Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, May 16, 1907, Image 8

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    Catarrh Cannot be Cured. i
they cannot reach the seat of the dis- j
ease. Catarrh is a blood or constitu- j
tional disease, and to cure it yon must
take internal remedies. Kail's Catarrh i
Cure is taken internally, and acts 1
directly on the blood and mucous sur- I
face. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a j
quack medicine. It is prescribed by |
one of the best physicians in this
country for years and is a regular pre- |
acriptlon. It is composed of the best I
tonii s known, combined with the best j
blooi purifiers, aeti"g directly on the ;
muc-.u-. surfaces. The perfect eombi- |
nation of the two ingredients is what 1
prodees such wonderful results in cur- |
ing Catarrh. Send for testimonials ;
free. F. J. CHUNKY & Co., Toledo,*), j
Sold b_v druggists, 7">c, Take Ilatl's j
Family Pills for constipation.
Caseasweet lor babies is the best iciu
edy for colic, summer complaint, diarr
hoea and sour -tomiieh. It is especially
good in ea<es of teething when irritation
affects the stoma-jh and iniestiues. Cas
easweet is a pleasant, sale remedy, con
taiti'UL* neither opiates nor narcotics, all
tlie ingredients are printed plainly on the
wrapper. Endorsed bv mothers because
it"acts so quickly. Sold by R. C. Dod-
C. B. Howard & Co., have the only
large stock of shingles in the county at
the present time. RED CEDAR from
the Pacific Coast and WHITE CEDAR I
rom Wisconsin.
nodern Progress in New York.
Office buildings 2(! .stories high,contain- j
ing a thousand offices, hotels covering a
city lilm-k, containing 1,100 rooms: many,
very many, painted with the L. iV M.
Machinery produces L. & M., Paint at
50 times le.-s cost labor than it made by
4 gallons L. & Mmixed with 3 gal
lohs Linseed < )il, bought fresh from the
barrel at about. (i 0 cents per gallon, makes |
7 gallons of paint at cost of less than i
51.20 per gallon.
If a defect exists in L. & M. Paint,
will repaint house for nothing.
Donations of L. & M., made to
Sold by Hairy S. Lloyd.
DeWitt's Carbolized Witch Hazel
Salve does not merely heal on the sur
face; it penetrates the pores and promptly
relieves pain, caused by boils, burns,
scalds, cuts and skin diseases. It is es
pecially good for piles. Beware of imi
tations. Sold by It. C. Dodson.
Latest Popular Music.
Miss May Goild, teacher of piano
forte has received a full line of the lat
est and most popular sheet music. All
popular airs. Popular and class
ical music. Prices reasonable.
Corporation Meeting:.
N'OTICB is hereby «iven that a meeting of the
.stockholders oil lie Calder Brick and Coal
Company, a corporation of the State of Pennsyl
vania will be held at Room No. 607, Stevens
Building, Detroit, Michigan, on Saturday the
15th day of June, 1907, for the purpose of consid
ering the advisability of the sale of alljlhe prop
erty of the corporation and should a majority of
the stock in value consent to such sale then to
authorize the same.
Hmporium, Pa., May 14th, 1907.-13-4.
X'OTICE is hereby given that on the 4th day
of May. A. D., 1907. THE CLIMAX POW
the Court of Allegheny county, its petition
praying for a decree of dissolution, and that a
hearing upon said application for dissolution has
been tixed by said Court for the Ist day of June,
1907. at 10 o'clock, a. m., when and where all per
sons interested may attend and show cause
against the granting of the prayer of the said pe
tition, if they so desire,
12-3 Solicitors for Petitioner.
Administratrix's Notice.
Estate of ADAM STRILEY, Deceased.
N'OTICK is hereby given that letters testamen
tary upon the »<tate of Adam Striley, late
of Hicks Run, Cameron county, Pa., de
ceased, have been granted to the undersigned,
all persons initebted to said estate are requested
to make payment and those having claims to
present tne same without delay, to
LORETTA A. STRILEY. Administratrix,
Hicks Run, Pa.,
Or to her Attorneys,
OKEKN & FELT, Emporium, Pa. 11-6t
N'OTICE is hereby given that an application
will be made to the Governor of I'ennsyl
nia on Monday, the 10th day of June, A. D., 1907,
by W. H.G.Walker,E. N.Walker,C. H. McCutch
eon, Frank L.Uapstand William H. Kinch,under
the Act of> Assembly of the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania entitled, "An act to provide for
the incorporation and regulation of certain cor
porations,"approved April 29tb,1874, and the sup
plements thereto, for the charter of an intended
corporation to be called PENN VITRIFIED
BRICK COMPANY, the character and object of
which is to mine and raanufactureclay into brick,
tile and various other articles and products from
clay and from clay, and other substances mixed
therewith,aiid for these purpores to have, possess
and enjoy all the rights, benefits and privileges of
the said act of assembly and its supplements.
Emporium, Pa„ May 14th, 1907. 13t3.
Uniform Primary Elections.
Uniform Primary Elections will be held in the
several election districts of Canuron County on
Saturday, June Ist, 1907, from two o'clock, p. m.,
to eight o'clock, p. ra„ at the usual places of
holding the general elections, when there shall
be elected:
One Chairman County Committee.
One Member County Committee from each
election district.
One Chairman County Committee.
Two members County Committee from each
election district and when there shall h< noini
nated by each party:
One Candidate for County Treasurer.
County Commissioners.
W. L. THOM AS, Clerk. 7-3t.
Xatest Gountv Correspondence.
M. .J. Coleord, of the Potter Journal, '
who was here the fore part of last week,
looking after his business interests, and
incidentally taking a few of the "speckled
beauties, 'and that word /<c covers the
situation exac^y.
A gang of 1.1 fisherman were stopping
at W. \V. WykofTs last week and an
other gang of nine .■ t .Joe Burlingames,
but owing to the scarcity of fish and
spring weal her, they returned to
their respective cities on Saturday, and
though not overladen with brain food,
mav be wiser next time, and wait till
spring opens.
The snow and heavy freeze ol the last
two nights, has made the prospect of
fruit look pretty sickly.
Strange how the bears got onto the
racket that ihey arc protected game now.
One nioht last week, a little before dark
one came and swiped one of Wash. Wv
kofl's sheep and though several men and
dogs chased him clear to the top of the
hill, they failed to get a shot at him. lie
was a big fellow. A day or two after
wards C. E. Logue saw a smaller one
right in the road below Mr. Bowers'.
Mr. Bowers is recovering slowly from
his sickness and was able to walk up to
the post office a few days ago.
Bingham Boss, ol Cross Fork, young
est son of Sol. Boss, was buried at Whar
ton Church on Sunday afternoon, May
12tli. liev. Heitu conducted the ser
Owing to the cold, wet weather but few
of our farmers have much planting done
and some have not sown their oats yet.
Mrs. Maud Rukzaber, of Austin, was
visiting at W. W. Wykoft's last week
several days.
May 1 :i, I'IU7.
Wm. Smith of .Sterling Run, was a
business caller in town Friday.
Audra Lord of Dents Bun, visited
friends in town last week.
Mrs. Robinson of Emporium, visited
her son Joseph and family one day last
D. C. Linninger attended court last
Not much farming yet. Weather too
The Buffalo flyer was delayed just
west of Cameron station almost two hours
Saturday evening on account of a broken
Calder Brick and Coal Co., started
rebuilding the portion of their plant
recently destroyed by fire.
E. 1). Krape and wife, Mrs. J. L.
Rockwell, D. C. Lininger. C. B.Potter,
Albert Lord, Sr., were Emporium visitors
Ben Dayton of Sterling Bun, transact
ed business in town Tuesday.
The annual convention of the L. C.,
will be held next Saturday. The place
has not yetbeen selected as numerous in
vitations trom different parts of the coun
ty are now in the hands of the secretary
and a special meeting will be called as to
the place, which it is rumored will be at
Sinnamahoning. Two of the Emporium
Iron Co's mule carts have been engaged
to convey the officers to the railroad
station, but any further arrangements
have not been made public at this writ
j. vs.
Wonderful Eczema.
"Our little boy had eczema for five
years," writes N. A. Adams. Henrietta,
Pa. "Two of our home doctors said the
case was hopeless, bis lungs being
affected. We then employed other doc
tors but no benefit resulted. By chance
we read about Electric Bitters; bought a
bottle and soon noticed improvement.
We continued this medicine until several
bottles were used, when our boy was
completely cured." Best of all blood
medicines and body building health
tonics. Guaranteed at L. Taggart's drug
tore, 50c.
You can get all kinds of good cedar
shingles at C. B. Howard & Co..
FOR SALE CHEAP— An eight horse
power engine; ten horse power boiler
and all fixtures.
For Sale.
A good six room house, with gas and
water; centrally located. On easy
terms. Apply to
52-tf. W. H. HOWARD.
Williams' Kidney Pills.
Have you neglected your kidneys?
Have you overworked your nervous sys
tem and caused trouble with your Kidneys
and Bladder? Have you pains in the
loins, side, back, groins and bladder?
Have you a flabby appearance of the face,
especially under the eyes? Too frequent,
desire to pass urine? If so William's
Kidney I'ills will cure you. Sample free.
By mail .">() cents. Sold by B. C. Dod
son. Williams MTg. Co., Prop's, Cleve
and, O. 11-ly.
"Here's to your health and happiness"
—DeWitt's Little Early Risers—famous
little pills. Nasty sick headache or bil
iousness may come on any time; the cure
is an Early Biser. Sold by R. C. Dod
Crystal Housler, of Emporium, is visit
ing Elk Fork friends this week.
Edward Ncllis E. & B. V. R. It.,
conductor, was a caller at Lawn View
lasf week.
Doras Dow has been very ill the past
• i.
D. 11. Adams has moved from his
| own residence, to that of the late A. C.
Cameron Ilousler, of 101k Fork, called
j on \Y. W. Lewis, of River street Sunday,
Mike Farrell, of Emporium, has ac
■ cept ed a position with M. J. Leadbetter
Gertrude Swesey, of Maple Shade,
I went to Lock Haven, Monday, to attend
' the summer session of the State Normal
j School. Mrs. G. M. Burdick accom
j panicd her to the above named place.
; She will also visit New York and other
S eastern cities before her return home.
! Fred Edwards and wife, of Emporium.
| oilled on valley friends Sunday.
W. J. Leavitt and wife, of Empori
j um, were on our streets Sunday.,
William Brown and family, of River
j Side Park, spent Sunday with Cooks
i Run relatives.
j Garnie Housler was a caller at the
j North Oeek School one day this week,
i Chas. Howard, of Portage, was calling
j on his numerous friends here.
Mrs. Alice Closey, Gerrysburgh, visit
ed Cooks Bun friends Sunday.
oung Wild West called on River
| Street friends Sunday evening.
Frank Barnes litis returned to his home
■ at Cuba. N. Y.
Clive Lewis had business at lloward-
I ville Sunday night.
The valley schools closed this week,
i after very successful terms. Teachers
i were: Elk Fork, Katie Welsh; Chad
-1 wick. Anna Markett; Swesey, Ezra B.
| Smith; North Creek, Rena Swesey.
| P. R., resigned her position as steno
| grapher with the It. V. L. Co. While
J the company has not accepted the resig
| nation they are in the market for a steno-
I grapher to take her place.
M. A. P.
Mrs. I Jessie Baker's two youngest cliil-
I dreu have been quite sick with the mca
j sles the past week sit the home of her
1 parents.
Esther Stewart of Cameron: was a vis
itor in town on Sunday.
$25.75 was taken in at the supper Fri-
I day night.
Joseph Burns was called to Jersey
i Shore on Saturday to attend the funeral
j of a relative.
) A neice of Geo. Lynch is visiting him.
Mrs. Ed Whiting and Julia Straw
bridge wer Emporium visitors the past
1 week.
, i Wright Mason and sister were visitors
j on Huston Hill Sunday,
i Elmer Chapman of Kane, was in town
between trains Monday.
Mrs. Ben Dayton was the guest of her
j daughter Mrs. A. L. Smith of Driftwood,
; the past week.
Tom Eddy aud family of Harrisburg,
j were the guests of their mother Mrs. A.
| L. Wylie for a few days the past week.
Mrs. Ethel Swartz and children of
! Sinnamahoning. are visiting relatives in
M. C. Swartwood and family of Canoe
Run, were visitors in town Sunday.
The farmers are hoping the cold weath
er is over aud are hustling to get in their
spring crops.
Delbert Devling and wile of Empori
um were visitors in town a few days the
past week.
Nellie and Ceo. O'Keefe were visitors
I at Emporium Sunday.
' Jennie Anderson, Blanch Kissell and
' Katherine May were Emporium visitors
1 J Tuesday.
' j A bouncing boy arrived at the home
of Aaron Kolilstrand's Monday morning.
Clarence 4 Howlett and Fiances Summer
son of Hicks Run, were married Wednes
day. They expect to spend a few days
> in Williamsport, returning Friday.
Mrs. Nettie Towers of Driftwood, was
the guest of her sister Mrs. Kissell Tues
For a cold or a cough take Kennedy's
Laxative Cough Syrup. It is BEETEB
than any other eougli remedy because its
laxative principle assures a heylthy, cop
ious action of the bowels and at sametime
it heals irritation of the throat, strength
-1 ' ens the bronchial tubes and allays inflam
-1 | tnation ot the mucous membrane. Con
; taines Honey and Tar, pleasant to take.
I Children like it. Conforms to the Na
tional Pure Food aud Drug Law. Sold
by R. C. Dodson.
When your back aches it is almost in
i variably an indication that something is
j wrong with your kidneys. Weak, dis
eased kidneys frequently cause a break
j down of the entire system. DeWitt's
| Kidney and Bladder I'ills afford prompt
j relief for weak kidneys, backache, in
; (lamination of the bladder aud urinary
troubles. Sold by R. C. Dodson.
The infant child of W. It. Smith and :
wile is very feeble and it is feared '
that it will not live but a few days.
Mrs. W. W. Johnson will leave lor j
Lock Haven Hospital Saturday, where '
she will undergo treatment for stomach '
trouble. Her many friends hope for her ,
early recovery.
Wayne Nelson spent Sunday in Re- j
•J. P. Carson, of Shintown. called on j
friends in town Saturday.
Chas. P. Collins is moving on the
Judge Huntley property at Driftwood,
where he will have charge of the opera
tions of the establishment. The many
friends of Chas. P. and wife, while re
gretting to have them leave town, join in
wishing them success in their new home.
The Driftwood callers this week were:
H.J.Collins. W. 11. Logue, W. W.
Johnson, and J. P. Sullivan.
I'ennsy Yardman John O'Neal and
family called on friends in town Sunday.
John was exercising his new horse recent
ly purchased from H. B. Muthersbaugh.
Harry Mitchell and family enjoyed a
pleasant drive to our village Sunday.
Our hustling and pupular merchant W.
11. Logue has received a full consignment
of staple groceries and ie now prepared to
furnish anything*and everything iu the
grecery line. He will feel grateful for a
fair share of the trade.
Mrs. George Hill, of Grove Hill, has
accepted the agency tor the Wilbur Stock
Pood, of Milwaukee, Wis., and is meet
ing with good success in making sales.
As Mrs. Hill is very popular and well
liked in the community and the foods she
handles are first class, we feel .-afe in pre
dicting good success to her.
Dr. Corbett was a professianal caller in
town Sunday evening.
Spring is coming slowly, but what
puzzles us is whether we shall still hang
to the snow shovel or get out the lawn
Levi Smith has over 40 ducks out al
ready and more hatching. We are work
ing for an invitation to dinner about
Thanksgiving time.
John Jordan the champion gardner of
Cameron county has onions, radishes and
beets up already but his overcoats are all
in use covering them these frosty nights.
John get a new almanac.
(Jeo. W. Starr expects to leave town
shortly for a month's trip to Vermont.
Mrs. Etnmeliue Summcrson, of Wylie
Hollow spent Monday with Mrs. A. P.
Assistant Vardmaster John Hackett
and Assistant Postmaster Thad. Brooks,
of Driftwood, called on friends in town
Tuesday. Both gentlemen are support
ing fine dark moustaches and although
the recent cold nights are not conducive
to the rapid growth of these appendages,
the boys seem satisfied. John says:
The happy days of spring are here,
The warm winds now are blowing,
So we've concluded now to try,
And start arc whiskers growing.
At first it was a tedious job,
The growth was hardly to be seeD,
Until we rubbed our lips each night,
With Harry Mitchell's vasaline.
But now the danger point is past ,
Our moustaches have come to stay,
And Brother Thompson smiles serene,
As he, our chins does shave each day.
P. S. Apolouies to ltudyard Kipling
and Honest Abe.
J. F. S.
Z. E. Swartwood and wife, of AiteJ],
Neb., is visiting triends here this week.
R. M. Williams of First Fork, was in
town Monday.
Win. H. Davis has purchased the F.
E. Jordan property and will move in as
soon as vacated.
Horn to Wm. Wheaton and wife on
Thursday last a son.
Jas. Council went to Nesbit Monday
to bring up a pair of ponies for Mr.
Lillian Barclay has arrived home from
Seattle, Wash.
W. JJ. Barclay, of Laquin, Badford,
Co., was in town the first of the week.
Go and hear J. Bell Weft, on Friday
evening, the 17th.
Mrs. J. M. Shafer came home from
Kidgway Saturday.
Our supervisors are putting some need,
ed improvements on our roads this spring
Leon Tracy Berfield and Roy
Walker captured three large rattlesnakes
this week.
Barclay Bros, 1 brought in their drive
from Nany Kun.
J. V. Hanscom was in town on his j
wav to Lock Haven.
Prof. J. Hell Weft', of DuDoi.s, will j
lecture in Brooks Hall, Friday even- j
ing the 17th. All who want to listen to a !
fine locture want to be present.
A rare coin (jeo. P. Shafer reports j
taking in Monday, a 25c piece with his
father's initials on which Was stamped on
by him in 18(!.'5. (reo says he can re
member when his father put the letters
Nace Bushore having hooked a rain- i
bow trout at the mouth of Wykoft Bun
that looked to be over two feet in length.
If got away.
We do uot want to see any more of
Pap Berfield's spells of weather this
spring—snow and ice. Pap is quite a
weather profit.
A test will be made this summer to
j see whether the pulp mill corporation at
: Austin can sluice their drugs into the
j streams and destroy all flic wells along
i the First Pork without some redress to
1 the owners.
Our Best Friend,
Alexander Benton, who lives on '
| Rural Route 1, Fort Kdward, N. Y., |
| says: '• Dr. King's New discovery is my j
i be»t earthly friend. It cured me of j
1 asthma six years ago. It lias also per- j
i formed a wonderful cure of incipient |
[ consumption for my son's wife. The
i first bottle ended the terrible cough, and
! this accomplished, the other symptoms
I left one by one, until she was perfectly i
i well. Dr. King's New Discovery's
i power over coughs and cold* is simply
marvelous." No other remedy has ever
equaled it. Fully guaranteed by L. Tag
■rart Druggist. ~»0c and SI 00. Trial
bottle free.
For Sale.
Three residences singly or in double
also all the vacant lots and store build
ing on Fourth street. Terms to suit
3-tf. R. SEOER.
Nervousness makes people miserable,
blue, and unhappy. They think something
terrible is going to
and are not rested.
They tire easily and
•JMlflfc. erjy. They think
i j|| many things are the
I1 ' at ' er W ''
plfcs. —! 1- stomach trouble,
nothing else in the
MRS, W. J. SCHAUKER- U "R. . ...
world. Iwo bottles
tf Cooper's New Discovery will put the
tloinach in shape in three weeks. I know
this because Fve seen it tried a thousand
:imes. Then nH nervousness will disap
pear. I know '■ tos, because Fve seen
t happen a the :nd times. Here's a let
ter I got the day:
"My system • badly run down and
ray stomach a.\ j :. : ves in an awful shape.
1 could diRL-ii my food, was always
ired and woulu often feel faint and dizzy."
"I had heard so much of your New
Discovery medicine that I began taking it.
Kelicf and strength and happiness were
ound in the very first bottle and the bene*
it I have received from it hus been truly
wonderful. lam no longer nervous, my
appetite and digestion are good and I eat
;verything and sleep well." Mrs. \V. J.
Schaurer, 220 Guthrie St., Louisville, Ky.
We sell Cooper's New Discovery. It
rikkes tited, worn out, nervous people
R. C Dodson, Druggist.
Spring Clothes 8
Sunshine again and the snow p
rapidlv disappearing. Spring is f§
knocking at the door and suggests to |§
you that it is time to buy your Spring p
suit. Couple JASPER HARRIS |
with thought, and come here and get I
all that's perfect and good in I
broken checks are here in brown and ■
greys. h
Every man who is particular I
about his new hat will be interested If
in a STETSON HAT. We sell high ■
grade hats at popular prices, and we b
guarantee every hat we sell. f£
Dressing Your Boy 112
IThe models of boys clothes this r
season surpasses all previous seasons. 7
The Bell suits, the Sailors and the
Russians, the two piece suits, all are p
as artistic as tailors can make them. ,
Agents for the Crawford Shoes,
Monarch and Silver Shirts, Arrow
Brand Collars and Cuffs.
Jasper Harris, J
Opposite Post-Offiee, Emporium, Pa.
| Weak Kidneys
| Weak Kl.'.nojr*. surely point to v.ouk kiilney
Nerves The Kitliipys like the Heart, and the
I Btomach. timl their weakness, not in tie- or«an
I itsolf. but in th» nerves that control and snide
! and strengthen th«. 1. I)r. Bhoop -Ke ..-ativ.- i
| a medicine specifically prepared to reach these
i controlling nerves. To dor tor the Kidneys alone,
is futile. It is a waste of time, and of laonoy as
If your back urhes or is weak, if the urine
! s<Ji'd ? , or is dark and «troiipr.if yon have symptoms
j of Brignts or other distiv. injy or daufferou.s kid
j nejr disease, try Dr. Shoop' K- torativ-a month—
J[ablets or Liquid—and • v. hat it ran and will
■do for you Druggist recommend und sell
: I£2 ib '■s Qfa
■% I fe! ®
I Specifics cure by M'ling directly on the
nick parts without ili-.tnrbiug tho rest of
J the system.
No. 1 for Fevers.
No. 2 " Worms.
No. 3 " Teething.
No. 1 " Diarrhea.
No. 7 " Coughs.
No. 8 " Neuralgia.
No. 9 " Headaches.
No. 10 " Dyspepsia.
No. 11 " S tppressed Periods.
No. 12 " Wlutes.
Nt>. 13 " Croup.
No. 14 " The Skin.
KM. 15 " Rheumatism.
No. 10 " Malaria,
No. 11) " Catarrh.
No. 20 " Whooping Cough.
No. 27 " The Kidneys.
No. :i0 '• The Bladder.
No. 77 " Li Grippe.
In small lioitli'H of pellets that fit the vest
pocket. At Druicji-!.-; • nmi!< d.25c. each,
lieal Guide i: tiled free.
Humph J. i.'y. " .• A . 'ir .ai;. John Streets,
" Yorl:
Before Using If you have pimples, blotches,
tor other akin Imperfections, you
can remove them and have a clear
and beautiful complexion by usinf
Removes Skin Imperfections.
Beneficial results guaranteed n
or money refunded. jf
Send at amp for Free Sam pie, jV
Particulars and Testimonials.
Mention this paper. After Vsiug.
Madison Place, Philadelphia, Pa.
D# Matt Thompson, Sup'tß
Graded School*, Statt'sville, N. C., writer: "1 cau tuy H
Havon Ilock, W. Va., writes; 44 They tfi*© u>iiversa! .sati.-,-1
fu :tion." Dr. 11. D. McGtll, Clarksburg, Tmu., writes : H
"In a practice of 23 years, I bare found DO remedy toH
equal your*." PRICB, 60 CENTS. Samples Free. BoldH
SoM in Emporium by L. TaggarlO R. C. Dodson