Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, June 06, 1907, Image 5

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Emporium, Pa., May 22, 1907.
NEMO PHI LA, per sack *1 35
Kelt's Fancy, 44 155
Pet Grove, 44 1 55
Uraham, 41 70
Rye /. 44 05
Buckwheat, 44
Patent Meal., 44 60
Coarse iVleal, per 100, 1 35
Chop Feed, 44 1 35
Middling", 1 35
Middlings. Fancy 44 1 IS
Bran, 1 30
Chicken Wheat 1 55
Corn per bushel, 75
Whit e Oais, ji»*r 'iiishel 55
Extra Fancy White Seed Oats, bushel 58
Oyst r Shells, per 100
Choice Clover Seed, )
Choice Timothy Seed, > At Markest Price
Choice M illet Seed, S
At Fourth arid Chestnut Sts..
I %X m
W rr' Tmnk p
Telephone, 19-2.
Contribution* invited. That which you would
'ike to see in this department Jet vs know by por
tal card or letter, personally.
Mayor W. H. Howard has been con
fined to his residence for two weeks.
Miss Elizabeth and Laura Lechner
are making Bradford friends a visit
this week.
The many friends of Mrs. John
Ivohler will be glad to learn she is ira
proving in health.
Mrs. Geo. Taggart's mother, Mrs.
Barnes, of Detroit, Mich., is visiting
in Emporium for the summer months.
Mrs. J. M. Harris and Miss Bair, of
Olean, were guests of Jasper Harris
and wife on Decoration Day.
Dr. and Mrs. R. P. Heilman are
spending the week at Atlantic City,
while the Dr. attends the National
convention of the M. D's.
Jos. Kaye's handsome residence cer
tainly did look handsome Thursday
evening when illuminated for the first
Floyd Van Wert, who is attending
University of Pennsylvania, medical
department, is at home for the sum
mer vacation.
Mrs. Laura Bryan and Niss Nina
Bryan have returned from visiting Mrs.
Wm. Garrity and family at Buffalo.
Mrs. Wm. Spearing, of Williamsport,
is guest of her sister, Mrs. Belle Beattie
and family, North Maple street
Mrs. Chas. Seger, Mrs. E. D. White,
Harold Seger and Miss Lena Coyle are
making a pleasure visit to Buffalo this
Mrs. Stella Hamilton, of East Em
porium, was a PRESS visitor on Tues
day and pushed her PRESS ahead an
other year.
Mrs. M. M. Larrabee is visiting at
Williamsport, guest ov Don. M. Lar
rabe and wife.
We had the pleasure of shaking
hands, last Thursday, with L. T.
Hacket, of Buffalo, he having come
home to visit his mother and other re
latives in town.
Miss Delia Clair, of Renovo, attend
ed the funeral of Mrs. Patrick Killeen
and visited in town last Tuesday.
Miss Jeannette Metzger, of Wells
ville, N. Y., is visitihg relatives in Em
porium, guest of Geo. Metzger, Jr.,
and family. She is daughter of Ward
N. H. McCloskey and nice little
daughter Irene, of Sinnamahoning,
were PRESS callers on Tuesday. Mr!
McCloskey was return Judge for Grove
township and brought up the official
We regret to learu thatW. H.Howard
expects to move to Virginia, in the
near future, where he has recently pur
chased 40,000 acres of hardwood timber.
We should dislike very much to have
this excellent family leave Emporium.
Ross W. Baraows, of Lock Haven,
visited in Emporium and Cameron,
last Wednesday and Thursday look
ing after his business interests. He
owns valuable fire clay deposits in
Lumber township which we hope to
see developed in the near future.
Our old friend W. H. Smith, of Sterl
ing Run, was PRESS visitor on Mon
day and pushed the date on his paper
ahead another year. Mr. Smith has
very acceptably filled the position of
assessor and tax collector for some
time. A very genial gentleman.
Chas. W. Williams, of Gibson, while
transacting business in town yesterday
called to renew his PRESS tor another
year. Mr. Williams continues to im
prove his farm and is to-day one of the
most prosperous farmers in the county.
John Johnson, one of our industrious
Swede citizens is celebrating the arri
val of a bouncing boy, which made his
appearance this morning. His friends
all smoke a good cigar on the event.
W. Scott Sterner is clerk in Stephens
& Sau.lers hardware store.
Mrs. T. H. Norris and Mrs. Lizzie
Hinkle left yesterday for Indiana, Pa ,
to attend district convention of Child
rens Aid Society.
Mr. M. K. Mickey has been attend
ing the national convention of incan*
descent lamp manufacturers at Wash
ington, D. 0., this week.
Mrs. Joshua A. Knapp, many years
ago a resident of Emporium, but now
residing at Williamsport, is visiting in
town, guest of Mrs. Laura Bryan.
O. J. Spafford and wife, of DeLand,
Fla , is expected to arrive this evening
to visit Emporium friends.
The Assembly hop, last evening, at
the opera house, was a pleasant affair.
John Kackenmeister visited his
mother at YViliamsport last Tuesday,
each celebrating their birthday.
Miss Marry, of Washington, D. C.,
is guest of Mrs. C. G. Schmidt.
. Gov. Hughes seems determined to
give New York politics the benefit of
the open air treatment.
*. *
The President of the Pennsylvania
gives notice that if the commutes do
I not like the new rates of fare on his
road, they can walk.
It would be a sad blow to Mr
Hearst's feelings if a recount should
show that he was not a political martyr
after all.
As if the San Francisco graft mess
were not malodorous enough already,
the pulic there declares it can detect a
strong odor of Standard Oil about it.
Latest reports from London indicate
that the Woman Suffragists are not
doing anything much but suffering.
Now if Dr. Long had been writing
fish stories, there would have been
much more excuse for the President
nominating him for the Ananias Club.
Telegrams from San Francisco state
that the people have mobbed several
Japanese restaurants, but the dis
patches do not say whether the out
break was wholly racial or gastronomic.
I'll stop your pain free. To show
you first —before spend a penny—what
my Pink Plain Tablets can do, I will
mail you free a Trial Package of them
—Dr. Shoop'sHeadache Tablets. Neu
ralgia, Headache; Toothache, Period
paitis, etc., are due alone to blood con
gestion. Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablets
simply kill pain by coaxing away the
unnatural blood pressure. That is all.
Address Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis.
Sold by all dealers.
Piles get quick and certain relief from
Dr. Shoop's Magic Ointment. Please
note it is made alone for Piles, and its
action is positive and certain. Itching,
painful, protruding or blind piles dis
appear like magic by its use. Large
nickel-capped glass jara 50 cents.
Sold by all dealers.
Get a free sample of Dr. Shoop's
"Health Coffee." If real coffee disturbs
your Stomach, Heart, or Kidney's, then
try this clever Coffee imitation. Dr
Shoop has very closely matched Old
Java and Mocha Coffee in flavor and
taste, yet he has not even asinglegrain
of real Coffee in it. Dr. Shoop's Health
Coffee Imitation is made from pure
toasted grains or cereals, with Malt
Nuts, etc. You will Burely like Health
Coffee. Sold by all dealera.
I will mail you "free, to prove merit,
samples of my Shoop's Restorative,
and my Book on either Dyspepsia, The
Heart or The Kidneys, Troubles of the
Stomach, Heart or Kidneys, are mere
ly symptoms of a deeper ailment.
Don't make the common error of treat
ing symtoms only. Symtom treatment
is treating the result of your ailment,
and not the cause. Weak Stomach
nerves—the inside nerves—mean Stom
ach weakness, always. And the Heart,
and Kidneys as well, have their con
trolling or inside nerves. Weaken
these nerves, and you inevitably have
week vital organs. Here is where Dr.
Shoop's Restorative has made its fame.
No other remedy ever claims to treat
the "inside nerves" Also for bloating,
biliousness, bad breath or complexion
use Dr. Shoop's Restorative. Write
me to-day for sample and free Book.
Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. The Restora
tive is sold by all dealers.
You can get all kinds of good cedar
shingles at C. B. Howard & Co..
112 "
i v
j It's Easy
) write a good letter when
your paper, pens and ink are
. :.1 friendly.
' Eaton- Hurlbut
Writing Papers
• make nolite correspondence a
pleasure. Most people just
. now are asking us for Twotone
; and Highland Linen. There
| are other styles you may like
j even better. Come in and see
j them. j
l£iii|)oriini>, i*a.
Heart Strength
Heart St renßtli, or Hen rt Won jnpmis N«rvo
Btrenifth, or Nerve Weakness —nothing mom. Pos
itively. not one weak lieurt inn hundred is, in it
self actually diseased. It is almost always a
hidden tiny little nervo that really is nil at fault.
This obscure nerve—tho Cardiftc, or Heart Nervo
—simply needs, and must have, more powiv, nioro
stability, more controlling, more goviTniug
strength. Without that the Ilea rt must eontlnue
to fail, and the stomach and kidneys also have
these same controlling nerves.
This clearly explains why, as a medicine. Dr.
Phoop s Restorative has in the past done so much
for weak and ailing licit rfs. I>r. Shoop first sought
the cause of all this painful, palpitating, suilocut
ing heart distress. 1 >r. Shoop's Ive—this
popular prescription—ls alone directed to these
weak and wasting nerve centers. It builds;
it.strengthens; it offers real, genuine heart help.
If you would have strong Hearts, stror:g di.
gestion, strengthen these .nerves re-establish
them as needed, with
Dr. Shoop's
Our Rug" department is under the '
I supervision of Mrs. B. Egan. Every Rug !
I was selected by her with special care I
I and carefully inspected. They are new I !
| and strictlv up to date. No close outs or i
I or last year stock. Many of you bought 8
rugs here last year and can attest to the |
fine rugs we carrv. This year we show I j
a still larger and better stock. Neve be- j j
fore has such rugs been placed on sale in ■
this part of the state. j
As irreputable proof that the adver- j
tisements of this store is believed and
lived up to, we point with pride to our
phenomenal increase in business. "We
try to merit your patronage by dealing
with you just as we would like to be
dealt with.
Emporium FumitureCo.,
|c Plumbing Perfection §;
ti ;« '
»« J<j
8< »<
a I
** . You cannot exercise too ninch caution in SH!
tlie selection of your plumbing fixtures. Their
|| construction and manner of installation is of
paramount importance to you if you would have
(MR good health.
We insure you plumbing of a high char- M
acter. Let us estimate for you. Whether you £3
mm j
M are going to build or remodel, it will pay you to i
M examinejthe fixtures",we have 011 display and get Mi 1
N • iii 1
our prices. rl I
ff* N 1
SS M 1
H »<
IS - H .
it Stephens & Saunders Plumbing Go. i
fcjMifcrtt ittlli- JO* mi****,
'^TZ. n,^L[sv^'s^=- isnsJJans
112. OUR NEW LINE OF New Spring Line of Window Shades g
|l from ioc to 75c per Shade. p
112 Wall Paper for 1907. 1
j r, - The best PAINT, Longman & Martinez. iL
k " ' I All Colors. 1
'■ Consists of the best things from three factories. Also j Oj
the Robert Graves Co.'s line of Decoration Paper of all Rodger's StainfloOr, the best made 112
kinds ' for Floors. |
The Graves line took first prize in competition at St. " I_JT A C? HI rwrin*
Louis against the|world. HARRY S. LLOYD.
Before Using |f yo u have pimples, blotches,
®or other skin Imperfections, you i
can remove them and have a clear
and beautiful complexion by using
Bemoves bkin Imperfections.
Beneficial results guaranteed W
or money refunded. * jf
Send stamp for Free Satn pie,
! Particulars and Testimonials.
Mention this paper. After Using.
Madison Place, Philadelphia, Pa.
Ss TITT rt A cure gutir&nued 1 112 jou u*o fl I
"1PILES1"!. Supposltorgfi
, lia , £>. Matt. Thompson, Bun'tld
jfl ■ > ra<l< d Schools, St(it"3Tll!e, N. C., writes: ••Icsoi.rß
I 'J 7 do all >;•.« claim for tbrm." Dr. B. M. Deroro, ■ I
•3 " l ?. 0C Hl nc 1 "'"' " T''"7 Bive untv.Tflal .ftiij. H
ti. itr. 11. 1). McOUt, CJarkahur-;, T< na write*'!
1 »««••■* f»ic« J fW S •
I j
SoMin Emporium by L. Taggari& R. C. Dodsoti ;
Cameron County Press
I Here We fgggf I
I Have il! |fc~ ~| ;|]
I Hot Plate ij
I Problem Solved 112" >l' I
I At Last. Ik |
I No Old Box lo Gather Oust, but a Neat and Attractive Frame. 1
Ho Ornament to any Kitchen. Try One. §
! jl We have a large stock of Screen Doors and Window 'iJ'
llfjj Screens, All kinds of Shelf and Heavy Hardware, Tile, r||>
! |j{j
jta Builders' Supplies, etc. jl|
I 'l. Leading Hardware Dealers.
wmm mm 1 €■■■■■■ 9mh ■■ m ,
OrinU ,{ °y al Blend » High Grade Coffee 35c lb
3 lbs. sl. The best Coffee money can buy.
Department The Satisf «ctory Store O|L
One of the advantages of the Day Grocery Store is 11
■ Special Triday and Saturday ofieriugs. There's al
rz ways a tempting array of values. Best goods at fair
1 prices. Special prices 011 such things as we can. Are j
|f you reaping the benefits to be obtained? I
)• Here's the list for this week. 9
25 lbs Granulated Sugar $1.40.
Spring Brook Creamery Butter 28clb
California Ham, Trimmed Shoulder lb 12c
li2\jc cans Corned Cod ioc.
California Lima Beans a lb Bc.
18c California Peaches, lb 16c.
15c bottle Heinzs pickles, plain, mixed or chow ioc I
4lbs 8c prunes for 25c.
Arm and Hammer baking soda ioc pkge Bc.
Dunhams Shredded Cocoanut, 35c lb.
3lbs Washing Soda sc. a
■£ 1 lb pkge Corn Starch 6c.
I Notable Kitchen |
I Specialties. I
When in need of an outfit for the Kitchen, don't 31
fail to call 011 us, we can help you. 112
I Fresh Caught Lake Fish ™r' |
I You get Better Values Here.
Prompt delivery to all parts of town.
• J. Si. DAY, I
|| Phone 6. I mpcriu nJ|
If you have anything to be printed bring
it to the PRESS office where it will be done
in first class shape.