles ere i
M. A. S.
A slight wreck occurred in the P. & •
E. yard last Saturday, caused by the de- j
railment of the local freight engine. The
Renovo force soon had the tracks cleared. '
Millie Haslet returned home Sunday
after an extended visit with friends in
New York state.
Mrs. John Clark, who was operated
on at Williamsport last week is getting
along quite weli and is expected home
this week.
Mrs. Chas Burkland was taken ill very j
suddenly Saturday evening. Dr. Falk of
Emporium was called.
The river has been quite high the past |
few days.
Mr. Lawsou of Beeehwood, spent Sun
day in town.
Children's day services were held in I
theK. G. E. Hall Sunday evening. The
hall was handsomely trimmed with flow
ers and evergreens. Much credit is due
Mr. Cousins who had charge of the trim
Mr. and Mrs. Kruger, Mr. and Mrs.
Webster and Dr. Bush, spent a very
pleasant afternoon Sunday with Wlll.
1 red Comley wa> an Emporium visitor!
this week.
(1. L. Page called on friends at St.
Marys Monday.
.I. v s.
Harry S. Lloyd sejla Longman &
Martinez L. & M. Paints in pints and
quartz at lialf gallon priOe. 13 4t. I
W. 11. Smith and family spent Sunday
with Wm. Smith at Sterling Run.
Darius Ives and family visited relatives
on Mason Hill Sunday.
Wayne Nelson has resigned his posi
tion with the railroad and contemplates
entering the mercantile business in the
near future. 11 is friends wish him suc
cess in his new vocation.
Edw. Schwab and family of Cameron
spent Sunday with Levi Smith.
Mrs. W. W. Johnson is some better at
this writing.
The Driftwood callers this week were:
Wayne Nelson, Mrs. Wm. Logue and
daughter, Lloyd and Walter Logue and
Darns Ives.
Miss Cathrine Johnson spent Sunday
with Mrs. J. L. Johnson on East Side.
Ruth and John Sullivan, Jr., spent
Sunday with Nellie Logue.
Thos. Kailbourn was an Emporium
visitor Sunday.
Miss Delia Lord of Sterling Run, spent
Sunday with A. W. Smith and sister.
Lloyd Logue was a business caller in
Renovo Saturday.
G. W . Starr is visiting friends in Sterl
ing Run.
Path master Walter Logue is making
some needed repairs to the roads in the
Elmer Hill of Grove Mill spent Mon
day with relatives in towu.
East Side pathmaster A. M. Smith
! was a business caller in town Monday.
Enginemau Harry Johnson and family
j of Renovo spent Sunday with their par
! ents.
Mrs. Geo. Hill of Grove Hill, left on
J'uesdav to attend the graduation exer
cises at the Lock Haven Normal, where
her daughter Gertrude graduated Wed
j nesday.
I Thos Kailbourn and Elmer Hill at
tended the family reuuion at Jas. Rus
sells on Mason Hill, June 19th.
J. F. S.
Get a free sample of Dr. Shoop's
"Health Coffee." If real coffee disturbs
I your Stomach, Heart, or Kidneys, then
j try this clever Coffee imitation. Dr
j Shoop has very closely matched Old
Java and Mocha Coffee in flavor and
j taste, yet fie has not even a single grain
of real Coffee in it. Dr. Shoop's Health
Coffee Imitation is made from pure
toasted grains or cereals, with Malt
Nuts, etc. You will eurely liko Health
Coffee. Sold by all dealera.
He Fired the Stick.
'•1 have fired the walking-stick. I've
carried over 40 years, on aceountof a sore
that resisted every kind of treatment, un
til I tried Bucklen's Arnica Salve; that
has healed the sore and made me a happv
man, writes John Garett, of North Mills,
N. C. Guaranteed for Piles, Burns, etc,
by all druggists, 25c.
A prompt, pleasant, good remedy for
coughs ami colds, is Kennedy's Laxative
Cough Syrup It is especially recom
mended for babies and children, but irood
for every member of the family. It con
tains no opiates and does not constipate.
Contains honey and tar and tastes nearly
as good as uiaple syrup. Children like
it. Sold by I!. C. Dodson.
All persons are hereby forbidden from
trespassing upon the property of this
Company without a permit trom this
office, or the Superintendant at the
Emporium, Pa., August Ist, 11(03,
July 15 to 20, when the Elks hold their Annual Re
union in Philadelphia will be a glorious week in the
Quaker City. Not for years have sach elaborate prepara
tions been made to honor the City's guests as those which
are now being made to welcome members of the Order,
and to entertain the thousands who are expected to visit
the city during the week.
A grand Court of Honor in Broad Street, the most
magnificent structure of the kind ever erected in America,
costing $50,000, will be a great feature of the occasion.
Every night during the week this Court of Honor, together
with the City Hall, will be illuminated by myriads of elec
tric lights of various colors.
On Wednesday, July 17, a massed band parade of over
2000 musicians will take place.
On I htirsday, July 18, the Grand Parade of all visit
ing Elks will occur. Over 15,000 men from all sections of
the country will participate. Each Lodge will have its own
band and will wear a distinct uniform. Each uniform will
typify the state or city represented by the lodge. Many
ol the uniforms will be historical and picturesque.
On .Saturday, Julv 20, there will be a grand excursion
to the seashore. Atlantic City, Cape May, Wildwood,
Ocean City, Asbury Park, and other popular resorts are
within easy reach of Philadelphia by the fast express trains
of the Pennsylvania Railroad.
Excursion tickets to Philadelphia will be sold July 13
to 17 inclusive, at reduced rates from stations over 100
miles from Philadelphia.
I'or exact fares and conditions of tickets, consult near
est Pennsylvania Railroad Ticket Agent.
No. 587-l?-2t.
When you foci the need of a pill take
a DeWitt's Little Ivirly Riser. Small
1 pill, safe pill, sure pill. Many to lake—
pleasant and effective. Drive away
headaches. Sold by 11. Dodson.
Fof scratches, burns, cats, insect bites
| and the many little hurtscemtnnu to every
family. DcWitt s CarbolizeJ Witch Hazel
! Salve is the best remedy. ft i soothing,
! cooling, clean and healing. Be sure vou
got |)e\\ iu s. Sold by K. C. Dodson.
Remorkable Rescue.
That truth is stranger than fiction has
once more been demonstrated in the little
j town of Fenora, Term., the residence of
JC. V. Pepper. lie writes: •'! was in
j bed, entirely disabled with hemorrhages
of the lungs and throat. Doctors failed
to help me, and all hope had fled when
j I began taking Dr. King's New Discov
ery. Then instant relief came. The
coughing soon ceased; the bleeding dimin
ished rapidly, and in three weeks I was
able togo to work. ' Guaranteed cure
(or coughs and colds. 5Uc and .81.00 at
all drug stores. Trial bottle free.
Panama Canal—Erie Canal.
Machinery is digging the Panama
Canal a thousand times quicker than the
shovel dug the Erie.
Machinery produces theL. & M. Paint
at 50 times less cost tor labor, than if
made by hand.
l'he L. & M., gives the best job in the
world, because L. tfc .M. Zinc hardens
L. & M., Wbite Lead and makes
M. Paint wear like iron for 10 or 15
It only requires 4 gallons of this cele
brated paint and gallons of Linseed Oil
at (JO cts per gallon, to paint a moderatl
sized house.
If any defect exists in L. & M. Painte
will repaint house for nothing.
Sold by Harry S. Lloyd, Emporuim.
Latest Popular Music.
Miss May Gould, teacher of piano
forte has received a full line of the lat
est and most popular sheet music. All
the popular aire. Popular and class
ical music. Prices reasonable.
| " j
It's Easy
1 lo write a good letter when
! your paper, pens ?.nd ink are
! . i friendly,
' baton-Hurlbut
i i
Writing Papers
| make oolite correspondence a
; pleasure. Most people just
< now aii asking us for Twotone
• and Highland Linen. There
are other styles you may like
even better. Come in and see 1
them. j
Fiiiporium, I'a.
R, Seger & Soi
We take pleasure in calfty!g attention
to our extensive of Early
Spring Clothing-, Hats, styli;\Furnish
ing Goods, Trunks, etc. The latest
styles in Dunlap and all the pftDular
Derby as well as soft hats.
We are agents for the popular
KIRSHBAUM ready to wear Clothing
SHIRTS all colors now in Meek.
We carry a large assortment of the
celebrated Douglas Shoes, all shapes
and sizes. This comfoatable shoe is a
good;wearer, looks well and saves you
Complete and New Goods in
Every Department.
BgyDon't forget the Merchant Tail
, oring department it you wish some
thing special. Prepare now for spring
j John Edelman I
18 Son, I
|oj id
; nj Opposite St. Charles Hotel, in
nj Where you can always find a[n
In new supply of woolens to suit nJ
W the season and customer. We I*l
n] solicit new trade and shall try [s
m our best to satisfy all our patrons, nj
GENTLEMEN—Why go out- W
qj side to get your Clothes, when fn
Ln we can furnish you with the best nl
nj goods and latest styles at the f[|
J lowest possible price. Spend (n
Lrj your money at home. We, as [U
well iis our help, spend our
J money here. [n
In We are cutting our clothes by m
[}j a new system and have met with {{]
m good success. [n
In Thanking you for past favors fu
we respectfully invite you to j{]
nj call again. [n
Between 12tli and i3th »Sts.. on Filbert St.
Philadelphia, Pa.
Three minutes WALK from the Reading
Terminal. '
Five minutes the Penn'a It.
European Plan SI.OO per day and upwards. ■
American Plan $2.<H) per day.
Insurance Agency,
Fire, Life, Health and Acci
dent, Employers Liability, Boiler
Insurance, Plate Glass, Surety
Fourth Stree , mporium, Pa.